Doctor Whooves Classic 124 members · 58 stories
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Group Admin

Hey there. Just noticing that, following Fedora's plug for the group, we got nine new members within the day. Just wanted to give a quick hello and welcome to the group.

I hope you all enjoy the stories that have been assembled so far and add more in as they come. Each Doctor up to the Ninth has his own folder so feel free to add a fic to any/all folders that apply. The Villains folder is for DW villains who have yet to appear in New Who or are simply far more prominent in Classic Who than the new series.

As for myself, I got into Doctor Who roughly a year ago and really liked it. I've made it a point to watch the classic Doctors Who serials as I can. I've seen at least one serial featuring every Doctor (including the Eight Doctor movie and even one of the audio stories). My top 3 Doctors overall (including current) would be the Seventh (Who I'm currently writing "Nightmare in Old Equestria" with {/shameless plug}), the Third, and the Eleventh.

That said, the First Doctor stories the Sensorites & the Space Museum are favorites as well. The Space Museum in particular has Barbara giving out a line which I think sums up Doctors past & present ("The Doctor's curious, that means we stay.")

I'd like to see more of the Second Doctor but haven't gotten around to it. I have a fic idea that may use him though, featuring Twilight Sparkle in place of Zoe Harriot and a possible encounter with Pinkie Pie used in place of Clara Oswald 'cause, really, who else are you gonna give the name "The Impossible Girl" to?.

My own little Doctor Whooves headcanon is that all of the Doctor's serialized adventures all happened as -is, but w/ ponies. With a few exceptions, companions recruited in 'present day' earth have analogues in the pony cast. Outside of those exceptions, companions from other worlds or the far past or future are OCs.

So ideas are kicking around, not sure what/when/if I'll do them all yet, though. I need to finish my 7th Doctor story first.

*bows* hopefuly I can be inspired to write here, or at least learn things about the incarnations of Whooves not covered in the all too brief "Dr. Who; The ___ Doctor" retrospectives on BBC America... BBC seems too dilligent in wiping things Who from Youtube. (The Old school who vids I bookmark keep vanishing. a Dalek plot? ;) ;P

There should hopefully be a 2nd Doctor story up within a few weeks as I'm writing the 2nd Doctor chapter of Time after Time now.

Its a base under siege story featuring Jamie, Shining Armour and Windigos.

Group Contributor

To those interested in getting into/watching Classic Doctor Who:

If you've got netflix, there's an (incomplete) selection of classic Who episodes available on there.

If not, there's quite a few up on dailymotion. The video quality's knackered, but it's easy to find a specific episode by doing a search.

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