The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3108376 (ok coo)
He smiles an holds silence close "We should get home, I bet this place gets freaky at night." Ra nodded in agreement looking all about him with weary eyes. He could almost sence the danger pressing in about him with fearfulness. "I really wanna go home"

Group Admin

Hush nodded as she stood beside Ra, and Silence stood back from Sirius so she could draw her new laser rifle and keep it raised. Hush had taken one of Silence's .45 caliber pistols, loaded with the powerful rounds that could stop a charging bull in its tracks. The group kept moving out of the mountains, though as they were moving, someone was watching, and that someone seemed intent on not their new tchnology, but simply their bodies.

[Ceraph is watching. She won't approach any of them unless their alone, though. She's too smart to take them all on at once.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3108932 (who is she?)

Soon they all arrive at home. Sirius and Ra seemed tried and nearly collasped in bed form exhastion.
"I'm so sorry my love..." Ra said to Hush while panting a little. "I-I am too exhasted for sex...."
Sirius groan an pressed his hand to his forhead. "I wish that there was some food that wouldn't corrupt me around here...."
(Do you know where I can find regular CoC?)

Group Admin

[Ceraph's page.]

Silence and Hush began looking through their bags, seeing what they had. Silence pulled out a couple of normal apples and some dried beef jerky, and she gave them to her lovers, while Hush went outside and planted the apple seeds from yesterday's meals. "Here, sweethearts." Silence whispered. "These won't corrupt you. And if you'd like a safe drink, well..." Hush came inside, and the two felines lifted up their shirts again and let their huge, perky breasts out, the round globes bouncing slightly upon their chests and their nipples beading with milk. The two ladies laid down on the bed and put an arm around each other's waists, then gently rested their respective lovers' heads onto their abdomens.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Sirius and Ra thanked the two females before graciously taking and apple and a few pieces of jerky each. After eating for a few moments they would both pause to take large gulps of milk from they lovers large bossom. If anything, the combination of good food and warm drink made Ra all the more liaible to fall asleep

Group Admin

[Ready for shit to hit the fan in the morning? There could be some mercenaries that come and try to attack them, and the group could fight them off, and then take their starship and explore a little. :pinkiehappy:]

Hush and Silence shed their clothes and stroked their lovers' scalps, sharing a few kisses as they cuddled up under the blankets. The two females made sure they had their pistols under their pillows tonight; despite Sirius' enchantments, it never hurt to be safe, especially when they just took from a strange escape pod from space. If anyone came looking for the pod, they had to be ready....

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3112227 (umm...ok i guess)

Group Admin

[You seem distressed. Would you like to wait, or is there something you wanted to talk about, or...? :unsuresweetie:]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3116636 (I explained in new world:ajsleepy:)

Group Admin

[I saw already. My question still stands. What do you want to do? Wait, talk, soemthing else?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3116779 (I don't know... can you just you know... explain what you'd do?)

Group Admin

[RP is my de-stress, along with some video games and comfort food. That's what I do. Are you okay with the group leaving Mareth and exploring the galaxy?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3117125 (sure...umm...I wanna do lets plays if you know what those are, but I don't believe I have a good voicce

Group Admin

[Cool. I've never heard your voice, so I can't say anything on it.]

Hush and Silence slowly opened their eyes, giving one another soft kisses as they laid in bed. They didn't want to get out of bed until their boyfriends awoke as well. The two females wiled away the time by kissing one another and snuggling up to one another, enjoying each other's familiar presences.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

(I'll send you a link if I can)

Sirius smiled and kissed Silences check, "Good morning sweetie..." He said as held her closely to his chest with is steadly beating heart. The shifts in bed caused Ra to stir a little more and look up and his lovely love cat hush

Group Admin

Silence held Hush's paw as she laid her head on Sirius' chest, while Hush laid her head down on Ra's chest, and the sounds of both females purring could be heard by everyone in the room. They slowly sat up and offered their breasts to their lovers for a morning drink.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Ra and Sirius happily leaned forward and gave suck on there lovers bosoms for a moment or three blissfully sucking there addictive cat milk up. No sooner then they had quenched there thirst before a great whooshing and mechanical humming filled the air outside the cabin causing Ra and Sirius to suddenly be on end

Group Admin

[Do you want to handle the mercenary ship, or do you want me to? I'm fine either way. If you want me to, I'll just edit in a description into this comment.]

Hush summoned her clothing and gear while Silence threw her's on in a matter of seconds, and the two females grabbed the guns from under their pillows and made their way to the single window in the living room, making sure to draw the blinds shut first. They peeked carefully through the blinds, unsure of what they were going to see.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3119826 (ummrm you can handle it...)

Group Admin

[Edited. Have fun.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3120335 (uhh I don't see an edit...)

Group Admin

[IT DIDN'T SAVE! FUCK! Okay, okay... I'll get it fixed... Give me a little bit...]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3123658 (umm ok...hey do you do lets plays?

Group Admin

[Not yet, no.]

As they looked out the window, Silence and Hush were shocked at what they saw. Some sort of futuristic armored vehicle was pulling up to the cabin. It had six large wheels, and a large laser turret on the top, as well as a pair of machine guns on the front. The back door dropped down like a ramp, and six humanoids walked out. They were all dressed in identical white armor with blank masks, though two of the group had digitigrade legs. Three of them had some sort of advanced assault rifle, one bore a heavy machine gun, one with some sort of grenade launcher, and the last with a long scoped rifle of advanced technology, with sets of strange coils over the barrel of the gun. The soldiers moved to surround the cabin, with one of the assault troops moving to the front door and beginning to try to open it. Silence and Hush readied themselves, with the woman armed with her laser rifle, and Hush using the compact SMG from the pod and her ionized combat knife. They waited silently, hoping that Sirius' wards held up. The soldier tried to kick the door down, but didn't succeed, drawing a curse from his lips.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3124056 (so you will....RP's banned BAAAANNNNEEED:raritycry:)

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