The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Silence blushed a bit harder, and she looked up with a nervous, hopeful gaze, twiddling her thumbs. "I... You think I'm pretty?" She whispered. She hadn't been called pretty by anyone since her voice was stolen, and it made her heart flutter to be called as such. She gave a hopeful smile and gently took Sirius' hand again, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb.

[Perhaps he tries to perform a spell to allow their pets to talk, and it has some useful side-effects?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2757635 (well he does have some magic....)
"Of course I think your preatty, your a comparative goddess of beauty." He says then has a idea. He extends an open palm to her. Suddenly a strange blue flame lights in his hand and dances across the branded arcane symbols. Then with a slight flick of his wrist the flames become a deep violet rose. "Here I want you to have this.

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Silence felt tears of joy well up as she took the rose, and she gently caressed the petals in her fingers. "Wow... Thank you..." She set the rose down and turned to Sirius, and she leaned over and gave him a soft hug around the shoulders. It had been years since she hugged anyone besides Hush. It felt good to do so once more. Hush meowed and snuggled into Silence's lap, prompting a silent giggle from the woman as she stroked the black cat. "I wonder what animals say sometimes..." She whispered quietly, scratching her beloved companion behind the ear. The cat purred and closed her eyes, laying her head against her lovinf master's toned abdomen.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2757856 "you know... I have a spell I could try.... Ra come here please..." The bird flapped over and landed at his feet. He then breaths in and the brandings his plams begin to shine. The light increasing until it was near blinding: "T-This won't kill you... Probibly." A sudden blast of magic and light explodes form his plams, enveloping Ra A blinding
Light. When the blinding light fadded he saw Ra in an anthropoformic form. His hands where sliver tallions, his mouth and nose was a beak of the same collar. He still had his eye of Ra pendant strung about his neck. He had a lose fitting tunic and pants that looked suitible for desert travels. His tunic had holes for his wings, and there was a sickle at his side. "Well err um.." Sirius said as he strached the back of his head. The dazed Ra stares at his hand like tallons dumbfoundedly "what-what did you do to me?!"

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[Whoa, there, slow down. A little more description on the spell, and on Ra's new form. Also, the anthro forms come with clothing and weapons of your choice. How does Ra react to his new form? What does he say?]

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[Ra can transform back and forth at will. Also, Sirius and Ra's souls are now bound. They can sense one another's thoughts and emotions.]

Silence gasped softly at the sight, and Hush's feline eyes widened. The cat looked to her owner, then to Sirius, then to Ra. She wanted to be like Ra, to be able to speak and hug the beautiful woman, the one she loved with all her heart, the one who saved her when she was but a little kitten. Silence noticed the looks, and she whispered to Sirius. "Can you do that to Hush? Please? She... she really wants it..." The black cat looked up to Sirius pleadingly, meowing to get his attention.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2758955 Ra tries to get up on two legs but staggers a little. "R-Ra i1i think I've her about this stort for transformation... T-try on focusing on being a hawk again." Ra nods and squeezes his eyes shut. Light began to surround him and envelop him and he srinks back into his hawk form befor the light dissipates. Ra seems reveled when he look at his wings again.
Sirius then sighed and turned to hush. "All right Silence... Stand back...." He said rSied his plams and his magical light beings to shine form his plams again.

