The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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[I thought the purple stuff was a lust potion. Or am I thinking of the pink bottle? And this is Tamani.]

Hush scooped up the gems and the hair dye, pocketing them looking to her lover. "Well, I say it's time we move on. She's not going to move any time soon." The feline took Ra's hand and smooched him on the cheek.

Silence's soft, plump, warm breast flesh molded around Sirius' member, and she took the tip into her mouth and began sucking on it gently, letting out a sigh through her nose as she felt her lover's tongue on her moist honeypot. Her virgin folds leaked juices into his mouth, and she slowly licked up the pre that beaded at the tip. His musk was delicious, intoxicating even, and she wanted more of it.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2774427 (ok i known her)
Ra nodded and began to return to camp. He put his arm around her and held her close. As they returned they spied and expansive lake one they could not see the far side off. "We should tell the others about this..." Ra said to Hush.

Sirius also began to moan into her folds as he felt his pre leak out in a steady stream. He then burries her face in her folds and licks the sweet sweet nectar of her virgin blossom. his hips began to oscillate by themselves

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[Let's have her show up sometime soon.]

Hush nodded and held her lover's hand. "You know... We know the way back to camp. We can still look around a bit more, if you'd like. I can sense where Silence is, though, and you can probably feel Sirius' location, too. If we do want to go further from camp, we can always find our way back. Would you like to just walk around a bit more? Maybe find some potions or something to experiment with?"

Silence panted as she bobbed her head up and down her lover's thick shaft, breathing in the wonderful musk and using her hands to grab her breasts and squeeze them around his member. She was so glad Sirius was willing to work with her, and to love her so unconditionally. "I love you." She whispered before diving back down onto the musky rod of flesh.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2775480 "Ok, Ra said happily as they walked about. A little ways off they spie a farm of somesort. "Hun. I wonder who lives there?" Ra then looked to Hush with a wide grin. "Wanna go and see?"
"Does my musk smell.... animalisic to you?" Sirius asked curriously before going back to her honey pot. He was wondering how He smelt to his love and wondering if it was attravtive to her. He really wanted nothing but to love his lover and be handsome for her

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Hush nodded and eagerly led her lover down to the small, but prosperous lakeside farm. A woman with floppy dog ears, bushy tail, and furry canine legs walked about, and when she laid eyes upon the pair, she smiled and walked over. "Hey, there! Some new faces, I see. I'm Whitney." She held out her paw-hand, and Hush shook it with a warm smile. "Hello. I'm Hush, and this is my boyfriend Ra. We were just exploring. This is a nice farm you have." The woman smiled and looked back at her plantation. "Yep, sure is, hon. Well, I gotta get back to working, but feel free to have some of the peppers. They're everywhere around here." Indeed, bushes of peppers resembling canine phalluses lined several rows of the garden, and there were baskets full of them and other veggies by the door of the farm's house.

Silence smiled and nodded, pulling her head off and whispering "Tastes good... Really good..." Before diving her head back down onto his shaft. She wanted to drink down his musky seed, to feel his musk flood her senses and to make her feel content and desired.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2781408 Ra seemed surprised at the crop growing. "err umm thanks." He looked at hish to get a read on her emotions about the strange vegibles. "Is it just you on this farm?" Ra asked looking for some other sort of creature maybe some live stock.
As Sirius was brought closer to his climax his musk intensified, he also intensified they way in which he pleasured Silence He now not only pressed his tongue into plesureing her but he also dipped his fingers into her moist honey pot

Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Feb 6th, 2014
Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Feb 5th, 2014
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Hush just seemed curious, listening to Whitney with a soft smile. Whitney was gathering some carrots as she spoke. "Well, there's Marble over in the big barn, getting milked. She's a sweetheart, and she does a lot of heavy lifting, and provides all our milk. There's Keith. He helps plow the fields. Proud fella, rough around the edges. You may or may not like him."

