The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Rose smiled and pressed her giant rump back into Zephyr's hands, wanting to feel her lover's touch all over her body. "Well, I was hoping we could take a walk around town, maybe enjoy ourselves a little. I also wanted to get back to your house before we go traveling again." The succubus let her massive rump rest on Zephyr's stomach, and her head on his shoulder.

[Maybe they could show off their stuff around town and find either your character or Maria?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3064620 (lets just go with Maria...)
"Of cousre. lets get dressed ok?" He said as he stirred a little trying to get Rose, although she was a addictively beautiful, off of him. he smiled and cuckled a little. "Do they marry in the demon realm" He asked with a smile

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Rose giggled as she stood up, slipping into her bra, panties, jeans and shirt, though her clothes were tightly stretched over her giant endowments, and she didn't even bother to hide her demonic visage. "We can if we'd like. It's not very official or grand most of the time, but we can have a ceremony or just have it signed into the circle's record books that we're married. Whatever you'd like, hon."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

"I would sorta like to have a ceremony if that ok with you sweat heart. He said as he put on his shirt andpants walked out of the hotel with her. His pants bluged out enought to account for a regular stallions bonner. Mares in the Lobby found it hard not to stair and saliviate a little Jazz music filled the air as they exited the small building and began walking though the steets. "This lovely isn't it? And that food is simple to die for."

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[He's gone out without pants? Where are his pants?! And that sexy pants bulge. Gotta have that with the pants.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor
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[A regular stallion's erection? Pfft, it's like stuffing two watermelons in his pants, if the watermelons were genetically modified to be as big as possible, and that's not counting how much his flaccid member adds to it.]

Several stallions were staring at Rose as she sauntered out of the hotel with her lover, a few even tripping and stumbling as they stared at her gloriously large rump. She smiled at Zephyr and kissed his cheek, looking around with a wide grin. "Oh, yes. I've been here once or twice before in my travels. Perhaps we could get some food at a- oh, my..."

The succubus pointed to a scene at a restaurant, where at an outside table, a couple stallions were picking on a little white mare in a white cloak, who was crying and trembling, but when they tried to take her money, she held onto the meager bag of bits like her life depended on it, sputtering out pleas through her tears. Rose felt fury like no other well up in her black heart, and she charged straight over and grabbed two of the stallions by their shoulders, lifting them off the ground. The one with the bits dropped the bag, into the hands of the crying mare. The succubus spun and threw the two stallions through the air, across the street and far into the harbor's waters. The third stallion just peed his pants and ran away at the sight of such strength.

The little mare looked up to Rose with a look of thanks and disbelief, her tears drying up as she cradled the bag of bits in her hand. Rose helped the little white mare back into her seat, and she got down on her knees so she could talk to her. "Hello there. Don't worry, they won't bother you any more. What's your name?" The little mare sniffled and said "M-Maria...." The succubus smiled and placed a gentle hand on Maria's shoulder. "That's a beautiful name, sweetheart. So, I take it you've ordered food?" The little mare nodded and looked down at her money with shame, clutching the few bits like they were her lifeblood. Rose frowned and reached into her pocket, pulling out the check for four hundred bits that she was supposed to cash in after getting back from the cruise. "Here, sweetheart. This is for you." Maria's eyes widened with a soft gasp, and as she took the check with trembling hands, more tears of joy fell. Once she tucked her things away in her backpack, the little mare threw herself into Rose's arms, crying into her bosom and sputtering out "thank you"s fervently. Rose simply sat down in a chair and set Maria in her lap, stroking her mane and letting her cry out her troubles. She glanced up to se what Zephyr was up to, still tending to her timid new friend.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

He himself looked a little dumbfounded but soon recovered his air of coolness and went in side to obatain the table next to there new friend. Buy the looks of her, she seemed to be a vagabond and a traveler, perhaps in need of some love and a home.
(so how will we find lilith this time? will she be in the 2nd circle?)

Group Admin

[Maybe. And Maria already has the table.]

Maria slowly looked up into Rose's eyes, and the succubus smiled back affectionately, her hand slowly stroking the mare's soft cheek. "There, now... Don't cry sweetheart. Would you like to stay with my coltfriend and I for a while? We were going to head back to Canterlot to his home soon." Rose looked over to Zephyr. "Would that be okay, hon?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled cordially at the white mare and said. :I think I'd like that very much," in a friendly tone. the mare was attractive. there was no doubt about that, and having around wouldn't be too bad. He would of cousre only make romantic adavances if allowed by Rose