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Hush, in a flurry of soft lights, is soon transformed into an incredibly attractive cat anthromorph. Her hips were quite wide, and her legs were thick, toned and muscled to give the feline the power to leap and pounce. She bore a pair of EE cup breasts on her chest, and her clothing consisted of a dark grey tunic that fitted over her chest, with black cloth wrapped around her neck and draped across her shoulders and bosom, like the outfits worn by thieves and assassins in the desert cities back home. The cloth could act as a hood at any time. She wore a pair of simple pants that were loose enough to give comfort, but not so much that they would get caught on anything. On her shoulder was a composite recurve shortbow, and a quiver of short arrows was tied to her waist. Inside a set of wrappings around her waist were several knives, ranging from short throwing knives to a large knife that could be used to fight off a sword, and they were all perfectly concealed. Hush looked herself over with wide eyes. "I.... I can talk." She said in a seductive, purring voice, and she looked to Silence, who was smiling widely with her arms spread for a hug. Hush leapt into her owner's arms, purring happily and holding her tight. Silence looked to Sirius and mouthed "Thank you" before sitting down and snuggling her beautiful companion.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2759123 Sirius smiled and chuckled when he heard Ra make a sound like a dove cooing when he saw the anthro hush. "I think there more interested in eachother then either of us mate." Sirius communicated telepathically not really my thinking about why he was doing it.
"Don't care... Must try.." Ra thought back before changing into is anthro form again. "Err umm, y-you look beautiful Hush...." Ra said with a bright red blush on his cheeks of brown feathers

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Hush looked up with a similar blush, and she awkwardly shifted herself so she was beside Silence, her hand holding the woman's own affectionately. "Um... Thanks... Uh... You don't look bad yourself..." The feline didn't want to romantically engage with Silence, unless the woman wanted it so, but she did love her dearly, and she would protect Silence and care for her in any way she could. Hush looked up at Ra with an uncertain expression, though she offered a small smile at the compliment.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2759449 Ra made more errs and umms and one time opened his mouth as though I say something but ended up backing off and retuning to his masters side. Sirius shifted his chuckle for Ra's shake. Although he new that Ra wouldn't attack him with that sickle he might revive a raking form his tallons if he was upset enough.
"So that bee we met seemed very....sexual. Are all creatures her like that you think?"

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Silence let out a deep sigh, remembering the events of a couple hours ago. Around them, the forest was dark, and their campfire was seemingly the only light. "I hope not." She whispered. She looked to Sirius and smiled with a soft blush. "I have an extra sleeping bag, and there's room in the tent, if you want..." The woman crawled into the tent, and Hush followed, the fire starting to die down as the wood burned. She slipped out of her coat and boots, then took off her pants and kept her shirt on, setting all her stuff aside. She slipped into the sleeping bag, and Hush climbed in with her, laying her beautiful body on her owner's body, squishing their huge bosoms together. The feline had dispelled her gear for the night, and she and Silence were zipped up in the sleeping bag, keeping each other warm.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2759938 Sirius sighed and turned to Ra, "let's take watches." He said his on heart felt a little disapointed but that was all. Ra nods in agreement, emphasizing with his master feeling of haveing the female he was interested in be attracted to something else. "I'll take first watch." Ra said sotically. Sirius gave him a nod of thanks before entering the tent.

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Meanwhile, Silence and Hush were having their own private conversation as they snuggled in their sleeping bag. "I don't know... Should I? I mean, he is nice..." Hush thought to her owner, holding her tight in the sleeping bag. Silence smiled and thought "I think you should, sweetheart. At least give him a chance. Go on, now." Hush smiled and nodded as she summoned her gear and clothing again. "Okay, but only if you give Sirius a chance." The feline stepped out of the tent, bearing a faint blush. "Hey, uh... Ra? I... I was hoping we could talk for a minute..."

Silence turned in her sleeping bag to look at Sirius, and she gave him a soft smile. "Sirius?" She whispered. "I... I get the feeling there was something you wanted to ask me..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2762068 hush turned and saw hush in the moonlight. The soft glow of the unnatural blood red moon accented her fur quite nicely causing Ra to blush at her beauty. "O-of course hat did you want to talk about?" He stammered

Sirius sighed and let his hawk eyes flick open and look into hers displaying passion and fire. "When I saw how beautiful you are tonight. I was more then stricken, I was absolutely periced to the heart with desire for you. I hoped that I might see those feelings reciprocated on day... I really want to enter a relationship with you."

