The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2697157 "I love.. You too." The feminine juices of her orgasm had all ready began to drip don her slit and Amanda's malehood. Shadow was barely able to pant and let her tongue hang loose. She was drunk on pleasure and Amanda's musky scent.

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Amanda began thrusting a bit faster and harder, moaning and continuing to stroke her lover's cheek. "Mmmm.... Let it out, my love... Let it out..." After a minute or two more, Amanda gasped as she released her musky seed inside Shadow's womb, and she slowly pulled out and retracted her member into her sheath before laying down beside her mare. "Ohhhh.... I love you, Shadow..." She whispered as she pulled the alicorn into her arms.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2697458 "MMM" shadow said as she felt her lovers seed within, a feeling she had never felt before because all the stallions she had she forced to pull out. She even used her feet to get one off of her. The white seed began to eep out of her marehood little by little. "Love you." She managed to mutter before slipping into unconsciousness

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Amanda pulled the blankets over them and laid on her back, then shifted Shadow's head so it laid on her huge, perky bosom. Her hands wrapped around the alicorn's back, holding her close. "Good night, my love..." She whispered before she, too, closed her eyes.

[Skip to morning and get ready to go on the zeppelin? The explorer is easy to find.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2697880 (ok)
Shadow checks her carry on bag for all the things she wanted in flight. She had books on tape with a nice personal player. Several bags of Candy and other snacks and other little trinkets. She smiles when she seems her lovers unique scent come up to her.

Group Admin

[Please don't say things like that last part. Let me decide when my characters arrive. Please. And you didn't even say where Shadow is.]

Amanda was currently in the bedroom, quickly packing a few things, mostly just some spare clothes and a couple books to read. She was unsure of what she would find in her homeland, but she was excited to return, nonetheless. She was very focused on packing, and she was rather unaware of whether or not her lover was present.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2698425 (ok...)
Shadow sighed at the absence of Amanda. She had sat down on her suitcase of blue metal. It seemed that she had be waiting for her lover in the ballroom for hours know. Her thoughts of excitements about going to a new place had long faded in this boredom

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[And now you're making time move too fast. It has not been hours, or even twenty minutes yet. Amanda does not take long to pack. If anything, unless Shadow packed her things last night, which she didn't, then Amanda would be done first.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2698823 (I-I dunno...)
Shadow smiles and comes out of the bathroom in a pair of cargo pants a white tank that cuts off at her belly button and a piff hat. "How do I look?" She asks before pulling her suitcase up with magic. " they said someone would come for our bags"

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Amanda smiled and stood up, wearing a sea green tee shirt that cut off a little below her breasts, a light windbreaker witht he zipper unzipped, and a pair of jeans. She held her single suitcase in her hand. "I don't think so. I don't remember hearing that, but, seeing as we have our suitcases, would you like to just walk with me to the zeppelin? It is ready to depart whenever we board, and I would like to get to our destination by sunset. It is going to be a long journey."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2698916 she nodded and hugged Amanda, arms wings and tail, with a squee before pulling out her suitcase to the waiting zepplin, were a young stallion asked if he could take there bags. Shadow said "yes, thank you." And set her bag in his arms

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2698823 (am I boring you already?!)

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[No, just busy with other things.]

Amanda politely refused an dheld onto her own suitcase, and once the two of them had stepped onto the zeppelin, it began flying off from thr castle, heading to the southern land that was Amanda's birthplace. Amanda led Shadow into their room and sat down on the bed, smiling and looking to her lover. "What would you like to do? It's at least a day's journey to our destination."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2702591 I was thinking the changeling could be disguised as own of the ships crew and try to rape Shadow again.)
"Well I thought there was going to be breakfast on borad so I'm starving." She said as she rubbed her growling belly. She wondered if Amanda had already eaten and if so what, because she was convinced they would be fed in flight.

Group Admin

[Could you control the changeling? And I'll have Amanda step out to check on something. Could you please just write a little bit of the changeling coming in and trying to rape Shadow, which will make her scream and thus have Amanda come running back?]

