The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

At a Manehattan café, Detective Stone Skin sat at a table, sipping his coffee and staring out at the setting sun through the tall buildings. The muscular brown stallion let out a sigh as he stirred his coffee with a little plastic stirrer. It was at that sort of dark brown color you get when you add a little cream, enough to keep the coffee from being black, but not enough to give it that light cream color. It was the shade of his own coat, now that he thought about it. The detective was quite tall, standing at six feet tall, and he was quite muscled. He wore an unzzipped leather jacket over a white tee shirt, and he wore jeans and a set of boots. On his belt was his holstered revolver, and his badge. He had turned in his other police gear earlier, and was planning to head home soon. He looked around at the other ponies around him, then sighed and ran a hand through his short black mane. He felt alone at the moment, and the fact that he was bisexual never seemed to help him find a partner. Then again, he sucked when it came to getting dates. With another sigh, he went back to sipping his coffee, looking about idly for something interesting to catch his attention.

2786065 There was a commotion outside, a fight, by the sounds of the other folks egging them on. A tall stallion with jet-black fur, and his mane and tail were, somehow, darker than his fur, his silver eyes were filled with contained laughter as he fought the staillion in front of him, easily dodging and throwing his own punches. The stallion was called Rook, and it was pretty easy to see why, he was seven foot tall though skinny as a sapling tree. His thin frame did well to hide his whip-cord strength as he hammered away at the other stallion.

[ write a lot, and pretty well...I adapt quickly]

Group Admin

Stone quickly got up from his table and burst out the door, readying himself for trouble. When he saw Rock and the other stallion fighting, he shouted "Hey!" sprinted forward and put himself between the two stallions, giving each of them a powerful, but harmless shove in the chest to push them back from each other. The stance he took with his push was low to the ground, well-practiced. This stallion was clearly skilled and experienced. He then stepped back to look at them both and spoke with a deep, authoritative voice, crossing his arms and looking at them each with his fiery amber eyes. "Listen, fellas. I'm tired. I don't know what the fight was about, but I'm giving you two a pass here. No more fighting, and I won't have to detain either of you, and we can all go home. Does that sound okay to you two?"

2786679 "Can't you let two friends fight each other?" The other stallion asks, angry at being interrupted.

Rook glares at the stallion, tall and imposing as what his namesake represents. He balanced lightly on the balls of his feet, ready for anything. "Wasn't aware we were friends?" He cracks his knuckles. "I wlthought I was going to break your arm for insulting my friend?" His voice was accented lightly, making him sound like he was Germane.

The stallion gets angrier, face flushing as he takes a step forward. "She's a freak!"

Rook goes quiet, anger evident on every part of him. "Better move..." He says to Stone.

Group Admin

[Try to do a past tense style please, just for consistency. "He did" instead of "he does".]

Stone turned to the other stallion and said "Better run, pal. He looks angry." The detective then turned back to Rock and dropped his stance, his hands going up. "I said, stop fighting, and go home." His tone was one of strength and finality. He meant what he said. "Listen, pal, I've taken chumps your height and twice your weight, some hopped up on drugs. I will drag your ass back to the police station if you do not drop it and walk away." The officer could tell the tall, lean stallion was a strong fighter, but he was ready to drop him to the ground in a moment's notice.

2786878 "He insulted my friend and I need to hit him one more time." He growled in rage. "She is sensitive about her looks."

The stallion grinned. "Come on then, hit me!"

[Sorry, too used to current, i'll try...]

Group Admin

[You can use current if you need to.]

Stone Skin grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes, looking back at the other stallion. "I will drag both of you down to the station if the two of you don't shut your mouths and walk away." The detective readied himself to move; neither of these stallions looked ready to let the issue drop.

2787190 "Fine. Pix, you okay with that?" Rook turns and looks over to the side, where a tiny, foot-and-a-half tall mare, naturally that tall, stood there, smiling.

"It's fine, I gotta go, Skip needed help." She spreads her dragonfly wings and flies off.

The other stallion pointed to Rook. "This ain't over!" He shouts angrily and stalks away.

Rook sighs and holds out his hand to Stone. "Thanks, I really thought I was gonna have to break his arm. I'm Rook."

Group Admin

Stone let out a breath and offered a small smile, shaking the taller stallion's hand. "Detective Stone Skin. Thanks for letting him walk away. I try to prevent violence if I can." He raised an eyebrow as he watched the strange, fairy-like mare fly away. "So... I take it that was your sister? She's unique, but I wouldn't call her a freak." He offered a warm smile. "She's actually kinda cute."

2787492 "Yeah, especially when she's angry, friggin' adorable." He chuckles. "My full name is Black Rook." He smiles and looks at Stone.

