RWBY Fan Club 700 members · 133 stories
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Hey, guys. I had a dream last night, and I don't have to give you full detail because that would be too much, but since it is October, I would like to show you what I witnessed.

When Team RWBY and JNPR were on training to become knights or guards, even though Weiss stated she'd been taught how to fly, but while on a zipline standing on a windsurfing board where it was basically part of the training, and clumsily fell off the board at the end of the line after revealing she'd never flown that far, Weiss was about to talk to Ruby at a picnic area when she was approached by Cinder Fall. However, what's strange about her is while in her tournament outfit, her voice is a bit deeper and her eyes were all black, both her sclera and her iris, but her pupils were really tiny and red like a laser pointer dot. When Weiss greeted her, Cinder told her that back at Haven, every student was terrified of her, and she tried to make herself intimidating, showing Weiss how 'scary' she looked. While Weiss felt intimidated, that intimidated me too, and this is where I barely woke up.

I can't show what my dream Cinder looks like, even though I photoshopped her in Paint 3D, because my computer wouldn't allow me to access the image here, but many of you in my thread knew how to describe her in my dreams. I know some of you compare her to the Terminator when losing a human eye, but regardless, she's intimidating that she woke me up that morning. What do you think of Nightmare Cinder in my dreams? Let me know in the comment section.

You know speaking of Rwby dreams I’d had one about Salem.

Cool and terrifying!

What is she like, and what did she do?

In my dream she sitting on the edge of my bed, and when I saw her I couldn’t move. She turned to look at me with this creepy smile. Next thing I know I’m drowning in this black abyss, I managed to swim beck to the service coughing my lungs out. Then I’m vomiting a load of that black gunk out of my mouth. After I’ve finished vomiting I saw my reflection in the gunk and Cinder was staring at me, then I realised I became Cinder. My left arm was her Grimm arm then Salem was standing above me still giving me that creepy smile. Then I awake to the sound of my alarm. Crazy right?

Wow. Maybe Salem is trying to force you to join her.

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