Linux Bronies 19 members · 7 stories
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Hey guys,
As the title says, I'm trying to make a story that is different and interesting. And for that I though it might be great to have a OS Pony. An OS Pony is like the (i think) popular Browser Ponies, but they are a little more complex, to me at least. So the character I made for this story is Ubi. Now the text below is something I made at the beginning of this year, but didn't touch it until now. and I decided to ask the Linux bronies on this one because....why not. Anyway, tell me what you think and is there anything that should be added/removed. Also, just to point out, I was trying to make sure the character wasn't a mary sue here so, things got complicated.

Character: Ubi
Bio: Ubi is really Ubuntu Linux in pony form, or a pony version of Ubuntu-tan. She is a bright orange earth pony (may change based on how the story goes) with a chocolate mixed with white brown mane and purple eyes. Her cutie mark is, of course, the Ubuntu logo that lights up in. She's about 2 inches shorter than Alicorn twilight [whaterver the *buy some apples* that is] and she is strong as an average earth pony. Her speed really depends on what is installed in her body (more info on that later), but she can go about the same speed as applejack when ubi's on her A game.

Personality: Her characteristics are happy, friendly and very open minded. She is forgiving and will give you mercy, even if you bullied, hurt and/or tried to murder her as ubi doesn't want to hurt or kill. She is knowledgeable on what her field is (Computers, internet, geek stuff) and, thanks to twilight, her knowledge is well rounded in subjects. However her knowledge is lower than twilights but higher than a average unicorn. She is also found of wildlife as she likes to spend time with fluttershy to see the animals, she even goes to everfree to help zecora out and explore the area. She also likes to find a free, cheap, or alternate way of getting things when going to the market.

Problems: Because of recent events in the real world. She is under pressure due to the fact that she was trying to be different from the other OS's, but is constantly being scolded for it. Now as a living soul and mind, she is still reminded of that because of how different she is with the other ponies. She still wants to be different while still be accepted for who she is. She knows for a fact that she has to fight for it, but this fights with her trying to be friendly and social to others making her have a constant battle for herself on how to approach to others. Also she has to adapt to her pony body and her “unique” powers on her own as no one knows what Ubi's powers are.

Abilities: Oddly enough, She can suck up magic and lightning as a power source for her body which is part flesh, part electricity. This makes her magic proof to some degree. Her tech side, once powered, she can pretty much do a lot of things technical. [Abilities are still undecided at this time]. Even though she has her own soul, her body is still tied to whatever computer shes installed in the [Lack of better term] Our/real/original dimension/etc. As the result of this, her body type and build change whenever the admin does his hardware experiments. Speaking of, when Ubi gives permission or KO'd, The Admin can control Ubi's body, this usually happens when Ubi is in a tight situation or needs help thanks to the Admins love for video games. For reasons unexplained, the more memory she uses in the hard drive, she gains more weight, as a direct result, she'll be shower on her movements or harder to fly, because of this, she tries to be “Fit” using the applications that she needs. Another thing to note. If Ubi gets hurt in equestria, it'll damage the computer a bit, costing both the Admin [In terms of money] and Ubi [In terms in performance]. She can be healed which will fix the computer, but if the damage is too much, the Admin has to replace the component. As a result, Ubi has to be careful to not to get into situations that might hurt her.

Ponies [As of this time, I'm not sure what I'll do with Ubi and her interaction with other ponies. This'll be thought out later]
Admin: Her relationship with the admin is strong as a dedicated person who takes care of their hardware. She relaxes greatly when the Admin is talking to her when she needs it or just talking when board. [more will be added for balance]

I asked TWILIGHT "SCREW IT" SPARKLE and she says this sounds like a magnificent idea! Kind of like the windows anime mascots.... Not to denigrate the idea with that last few sentences. I just thought it was too funny not to say.

On a more serious note maybe instead of it simply being magic resistance she would just have magic behave rather oddly depending on the application (pun intended)? Maybe it would require dependencies or general magic would sometimes behave a bit too specifically?

She is a computer and whatever process makes her body run may have it's own specific rules set up that need precise instructions...

As a side note TWILIGHT 'SCREW IT" SPARKLE looks a lot like a beer bottle. Further testing may be needed....

You should also give her a father/mother Deb (Debian GNU/Linux) and a son/daughter Mint, possibly a grandfather named Min (aka Minix) and a cousin, FreeBee (FreeBSD). I prefer Mint and Arch to Ubuntu, myself.

Wow, I totally forgot I made this! Sorry :fluttershysad: . So anyway, here's what I considered when I JUST NOW reread my post and considerations.

2412369 Belive it or not, I did consider changing her 'magical resistance' to something more interesting. What you suggested might be better then what I thought of doing instead. Having an application driving her magic can have comical to devastating results (based on my own experiences with failed manual install attempts go horribly wrong). For example, if ubi needs to grab a folder from, say pinkie pie's file cabinet from in her 'Pinkie cave', her magic behaves like going through files in a Linux terminal (causing some mental frustration because she has to be specific) or using a GUI file browser like nautilus. Even though she could just grab the file instead. Or, if Ubi decides to browse the internet (for whatever reason. and yes, she can do that since she is connected to a computer with internet) The Firefox pony will appear and they can go on little missadventures. Or just a little fox that's on fire and the same thing happens. Obviously, this needs to be iron out more, but I do like that concept.

In terms of her body, I already had that idea of her acting based on what's installed in her. This includes what 'host computer' she's on at the time.

2412737 This was something I considered doing when the admin in the story decided to install more distros because of the suspicion that Ubi is a little lonely being the only one of her kind. The problem is that I don't want to end up me being the main guy for making Linux OS ponies. I want other guys to have fun too! However, that didn't stop me from thinking about the relationships of other Linux distros. In terms of the Debian "family", Debian is a parent of Ubi. However, going by release dates, Debain can be wiser and more fluent with his/her control of the, what I'm calling now, OS Pony magic. Since Ubi is a rolling release, her magic is more unstable and sometimes cancels itself out due to errors or similar. Ubi will treat Debain like a parent and a teacher for her magic and how to use her body properly.

As the son/daughter thing for Linux mint, that can work. Mint is looking at her mother as a hero figure so mint tries to do follow in her hoof steps. Though I think it would be HILARIOUS if the 100+ distros based on ubuntu would be Ubi's various sons and daughters :rainbowlaugh:. It should be noted that other distros that are based on Debain can be considered uncles and aunts.

As for the distros you mentioned, yeah, cousins are the best option here. I don't want to more characterizing on these ponies because I want others to make their own.

I'm working more on ubi now, so I may have more about her here soon.

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