Group Admin

Stone smiled and looked back at the café. "I left my coffee inside. Mind if I buy you a drink? I was just going to go home and just watch TV and make dinner, then go to bed." The detective felt his heart flutter a little as he looked over the tall stallion. He was rather handsome, he had to admit. He tried not to get his hopes up, though; it was unlikely that Rook liked stallions.

Sure, coffee keeps me calm, usually." He grins, starting to like Stone. Generous guy...2787595

Group Admin

[Longer posts. Try to shoot for at least two lines, please.]

Stone smiled and led Rook inside the café, and he pulled a few bits from his pocket and gave them to the stallion. "Here, buy whatever you'd like. I'm sitting over there." The detective walked over to his booth and sat down, going back to sipping his coffee, which had gotten a little cold. This was another moment, he thought, that being a unicorn might have been more useful. But being naturally strong as an earth pony was nice, too.

2787749 Rook grins. He comes back with a coffee, black, and pokes the earth pony's cup, heating it with a simple spell. "Danke." He says as he takes a sip. "So, if you're a detective, you should have some pretty cool stories?" He prompts with a warm smile.

Group Admin

Stone chuckled and nodded, thinking back to some of his stranger cases. "Yep. Once had a murderer in Trottingham, with only young adult mares as victims. Strangely enough, the murderer was also a mare, and she was about four feet, five inches tall. She never explained why she did it, but we did find her with a gun pointed at another mare. Maybe she was jealous of the tall mares." He shrugged and looked to Rook. "So, tell me about yourself."

2787998 "Me? Nothing much to tell...I was born in Germaneigh, grew up here, never did find a nice pony to call special." He shrugs, taking another sip. "Met Pix a year back, she is a Flutter-Sprite or something like that. We have a lot in common, best friends, ironic too, I'm Tall, she's Short, but we get along, she is really good at healing magic too, the best I've seen." He smiles. "Never could stay out of trouble, but I know how to fight."

Group Admin

Stone smiled as he took a sip of his coffee, his heart fluttering a bit more at the mention of somepony special. "Huh. Sounds a bit like me. Grew up here in Manehattan, mom was a judge, dad was a police marshal. I took to law enforcement because of them. Always studying, working out, making myself stronger and better... all to make them proud..." The detective gave a soft sigh and set down his empty cup, thinking about years gone by. "And I still don't have anyone to call special, either."

2788132 Rook laughs lightly. "Someone like you should have at least a dozen mares trying to get in your pants." He smiles. "My parents were soldiers...they're dead, too. I am workin' to be the best soldier I can me to honor them." He smiles sadly, staring at his coffee. "They were the best, always helping me when I asked, fighting for me..."

Group Admin

Stone blushed at Rook's words, then smiled as he got an idea. "You know, if you wanna be a soldier, why not join the force? If you're actually staying in Manehattan and not just visiting, that is. You'd have to go through some training before you're accepted into the job, of course, but I can vouch for your loyalty and fighting skill." He looked over the handsome unicorn again. "Your presence alone could stop fights. The idea is to provide a feeling of protection to the law-abiding citizens, and a sense of presence to those looking to start trouble. You could easily do both, from what I've seen."

2788270 "I do live in manehattan, my sister stays there with me, and I'm just visiting Pix, probably going to go back tomorrow." He smiles. "I'll join, if you're sure, and sis will probably punch me for it, she's taller than me, and skinnier, but don't let that fool you, her playful punches feel like a baseball bat." She shakes his head, sighing and chuckling.

Group Admin

[They're in Manehattan right now. There's nowhere for him to leave to. I mentioned that in the very first post. And I already had Stone ask if Pix was his sister, and Rook replied in a way that implied that she was, and now you mention his sister again as being taller than Rook. Please keep track of what has happened and what has been said.]

2788528 [ohgawdsdamnit, I need to pay attention better, also he didn't deny or accept Pix being his sister]

Rook sighs. "You really think I'd do good in the force?" He asks, still unsure.
I know how to fight, I can scare the shit out of most ponies and I know how to make others feel, no wonder he thinks I would do well...

Group Admin

[My character said "I take it that's your sister?" and Rook replied as if he was right, agreeing Pix was cute, which implied that Stone was right on Pix being his sister, since Rook didn't stop him and say that Pix was not his sister. So, yes, he did confirm it, even if it wasn't outright said. Because of that, I'm going to have Stone pretend Rook never said the word "sister" at all, unless you can fix it.]

Stone gave a warm smile and a nod, adjusting his jacket. "Yeah, I do. I think you'd keep people safe, if you were given the chance." The detective looked out at the window, watching the setting sun. "Nice city... And nice people, too..." He looked back to Rook. "I think people could even look up to you, if you show them that you're here to protect them."