Silence shuddered and sucked a bit harder, bobbing her head and moving her breasts up and down with her mouth. She gasped as she suddenly hit her climax, splattering Sirius' face with her hot, sweet, sticky juices, and it only drove her to move her mouth and bosom faster.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2781768 "I think I understand," He then turned to hush. "What do you think love? Do you want to talk to keith or Marble?" He asked as he put a hand about her shoulders. Hoping that she would say they should go back to camp.
The overpowering female musk and taste drove sirius over the edge and he let his equine seed release into her mouth. As he drinks up all of the female jucies he was feed he then reared his head and said. "You taste like maple syrup my sweet. What do I taste like?"

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Hush quietly turned them around and spoke softly to her lover. "What do you want to do? i can see that you're not comfortable. Do you want to head back home?"

Silence panted as she finished swallowing down all the delicious, addictive seed. "So good...." She whispered with a large, blissful grin as she laid back on her lover's chest. "So good.... Salty, but... musky and sweet.... all so good...." The woman gave a sigh as she licked her lips and pulled the sleeping bag over them, keeping their naked bodies warm.

[You know, if Sirius got bigger balls, he could please his lover better... :raritywink:]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2783870 "For now thats what I would like yes." He said as he gently put his hands on her sholders. "But if your not entriely ok with going back now I would put my own discomfort aside for your curiosity."
Sirius smiled as he felt his long member react into its sheath as he let his hands gently wander over Silcence's body, "I love you...." He whispered before holding her close to him. "If we don't find away back, I will be glad that i was trapped here with you... i wonder if they practice marriage in this realm..." He sighed as he breathed in the warm sent of sent form off there bodies.

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Hush placed a soft kiss on Ra's beak and smiled at him. "Do you mind if I take a quick peek around while you wait here? I won't be long. I just wanna meet this Marble girl." Hush smiled inwardly as she thought Bout getting some fresh, warm milk. As cliché as it was, Hush really did like milk, and she hadn't had some in a long while.

Silence sighed softly and held Sirius close, resting her head on his chest. "Sweetie?" She whispered. "Can we find some sort of cabin or something? I don't want to live in a tent if we can help it, but I also want to make sure the four of us have privacy."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2785995 Hush nodded and began eyeing the rest of Whitney's crop. "T-this is just to strange...." He say as he held a pepper in his hand. A strange urge made him wonder what one would taste like. He tried to shutter off the feeling but his attentions then turned to the ripe harvest the anthro dog already had stockpiled.
Of course we can sweet heart, well go around and try to find one tomarrow. If we can't find one then we will use some of this plentiful timber to build one. How does that sound?" Sirius said as he began to stroke her hair and back lovingly.

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Hush smiled and kissed Ra's cheek, then went off towards the barn. Whitney smiled at Ra as she picked peppers off the rows. "You have a beautiful girl at your side, if you don't mind me saying." The dog-girl looked at the pepper in Ra's hand. "You're welcome to eat the peppers, hon. They taste pretty good, don't worry."

Silence smiled and nodded, letting out a soft sigh. "Do we have an axe?" She whispered. "That would be helpful. We should also get some nails, and some stones to make a fireplace, if we can..." The woman mused as she thought about what their home could look like.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2790133 Slowly Ra opens his mouth and puts the pepper into his mouth. and begins to feel a tingle in his groin. "W-What..... what what did that that do?" He said as he put his hand over his changing manhood.
"I-I don't think so... is there a town near by?" Sirius said hoping that he could do his best to give a dream home to this lovely woman that he was with. "I-I hope there is...I would hate the building of our home to be furstraited

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[You know what it does. :ajbemused:]

Silence shrugged and placed a soft kiss on Sirius' chest. "We haven't explored for one yet, sweetie." She whispered. The woman panted as she rolled onto her back, gently pinching her nipples. "Not now... Oh, honey.... My breasts.... make too much milk...." The skin on her incredibly perky breasts did seemed a bit tight, like an over-inflated balloon. She was clearly ready for this realm, and if she was given a certain potion, then her breasts could get bigger before needing to be milked.

