The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2825071 Sirius nods and begins to drag his hand around the walls and around the window farms while making smiling at Silence all the while. "This will be our safe haven nothing will harm us here." He said after he finsihed

Group Admin

Silence and Hush smiled thankfully, before the latter continued gently milking the former. Once the house had been cleaned up, and Silence's jar of milk full and in the icebox, the woman sat down and kept her breasts exposed. "Would anyone like a drink to cool off after such hard work?" She whispered, rubbing her hands over her bosom. Hush offered up her own breasts as well, sitting next to Silence on the couch.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2826922 "err umm" Ra taped his beak. "Not unless you want your nipples periced..."
"Ra" Sirirus teased in a sing song voice. "If you wont scuckle Hush I will have to..."
This made Ra flush a furious red and march toward the two females. When he stopped in front of them he smiled with a mischievous grin, before he gently began to suckle on Hush's breast.
Sirius smiled and nearly sprung himself on Silence in his hot purist of creamy milk.

Group Admin

[Wait, aren't Ra's and Sirius' names supposed to be in each other's places? Just checking.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2827383 no Ra is suckling Silcence and Sirius is suckling hush

Group Admin

[Well..... That feels reversed...]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2829904 (Its a little joke between the too:pinkiecrazy:)

Group Admin

[I don't get the joke.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2829924 well sirius had egged Ra on basically calling him a chicken, so Ra deceid to suck Sirius girl. Sirius countered by suckling on hush

Group Admin

[Okay.... Um... I thought they would have gone for their own girlfriends...]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2830775 do you want me to reverse it?

Group Admin

[If you don't mind.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor
Group Admin

Hush purred as she felt Ra suckle her bosom, and she leaned back a little and pulled him onto her lap, letting him suckle comfortably. Silence did the same with Sirius, setting her lover on her lap and stroking his hair as he suckled. The two females turned their heads and began gently kissing one another, relaxing comfortably in their new home.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2832724 Ra and Sirius where supporting each other by pressing her backs against one another. As the cuddled and suckled on there lovers breasts. Ra cave soft coos of pleasure as Sirius made a couple low throaty growls to show there happiness.

Group Admin

Hush and Silence's arms supported their lovers as they made out, purring and breathing into each other's mouths. This felt incredibly good, and not just good, but relaxing as well. Silence and Hush tapped the backs of their lover's heads, wanting them to switch breasts.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2834568 Understanding they did as they were told. The way that eye were sitting, Sirirus' legs crossed over onto Hushs lap and ra's legs crossed over into Silences lap. As they suckled like two childern on there mothers milk. they often increased and decreased the power of their suckling, as well as needed there breasts softly to increase there situmaltion.

Group Admin

Silence and Hush breathed a bit faster, the latter's soft purring filling the room as the two of them put their arms around each other's waists, their other hands continuing to stroke their lovers' scalps. Both of them had hot, sweet, creamy milk, more delicious than any dairy product back in their own realm. The two females rested their heads together, occasionally sharing a soft kiss and nuzzling each other's cheeks.

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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2834983 Ra and Sirius happily suckled there loves. As a sort of intoxication wash over them as they drink more and more. sirius had to break and say "I-I love you." before leaning back and took in the sweet creamy yet intoxicating milk of his lovers breasts

Group Admin

Hush laid back and pulled Ra atop her, purring and stroking his head feathers lovingly. She was content to let her lover suckle for as long as he pleased. Silence sat back against the couch and supported Sirius in her arms, cradling him like a mother with her child. "I love you." She whispered, smiling affectionately the whole time.

[Anything you want them to find/see/do?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

(why not go to kelt so that one of them can put a blade in his pompus gullet:twilightangry2:)

Group Admin

[You do not know how long I've wanted to actually be able to kick that bastard's ass. Do you wanna skip ahead to a certain time, or do you wanna finish this scene?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor
Group Admin

[Skip to when?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2929961 (how bout they go back to the farm and are exploring a little)

Group Admin

[When? That same night? The next day?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2931329 (next day about lunch time)

Group Admin

[Mind if you set the scene? I can roll with it after. I'm just tired, and it doesn't help that I'm sick with something.]

Group Admin
Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2953126 (sorry)
Ra and Hush had led the two humans to Whiteny's farm the next mornig. After a pleasent chat with the dog morph and also stopping to talk to Marble and obtain some of her milk the group of four started to traverse the felds. of in the distance Ra spyed something bown running, no, galloping towards them at great spead. "Whats that guys?"

