The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Evoltit wandered through the local forest, her thick black plate armor had a bit of blood on it, and some tree sap, showing she had killed a few creatures dumb enough to confront her. She was tall, taller than the average stallion, and had dull, bone white fur and her mane and her tail were both a pure, snow white. Her stormy grey eyes hinted at her boredom, and she absently ran a finger along the scar across the left side of her face, thinking of how it came to be. The scar across her neck, however, was hidden under a dark, blood red scarf. She looked around as she walked, hoping to see something, or anything really, that was interesting.

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[Weapons? And my wereolf is different. I'll explain soon.]

The darkness of the forest that night concealed everything past a few yards around Evoltit, and the light of the half moon above did little to banish the shadows. A feeling of something watching the mare came upon her as she walked, and from seemingly nowhere in particular, a deep, ominous, rumbling growl came from the trees, filling all who heard it with dread.

2996910 [Okay]

A jagged black dagger seemingly flew into her hand, coming from some hidden area on her armor. She stopped walking and slowly looked around before taking another step and tripping. She quickly picks herself up, blushing in embarrassment, though no one could possibly even laugh at her since no one was around. I really hope no one saw that...

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The sounds of a wolf howling in the distance were heard, though this one was much deeper and more powerful than any sort of normal wolf. Almost at once, the howl of many other normal wolves sounded around Evoltit, and rusting in the undergrowth could be heard in the distance. Just ahead of the mare seemed to be a dark cave, and sitting on large tree branches around the cave entrance were several skulls of large bears, and a couple wolves as well, sitting on stakes and seeming to stare at the armored mare as she approached.

3000431 She went forward, cautiously, ready to fight. She looked calm, and she adjusted her scarf lightly as she walked. Her stride was confident, but calculated. Her eyes seemed to glow with challenge.An Intelligent Opponent? Yay for me...Yay indeed...

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A little past the skulls, there were a few crude wooden signs placed up, one of them bearing a skull and crossbones, another bearing the words "KEEP OUT", and a third saying "STAY AWAY". Another low, sonorous growl came from the cave, seeming to permeate the air with a sense of dread. There was a faint, very faint life that could be seen from the mouth of the cave, but one would have to go deep into the cave complex to find it.

3002896 Evoltit grinned, pulling her scarf up a little to cover her mouth before she kept walking. She seemed unperturbed by the signs and the growls. There was a curious, bored, and yet happy glint in her eyes, the three emotions all shown as easily as one could see the color of her snow white mane. Her dagger was now sheathed at the back of her waist instead of it's normal hiding spot now, hanging horizontally across the black leather belt she wore with her armor. She lit her horn for only a mere moment, disabling a spell she had placed upon herself, allowing all near to sense her presence, the presence of Death.

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[I really hope she's not gonna be all Grim Reaper-esque...]

The growling was unchanged by the mare's presence, though it stopped after a few seconds, and it its place came a very deep and powerful voice. It spoke with intelligence and sophistication. "What are you doing in my home? Are the signs outside not visible? Or am I to assume you cannot read? I put a skull and crossbones on one of the signs for that specific reason."

3003210 [Only when her boss gives her a target (Her Boss is Death), and she only lets that aura loose when she feels like she needs to fight a good fight]

She responded with a voice full of challenge, respectful, but challenging nonetheless. "I am Evoltit, I ignored those signs because I was curious of who would live here out in the woods." She smiles, but that was hidden underneath her scarf. Her right index finger twitched as she fought the urge to draw her dagger. Not yet...I must see who I will be fighting before i do anything... She stood relaxed and confident. "May I ask who you are, and that I may see the one in which I converse with?"

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[..... I don't know what to say to that... That just shattered every hope I had about this....]

3003273 [Sorry...She is acting confident to see who it is, I was planning a complete and utter breakdown after she saw him...]

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[I just really get cynical with the whole "working with the Grim Reaper". I really would prefer if it wasn't there. I think it would be cooler if she was a wanderer who was denied the peace of death, to be honest.]

