The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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2819463 [Sorry...:fluttercry:That's how my mind worked, pretend she was lying.]

Group Admin

Stone Skin's strong hand shot out and grabbed Pax's shoulder, holding it with a grip like iron. "Okay, now you're trying to get yourself arrested. Let me put it this way. I have the authority to detain you for 24 hours without cause, and suspicion of illegal activities is enough." He kept his senses open for that Duke character, and an eye on Rook. If any of them attacked him, he could arrest both, or possibly all three for assaulting an officer of the law. He wasn't sure what Rook was going to do yet.

2819544 Rook sighs. "Nirvana." He warns.

She sighs. "Okay, fine, Yes, I'm a drug lord, yes I am involved with drug trafficing...anything else.?" She growls, her face flashing with rage, then sadness, then back to smug confidence.

Group Admin

Stone Skin pulled from his pocket a pair of handcuffs, putting them on Pax's wrists behind her back. "No. I'll make sure you're not sentenced to life, and if you cooperate further, I'll keep you out of harm's way. As much as I can, anyway." He turned and began walking the mare to the police station, holding her gently, but firmly by the shoulder.

2819923 Rook follows silently.

Nirvana growls angrily. "Kill him! No, he is just doing his job! Um, could we jus-NO!" The mare seemed to have multiple personalities, one wanted to kill Stone, one was neutral, the last was wanting to go hide. But, unknown to the three sides, the fourth was stirring, a psychopathic one filled with nothing but murderous intent, and her eyes showed this intent.

Group Admin

Stone looked down at Pax's face, and his grip on her shoulder tightened a bit upon seeing the look in her eyes. "Assault me, and I will smash your face into the ground." He kept walking Pax along, keeping an eye on Rook as well. The station was around the next turn. They would be there in a minute or two.

Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Feb 12th, 2014
Group Admin

[I'm done.]

2820554 [What? Was that too much?]

Group Admin

2821357 [Sorry...a small part of me loves her too much, she is so fun to write...]

Group Admin

[So let her be the main character somewhere else, like that new thread you happened to just start.]

2821551 [That thread is for another friend...and okay, i am sorry]

Group Admin

[Replying all the way back to this comment, let's just skip to the gym. This is the gym Rook uses, so you're in charge of describing it.]

2850480 [Alright *cracks knuckles* challenge accepted]

Argentum's Gym was a big place, made of brick and painted dark grey, the sign over the door was simple, just a wooden board wth their name on it in silver wording. The inside, however, was different. The massive building had five of every different excersice machines, three boxing rings, showers, changing rooms. The walls were a metallic silver, matching the silver-maned stallion yelling at an eight-foot tall mare with the same fur and mane colors as rook, though her eyes we're bright purple, and glowed softly. The mare was bench-pressing at least three hundred.

"Come on! If you give up now then you are the biggest disgrace since Cheshire!!!" He shouted into her ear.

That seemed to motivate her and she lifted it all the way up and set it on the bench, exhausted. "Done." She panted.

"Did good, kid." The stallion smiles at her and pats her shoulder. He was an older gent, about forty or fifty.

Group Admin

[Sorry for not responding. I'm just trying to think of ways to liven our threads up a bit. As much as I like them, I was hoping we could get to some more fun stuff. For Ancient Burials, Fossil won't get anywhere if she acts bluntly.]

2852814 [She adapts quickly, she will learn to be less blunt...eventually...but she will flirt.…

And for here...I dunno, stage is all yours for livening it up.]

Group Admin

[Not what I meant. It was an ultimatum. Less blunt, or no lovey dovey. As for this thread, it's... well, what are they going to do besides exercise and talk? I was waiting for them to get back home so they could do that nice movie on the couch with popcorn.]

2853042 [Meeting the big sister first, then movie, that was Rook's plan...

And I'll have Fossil be a little less blunt]

Group Admin

[Fine... As long as the meet and greet is quick.]

Stone looked to Rook, then back to the tall mare at the bench press. "That's your sister, isn't it? I remember her. Come on, you. She's your sister." He said with a playful smile before kissing Rook's cheek.

2853478 "Yeah..." He sighs and walks up to her. "Hey sis."

"Sup, Little man." She grins and they fist bump. "Who's...why is that detective with you?" She looks angry. "Did you get into trouble?"

Group Admin

[They've met. She knows who he is.]

2853629 [She recognizes him, that's how she knew he was a detective, but know she wants to know why Stone is with Rook]

Group Admin

Stone smiled warmly at the mare. "Hey. Long time." He leaned over and kissed Rook's cheek, then took hold of the taller stallion's hand. "That's why. So, how's it been with you?"

[What was her name again?]

2854062 [Obsidian, real name is Lucus Obscuras "Lucy"]

She smiles. "Finally! My little brother really does have game!" She giggles as she dodges a punch from Rook.

Rook grumbles. "Screw you too sis."

"Sounds like fun." She says with a trollish grin.

Rook blushes heavily.

Group Admin

[Do you think you could tone their sizes down to somewhere under seven feet? Eight feet is just kind of awkward. I can't have Stone put his arm around Rook's shoulders if his head isn't even above Rook's shoulders.]

2854431 [Lucy is eight, Rook will be toned down to six and a half, Lucy has to stay Über-tall Cuz of the reference that she embodies]

Group Admin

[A reference that you never told me about...]

2854632 [Minecraft, she embodies an enderman.]

Group Admin

[...Wow. Really? That's a... that's not a very deep reference. It's not like it's going to affect how she acts if she's actually short enough to interact with. I don't see why it's so important that she stay impossibly tall.]

2854750 [Endermen are nine foot three inches...I have to have her somewhat tall-as-crap...whatever, seven foot it is!:pinkiehappy: won't affect her personality!]

Group Admin

Stone put his arm around Rook's shoulders loosely and smiled at Lucy. "So, I take it you've been pestering him to get a partner for a while?"

2855098 "Months!" She shouts, giggling. "Nice catch, little man."

"We both know I ain't little." He says to her, glaring at his purple-eyed sister.

Group Admin

[... I've run out of things to talk about. I suck at small talk and I hate it. Comes with having Aspergers.]

2855155 [Skip to Movie time?]

Group Admin

[Yes please.]

Once they got home from the gym a little past sunset, Stone set the movie into the disc tray of the DVD player and letting it start up, then going into the kitchen and pulling out the popcorn maker. Once he had that going, he quickly went into the bedroom and changed into his snuggly wool pajamas, then finished buttering and salting the popcorn. The detective walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Ready, sweetie?"

2856074 "Yeah, ready for some action!" He grins as he takes off his hoodie, leaving on his tank top. He sat on the couch, comfortable on one side of it.

Group Admin

[Mind if we just set this aside for now?]

2856220 [Focus on Burials?]

Group Admin
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