2788909 "Hmm...I'll do it!" He smiles, feeling obliged to take this chance and accept the challenge. "I'll join. Hope I don't screw it up like last time I tried something like this." He grins.

[Let's say he has two sisters, Pix he sortable adopted into being a little sister, his other one by blood.]

Group Admin

[That makes much more sense.]

Stone smiled at his friend, but frowned as he heard his next words. "Last time? Not to pry, but what happened last time?" The detective quickly got up and bought himself another coffee, then sat back down and listened intently to his new friend.

2789088 He smiles nervously. "Uh...I kinda...almost killed someone we were interrogating..." He chuckles a bit, a nervous sound, then downs the rest of his coffee.

Group Admin

Stone's eyes widened, and he sipped his coffee again. "Well, it seems we'll have to work on your temper. We don't use physical pain as a tool during interrogations. You're free to yell at them, though. At least, within reason. Anyway, I suppose we should be getting home soon." He said as he looked out at the setting sun. It was getting late, and unless Rook suddenly kissed him and asked to sleep with him, the detective guessed he would be spending another lonely night at home.

2790517 "Actually, could I crash at your place? Sister's in heat, if I go back, she'll fuck me in my sleep." He shudders. "Probably break my pelvis and all of the adjacent bones." He shakes his head. "Either that or I'm gonna have to get to a hotel."

[As we have Rp'd, I feel as if I have been slowly growling more comfortable with the idea of M/M]

Group Admin

[Your character isn't going to say things like "fuck" and "dick" a lot, is he? I really, really don't like those words.]

Stone chuckled and nodded, feeling his heart race a little bit. "Sure, bud. Come on." The detective tossed out the rest of his coffee and led his friend out onto the street, walking down the sidewalk and smiling widely. He led the tall stallion to a vert tall, nice-looking apartment building, and he led him up to the eight floor. He unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a well-furnished, but basic apartment, with all the rooms having soft blue walls. The door opened into the living room, which had a nice green carpeted floor, with a tv on the wall, a black, plush polyester couch, and a small table with a remote and radio next to the couch. The kitchen was pretty basic, with a small dining table in the kitchen, and there was one bathroom, and one bedroom, as standard-looking and well-furnished as the rest of the house. "Well, here we are. Make yourself comfortable. I'm gonna cook some steak and potatoes."

2790837 [Sorry, it's his personality.]

"I call the couch!" Rook shouts as he dives onto said piece of furniture, getting comfortable. "Thanks again, man, I mean...I wouldn't mind tapping my big sis, it has happened before, our first times, when her heat overwhelmed her, and I was the only one she could trust to help...But I really don't want to do that ever again, She almost broke everything on my lower body the first time." He sighs.

Group Admin

[That isn't an excuse. I said that I didn't like those words, and you see me specifically avoid RPs with that kind of language. From anywhere and everywhere you've seen me, I always avoid that kind of language.]

Stone chuckled and pulled out a pot and a pan on the gas stove, and threw some raw pieces of steak on the pan, letting that cook while he began boiling the pot of water for the potatoes. "Well, it's just us here, bud. How well-done do you like your steak?" He asked as he flipped the sizzling pieces of meat. He took the time to admire Rook's form from his place in the kitchen.

2791010 "I don't mind you just surprising me." He smiles over at Stone. "I really don't mind any kind of steak." He sighs, stretching with a yawn. "If I ever take you over to meet my out, she'll try her best to seduce you, and have sex with you."

[Sorry, I have been trying to break that habit.]

Group Admin

Stone shrugged and smiled as he set aside a steak for his friend and served him a potato. He had cooked the steak to medium rare, which was generally how most ponies liked their steaks. He served himself a well-done steak and a potato, gave them each some butter, silverware, and a napkin, then carried it all into the living room, sitting down next to Rook and giving him his plate. "Enjoy." The detective began cutting up his steak, stealing glances at the taller stallion's handsome form. Stone was attracted to mares as well, but he had never found a mare so far that has actually wanted to love him, and didn't want to just get in bed with him. "So.... Um.... I can get you some blankets and pillows after dinner for you to sleep with." He said, trying to think of a conversation topic.

2793534 "I'll be fine."he says as he kicks off hie combat boots and starts eating silently. "You bi?" He asks suddenly. "I see how you look at me." He didn't mind, he himself was bi, but his preference was mares.

Group Admin

Stone's cheeks flushed red, and he silently stammered for a minute before hanging his head, his ears flattened to his head. "I.... yes...." He admitted, seemingly with shame. "Sorry... I didn't want to make things awkward...." The stallion silently kept eating his meal, keeping his gaze averted from Rook. He felt incredibly embarrassed right now, and he wasn't sure how Rook was going to react.