The voice spoke again, this time seeming annoyed. "Intruding uninvited into a home, and you have the audacity to continue further after the owner has asked you to leave." A sigh echoed through the caverns like a gust of wind. "Fine. If you are so determined to meet me, follow the light. I am in that chamber."

3003606 [Oh...Alright, I'll forget that for this RP, okay?]

Evoltit nods once and starts towards the chamber, feeling ready for whatever she was about to see. Her movements were graceful and quick as she went. She had an impassive expression, though her eyes shone with her curiosity. She stepped into the chamber quietly, and glanced about for the speaker.

[Also, all Dullahan, in my mind, at least, are agents of Death, meaning they take care of escaped souls, targets that should have died long ago, blah blah blah, random bullcrap I make up as I go:derpytongue2:]

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[I personally find that a humble origin generally makes for a better character, or at least a more likeable one.]

The spacious chamber the mare walked into had a cooking fire going in the center, with a gentle trail of smoke going up through a small tunnel in the ceiling. The tunnel in the ceiling appeared to be dug out, likely in a way to prefent rain from entering the chamber. There was a dutch oven pot over the fire with something boiling in it, and there was a large, neat pile of bones against the wall, as well as some hides and pelts drying out on some wooden racks, and there appeared to be a pair of metal coolers. By the runes carved into the side of the large coolers, they were enchanted to be permanently cold. Against the wall in the corner was a large bookshelf, full of novels and encyclopedias and spell tomes and other books as well. In front of the fire seemed to be a big bed made of large, furry, warm pelts.

And from behind Evoltit, the owner of the cave quietly walked into the chamber. It was a massive, muscular, black, wolf-like beast, prowling on all fours and stepping over to the fire. If he stood on his hindlegs, the beast could stand at about eighteen feet tall, and by the shape of his hips and hindlegs, which seemed to be a hybrid of bipedal and quadrupedal, he could stand up if he chose. His long, sharp, black claws clacked against the stone as he laid down in front of the fire, and his fluffy tail swished slowly back and forth. He turned his head and looked to Evoltit with piercing red eyes, and on his forehead was a large black unicorn horn. "I am Clockwork. This is my home. And who might you be?" He said in his deep voice.

3004498 She stutters, her eyes flashing with fear, no, not fear, something more than that, fear was too weak a word for describing it. She stumbles back and falls down. "N-no...n-not the manacles." She mutters, rolling onto her side and curling into a ball, trembling like crazy, muttering about manacles and something about a sister, a mother, and a father. She held her head in her hands, staring at him with so much fear but it was in recognition of something else.

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Clockwork slowly stood up and sat himself down beside Evoltit, and he looked at her curiously, unsure of what she was muttering about. He had scared others before, but not like this. None of them had broken down into a shivering wreck. He reached out his paw slowly and gently shook the mare's shoulder. "Miss? Are... you alright?"

3005005 She jumped at the contact, expecting pain from the slavers she thought she saw, but calmed a little. "Y-you...aren't a Dog?" She asks quietly and weakly, meaning Diamond Dog. She looks at him cautiously, but backed away. "N-no, I won't fall for your tricks!" She scooted back a bit further. "You won,t break me!" She obviously meant the psychological torture used on rebellious slaves.

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Clockwork sighed and gently, but firmly held Evoltit's shoulder, looking down at her with a gentle gaze. "Miss, I am a werewolf. I was a unicorn, and I was bitten many years ago. I can change back and forth at will, though It's more comfortable to stay in this form if I can be. Now, please stop shouting. I am not going to hurt you." He did his best to offer a soft smile. "Would you like some stew? I was cooking some stew when you arrived." He didn't know why the mare was so afraid, but he didn't seem to be the cause of her trauma, but rather just a reminder. She mentioned diamond dogs, so he was thinking about whether or not this mare could have been used as slave labor for them.