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Hush smiled and stepped up closer to Ra, rocking nervously on her heels and looking away. "Um... So... I was told you were... interested in me..." She said with her soft, purring voice. The feline looked up and gave a soft sigh. "It's n-not that I'm not interested... I just... Silence is closer to me than anyone else has ever been. We share everything. She save me as a kitten and raised me, and.... I feel guilty if I can't be there to protect her." She took a deep breath, and let it out. "What I'm trying to say is, I would be glad to give you a chance, but Silence is as important to me as Sirius is to you. I'm not going to keep you away from him, but I need to know I won't be kept away from Silence, either."

Silence blushed and smiled, and she gave a small nod. "I'd like that..." She whispered. "Just... You won't be jealous if Hush and I cuddle sometimes, will you? She's been my only friend for years now, and she means so much to me... If you weren't around, and she was like this, as this half-human form..." She thought about how much she loved the black cat, how much she wanted to be with her and snuggle her beautiful kitty and make her feel good...

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2762333 "o-of cousre." Ra said not beliving his luck. "I-I would never think about being a wedge inbetween you too." His heart was being so fast as a rush of emotions hit him. Is he really hearing this? Had he dosed off?

"I completely understand," Sirius said as a smile expanded across his face. "I-I'm not afraid of sharing... I hope Ra isn't either..." The last comment had a cocky and joking tone to it. He wanted to see this wonderful woman smile, nothing would cause his heart more joy.

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Hush smiled thankfully. "Thank you. Um... So... I guess...." The feline walked up and slowly wrapped her arms around Ra's shoulders, and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "I can stay out here and keep watch with you, if you'd like." She said softly before stepping back and standing beside him. Hush was unsure of how Ra was going to be in a relationship, but she was glad that he wasn't going to lessen her relationship with Silence.

Silence smiled and silently giggled, and she leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Sirius' lips. "Thank you." She whispered. After a second, she leaned back over and laid down in her sleeping bag, a rosy blush on her cheeks. "So... Um... How... How fast did you... want to go with this?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2762453 Ra smiled at nodded."I would like that..." He was happy to even be a small part in this females life so if she wanted to pursue a relationship with a female she had spent most of her life with that was fine with him, just so long as his love was received and reciprocated. slowly he took her paw and held it in his talon lovingly

"I want to go at a pace that makes you comfortable... so lets go at a moderate pace for now" He said as he nuzzled up close to her though the sleeping bag. "thanks you for giving me a chance.... I haven't been attracted to many women throughout my life..."

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Hush smiled and gave Ra's hand a squeeze, and she pulled up her hood and kept a look around quietly. She was unsure of what was in the forest, but she wasn't feeling safe. Not just yet. "Do you feel that?" She whispered, looking around through the darkness with her keen feline eyes. "I'm not sure..." The fur on the back of her neck bristled. "But I feel like there's something watching..."

Silence laid her head down next to Sirius' shoulder, smiling and closing her eyes. "Mmm... I get the feeling relationships might move faster in this realm..." She whispered, thinking back to today's earlier events. "Do long as you stay gentle with me, I don't think I'll mind..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2765466 "Yes." Ra agreed with a nod. "every shadow seems to have a million eyes and ever wisp of wind an evil whisper." Ra's eyes narrowed as he set his hand uneasily of the handle of his sickle. A hooking weapon that would tear flesh of bone like eagle claws.

"i would never think to harm you my goddess..." He said as he gently stroked her cheek with the back of his right hand. the one with the head of a snake. Sirius's eyes showed only love and caring for this beautiful women he couldn't think of undertaking a journey into a place like this without her

Group Admin

[Does Ra have any other weapons?]

Hush moved so she was back-to-back with her new lover, making sure she was ready to draw one of her knives. She could feel Silence's voice in her mind. "Is everything okay out there?" "We're fine out here, sweetie. Just relax with Sirius. We'll keep you guys safe."

Silence opened her eyes and let out a sigh, and she moved herself so her head rested against Sirius' chest. "Let's rest, sweetheart...." She whispered, closing her eyes. Before she went to sleep, though, she opened her sleeping bag and gently pulled Sirius inside before zipping it shut, pressing her massive bosom to his chest as she laid down atop him and quickly fell asleep.

