The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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In the human world, near the desert city of Den'sha, a woman walked through the crowd in the bazaar. Her appearance was strange, but not inappropriate for the area. She wore goggles over her eyes, a bandana over her nose, mouth and neck, and a worn trench coat covered the set of traveling clothes she wore. Her hips were fairly wide, and her bum was large due to the toned muscle it contained. Her breasts were the most striking feature, though. At what was probably a FF cup, the woman's incredibly perky bosom was outlined by her clothes, and her coat did little to hide her girls, though she seemed not to mind. She never said a word, though. Not a peep. She was heading out towards another stall, one where she heard rumor of a new treasure map that led to a new tomb, unearthed and ripe for the taking. Being a treasure hunter and explorer, as clear by her backpack, she was never one to pass up adventure. On her shoulder rode a black cat, with green eyes that darted around with a keen gaze. The cat's claws looked sharper, more dangerous than normal.

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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2751388 (someone chose the big breasts perk)
A Cloaked figure is also attracted to the area as well. The head of a snake tattoo shows on the back of his right hand. The only part of his face visible where his golden hawk eyes which were slightly covered by his brown bangs. To either side was a hilt of a beautifully shining sword one a black tinted curved sword with an corrupting aura coming form it. The other was a long sword that seemed to spark with electricity. (I love Shapire Bolt and Soul Shatterer.)

Group Admin

[What's he wearing besides the cloak? Gear? Pets/familiars, if any? Body shape? And this is my remade Silence. She didn't choose the big breasts perk. The perk chose her.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2751761 (this might not be all the way offical I dont get into it very much)
The cloaked man wore a fencers tunic under his cloak that hung comfortibly on his no-to-muscalar 5'10" frame. Loops on his belt reveled varying potions and a strange thin flask that feels cold to the touch. He seemed to eye everyone that passed him. Some shuttered when they met his golden gaze.

[Very sorry for the intrusion, delete my comment if you wish, but, if this is what I think it is...than I was just playing it two minutes ago...CoC is addicting...]

Group Admin

[Thank you for being polite about it. And yes, this is a CoC thread. Have you tried TiTS yet? It's still in it's alpha version, as in, the very first public release, but it's really good for what's available.]

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[Body shape?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2753511 check perivous comment.

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The woman herself was 6' 1" tall, and any weapons she was carrying were all concealed in her trench coat. She stole a glance at the strange golden-eyed newcomer, but paid him no mind. Ahead was the merchant's stall she was looking for. She went up to the merchant, a short, bald man with a pudgy face, and pointed to the pile of rolled-up maps next to his chair. He smiled knowingly and stroked his long red beard. "Ah, you are here for that map, eh? Here you are, for twenty coins, please." The woman fished out twenty gold coins and laid them in the man's hand. She gave the map to her black cat, who took it in her mouth and put it in the woman's large backpack. "Treasures await you at the end of the road, miss. Treasures unlike you've ever seen." The woman simply turned and began heading towards a large set of double doors, ones that led out towards the desert. She planned to follow the map to its destination, but she wasn't going to pull it out where others might see it.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2753800 the golden eyed man whom had been pretending to be interested in the wares the stall next (a shameless display of varying erotica) ease dropped as the silent woman bought the map. He then tailed her, allowing himself I blend into the crowd a few feet behind her. If he was to be noticed early on it would be when he had to quicken his pace and sidestep to get though the double doors.
(Ahh the desert area, one of my favorites)

Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Feb 2nd, 2014
Group Admin

[Do you mind if we set Seeing Shadows aside for a little bit? Not to abandon it, but I just want to focus on this thread for a while. And they're in the human realm still, buddy. The "map" will change that soon enough. :pinkiecrazy:]

The woman kept a constant pace, as if she didn't notice the strange man following her. However, as soon as she stepped out of site through the gates, and the man followed, she was standing ready with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol in her hand, a Hell & Keller brand weapon, known for their durability. It was colored a dull grey, with a tactical light mounted on the bottom. However, in the hot desert afternoon sun, it obviously wasn't on right now. She tilted her head as she looked at the man, as if asking what he was doing.

[I'm a big gun nut. I made up the brand name, by the way. Feel free to do the same with any weapons you have.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2753992 he raised his hands there were arcane symbols tattooed, no branded into his palms. As he slowly reached down to undo the latch on his shoulder that held the cloak in place " don't shoot... I only want to help you..." he carefully laid his cloak at the women's feet, showing that he had throwing knifes in pockets in the lineing of his cloke. Next he undid his belt on witch his swords where attached and set the on the cloak. Leaving him in his black fencers tunic and comfortible cloth pants, both black. Now that his cloak was off she could see that the snake tattoo coils all they way up his arm.