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Maria smiled thankfully with tears of joy in her eyes, and she went back to resting her face in Rose's cleavage, finding the smell of the succubus' milk soothing and pleasant. The waiter returned with Maria's food, a steak and some mashed potatoes and a bowl of milk, and he quickly put the food down and went on with his orders. Maria smiled eagerly as she turned in Rose's lap, and she set the bowl of milk on the ground. The head of a calico cat was seen as it popped up from the mare's backpack. "Breakfast, Lucy." Lucy the cat meowed and pounced over to her bowl, eagerly lapping at her milk while Maria ate her food. Rose contented herself with stroking the adorable little mare's back, seeming to be awestruck with the cuteness of Maria and her cat.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled and extended a hand to pet the cat as he smiled at both mares. both where so very beautiful and so sweet. Althought Rose had magicifent endowments and unbriled passion. There was a sweet innocence about Maria, that would cause any stallion to have a heart attack of cuteness

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[Rose can and will be very motherly to Maria as well as a lover. She loves taking care of others. And once Maria binds herself to Rose, she'll have magnificent endowments too.]

Rose smiled as she saw Maria eat her food without worry, a smile on the little mare's face. After a little while, Maria and Lucy ad finished with their meals, and the adorable little mare had taken to snuggling into Rose's chest. She giggled and scooped Maria up in her arms, making sure to have Lucy and Maria's backpack on her shoulder before she turned to her lover. "Let's get on the train, sweetheart, so we can take Maria home and let her rest."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr nodded as escorted both mares to the the train station where the train to Canterlot had just pulled into the station, Zephyr quickly purchased tickets for the three of them. Then lead them to a compartment on the train where they settled down for the five hour trip.
(Hows that?)

Group Admin

[Pretty good.]

Rose laid down on the bed and let Maria rest atop her, letting the little mare's head rest on her giant breasts. The succubus frowned at the sight of Maria's rough traveling clothes, and she gently took them off the little mare, but kept the cloak around her shoulders. She smiled in her sleep, seeming much more comfortable. "Mm... She's so cute... Zephyr, dear? Would you like to join us? She's just in need of a safe place to rest right now."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled and layed by them on the otherside of Maria and hugging around them both with loving arms, I hope I can make you both feel safe while your here with me...." He said his eyes showing immense love for her, and careing for Maria

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Rose smiled lovingly and placed a soft kiss on Zephyr's cheek, resting her head down on the pillow while Maria slept soundly under the blankets. The succubus grinned as she got an idea, and she gently took off her bra and shirt, leaving her topless. The exposed flesh of Rose's bosom was infinitely more comforting to the little mare, and she began suckling on the succubus' nipple in her sleep, dreaming of someolace warm and relaxing.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

She's so precious and cute." Zephyr said with a soft smile as he stroked Maria's mane. "I wounder how old she is or why she's traveling alone..." Zephyr began to wrack his brain in though. There was about this mare, It wasn't unarrtaive in anyway, but she didn't seemed to be quite...all pony

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[Can Maria get a c*** snake tail from Trials in Tainted Space when she binds herself to Rose?]

A few hours later, Maria slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in bed, sleeping naked atop the beautiful mare that had rescued her earlier. She felt like panicking for a second, but it quickly faded, for she was simply too comfortable and felt too safe and loved to want to move. She also felt full, with a sweet taste in her mouth. With a soft blush, she realized she had been drinking from Rose's bosom in her sleep. And... She wanted more. Maria gently took the succubus' nipple in her mouth again, her eyes falling shut as she let herself drift back off to sleep, gorging herself on the delicious creamy substance. Rose herself was asleep as well, one arm holding Maria around the back and the other holding Zephyr around the waist, or she was when she was asleep, but she wasn't aware if her lover had gotten out of bed.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3078169 (if she really wants to, nice censorship by the way)

He had gone to his bag to find something he had brought with him. "Come on come on, I hope that book wasn't lost in the wreak, Ah" It appeared he found what he was looking for. A book on equestrian-like species he then began to flip through it again and again but could find nothing matching the little white mare. "Where do you come form little mare..." he says to himself

Group Admin

[Nice censorship? What? And just so you know, that book would have to be very, very obscure and incredibly hard to find to have a mention of banshees in it, let alone a whole section. The banshee homeland is incredibly far south, and merchants that trade with the banshee tribes don't usually go into Equestria. It's just too far most of the time. That, and part of Maria's character is coming from a place so far away that nobody knows who she is. You can't look Maria up in a book without having gone over a thousand miles just to get said book.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3078373 (got it sorry... fixed it)

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Rose looked up at Zephyr with a frown of worry. "Honey?" She said quietly so as not to wake Maria. "What are you looking for?" Maria was still fast asleep, a line of drool and milk running down her chin. Rose's hot, sweet breast milk had quickly put the little mare back to sleep, and judging by the purple under her eyes and the thinness of her body, rest and nutrition was something she very much needed. The succubus got a bowl out from Maria's backpack after a little digging, making sure not to go through anything that looked personal, and she pinched her nipple and filled the bowl up with her milk. She set it on the floor next to the bed, and Lucy the cat began lapping at it eagerly.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3082365 he looks up at her and says "I'm not quite sure if maria is a equestrian pony or some sort of equine sub species." He sighs and closes the book. and slips it into his bag "Oh well, I guess we'll come back to bed." He said rearing up and takeing off his shirt before laying next to Maria.