[Gonna say that Hush gets fed milk from Silence's breasts.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2790606 (yes but ra doesn't:ajsmug:. and that makes sence)

Sirius smiles and begins to suckle on Silences nipple. Her milk was so sweet and addicting. "Does this feel good my love?" He said before switching brests and suckluing her other nipple. "Do you let hush suckle you? because you know, cats and milk..."
Still gripping his morphing member, Ra brusts into the barn to find Hush. He puts a hand in his pants and finds a cannine member simply dripping wet in pre-cum.

Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Feb 7th, 2014
Comment posted by Cobalt the Kitsune deleted Feb 7th, 2014
Group Admin

[Yes, that does, but you can still write out the freaking description instead of waiting on me, because, again, YOU know what it does. :facehoof:]

Silence shuddered and sighed, stroking Sirius' hair. "I... I milk myself and give it to her..." She whispered. "Maybe she could help milk me when I need it.... In the future..." The woman breathed slowly and deeply at the wonderful feeling of her hot, sweet milk leaving her body.

[I'm gonna probably make Silence a mix between cat and bovine, for her milk and sneakiness bits. The Labova could give her bigger breasts, hips, and bum, and she would then have cute and sexy cat parts.]

Hush was in the empty barn, as Marble had already left, but when she turned and saw Ra fondling something in his pants, she raised an eyebrow. "Honey? Is everything okay?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2790940 (That's awesome)
Sirius smiled and nuzzled her. "I'm such a lucky lucky man" he said as he nuzzled into Silences breast as he cuddled and cradled it before suckling even more and more. "such delicous milk."
He suddenly opened up his pants revealing a cannine like member, throbbing veins run along it's side. "S-s-so....peppers....." He stat as he tenivally touched his new flesh.

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Silence breathed softly as she relaxed, her eyes closed and her body limp. "Drink all you want, sweetie..." She whispered. Her whole body was completely relaxed, and she could lie like this for hours, if she was allowed.

[Dimensions? Length, width, and the width of the knot as well.]

Hush's eyes went wide at the sight, and she glanced up to check the barn door was closed, and that they were alone. "Wow...." She smiled lovingly at her boyfriend and took his hand, gently leading him to a haybail and aitting him down on it. She ducked between his legs, then lifted up her shirt and wrappings to let her huge bosom hang free. She gently wrapped her furry, soft breasts around Ra's girth, then began moving them slwoly up and down. "Let me take care of you, sweetie..." She said softly. "Just relax, and let me take good care of you..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2791844 she began to suck more and more milk form silence as he waited for something, something that would something come and interupt otherwise head be there forever
His foot long doggy-member trobes within her bossom as he feels his fur press around his member. He let out coos of pleasure as he leans back inot the soft hay. "ohhh yes oh oh oh yes...." Ra mind was drunk with bliss.

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Silence smiled and lazily stroked her lover's hair, content with the moment and feeling grateful her lover would suckle her so willingly. Suddenly, a noise came from outside, and the woman gasped and opened her eyes, her hand immediately shooting out and grabbing onto a large knife from her discarded coat.

[Tamani. I'll control her.]

[Width? Width of his knot? Dog shafts are generally on the thicker side, with their width/length ratio being almost always under 1/5, closer to 1/4 most often. The knot it usually at least 1.5 times the width in size, usually closer to double the width.]

Hush smiled and began to lap her rough kitty tongue gently at the tip of her lover's shaft, moving her huge, soft bosom up and down a little faster and squeezing them a little tighter around Ra's member, the soft fur caressing his bare flesh and keeping it warm. Hush herself was purring the whole time, glad she could make her lover happy.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2793526 "T-This is sorta ironic, a cat is pleasureing a dogs member..." Ra pointed out with a cheeky grin. His member was one inch thick at the base, a 2.5" knot swelled form the rest of this flesh rod. grabed a handful of ha to swquese as hush countied.
2793526 Sirius heard it to and slowly to his curved sword out of its sheath. He then uses it to open the flap of the tent just slightly to spy what was making the nosie. he also put his hand posssesivly on Silcenes Shoulder.