3005570 She slowly began to calm down, seeing he wasn't a threat at the moment. "I-I'd like some...thank you..." She stayed cautious, though, trying to not drop her guard too quickly. "B-but I'm keeping my armor on." She muttered, still obviously not trusting him at the moment. He's lying! It's just another trick!...right? She seemed confused, and a bit wary, but at least the fear was gone.

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Clockwork shrugged as his horn lit up, and a pair of wooden bowls and spoons came from behind the coolers. "Whatever makes you comfortable, Miss." The werewolf floated a bowl of stew and a spoon over to Evoltit. The stew was thick, creamy, and contained cubes of meat and potatoes, and some carrots as well. It smelt quite savory and good. Clockwork took several spoonfuls of his own bowl, smiling and giving a soft moan at the taste. "Mmm... Good stew... So, how are you liking the stew, Miss?"

3006273 "It's good." She mumbled as she ate ravenously, seeming to not have had much food lately. "And my name is Evoltit, it's Latin, it means Headless...kinda ironic nowadays but I was named that because I screamed my head off as a foal, apparently." She smiles at the happy memories of childhood. "Just call me Eve." She seemed to be relaxing quite quickly, but there was still a bit of wariness in her eyes.

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Clockwork gave a deep, sonorous laugh that echoed in the cave, and he smiled warmly at his guest. "Well, eat as much as you like, Miss Eve. And... I have to ask, why were you panicking a few minutes ago? Am I really that scary? I've given ponies a fright before, but not like that. You sound like you're suffering from some sort of trauma..." The werewolf looked the armored mare over with a soft, intelligent gaze, trying to discern what caused the trauma, though he had a basic idea already.

3008697 She looked down, not eating anymore. " family was enslaved..." She sniffled softly. "Mother was used as a toy, Father and I were workers...My Sister was used to break our spirits..." She looked to him sadly, a crazy glint in her eyes, as tears began to flow. "I...I slaughtered them...I tore them to pieces after they killed them, I was too rebellious, and they killed them to get to me..." She smiles. "I slaughtered them! And they deserved it!" She breaks down crying.

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Clockwork frowned with sympathy and slowly approached Eve, and he slowly and gently pulled her into a hug, holding her to his fluffy, soft, muscular chest and letting her cry into his fur. "There, there..." He slowly stroked the mare's back as best he could with her armor on. "You're safe now... I'm sorry for my harshness earlier... It's not often I meet someone kind who understands pain..." He sighed softly and continued to stroke Eve's mane, hoping she took some comfort from it. "If it helps, I understand what happened to you, and I want you to know that nothing will hurt you in here." He said softly, hoping it brought comfort.

Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Mar 5th, 2014
Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Mar 5th, 2014
Group Admin

[Any chance her breasts could be bigger or get bigger soon? And what does she actually do besides take off the armor? And Clockwork doesn't like his mares thin. Just putting it out there.]

3011144 [How about Ds? And how about her being more inbetween, instead of thin?]

She slowly calmed down. "Th-thank you..." She mutters, clinging to him for a bit before backing away slightly and slowly beginning to undo the straps of her armor, starting with the plates over her arms before going to her legs. The plates of her armor were slowly lowered into a neat pile on the ground next to her by her magic. Under the armor was a skin-tight, jet-black full bodysuit, covering everything but her hands, neck, face and feet, though her feet were covered by her boots. Her body was of average thickness, bordering on wide, and she had but she was very well muscled, the tightness of the bodysuit showing off every part of her body it covered, and her breasts were maybe D-cups, and she wore them well.

She plopped down and sat her belt next to the pile, the ruby on the obsidian dagger's hilt glowing softly. She sighs, not having taken off her armor for at least a week. She lays on her back before looking to him. "Would you like to see how I died?" She asks, slowly undoing the knot keeping her scarf in place. "The scar shows how I died, and what I am." She pulls it free, letting him see the straight, perfect, but faint scar across her neck. "My head was cut off..."