Amanda smiled and slowly stood up, then kissed her lover on the lips. "I'll go check with the staff, my love. Just relax and listen to your audio books. I will be back soon. You'll always know it's me by my smell, as we can both smell each other's scent." Amanda closed the door behind her and walked down the hall, looking for someone to talk to about any food preparation.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2703212 "Shadow smiled and found a chair in which she could sit. But before she could find a nice audio book. A deep gruff voice said "hello shadow..."
This made her jump and gasp, she didn't smell anyone come in could the voices owner be masking his scent? "D-don't I know you?" She stammered
" ohh yes; but you wouldn't be able to name me if you were able to see me, but just in case I made sure you would be never able to see again." He said in a sister tone that was slinking towards her.
"N-n-no oh please no" she said as she pulled up her knees onto the chair.
"You and I have some unfinished bussiness," he said as he closed the distance between him and his prey. "It's unfair to leave a stallion unstatisfied!" At the last word her jumped onto her causing the chair to tumble over and shadow to cry out bloody murder.

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At the sound of the scream, Amanda immediately turned and began sprinting on all fours down the hallway at incredible speed, leaping off the walls and knocking over a few staff to get to her lover. Nothing would stop her from saving her lover. She bust through the front door, hissing menacingly and bearing her claws, looking at the figure standing over her lover. "Who dares hurt my love?!"

[Shirt description of changeling's appearance, plz.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2703907 the changeling, who a white pegasus stallion, turn about to face Amanda as Shadow scurried to a corner. He had seemed to be caught unbuttoning the shirt of his crew members uniform. " I came her to assist Ms. Shadow when she had stumbled over this furniture here. I'm afraid she might have hit her head."
"Don't listen to him Amanda, he blinded me and tried to rape me once before." She cried out in painic. "Now he wants try to do it again he said so himself!"
"I for one have no clue what's she talking about." He said with a shrug.

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Amanda wasted no time moving to assist her lover, holding her in her arms and stroking her mane. "Shh... I'm here..." She stood up and turned to the pegasus, and her tongue shot out across the room and shut the door, then slid back into her mouth. She looked at the pegasus, growling menacingly with narrowed eyes. "Truth. Now." The mare extended her tongue a bit and showed her venom-filled bone needle, ready to use her deadly venom on this stallion if he dare threaten them.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2704109 he growled and glared at her before turning back into his true form a changling like anyother. "I am tempted to give you the same treatment I did her and have two pray: but I've heard his slippery you were at the castle... Best not risk it..."

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Amanda suddenly vanished, and a second later, the changeling was lifted off the ground by his throat, and was then slammed into the wall, and a piece of cloth was roughly tied around his muzzle to keep his mouth shut. Amanda reappeared, her green eyes like pools of poison, and her voice seethed with hatred. "You bastard!" Her claws roughly scraped and tore at his abdomen, tearing through the shell and into his flesh, letting his green blood spill onto the floor. "You blinded her for life! And you didn't think there would be consequences?!" The reptilian mare let out a roar and threw the stallion against the wall, cracking the wood. She was going to make him terrified. She was going to watch him beg for mercy as she pumped him full of venom. She was going to watch as the venom stopped his heart and dissolved his muscle tissue from the inside out.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2704341 "Amanda. Don't be a beast..." Shadow pleaded. "If he is going to die form his wounds then kill it humanely... If not then blind him, and make him live in darkness just like he made me." As shadow plead the changling put a hand over his abdomen and started to pant and cough out blood spastically. His eyes where looking straight into hers full of fear and pain.
"If you kill him with brutality they will send you out into the jungle to live like a heart and forbid me from ever seeing you again if not kill you outright.

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Amanda calmed herself down as best she could, taking several deep breaths and letting out a long sigh. Her tongue whipped out and licked across the changeling's wounds, and his blood clotted and stopped flowing very quickly, thanks to her saliva. Before he could speak, she slashed her claws across his eyes, rendering him to the same fate he forced upon her lover. She bent down and growled next to his ear. "Don't ever let me catch you here again." She opened the door and took the changeling by the arm, then dragged him out into the hall and shut the door behind her. She then quickly ran over to her lover and pulled her into a tight hug. Amanda sobbed quietly into Shadow's shoulder fur, trying to speak. "I'm s-sorry... I was.... I just... got s-so angry... I w-was so angry... I only want you t-to be safe.... I d-don't want to leave y-you..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2704438 crew members who had heard the scuffle where waiting for the blinded changling and took him to the brig. "I now sweetheart I know..." Shadow cooed comfortingly as she stroked he back of her mane. "A part of me wanted you to kill him in the crulest way possible but where would that get us hmm? You a million miles away at the very least..." She said before holding her tightly. "Would some comfort sex make you feel better?"