Group Admin

[Try about 3 inches thick and a 5 inch knot just above the base. One inch thick at the base on a foot long member is freakishly thin.]

There was a goblin female standing outside, looking about next to the fire pit. She had short hair, black and pink striped, and like most goblins, she was naked but for a set of bondage straps on her body. She then turned and began walking towards the tent. Silence quietly slid on her coat to cover her body, looking to her lover to see what he wanted to do.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2793884 Sirius continued to hold her around the shoulders possevially as he put his sword out in front. "stay quite" He whispered perhaps "We might be able to take her by surprise..." He said holding her closely. and kissing her forehead. before getting ready to ponce if nessasary.

Group Admin

[Tamani is gonna open the tent. Yes, she'll notice them.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
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[Just so you know, you don't need to tell an assassin/traveler named Silence that she needs to be quiet. She'll know when.]

The woman rolled her eyes and readied her knife, crouching at the ready and looking at the tent flap. As soon as it flew open, Silence's hand took the goblin by the throat and pushed her down onto her back, holding her on the ground as she stepped out of the tent. The goblin squirmed and said "Hey, let me go, you bitch!"

[Did you forget about Ra and Hush?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2798133 (sorry...:fluttercry:)
Sirius steped out of then tent and put his hood over his head. "Who are you? why have you come here." His voice had a growl to it that was just subtle enough to instill fear in those that heard it. His golden eyes were his only defined features withing the shadows of the hood.
Ra beings to pant as he feels himself drawing close to a climax as his knot swells. "I-I can't hold it much longer...." he bit his lip and threw his head back. "nmmph I-I gonna come....."

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The goblin snatched a potion from her belt and tried to throw it point-blank at Silence's face, forcing the woman to let go and move back to avoid it. She stood up and said "Listen here, bitch, I'm Tamani, and I own all the dicks in this forest." She then gave a lewd smile to Ra and slowly bent over, revealing her plush bum and wet honeypot. "Come on, stud, you can drop that bitch for something better...."

Hush clamped her lips around Ra's member and gave her breasts a good squeeze around them, wanting to make his climax a bit stronger. She wanted to drink down her lover's wonderful, delicious musk, and she would be so happy knowing she made Ra feel good.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2800681 Sirius looked away. "Uhhh no thanks, I'm sorta in a committed relationship with her." He wanted to kick her or somthing but if she would just go away without a fight that would be nice. "Pluas I'd rather have a woman who's virginity is still intact then some....thing whose been used by probibly every think with male parts in this light forsaken forest!'
Ra gave a screech of delight as he felt his white, hot seed expolde into Hushes mouth. He then began to pant and look up into hushes emerald eyes."I loved you." He whispered before leaning in and nuzzling her cheek with his smooth beak

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Tamani huffed and turned, walking away. "Fine. You can say you don't want this, but I'll make you want my snatch, big boy." She shook her rump again once more. "Just you wait." Once Tamani was completely out of sight, Silence put her knife away and frowned. "I don't like her." She whispered. "Let's get a house built soon, or find a property for sale, or something. I don't feel as safe with a tent anymore."

Hush purred as she drank down her lover's creamy essence, then slipped her shirt back down over her bosom and licked Ra's cheek. "Let's get back home, okay? I don't want to spend too long away from home." The feline stood up and smiled, stretching her back as her tail swished behind her.