[Skip to morning, or should something come for them in the middle of the night?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2765697 (well lets skip to morning)
Sirius woke up surprised to find his face burried in silences cleavage. Carefully, he unzipped the sleeping bag, to make sure not too disturb Silence and went to see how Ra and Hush were doing outside the tent. He found A sleeped deprived Ra, blankly stairing out into the forest as though stairing down some unseen monster. "Ra buddy are you ok?" Sirius asked a little concerned for the hawk.
"Yeah fine fine." RA mumbled in response as he rubbed his tired eyes.
(currently no)

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Hush was also very tired, and she yawned widely and took Ra's hand. "Mmm.... Come on, you..." She said with a tired, sensual smile. "Let's get some rest..." The feline pulled Ra inside the tent as Silence stepped out herself after slipping on her pants. She started up the fire again and began cooking some meat she had stored in her bag on a stick.

Hush zipped the tent up and dispelled her clothing and weapons, leaving her naked as she slipped into the sleeping bag. She then smiled invitingly at Ra and held the bag open for him to climb in. "Let's cuddle, sweetheart."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2765781 (suddenly and imp wings form the sky?)
Ra began to blush as he also disrobed. His body was very muscular underneath. He also had a flaccid member that seemed humanoid enough. it was a little lengthy being about 14" in lenght. He was blushing an extrem burring red before slipping into the sleeping bag with Hush.

"Well." Sirius said as he blushed deep red as well. "Thats a time when I want to turn my mental connection to Ra off..."

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Silence giggled and shrugged. She was trying to get used to being a bit more sexually open in this new world. She gave Sirius a piece of meat and began eating her own piece. "Where should we go after we eat? We should let them rest until afternoon, then we should pack up and get moving." She whispered. She rubbed the scar on her throat with a bit of discomfort, feeling a twinge of pain from the food going down.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2765921 "I guess we could explore the forest some more... I hope we don't encounter anymore creatures like that bee woman though... that might no be good..." He said with a deep blush. He didnt say this but he thought. If anything gets you pregnant I want it to be me The though was so alien to him. He didn't know if it was even his thought but it still rang true in his mind.

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Silence nodded and finished up her meat, then put her coat on and smiled at Sirius. "We'll be find together." Suddenly, something small and red flew down from above and tackled Silence's head, knocking her to the ground. And it was trying to shove a large member into her mouth. The woman grabbed the thing and threw it off of her, standing up and coughing as she grabbed a pair of knives from her coat. The thing was an imp, fluttering a few feet off the ground with a huge erection hanging between its legs.

[Go ahead and kill the imp, but perhaps Sirius sees the size of the imp's penis and thinks about getting his own that size to please Silence? And perhaps the imp is carrying an imp draft to do just that?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2766552 (perhaps a draft of equinium?)
For some perverse reason Sirius grapped the imp by the member and bashed him against a tree causing a bottle to be dislodged form his leather clothing and land softly on the forest floor. As soon as the imp was daze, Sirius used his long sword to skewer the imp in rage. His rage was that of a man that was attacking the filth that defiled or tried to defile a lover. he couldnt help but notice the beast long member and couldn't help but be envious.

Group Admin

[Why not both? And a succubus' delight for his balls, too.]

The one clink of a bottle turned out to be three. Three small bottles laid at Sirius' feet were labeled, one depicting a man with a huge penis, the second a man with huge balls, and the third simply read "Equinum". Silence looked at her lover and whispered "Thank you, sweetheart. Let's get moving sooner versus later."

