World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Group Admin

I was wondering, what battle(s) do you enjoy learning and talking about the most and why? Which interest you the most?

Normandy, Kasserine, Tobruk, Stalingrad, Kursk, Sicily, Rome, Barbara Line, Arras, Aachen. Warsaw, Crete, Malta, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Marianas Islands, Coral Sea, Philippine Sea, Leyte Gulf, Cape England, Falaise Pocket, Odessa, Bastogne, Arnhem, El Alamein, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Operation Weserbrung, Rome, Florence, Ardennes, Dragoon, Casablanca, Manila, Konigsberg, Berlin.

I like World War 2.

Group Admin

Don't we all?

1360824 Europe: Normandy, The Bulge, Berlin, Stalingrad, Op Barbarossa, Kursk, and Britain.

Africa: Tobruk, El Alamein.

Pacific: Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Peleliu, Guadalcanal, Midway.

I know, pretty much your typical average list, but those are honestly my pics.

Group Admin

Well the average list is the best, but I was wondering more as to why.

1361522 Well, Normandy because it was the most massive military invasion in history (I think), and before the Allies launched it, they pulled off the biggest ruse in military history, pulling out all the stops into tricking the Germans into thinking they'd land elsewhere. Nothing in the invasion went according to plan at all (and the Americans and Omaha Beach felt the consequences the most), but in the end, it worked.

The rest would take me a while to explain.

1360824 Kursk, Midway, The Bulge, and Okinawa.

Group Admin

How can you not love that?

1361749 Who said I didn't? I was a pure frickin' miracle. :yay:


Stalingrad... It was the deadliest battle in human history:pinkiecrazy:... whats not to love

Group Admin

What's that Germany? You want to kill us? Ok, we'll just send more than you can kill.


:rainbowlaugh: Soviet military tactics in a nutshell... Brute force is best pony


It's still funny to me that they used a British person to play Vasily Zaytsev and that movie came out when I was 4 or 5

Group Admin

I was wondering why everyone had English accents.

Group Admin

I was actually thinking of doing a short story with Zaitsev, but that's far back on the list of things I want to write.

My personal favorite battle is the Battle of the Bulge.

Group Admin


Oh god, that movie. If brain bleach was a thing, would have definitely drank an entire canister of it having see that movie. Horrible stereotypes, bad acting, unnecessary love angle in the story that was also completely made up, some of the dumbest things a sniper could ever do is in that movie... yeah, it's an all-around terrible movie, and deserves to be called such.

Group Admin

Now that was something else.

Eh. I kinda liked it, but whatever. Matters of opinion and all that. Let's switch movies. Can you tell me where this line is from?

German Soldier: "The General Major says there is no point in continuing this fighting! He is willing to discuss a surrender!"
British Soldier: "We haven't the proper facilities to take you our prisoner!"
"Sorry, but we can't accept your surrender! Will there be anything else?"

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