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"We'll ask her when she wakes up." She said quietly, looking at the adorable little mare laying atop her with an affectionate smile. Rose laid her head back on the pillow and held her coltfriend close around the waist, wanting to just relax. "Mmm.... Could I have a little drink, baby?" She asked with a loving smile, her hand gently rubbing her lover's giant balls through his pants.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

"Always for you babe" He said before striping down all the way and walking to her side of the bed. He groaned softly as he let his testies swell up with seed. He then puts the his member up next to her mouth. "Open up baby"

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Group Admin

Rose eagerly, but slowly to not shake Maria, put her lips over Zephyr's urethral entrance, letting her tongue slip inside and lick around inside a little, wanting to have a nice drink of her lover's delicious seed.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled and let his seed eek out in a steady stream with enough seed to slate the hungry succubuses craving. As he let his seed leek out he clammbered into bed so that he could lay beside Rose and kissed her forehead . then leans over to stroke Maria's hair with a loving hand

Group Admin

[Wait, if his member is six feet long, how does he lean forward so far? I could picture him climbing into bed and laying down on his side so Rose could keep drinking, but standing up would require breaking his back to lean forward that far and still keep his member there.]

Group Admin

Rose moaned and let her tongue slipped down into Zephyr's urethra, licking at the inside of his member as she drank down his delicious seed. She made sure not to move around much, so Maria wouldn't be disturbed. As she drank, she let her hand rub the side of her lover's massive shaft, finding it so big and sexy and delicious. She was also eager to give Maria a nice, gentle session of love-making to help her relax, and to give the little mare the love she hsd clearly been deprived of for a long time. She also hoped her coltfriend would help when the time came.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled as he began to fade into unconsciousness, still producing some seed to feed her though the night. He couldn't help but wait until Maria was officially brought into their fold to be loved and carried for by them both. "I love you..." He whispered before nodding off

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The moon was high in the sky as the train stopped into Canterlot station, and Rose slipped some clothes on and then put a loose tee shirt and sweatpants on the little mare, then wrapped her up in her cloak and carried her down to Zephyr's home, with Maria's backpack on her shoulder and Lucy inside it. Once they were inside, Rose laid Maria down on the bed and shed her clothes, aside from a big fluffy purple set of pajamas that she had bought in New Boarleans. She sat down on the edge of the bed, and as she looked Maria over in the dim light, she decided to peer under the blankets. Something was driving her to peek. When she looked at Maria's groin and lifted up the brim of the little mare's pants, her eyes widened as she saw a large sheath. The member inside was nowhere near what Zephyr had, but Maria, a mixed gender it seemed, had a natural shaft big enough to put a lot of stallions to shame, though she appeared to have no testes.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr was also shocked by the new predicament but he also was turned on. "Well thats a surprise.." He murmered. before hugging and kissing Rose lightly, "I'm going to make a sandwhich want anything?" He said releasing her a setting his suit case away.

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Rose smiled and leaned over and nuzzled Zephyr's cheek, then laid down with Maria and stroked the little mare's mane. "Can you make some chicken noodle soup, please? I would like some, and I think Maria would like some as well."

[Mind if we skip to an hour or so later so Maria wakes up?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3084824 (yeah of corse go ahead)

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An hour or so later, the little mare opened her eyes and gave a soft yawn, feeling much, much better than when she first went to sleep. She looked around to see that she was in a very nice bed, with some loose clothes and her cloak on. Rose was laying down beside her, having put on a violet turtleneck sweater and sweatpants earlier, smiling affectionately. "Hello, sweetheart. We're home now. Did you sleep well?"

Maria smiled thankfully and gave a soft nod, and the succubus giggled as she pulled up the edges of her sweater, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra. "You were quite thirsty earlier. Would you like a little more? And Zephyr is making some soup for you, so that'll be ready soon." The little mare blushed, but smiled thankfully as she tentatively began suckling on Rose's left nipple, drinking down the delicious milk for a minute or so before letting go and licking her lips. "Thank you, Miss Rose..." Rose smiled and said "Just Rose would be fine, dear. Here, would you like to rest your head in my bosom?"