Group Admin

[Please ask permission if you want to control a character, even for something minor. Pretty please. I'll reply when I get back from the movies. Do you want me to control Kelt (or is it Keith?), because I spent as little time in his presence as possible.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

(its kelt and yes please:fluttershyouch:)

Group Admin

[Fuck... Okay. Give me a while to grudge through his dialogue. I really fucking hate this guy....]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor
Group Admin

Coming up to the group was a male centaur, with no shirt, a muscled chest, and a large bow and quiver over his shoulders. He galloped up to the group and looked down at them with pure arrogance in his eyes. "Well, what do we have here? A pair of bitches and their limp-dicks along for the ride. Name's Kelt. I suggest you remember it." Hush and Silence stayed true to their names, and flicking into their hands from their sleeves was a throwing knife and a concealed pistol, respectively. They only shot glares at the centaur, drawing a hearty laugh from Kelt. "Oh, a stare! I'm trembling!"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Sirius and Ra stared at him with contemptment. as they also set their hands on their blades perparing for a fight with this arrogant beast man. "I suggest you leave us be," Sirius said threateningly. "Unless you want cold steel to pierce your chest through and through."

Group Admin

Kelt laughed and drew his bow, staring down at the group condescendingly. "You whimps couldn't lay a finger on- aagh!" The centaur dropped his bow and clenched at his left bicep, where Hush had embedded her sharp knife in, down to the bone. Silence aimed her small .22 caliber gun and fired two shots, each hitting the knife handle and hilt and making the blade twist and cut painfully inside Kelt's arm. "Aggghhh! You bitch!" The centaur eventually ripped out the knife, watching the wound bleed, and he held his bow in his left hand and notched an arrow, but he couldn't draw the string of the powerful bow, no matter how hard he tried. His arm muscles had been damaged too much. "You... I... I can't..." He said in disbelief. Silence and Hush put their hands behind their back and began walking away, leaving the centaur to futilely try to attack them.

[I had an idea. What if Mareth is just a planet in a star system in the universe of TiTS, that hasn't been discovered yet? And a probe could be sent and land on Mareth, and perhaps Silence could scavenge some advanced weapons and ammo from it or another probe? And eventually, they could get a starship and explore the universe."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3098424 (cool)
Sirius smirked and let his hand drop from his hilts. "Nice," He said happily before putting an arm around her. Meanwhile Ra continued to watch the centaur with his hawk eyes, still wondering he he would continue to attack. He didn't want to let his gaurd down when people he cared about might still be in danger.

Group Admin

[So do you wanna?]

Hush kissed Silence lovingly, then put her arm around Ra's waist and held him close. "Don't worry, sweetheart. He won't come after us. Let's go to the lake and relax." Silence nodded and smiled at the idea, though she frowned as she looked inside her coat, and checking over her ammo. She still had plenty of ammo for her guns, but once it ran out, she would have half of her arsenal useless.

Hush led the group to the lake, and Silence went about the shore, looking idly about as she walked the shoreline. She came across a small tree, with fruits coming from the branches. The fruits had a lot of whisker-like hairs on them. Curious, Silence took a few and munched them down, and she enjoyed the flavor of them quite a lot. Suddenly, she felt a tingling over her body, and she gave a gasp as she felt something protruding in the back of her pants. She looked back to see a long, black cat tail coming from the base of her spine, and she gasped as more changes began happening. She felt her ears shift and move up to the top of her head, and form into tall, black cat ears. She also sprouted some whiskers from the sides of her cheeks, and her fingernails fell off her fingers, revealing half inch cat-like claws underneath. She also felt her leg muscles thicken, making her bum and thighs a little bigger and more toned. The woman walked back over to the group with a bashful smile, revealing her sharp, cat-like teeth, drawing a purr of approval from Hush.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3100002 (yeah sure)
Silvers eyes widebed a bit, he be then came over to hug and nuzzle with her. "You are so pretty and cute right know, I have no words to describe how much I love you."
Meanwhile Ra, who had lagged behind, caught up with the group, He was holding a flared bottle in of his tallon like hands when he came up. "This Label reads equinum," He stated. "does anyone know what it means?

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Silence blushed and smiled as she used her claw to poke a hole for her tail in the back of her pants, letting it slip through, but when Ra came back with the potion, she blushed as she recognized it as one of the potions Sirius drank.

"Um..." Hush said with pink cheeks. "Equine means horse, so... I think it changes one to be more like a horse." Silence thought to her familiar, in order to speak privately to her. "It's one of the potions Sirius drank. It... It did change part of him to be like a horse." Hush's cheeks lit up like cherries at that new knowledge.