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[Aww, okay. I usually go for much bigger, but D's will have to do, I suppose. And Clockwork (and I) likes his mares a little chubby, so they're plush and soft for extra snuggling. Doesn't mean they're not strong, but they've just got more to love.]

Clockwork's eyes widened, and he looked away after a few seconds and sighed. "It's surprising ti find that I'm not the only immortal left in this world. But, at least we have another thing in common, if nothing else." He said with a soft smile, trying to lighten the mood. He frowned and asked a question with a tentative tone. "Forgive me for asking, but.... Who was it that cut your head off?"

3011515 "The Alpha!" She grinned madly, but because Clockwork was good company. "He killed me but when I came back I gutted him like a pig, then I cut him apart!" She giggles, then sighs as she nonchalantly disconnects her head from her body, setting it on her stomach, facing him. "Being a Dullahan has it's perks, I guess. I just hate it when people start throwing the holy water." She laughs, a gentle, beautiful sound. "I can be harmed by anything a normal pony can be hurt by, but I can only be killed by Blessed or Silver weapons." Her body shrugs, while her head sticks her tongue out at him. "I can also disconnect my head, but you already know that about now, don't you? Anyway, what about you, if you don't mind my asking? What did you look like before..." She gestures with her left hand at him. "Lycanthropy."

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Clockwork gave a deep, sonorous laugh, seeming amused. "I'm sorry, it's just... Hehe... All that stuff about needing silver to kill a werewolf... Hehe... it's total crap. If you kill me, you kill me. You don't need silver weapons. Just big weapons." He gave another chuckle. "As for what I look like as a normal pony... I'll show you some other time, okay? Assuming you come back. I have a strange kind of lycanthropy. I can change back and forth at will, but if I stay too long as a stallion, I get a strong urge to change again, which will get stronger and more distracting the more I stay out of this form."

3012065 Her happiness shrivels and dies as he says 'come back'. "Come back...well, I've nowhere to go, no one ever rents an apartment to me, and I can't ever find any job besides as a hitpony." She sighs, and idly brushes her mane out of her face. "Could...Could I stay here? I'd rather finally get some sleep instead of just wandering for days on end." She seemed very hopeful he would answer with a yes. "I swear I will try to not be bothersome."

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Clockwork smiled widely and gave a soft nod, and he pointed a claw to a tunnel entrance to the left. "That place is empty. I could put a lantern in there for you, and you're welcome to use some of these pelts as a bed. Oh, and I go into town every Saturday to trade pelts and meat for vegetables and whatever else I need. I use..." He pointed to another tunnel. "That room to butcher any animals I hunt."

3012382 She jumps up and rushes over, her body hugging his neck tightly as she smiles, having dropped her head unceremoniously on the floor, but she didn't care. She held him tightly, her eyes closed and a tear streaking from one of her eyes. "N-no one's ever been so nice to me before..."

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Clockwork smiled warmly and reached his paw over, scooping Eve's head off the ground and placing it carefully back onto the base of her neck. "There. Be careful, miss. Your head is no longer firmly attached to your shoulders." The werewolf hugged the mare with his strong, fluffy arms, holding her to his equally warm and fluffy chest, making sure to bend his head down so Eve could hug him around the neck. "And please don't cry. You've been nothing but courteous since we've been talking, and I'm sorry the world has been so hard on you. You're safe here, and you're welcome to come and go as you please." After a pause, the werewolf asked "Eve? May I call you my friend?"

3012605 She nuzzles his chest softly, giggling at his joke, but she only smiles at his question, her face buried into his fluffy chest as she whispers. "Yes." And then she only tightened her grip, not wanting to let go of him yet. "Thank you..." She rubs her cheek against his chest softly as she only thought of how comfortable it felt to hug him.

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Clockwork laid down on his back on his pile of pelts, letting Eve lay on his fluffy chest as he wrapped his large arms around her back and held her snugly. "You're quite the hugger..." He said softly. "I could get used to this... You're welcome to keep this up all night, if you'd like. I certainly don't mind." In truth, the werewolf was glad to have some sort of physical affection after such a long time.