Maria smiled with a soft blush and shuffled forward, laying her head down between Rose's massive breasts, giving a soft sigh of content as well. Rose pulled her sweater down, then gently tucked Maria's legs into each pant leg of her sweatpants, then made sure her sweater was completely covering Maria's upper body. Maria was now pressed to Rose's body and completely inside her clothes, keeping her warm and soothing her with a sensation of being held all over. "There we go. Does that feel good?" Maria gave a soft "mm-hmm" from inside, and the succubus gave a soft gasp as she felt Maria move Rose's right breast a bit and start to suckle on it from inside her clothes. "Mmm... That's right, sweetheart... Drink all you want..."

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[Whoops, replied to myself.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr came back with a large portion of soup for the mares and a daisy sandwhich for himself. He chuckled to himself when seeing how the mares where "shareing clothes." before setting the soup on the night stand and asking. "would you to like to be left alone?"

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Rose smiled and giggled a bit, then gently lifted her sweater up and slowly pulled Maria out of it. Now exposed to the cold open air, Maria wrapped herself in her cloak and snuggled up under the blankets. "Honey, could you turn up the heat, please?" She asked as she set a tray with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some crackers in front of Maria, who began eagerly eating her soup. Rose smiled and quickly got up, going into the kitchen and grabbing a trio of glasses, then going back into the bedroom. The succubus lifted her sweater and tweaked her nipple, her sweet milk streaming into each of the three glasses like a faucet. She set one glass on Maria's tray, gave one to Zephyr, and set one on her own tray as she sat down beside Maria and began eating her own soup as well.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Zephyr smiled and took a bite of daisy sandwich as will as a swing of succubus milk before going to the thermostat as requested by rose. As he turned up the heat new wonders began to enter his mind about Maria's race. Where did she come from? where there others like her?

Group Admin

[No, she wasn't cold in his home because of that. She actually comes froma temperate climate with evergreen forests. I was assuming the heat wasn't as high, and Maria is naked, you know. She took off her clothes so she could snuggle up with Rose,]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3085777 (oops sorry, better?)

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Maria was now wearing her own blue turtleneck sweater and a pair of sweatpants, as well as some cozy wool socks, all courtesy of Rose who had bought them for her on their walk home from the train station. She seemed very comfortable in them, and she had quickly finished her dinner and her milk. Rose giggled and set the mare's food aside, then returned to slowly sipping her soup. She only got taste out of it, as a succubus, but she loved making and eating tasty food nonetheless. "Hey, honey?" She called to Zephyr.

Once the stallion had returned to the bedroom, she looked up at him with a smile. "So, do you think we should let Maria.... join in?" She said with a smile, revealing her wrist to silently indicate what she meant. Maria herself was snuggling her kitty in her arms, looking up at the two ponies curiously.

Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Mar 15th, 2014
Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

He smiles and sits down in his comfortable looking chair again, "If she really wants to then yeah" He said before taking another bite of daisy sandwich. Also his smile was bright his find was uncertain, what if this sudden reveal scared her? what if she ran of and wanted nothing to do with them?

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Rose smiled lovingly and looked down to Maria. "Maria, sweetie? Um... Do you know why I look the way I do? Flaming hair, horns, etcetera?" The little mare shook her head, still holding her kitty close and listening intently. "Well, you see sweetheart, I'm a succubus. I used to have to feed on souls through sex to stay alive, but now that my wonderful coltfriend here has bonded to me, I no longer have to." The little mare took a second to process the info she was given, but nodded with a warm, affectionate smile nonetheless. Rose smiled and took a deep breath, then let it out. "The reason I'm telling you is because I wanted to offer something. What if you could live forever, stay forever young, and be loved and tended to by Zephyr and I? We know you're a mixed gender, sweetheart, and we still love you. We'll make sure you're loved for who and what you are, every day, forever." Maria's eyes widened at the idea of being eternally loved, and she looked down at Lucy, then back to Rose, not wanting to lose her kitty. "It's okay." The succubus said soothingly. "I can make her live forever, too. Would you like to?" Maria took a second to think it over, then gave a small, tentative nod. Rose smiled and cut her wrist again, letting the blood seep out. She let some drip into Lucy's milk bowl so the cat would drink it up soon, and she then offered it to Maria. The little mare took a deep breath, then pressed her lips to the wound and began drinking down Rose's blood. She didn't stop until she had drank for at least twice as long Zephyr had, and with a full stomach, closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Rose shifted Maria so she was once again atop her body, her head on the succubus' bosom.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

"will she be demonic like you? or have a normal form like me?" Zephyr said so that he was laying beside both mares. He began to think of all the things that would happen with immortality. He had heard, stories about the two princesses being secretly heart broken because all around them they saw loved ones wither and die. Zephyr smiled with gladness and started to rub maria's back when he new that he wouldn't have to go thought that,

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