[I'll have the probe land somewhere once they start heading home. So I was thinking, perhaps Ra could drink the Equinum, and his shaft changes to have the length and flare of a horse, but he keeps the knot. I just thought it would be super hot, and Hush would sure like it.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Ra seemed surprised at the new info. scratching his head he said. "uummm, w-would you like this sirius?"
He offered the bottle to the man in the cloak but her declined "you can go ahead and have it if you want."
This mad e Ra seem even more befuddled, he didn't seem to know what he wanted to do with it

Group Admin

Silence giggled and thought something to Hush, who grinned and purred softly at the idea. The feline femme fatale went up behind Ra and kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around her lover's waist and pressing her bosom to his large wings and his back. "Why don't you give it a try, baby? I'd love to see the results..." She purred into Ra's with a big smile, wanting to make him feel a bit more confident.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

"O-Ok" He stammered with a silly smirk plastered on his face before uncorking the bottle and downing the contents in a single glup. He then waited for a moment feeling no changes before suddenly, pain and an odd sort of pleasure began to shoot through his lower half. As swishy tail of brown horse hair grew just above his bum, while his loins reaged themselves and grew significantly in size

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Hush purred loudly with a smile and stroked a paw down Ra's new tail, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Oh, we are gonna have fun tonight, baby..." Silence smiled happily and looked between her companions, then placed a kiss on each of their cheeks. "Should we head home now?" She whispered.

[Can you have Sirius start leading them home, and either he or Ra could see a light streaking down from the sky and landing near the mountain?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Sirius nodded and said, "We really should it's nearly sunset." He then started walking out in front. "come along, I'll take the lead."
As they where walking along, the light in the sky suddenly began to dim, suddenly a sonic boom shook the air all around them, and as they all looked up they saw a ball of fire fall down to earth somewhere amongst the mountains

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Hush and Silence looked at each other with wide eyes, then grinned and took off at the same time, running off towards the crash site.

When they finally climbed over a couple boulders and into the mountain area, there was something embedded into the base of the mountain. It was cylindrical, about eight feet tall, and three feet wide. There was a large thruster on the top, and it had six small wings on the sides. Hush thought for a moment and asked aloud "What is it?" Silence began carefully looking it over, and she found what looked like a small handle at the base. She grabbed it and gave it a twist, and there was a hiss of air from inside.

A side of the paneling slide back and aside to reveal... A humanoid skeleton, garbed in what looked like some kind of torn-up blue jumpsuit. The ladies grimaced and looked to one another. "Well..." Hush said. "It was some sort of transport pod..." Silence looked over the backside of the pod, and she found etched into the base of the shiny grey metal, the code A-5984. "Wow..." Silence whispered. "It's got a number, like it was part of a group. An... escape pod, maybe?" Hush nodded and gently took the skeleton out, setting it on the ground and climbing inside the small pod to look around. "Hmm.... I don't see... Oh! A button. Let's see... Labels... ah-ha, "Inventory". Let's see..." The feline pushed the button, and a panel on the inside of the pod opened, revealing a collection of personal items, and a few weapons as well.

Silence came around and helped Hush unload the inventory section, which held some clothes, a journal with only some scrabbled jibberish in some of the pages, some dehydrated food rations, a couple gallons of water in a tall plastic jug, and a few weapons with plenty of ammo. The weapons fascinated Silence as she looked them over. There was an assault rifle of some sort, though it was incredibly sleek, and it didn't seem to have a clip. She aimed at a tree stump and pulled the trigger, and a blue laser bolt shot through the air and seared a hole through the tree stump like it was nothing. The gun hummed with power, the air in fron tof the muzzle crackling with electricity a little. The woman smiled and kept the powerful weapon, and she also picked up what looked like a handgun and a submachine gun, both with sleek designs. Each took different kinds of ammo, and none of it was recognized by Silence. Nonetheless, she fiddled with the weapons a bit, and she found that the SMG took the short, fat clips through the side of the gun, like a STEN gun. The pistol worked about the same as one of Silence's own, save for cocking the gun with a button on the side rather than pulling the mechanism.

[They're breathing in the nanobots, by the way.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

3108170 (n-nano bots)
"nice" Sirius said with a smile as he also looked at all the inventory. Meanwhile Ra seems nervous and where about the whole situation. "I-Is it going to blow up?" He then prodded the sekelton a little. "what happened to this guy..."

Group Admin

[The ones your main cahracter is given at the start of TiTS? The ones that mutate one's body to defend against foreign diseases caused by eating the food found on other planets? It's common stuff.]

Hush gave a soft "hmm" in thought as she looked over the skeleton, her keen eyes checking out the bones. "Hmm... No flesh to tell, though there are some marks on his left femur. Looks somewhat like a bullet wound. Whatever killed this guy, he was in that pod for a long, long time. I don't think the bullets killed him, though. I can see where it had started to heal." Silence was taking catalog of all the things in the pod, making sure to check all the ammo and store it into her backpack. No telling if they'll need it later. She also found a strange combat knife with a trigger and a full handle guard. When she pulled and held the trigger, the edge of the blade glowed white with ionized heat. She gave the knife to Hush, who smiled and purred thankfully as she stwoed away her new high-tech weapon.

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