Hush snapped her eyes open and lifted her head as she looked around quickly. Silence spoke softly in the feline's mind, soothing her back to sleep. "We're fine, Hush... Sleep with your lover..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2767178 The alchemist looked at each bottle carefull. Ra I'm about to drink something remember where my antidotes are right? He thought uncapping the first bottle. The one whose label appeared with a man with a sizable member. Yeah yeah of course.... the hawk thought back. Suddenly ozone downed the draft. He suddenly felt his member swell in his cotton pants this made him grin. If felt it be 10" long and 1.5" wide or there abouts so far so goo next he graped the bottle of Equinum, wondering what affects it will have

Group Admin

[Can you describe the potions' effects, please? This is so you can make him as endowed as you'd like. You know what they do, don't you?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2768177 (I can assume and done)

Group Admin

[Just putting it out there, that member is abnormally thin in terms of ratio. Try to keep somewhere between a 1/5 and a 1/4 on the width/length ratio. As in, for every inch of width, four to five inches of length, and however that translates otherwise. A ten inch member should be anywhere between 2 and 2.5 inches wide. This is actually a ratio kept in most of nature.]

Silence went over to the fire pit, her back turned to Sirius as she tended the flame. She was waiting for her boyfriend to do what he wished before they packed up. She could wait.

Hush was fast asleep with Ra, snuggled up to him and keeping him warm with her fluffy black fur. She purred softly in his ear to give him good dreams.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2768419 As he downs the Equnium he feels his member morph and grow dramatically. Quickly he opens his pants to discover an his member had become a 14" stallionhood that was 2.8 inches wide. Smiling joyously he hid it again and walked back to camp spying both Hush and Silence. "Hello you two"

Group Admin

[What about the succubus' delight? And nice job with widening that shaft appropriately. You can put it to 3 inches even, if that makes things easier. I know Silence will like a little extra girth. :heart:]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2768761 He fiddles around with the bottle, he wasn't sure if he should drink it, he wanted to see how Silence reacted to his genital first. Ra also exited the tent and began to stretch himself out. "Did I miss anything? Did Sirius do something stupid?" Sirius blushed. He often found his way into trouble and that's when Ra had to blade him out with the alchemical drafts he keep on his belt
(So I came to my first CoC game over...I was turned into a cow...can I go home?:rainbowwild:)

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Hush, fully clothed, stepped out of the tent and gave Ra a smooch on the cheek, then went over to Silence and held the woman in her arms in a tight hug. It was when Sirius arrived that their eyes snapped to his bulging groin. Silence felt her loins stir a little bit. "Um.... Honey? What.... is....?" She whispered, pointing st his bulge. She didn't mind it, but she was certainly surprised.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2770401 "well err um..." Sirius started to explain and started to blush.
"I think I can take over this Sirius." Ra said as he read his masters mind. "So that creature you meet dropped a few potions. Sirius drank to of those potions, one increased his member size and the other....changed....his genatilla." Sirius nodded in agreement with a bright red blush.

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Silence blushed and felt her breath shudder, and before she could catch herself, she whispered "Hot..." She slapped a hand over her mouth, and Hush giggled and held Silence around the waist. "Don't be ashamed, sweetie. Be yourself. We're in a world where, so far, anything we wanted to do, we can do. If you want to do something, none of us will judge you." Hush licked her owner's cheek. "And I'll always wuv you." Silence took a deep breath and smiled, blushing furiously. "I... I wouldn't mind if you made them bigger..." She whispered. "Make them as big as you want..." Her loins stirred at the thought of her lover with a huge shaft, making passionate, gentle love to her as they cuddled in bed. Hush purred as she saw her owner's fantasy, rubbing the woman's back soothingly.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2773265 Sirius smiled an took the last bottle out from behind his back and uncorked it. Ra watched carefully as Sirius downed the potion. One again Sirius felt his horse penis enlarge and well to 15.5 inches with 3.3 inches thickness. He also felt his testies well to the size of apples. He shutters and coughs a little "t-that's potent...."

Group Admin

[Succubi's Delight only enlarges balls, by the by. Just in case Sirius decides to use it again.]

Silence shuddered as she watched the growing bulge in Sirius' pants, and she breathed deeply as she watched the transformation. "Wow...." She whispered. She looked to her lover and gave a soft, nervous smile. "Can we.... Um... Have some fun?" She asked. She batted her eyelashes and tilted her wide hips, as well as crossing her arms underneath her massive bosom. She was doing her best to be seductive, but she also still felt really, really nervous.

