Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,320 members · 930 stories
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What would be the most powerful known eldritch being. examples being: the Daedric princes, H.P Lovecraft mythos etc.

5343873 Can't remember it's name but it's a giant swirling mass of appendages and mass floating deep in space surrounded by lesser Gods and demons that dance around it and sing music. It's essentially a being in control of a universe and hundreds of lesser beings.


5343894 Oh, you must be speaking of Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan, the Nucleus Chaos, the Blind Idiot (which meant madman at the time of this god was written) God from Which All Chaos Stems, the Outer God that dreamed the first of them (and all of reality) into existence, who will destroy it all, should He awaken (if memory serves). This is the origin of MAS's joke about Thrackerzod's name being "the closest utterance to the sound of the tune of a tin flute, where only dreams reside..." I should probably invest in researching some more about the Elder Gods faction, because I've pretty much been just researching the Outer Gods faction...


I cast my vote for Maerlyn from Stephen King's "Dark Tower" legendarium.

5343873 In terms of sheer power with no true opponent or Equal?

It's Azathoth of Lovecraft, everything including the other outer gods are but a dream to him and when he awakes all will be erased from existence.

5344447 Yeah, that bastard. Thanks for reminding me what his name was.

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