Group Admin

[Thank you.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
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Group Admin

[It's your move.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2802160 RA and hush then came into camp, when he saw Sirius and Silcence out of the tent he seemed surprised. "Hey guys, something up? I though you be in the tent err....snuggling." He said with a deep blush. Sirius sighed as he sheathed his sword and asked. "You two didn't find a abandoned cottage or some sort of city did you?"

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Hush shook her head and looked to Silence. "No, just a farm. Though, I heard a nice woman at the farm named Marble mention that there's an old cabin north of here. Maybe we could check it out and fix it up?" Silence smiled and nodded at the idea.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2811958 "That sounds like a plan." Sirius said as he hugged slience close. Ra And Sirius then took the next few moments to take camp down (after a small luncheon of course.) All they while They let silcence and hush try to just relax as they took care of everything.

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Silence and Hush were thankful the guys decided to do most of the work, though Silence put away her tent in her backpack on her own. During lunch, Silence had taken to letting Hush suckle her overflowing bosom, much to the feline's delight. She was still gently drinking her sweetheart's delicious milk, and the woman was stroking the back of her head lovingly, happy to be able to provide for her wonderful kitty. She eventually stopped suckling, and the two of them stood up and readied themselves to leave.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2816890 Sirius smiled and nuzzled Silence before Ra lead the group through the woods. Slashing some of the foliage with his sickle. "So what are we going to do once we settle a home in the Cabin?" He asked as he glanced back.

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Silence shrugged as she walked alongside Hush, who spoke for the mute woman. "Relax and make sure the place is fixed up, then maybe start a garden or something with the veggies in our bag. I haven't seen much fir actual food, besides what Whitney had down at her farm, and everything around here seems to have transformative properties."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2818752 "Yeah," Sirius commented, I don't think were going to get out of here without being some sort of ani-morph....err um no offense guys."
"None taken" Ra said as he counted to blaze the path to the cabin.

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Silence shrugged and whispered "So long as we pay attention, we can change only what we want. Oh, there it is." She pointed to a cabin sitting in a small clearing. It was big wnough for the four of them easily, and there was an old woodcutter's axe outside the front door, along with a decently large stack of wood. Silence ran up and opened the door. The inside was dusty, obviously abandoned, but the furniture and such were still intact. There was a couch across from a brick fireplace, a kitchen with a small dining table, and a bathroom with, surprisingly, functioning indoor plumbing, aling with a sink in the kitchen as well. There was also a nice big bedroom with a large, king-sized bed. Given how intimate the four of them were, they likely wouldn't mind all sleeping together, or even having slme fun with one another. Hush went over to the closet next to the fireplace and pulled out a broom, beginning to sweep away the thick dust.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2823735 Ra also used with wings to blow away dust and dirt with strong bursts of wind from his wing. Meanwhile Sirius examined everything, to make sure nothing needed to be repaired or replaced. A wide grin spread across his face when he found everything in good order. "I can't imagine why someone abandoned this place."

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Silence began setting their food out into the kitchen cupboards, and she checked the icebox to make sure it was cold, and to her surprise, it was, and there were some arcane symbols scrawled into the wood. The box was enchanted to stay cold, without the need for ice. Silence stored away anything that needed to be refrigerated, then she took an old masonry jar from the cupboard. She wiped it of dust, then sat down on the couch and opened up her coat, then lifted up her shirt to reveal her huge bosom. The woman began milking herself into the jar, not minding that the others saw. Hush smiled and sat down with Silence, and the woman let her familiar take over the milking, relaxing under Hush's soft, gentle fingers.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2824411 Sirius smiled before putting his hand on her door. An arcane symbol began to form on the door. Silver keys form in all the parties hand. Sirius smiled and removed his hand. "Nothing will get though that door without a key now, not will all the powers in the heavens."

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Silence and Hush smiled as they pocketed their keys, but the feline spoke up as she continued to milk her owner. "Can you enchant the walls and windows as well, please? I realize they can't open the door, but unless magic is backing them up, I don't think these old wood walls and glass windows will stand up to some pthing bigger than us."

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