3013153 She smiles but doesn't pull away. "Actually, I think it best my body goes into the other room... my head can stay, though, but I don't think it'll be a good idea to keep my body near you... Your scent, i-it's..." She shudders lightly, but in a good way, as if she was slightly aroused. "Y-you understand, right?"

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Clockwork's eyes widened, and he set Eve down on the ground. "Oh, yes! Um..." He blushed through his thick fur and scratched the bag of his head awkwardly. "Um... Yes, so...." His horn lit up, and a lantern and several fluffy pelts floated into Eve's room, and the werewolf quickly curled himself up on his bed and put out the fire, leaving the chamber in darkness, with the lantern in the mare's room as a guiding light.

Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Mar 6th, 2014

3013469 She stands and sets her head down next to him, smiling softly as she adjusts her head to be next to his chest before she watched her body feel it's way to her bed, stripped, put out the light, then curled up under half of the pelts. "Could...could you hold me like a teddy bear?" She asks quietly, blushing heavily. She knew she was blushing, which made her blush only deepen.

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Clockwork's large paw scooped up Eve's head and held it gently to his chest, and he pulled a large pelt over his body as a blanket and curled up with the head in his embrace, slumbering softly. He felt a little embarrassed with what happened, but also happy and relaxed that he had made a friend.

[Skip to morning?]

3014166 [I have an idea, but he will have to wake up long as you are okay with her being...I dunno, in heat? Or close to it?]

Group Admin

[She can be intensely aroused from smelling the musk of a powerful male specimen for eight hours straight. :heart:]

3014474 [:heart:Pretty much my idea in a nutshell.]

Eve was gasping and panting, her body was on autopilot as it played with itself, flicking her clit softly, two fingers sliding in and out quickly, she even had gotten a dildo from her storage spell, and it was in her backdoor, her right hand using it. Her body was flank-up, face-down, though the face was still with Clockwork, and was severely hoping he wouldn't smell the arousal in the other room, or hear her soft moans as the masturbating continued.

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Clockwork let out a long, deep yawn as he slowly awoke, and he perked his ears as he looked down at Eve's face. "Mmm... Morning... And why are you moaning?" He asked lazily, still a little groggy. "And..." He sniffed the air a couple times. "What is that smell... Is that... No..." He looked down to Eve again in the darkness, wondering what she was up to.

3014732 She yelped as he woke up, but her body only doubled it's efforts. Eve let out a long, low moan, panting heavily. "S-sorry~" She gasps again. "Y-your scent was so strong~" Her eyes were half closed from the pleasure her body was creating for herself. "P-please don't f-freak out." She moaned again.

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Clockwork's cheeks turned red again, and he looked away with a soft smile. "I'm... Actually rather flattered... Do you... find me attractive, Eve? Because I think of you as very beautiful. I would think you would have found an understanding and loving stallion already. I'm surprised you do not have a lover."

3015003 She whimpers as her body finally reaches her climax and she cries out in ecstasy, drooling lightly as she pants heavily. "Y-you're the most...handsome...a-and kind...stallion...I-I've ever met." She whispers. She raises her voice above a whisper. "I, return the favor?" She obviously meant getting him off. "If you don't want to...can I at least see it?"

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Clockwork's cheeks flushed pink, and he lifted the head and placed a soft kiss on Eve's lips. "I would be eternally grateful if you were to tend to my lust. It's been a very long time since I've had satisfaction. But please, do only what you're comfortable with." The werewolf used his magic to float Eve's head back into her room so she could attach it to her body, and he then sat back and spread his legs, lighting the fire with his magic for some light and warmth. His two testes were like beach balls between his legs, and as he stroked his member, it erected to its total length of fifty two inches, and it was about a foot wide. It also seemed to be a hybrid between equine and canine, for it had a thick knot at the base that could swell to over two feet, and a flared equine tip as well. The smell of Clockwork's musk seemed to intensity as his massive member came to full mast.

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