Group Admin

[.... No one who has been to Mareth has ever found a way back. As in, he probably wouldn't, and shouldn't, know about it. Not even she knows. She thinks it's a map.]

2753397 [Actually, no, I haven't tried it just yet, but have you tried FoE? It is new, but still fun...also my respect for you two is now at the same level as my respect for spike, which is saying something.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2754087 (he's really just saying that to get into her party)

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2753992 (never mind I'll edit)

Group Admin

[.... She's very good at telling bluffs. It comes with never speaking and relying only on body language to communicate. If he's lying, she's going to only be more suspicious of him. But, hey, it's his funeral.]

The woman's finger tensed on the trigger, and the black cat on her shoulder hissed threateningly. She began slowly backing away. She didn't like this, not one bit. If this person was going to think he could steal her map, he was going to find himself in a world of pain. She subtly flicked her wrist, and from the sleeve of her coat came a small knife, which she held onto just in case he tried to rush her.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2754697 "I'm not going to steal your map I promise" he said trying to sound genuine. His hawk eyes might have been strange, but the showed that he expressed the truth. He even backed away from were he set his weapons so he wouldn't be able to take them up easily.

Group Admin

[I'll keep my post the same. She's still suspicious, and he'll have to earn her trust or prove that he can be trusted. Not a lot of people have been trustworthy with her.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2754729 ok I have som story as well going off that

Group Admin

The woman slowly, very slowly, lowered her gun and put her knife back in her sleeve. She put her gun inside her coat and motioned to the man's gear for him to pick it up. She reached back and pulled out the map, wanting to open it with her new... acquaintance. She wasn't keen on making friends, mostly because no one was ever very nice to her....

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2754813 "thank you" he said with a reveilived sigh and put his belt and cloak. On again. "So what's your name? Can you speak at all" he asked as he decided to keep the hood of his cloak down so that he can keep and air of opened about him. He kept a respectful distance away form her so she didn't receive him the wrong way.

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The woman drew an x over her throat with a finger, then let out a sad sigh and slowly walked a little closer, holding up the rolled up map. She wanted to open it with him. She may not have been keen on fully trusting this person yet, but if they were in this, they were in this together. She waited until he was ready, then she opened the map to reveal.... a set of arcane symbols. Nothing like anything in this realm. The woman searched them over carefully, trying to find something that could even loosely resemble a map. As she stared at them, unbeknownst to her, her womanhood began growing hotter and wetter, and a purple glow surrounded them. She didn't even notice, though. She just kept searching. Her black cat had taken to resting inside her owner's backpack, and was unaware of what was happening.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2754938 the cloaked man narrowed his golden eyes as he tried to make out the symbols meant. Since his mind was so occupied he didn't notice his manhood hardening and pitching a tent in his pants. It was only when he glanced up he noticed something was awry.

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In a flash of purple light, the two of them were knocked unconscious. When they woke up, they were still in their gear, but laying on the floor of a... forest? Yes, a forest. Thick, leafy green trees surrounded them where they laid, and sunlight filtered through the canopy in streams, dappling the brown earth below them. The woman snapped open her eyes to find her black cat licking her cheek, in an attempt to wake her up. In a flash, the woman set her pack aside, sat herself against a tree, and shoved her hand in her pants, rubbing her outer lips furiously. She felt so incredibly aroused at the moment, and she couldn't focus very well. She opened her coat and firmly groped one of her huge breasts through her shirt, letting out gasps of pleasure as she stimulated herself.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2755047 the cloaked man groans as he looks up at her. As he saw her masterbate, be also realized how much must he was filled with. He had to struggle to fight the temptation to pounce on the woman who was rubbing herself right in front of him, instead he out himself against a tree in away her faces away form the lusty women. He pulled his pants down just slightly and began to rub his 8" pole.

