Dragonfire2lm's Roleplay Group 13 members · 2 stories
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Group Admin

So you want to participate in a Roleplay but you have no idea what you're character will be? Well I'll help you out.

This Guide is for characters that wil be in Roleplays centered around the MLP FiM universe, as in pony OC's

Choose a Species
This Group accepts the Following Species of pony
-Earth Ponies
-crystal ponies
-Flutter Ponies (or ponies with 'glimmer wings')
-Sea Ponies
-Changelings (Well they do look like a pony)

We also accept
-Dragons (Both western and eastern variaties)
-Diamond Dogs
-Timber Wolves
-Star Beasts (Such as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor)
-Anything else native to the everfree forest

We DO NOT accpet

We also accept humans..though please do not make a humanXpony clop Rp on here....there's engough of those already...

*Please Note these are for OC's only we are perfectly fine with you roleplaying as any of the Princesses or Discord, just keep them in character.

CHoose a Gender
Most players create a character that is the same gender as they are, but in the case of a player controlling multiple OC's any (or even neither as the case may be) is fine.

Special Talent
If you're playing as one of the pony races that has a cutie mark, choosing oyu're special talent can be tricky, so here are some guidelines.

-Don't make it overpowered (only Celestia and Luna can raise and lower the sun and moon, nopony else).

-Keep within the limits of your species (Earth ponies can't fly, so they can't get a weather or cloud-based cutie mark, like wise Pegasi can't cast spells)

-Make it something you like to do (if you're really stuck make it something you're god at or something that interests you, I know mine is either about dragons or the imagination)

-Ask for help (another person's input might just what you need.


For Pony characters names are often based either on the personality or the special talent (In the case of foals their future special talent) if you can't think of something, ask someone, or PM me, i tend to be good with pony names.

For any other speices try looking up names or words in another langiage or use your own name if you want it's up to you.


Try a flash maker or draw a rough idea of a character, a lot of people also just take video game characters (most games nowadays allow for character customisation) and fit that to the species they're playing (ponified people are EVERYWHERE!)

Have fun and try not to make a Mary-sue, we like charcters with some personaility and some players might not take kindly to an overpowered character in thier roleplays.

Let me know if this helped you!

804945 new to group and am wondering are dragon-pony hybrids allowed?

Group Admin


Yes we do, just don't make it overpowered. sorry for taking so long to reply, I won't be online again for a few days

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