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Amanda gave a soft "mm-hmm" as she wiped away a few tears, and she slowly stood up and led her lover to the bed. She shed her clothes and laid down on the bed, her member snaking out from its sheath, and her intense musk filling the room. "Please... love me..." She said softly. After almost losing herself to bloodlust, the mare needed to feel her beautiful marefriend's touch, to be loved and lavished with affection, and she was ready to return all the affection she was given back to Shadow in a heartbeat.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2705663 shadow smiled and shed her top and made her lovers musky snake slip inbetween her breasts. "Does this feel good love?" She asked as she ran both hands up and down Amanda's shaft, further pressing it into her scaley, but soft, under belly

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Amanda cooed and nodded softly, smiling and letting her eyes fall shut. The tip snaked up a little further and rubbed against Shadow's muzzle, filling her every breath with the intense, delicious, intoxicating musk. "Can you... use your tongue... please?" She asked softly, her cheeks baring a soft blush and her long tail wrapping itself around her lover's waist.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2705773 she breaths in and give a giddy smile and says. "Ohh yes of course I will..." She said before licking at her tip and nuzzle in got as she goes up and down with her entrie body rubbing agains her lovers shaft

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[What is that word? Even Google can't find that word. The closest thing is lackadaisical, which means lacking enthusiasm.]

Amanda moaned as she felt her lover's whole body rubbing against her shaft, and it throbbed with arousal as it leaked delicious, musky precum, almost in a stream. "Ohhh.... Yes... yes... I love you... I love you..." She panted out, feeling intense pleasure flooding her mind. But more than that, she felt so loved and safe, now that she and her lover were rid of that changeling.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2706553 (I will rectify that immeaditly)
She smiled and was able to give a intoxicated. "Love you too" in between her slups of pre, which tasted better (and ways more intoxicating) then any fine whine. She was bearly as to think on her repetitious actions on rubbing her entire self on Amanda's member. she hoped she made her feel safe and loved and pleasured most of all.

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Amanda moaned an cooed as she felt her male parts pleasured and lavished by her beautiful, sweet, sexy, wonderful mare. "Ohhh.... Mmm... Drink of me, my love..." She gently pushed the tip of her shaft into her lover's mouth, then slowly began sliding it down her throat, moaning and listening for if her lover wanted her to stop. If Shadow was uncomfortable with this, she would pull her member back immediately.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2709558 all she heard form shadow were now muffled moaned of pleasure. It seemed the farter down her throat she when the more pleasurable it was for both her and the musk drunk shadow. Shadow let her hands drop down and undo her pants to that she can rub Amanda's member with her wet marehood as well.

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Amanda moaned as she thrust her member deep in and out of Shadow's throat, and she moved herself and began gyrating her hips, grinding her marehood against her lover's own. "Gahhh... Honey... Come with me... I c-can't hold back... for long.... ahhh...."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2710948 shadow nodded bearly able to think anymore due to how musk drink she was along with her oncoming orgasmic bliss. She once again moaned louder then she ever did as she spread her wings out. Sparks flew form her horn and female jucies splashed on her lovers groin as she blissed out

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Amanda squealed as she sprayed her own feminine juices over Shadow's groin, and her member pumped the alicorn's stomach with her delicious seed. She pulled her member out of her lover's throat, but kept it inside her mouth, in case she wanted more to drink. She could feel a certain muscle group getting stronger. It felt as if she could pump seed from her member on command, which she was sure her lover would love to take advantage of. "Mmm... Would you like more to drink? Cuddle with me, my love, and drink all you'd like."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2711318 she smiled with an absolutely giddy grin and sat so that her wings pressed against her lovers front. Her still dripping mare hood was now rubbing against Amanda's saft that was still laced though her cleavage. In this state she began to suckle Amanda's tip like an oversized silly straw.