2793792 Rook grins and playfully punches his shoulder. "Same here, man." He goes back to eating. "Ever been to Argentum's Gym? Best place around, small, but the staff are nice people."

Group Admin

Stone felt a great relief as Rook told him that he was bisexual as well, and he smiled and kept eating with more confidence. "I go to Aegis Gym on the east side. Cheap for membership, and very clean. The ponies there are nice too." The detective resigned himself from flirting with Rook, but he couldn't help steal a couple more glances at the tall, handsome unicorn.

2793908 "Me and My sis, Lucy, go to Argentum's, I love the place." He smiles, and looks over Stone's body. "Aegis seems to be a good place too." He compliments the Earth Pony. "Oh yeah, you may have actually seen my sister's record, Lucus Obscuras, her street name is Obsidian. She gets into trouble all the time, almost got framed for a murder, but she only fights if she is attacked first."

Group Admin

Stone's eyes widened. "Oh, her? Jeez, she's got a lot in the police records. We've talked once or twice. Nice kid, though. She just needs some guidance." He looked between his friends and the TV. "So, wanna watch a movie or something tonight? I don't have any plans. I usually just listen to some radio dramas until I fall asleep."

2793953 "Nice!?" Rook shouts, in what seems to be terror. "She's a demon in pony form!!! You have no idea how many punching bags she has massacred! She knocks them off of the steel chains!" He looks terrified. "Fear thy woman, for once a month, she becomes that which burns with the fury of the gods!"

Group Admin

Stone chuckled and shrugged. "So do I when I'm at the gym. When we talked before, she was calm and polite. Maybe it's just when you're around." He said with a grin. "So, um... What do you do for fun?" Don't flirt with him, don't flirt with him, don't you dare start flirting with him...

2793992 "Sonuva..." He growls. "Traitorous jerk." He sighs and looks to Stone. "Fun?" He gets quiet and thinks for a while. "Well...either I go to the Gym, go to a bar, or I just sit at home, hoping my sister doesn't jump me." He suddenly grins. "She probably has a crush on you."

Group Admin

Stone's cheeks turned red at the mention of a crush, and he gave a soft chuckle. "Hehe... Em.... Does the radio drama sound okay to you? I have two stations I usually turn to. Either a horror station, or a station that plays western and police mystery dramas, sometimes one or the other. Either sound appealing to you?" The detective was desperately hoping Rook would make a move, any sort of move, to show that he was interested in Stone Skin....

2794112 Rook shrugs. "Either or." Then Rook laughs. "I hope she doesn't, then I'd be wasting my time here." He smiles at Stone and raises an eyebrow. Please get the hint, please get the hint, please get the hint, please...

Group Admin

Stone heard Rook's words, and his detective-trained mind furiously ran them over again and again in his head. He felt his eyes widen, and his jaw drop a little. "I.... You mean..." The detective gave a tentative smile and set his empty dinner plate aside, and he slowly held out his hand to take Rook's own, watching the taller stallion to see how he would react.

2794179 Rook seems nervous, but he nods, putting aside his own plate. "Yep, but hopefully my sister doesn't flip a script." He laughs lightly. [Phew, glad to know he figured it out...I hope he figures out I am a bit new to this romantic crap.

Group Admin

Stone smiled and held Rook's hand in his own, and he tentatively scooted a little closer and smiled affectionately at him. "So... Um... What did you wanna do now?" With a blush, he said "I wouldn't mind a little... um... hugging.... I think that'd be nice..." The detective wished he wasn't so nervous, but he was so glad he might finally have a chance with someone. He didn't want to make Rook uncomfortable, but he was so eager to hold the handsome stallion and make him feel loved and tended to.

2794520 "Uhh...heheh...I'm kinda new to this romantic stuff..." He shrugs and scoots closer nervously, putting his arm around Stone's shoulders. What do I do now? What do I do?

[Now is the part where I get a bit nervous...]

Group Admin

[I know, buddy. Just let me lead, and enjoy the gentle love and affection. :heart:]

Stone smiled and gently slid his strong arm around under Rook's arm, holding him gently and giving him an affectionate smile. "It's okay. Just relax and let me lead..." The muscular stallion leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Rook's cheek, then nuzzled his neck and smiled again. "Just tell me if you're ever uncomfortable."

2794864 Rook blushes heavily. "Heheh." He smiles nervously, but enjoys the fact Stone was kind about it. Calm down, Rook, it'll be fine, take it slow, stay calm, just remember this is someone who is experienced, he knows what to do...right?

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