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The woman came to a quick, intense orgasm, soaking her fingers and a bit of her pants with her juices. She wiped her hands on the dirt and zipped her pants up, then closed up her coat. She didn't know where she was, or what just came over her, but she was planning to give that merchant a thrashing if she ever saw him again. She looked around the forest, and narrowed her eyes behind her goggles. She didn't like this. This forest seemed off, somehow. She drew her pistol once more, as well as her knife, while her cat perched on her shoulder after she slid on her backpack.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2755144 the cloaked man also came to orgasum a sprayed a large punt of seed on the lead litter. He blushed as he noticed the puddle of cum that he had left, when he pulled up his pants. Quickly he used his boots to cover up the puddle of his seed and tried to rejoin the silent women. When he saw she had her hun out he approved her slowly with hands rasied.

Group Admin

[Thou said "cum". I ask that you not use words like that unless a character native to Mareth is speaking. Or if your character has a particularly dirty mouth, which my character will not approve of. But if you're narrating, I ask that you refrain from those kind of words, please.]

The woman pointed to the man's sword, wanting him to have it drawn as she looked around carefully, gun and knife ready. She began walking in one direction, unsure of where they were. They had no bearings, so it would be best to go a single direction for now. The woman's cat nuzzled her cheek occasionally, as if to help her stay calm. It seemed to be helping, for the woman was feeling a bit nervous, having been transported to a strange land.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2755231 the golden eyed man nodded and drew both his swords. His long sword in his left his curved in his right. He often walked backwards so that he could be aware in all directions. The air of this forest , seemed to be an aphrodisiac in itself. It was a feeling that made the cloaked man always keep on his toes.

Group Admin

[What or who should they come across first? Oh, and if he decides to show her some affection and compassion, she might just fall in love with him. :raritywink: But first, they have to swap names.]

The woman took the light off of her pistol and stowed it away, then pulled out a small blade with an odd handle. Said handle was shaped to fit right in the spot where the light was on the gun, allowing the woman to have a knife out and still have both hands on her weapon. She looked back to her companion warily, and she raised her hand and spelt the word "Name" in sign language, as a way to ask for his name. She pointed to herself, then put a finger over her lips, or where her lips would be under the wrappings around her nose and mouth, as if that was her name.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2755319 "silence?" He asked with a whisper. "That's your name?" He asked before turning back to glance behind. "That's names Sirius...Sirius Polaris Wolfheart..." Suddenly a mind numbing buzzing began to fill the forest. The source just out of there sight, "what is that?"
(Bee people, I vote bee people)

Group Admin

[We could always use a bigger booty :rainbowlaugh: Do you want to control them, or should I? Just checking before I post.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2755659 (yes you can do it!)

Group Admin

Silence rubbed her left hand to her temple while she kept her gun raised with her right. Whatever it was, she heard it, too, and she didn't like it. Her cat's ears were twitching as if the feline was uncomfortable. She motioned to the cat and made the word "Hush" with sign language. Hush the cat was looking about with her keen eyes. Suddenly, the cat hissed to their right, and Silence snapped her weapon up, only to find herself coughing from a burst of some kind of pollen, which also hit Sirius. Worse, said pollen was making them aroused once again. Thank goodness her eyes were protected.

Sitting on a giant flower like a chair was a naked woman, but she had several features if a bee. She had blonde and black hair, contrasted by Silence's long solid black hair, a pair of antenna, a set of large, buzzing bee wings on her back, and a large bee abdomen, complete with stinger. She giggled and smiled sensually at the pair. "Oh, hello.... I zzzzzee you are wanting my eggzzzz, no?" Silence coughed again and shakily raised her weapon, showing incredible willpower as she planted her feet firm on the ground. Hush sneezed and dove into Silence's backpack to hide from the arousing pollen.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2756264 Sirius struggled to stay focused as he rasied his blades as well. He didn't know what that thing was but he sure did not want her eggs. "W-what are you." He said before coughing out at shaken his head. to his dismay his pole has pitched another tent in his cotton pants. He was struggling not to compeltly collapse

Group Admin

[What if Sirius got or already had a pet hawk? And I was thinking, would you mind if we do something like a familiar bond? Hush the cat would be bonded to and become a familiar to Silence. This is bjornicorn's idea, by the way. A familiar can transform between their normal animal forms and an anthropomorphic form to fight in. I found Hush incredibly sexy as an anthro. :pinkiehappy:]