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Amanda happily rewarded her lover with more of her seed in a slow, steady stream, and she began kissing and licking her lover's cheeks and neck from her position below the alicorn, her arms wrapped around her lover's waist. "Mmmm... I love you, Shadow... I'll keep you safe and loved forever..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2713452 shadow smiled and mumbled out. "I love you too." As she continued to let herself drink her lovers intoxicating intoxicating seed. Slowly she began to fade into unconsciousness. She was so high on her lovers musk she couldn't think about anything else but sleep

Group Admin

[Skip to Amanda's homeland? And I'm still working on the homeland's clothing and things like that.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2716056 (yeah we can do that.)

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2716056 (the lizards could just not wear cloaths

Group Admin

[Maybe. I considered that before. Do you think their scales would be armor enough? I was thinking they might be, but I wasn't sure.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2719371 "I think so yeah."

Group Admin

At sunset, the zeppelin touched down in an open clearing inside a dense jungle, and Amanda shook her lover's shoulder. "Wake up, sweetie. We're here." Amanda got up and stretched, then slipped into her clothes and waited for her lover to be ready. She took her own suitcase and held her lover's bags as well, wanting to be courteous to her marefriend.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2719830 shadow dawned her gear that was fit for jungle travel at night and took Amanda's claw. She didn't want to get lost so she was going to hang on to Amanda with all her might, and hope see knows where she is going. "I-if we meet your kind, do you know their language?"

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Amanda gave a soft "mm-hmm" as she put thier things into a backpack and slung it onto her shoulder, then held her lover's hand snugly as she led her off thr ship. "It's a different language, in the sense that tone and emphasis on certain syllables changes the meaning of the word. It's to keep it simple, as body language plays a big role, as well." She grinned as she led her lover into the thick trees, holding her hand tightly. "I'm glad I remember at least that much."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2720014 "I-I see." Shadow had equipped herself with flares and a magically singalong systum so that if needs he she and Amanda to be teleported to the zeplin immeadityly. "A-are there any of those rape tentacles in this jungle." She asked with a glup.

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Amanda squeezed Shadow's hand and licked her cheek as she led her further into the jungle. "Rape tentacles aren't real, sweetie. Now, I'm not sure... but I think there might be a tribe nearby... Can you smell anything, sweetie? I'm smelling something faint... Kind of smells like us... we must be somewhere near..."

[Gotta go to bed. I'll reveal the tribe in the morning.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2720160 "yeah I definitely smell something that way." She said pointing to the west. "It's getting colder... Is the sunsetting... Are your people usually nocturnal..." Those where only a few questions running through her head she also woundered if the tribe would allow them to stay for a bit or attack them. Shadow was unsure if she would be mistaken for a god or a monster or something like that.

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Amanda held her lover's hand as she, too, smelt something coming from the west, and she began guiding her lover through the dense trees in that direction. "Yes, the sun is setting and it is getting colder. My people aren't nocturnal as far as I know, but I could be wrong." Soon, the pair came across a very strong scent, and when Amanda looked up, she let out a soft gasp. There it was, a village built into the treetops with bridges connecting the homes, which were essentially tree houses built of hides and woven branches. Simple, but sturdy. There, members of Amanda's species walked about completely naked, both on the ground and across the bridges, and to her pleasant surprise, she could see a small number of hermaphrodites, and they were being treated like any other. However, she then saw something rather shocking. Some of them were having sex, both on ground and in the village above, right in the open, and no one seemed to care. In fact, some joined in with others to create threesomes and foursomes. "Um... Wow... Okay... Public nudity and public sex is a thing here..."

A couple of the female reptilians waved to the pair and walked over to them, still smelling of musk. Amanda spoke to them in their language, and they giggled after she explained some things. They walked off and climbed up the trees to the village. "So..." Amanda said softly. "They said we are welcome to stay, and that there's a house available for us to stay in as long as we want. We have to climb the trees to get to the village, though. Easy for us, since we have the claws to climb with."

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