Hush wrapped her arms around Ra's waist, smiling sensually with much more confidence. "Let's go find you some potions, baby..." She whispered softly, taking his hand in her own and standing beside him.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2773337 Ra smiled and stammered "O-O-Ok" he said before he left with Hush, leaving Sirius and Silcence by there own sleves.

Sirius smiles seductively at Silence and press close to her and kissed her deeply. As he kissed her he began to remove his clothes, relieving a flaccid stallion hood that dangles past his knees and the rest of his body.

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Hush walked with Ra through the forest, purring softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. He did seem very nice, and he had been a very kind lover so far. She just might keep him around. "So, what did you want to do? Perhaps we could walk around and see if there's anything important or useful? I just wanna spend some time with you."

Silence stared with lust, a line of drool leaking down her lip. She wasn't usually this lusty; the air in this realm must be an aphrodisiac or something. She went into the tent, shedding her clothes while out of sight. She laid down naked on her back, her hands above her head and her massive bosom sitting atop her chest, perfectly perky, as usual. She waited for her lover to come hold her and make her feel beautiful.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2773710 "What ever is ok with you" Ra Said as he gently put her his arms around her shoulders. he kissed hushes cheek until he head a rustling in the bushes (goblin) .At witch point he pulled out his sickle

Sirius smiled and began to pump his member as he entered the tent and layed on top of Silence. He gently kissed a fondled her breast as his disproportionate horse member began to run against her slit constantly. Her wetness was already enough to start lubricating Sirius prolithic member. He struggled with just skipping the foreplay and get to the man event but he knew Silence wouldn't like that one bit.

Group Admin

[You have the goblin this time. I did the imp last time.]

Hush stepped back and drew a large knife from her belt, waiting beside her lover for something to come out of the bush. She was unsure of what other creatures lived in this world, but she was pretty sure most of them could be driven away with sharp knives. It's worked for just about everything else.

Silence gave a soft sigh and wrapped her arms around Sirius' shoulders, smiling up at him with a blush. She looked away with a nervous frown. "I... Can we do.... anal this time? Please? I don't feel ready for... You know...." She whispered. She smiled and looked at the way Sirius fondled her bosom. "I could use my breasts, if you'd like..."

[Would you mind if Silence and/or Hush grew a member?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2773972 A small green Goblin leaped out, her scantally clad body didn't seem to pose much of a threat. "Step away form the stud, or this is getting splashed in those emerald eyes of yours!" She said as she swirled purple liquid in a bottle. Filmar with alchemys effect Ra step in front of her protectivly.
"I would love to use your brests" Sirius said as he suckled her nipple for a moment or two before sitting back and watch what she does, hoping it would bring pleasure to both of them.

(I think it would suit Hush better but I guess thats up to you.)

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Hush's gunslinger-speed hands threw a small knife at the glass bottle, shattering the bottle and cutting a shallow, but painful cut on her leg, and that was not incudling what the shattered glass might have done. "My stud, you little green bitch." The feline bent down and bared her sharp claws, hissing menacingly.

[Lol, cat fight. I wonder what would happen if Tamani happened upon Silence and Sirius or Ra and Hush?]

Silence gently laid Sirius down on his back, then laid down atop him with he large, toned rear in his face. She placed her massive breasts around her lover's shaft, then tentatively began licking the tip. She was inexperienced, but she was willing to try, if it meant her lover was happy.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2774173 (who is she?)
Some of the acid in the bottle splashed on her wound and began to make it bubble and boil. "ARRGHH, stupid bitch!!" the golbmind cried out as she lay on the ground writhing in pain. A bottle of orange die and some gems felt out of her clothes as she writhed in pain.

2774173 "Yes just like that" He said happily as he leaned in and licked at Silcences womanhood. His Stallion hood that such lenght that it could poke up form in between her cleavage and almost press against her lips.

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