The bee woman made a soothing buzzing sound, smiling at Sirius and holding her arms open. "Come, dear.... receive my eggzzz... You will be safe- ahhh!" The bee woman cried out in pain as Silence fired her gun, a bullet grazing the side of her cheek. The cloaked woman trembled where she stood, her loins wet with her juices, but she whispered "First, and last, warning." It was quite clear, and the bee woman held a palm to her bleeding cheek where the bullet had tore a gash in her skin. "Azzzz you wish...." The barrage of pheromones and pollen died down, and the bee woman flew away. Silence collapsed to the ground, panting heavily on her hands and knees. She pulled her wrappings down and coughed out some blood, then put them back on and stood up, looking to see if Sirius was okay.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2756532 He staggered and coughed a little before getting back on his feet. "t-t-thanks..." He felt so horny right now and it was hard to think. "I-I can't can't think straight...." He then faints and falls flat on his face. A screech is heard form above and a hawk with a small eye of Ra hung around its neck. It gets a potion form Sirius's belt uncaps it with its beak, and pours it into his mouth. Sirius then began to get up

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Silence smiled from behind her cowl, glad someone else knew the value of having an animal companion. She gently helped Sirius into a standing position, then used her sign language to spell the words "night" and "camp". It was getting a bit dark out as it was, and they would need a safe place to rest and make shelter, as there was no apparent way to get back home right now.

[Was that a yes on the familiar idea?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2756684 (yes that was)
Sirius nodded. Ra the hawk rested on Sirius's shoulder since he wasn't equipped with any traveling gear he made a bed of soft pine neddles and leaves. He watched as the more prepared Silnce and hush set up there camp. "I guess were we ones that are looking inexperianced her eh Ra?" Ra gave affirmative screech

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Indeed, Silence had a small tent packed away in her big backpack, which she quickly pitched and unrolled her sleeping bag inside. Once that was done, she gathered stones and set them in a tight circle, about two feet across, then collected dry sticks and broke them up into the pit. Silence then took out a small plastic cylinder, only about two inches long and a half inch wide. She unscrewed the watertight lid to reveal a large amount of strike-anywhere matches. She pulled one out, out the lid back on and pocketed the cylinder once again. She lit the match and put it in the kindling, then once it was burning, put some larger branches atop the fire. She sat down and pulled off her goggles and cowl, revealing a stunningly beautiful feminine face, with emerald green eyes, the same as her cat. There was a nasty scar across her throat, hinting to the reason of her lack of talking. The woman pulled a couple apples from her bag and tossed one to Sirius, smiling softly at him as Hush sat in her lap, and she slowly stroked the black cat from neck to tail.

[How should their pets become familiars? Do you remember any places or people that could provide the magic to do so? Or what if it is the result of a backfired curse someone tried to put on them, hoping to hurt them?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2756995 Sirius was so dazed at her beauty he let the apple hit him in the head. Ra seemed amused at this. Embrassed, Sirius picked up the apple, rubbed the dirt off of it and took a bite of the apple. He hoped that Silence didn't find him unintelligent or unattractive in any way...

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Silence blushed at Sirius' actions, looking down at the fire as she took small bites of her apple. She wasn't sure what to say. That is, if she could speak. After a minute or two, the woman smiled and whispered "Thank you." She was trying to thank him for the kindness he had shown her, despite her earlier behavoir with her gun and the map. She reached out and gently took his hand in her own, and gave it a light squeeze, hoping to tell him that she valued his friendship.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2757242 He blushed before looking up at her and murmering "Thanks..." he said squeezing her hand a little. "C-can you tell me what happened to your throat?" He honesty was curious but he held off form asking because it might bring back some sort of tramma for the goddess woman.

Group Admin

[When do you want the familiar thing to happen? How should it happen? Please don't ignore this question, too.]

Silence let out a soft sigh, her free hand tossing away the apple core and rubbing her throat a bit. "Soldier from my homeland." She whispered. "Worked for a very bad man..." The woman sighed and tucked her knees to her chest, her huge bosom squishing against her thick, toned thighs. Hush hopped onto her shoulder, purring soothingly and nuzzling her cheek. The woman smiled gratefully and nuzzled her cat, and she then pulled out a small piece of raw meat from her coat, wrapped tightly in thick paper. She unfurled it and set it down on the ground. Hush pounced on her dinner and began tearing small chunks off of it while Silence petted the cat's back lovingly. The mischievous cat was her only friend for a long time, and she was grateful to find a human she could trust.

[Feel free to make some moves. She hates the scar. She thinks it's ugly.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2757454 (A spell could back fire and we could do it rather soon)
"I-I'm so sorry." He said as he gently put his arm about her shoulder. "I actually think your a lovely looking women scares and all. And I bet your voice was lovely too." He said. He hopped that his advances wouldn't be shot down like she almost shot down that bee lady thing.

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