The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

19m, 16s ago
Craterfist said:
I'm gonna write you the intro now. Just let me know what needs changing; I'm basing this off of our previous games. And is it anthro or normal?
In the halls of Canterlot Castle, a certain violet alicorn mare with bandages over her eyes was sitting with the royal family for dinner. Celestia sipped her and looked at her niece with a soft frown. "Shadow, sweetheart, we know you like to stay with your Braille books and your fencing, but Luna and I both think that you would enjoy yourself if you decided to take a walk outside and enjoy yourself. Do a little shopping, make a few friends."
Meanwhile, down in the deep levels of the castle, in a secret lab, there was a mare being experimented on by scientists. She was no ordinary mare. Her hide was covered with shimmering blue scales, and her muzzle was more reptilian then equine. Her mane was filmy like that of the changeling queen. Her tail was also long and prehensile like a lizard's. She was under heavy sedation, for her tongue was very long, and it held a retractable bony spike that injected a paralysis venom.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2614952 shadow sighed as she brought a forkful of food to her mouth. Her eyes were put out due to a changling spitting som sort of acid into them during the canterlot incursion. She was afraid the changling was going to rape her but the blast saved her just in time.
She swallowed down her food before saying. "Anuty Celestia, Anuty Luna... Honestly I'm fine and why would I want to go shopping anyways, I can't enjoy the way my clothes look on my body... Not anymore....." By her chair a sliver handled cane leaned against the table. She used it to walk about, but it had a bladed surprise inside if anyone tried to take advantage of her again

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[Perhaps she could inquire about the mare hidden in the lower levels?]

Celestia frowned and placed her hand on Shadow's shoulder, stroking her fur with her thumb. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. But please, at least try to make a friend. I won't pester you for anything else. Just.. Please, find someone you can spend time with and open your heart to. It'll make you feel better, I promise."

Down in the laboratory, the strange mare was waiting. She was only wearing a hospital gown, barely hiding her lean muscles and curvy body, as well as her large breasts, which were held up by her scaly skin. She was waiting for them to slip up; the sedatives had long since wore off, but being partially cold-blooded, she could stay still and keep her heartbeat low. There. She could feel it. They were unstrapping her from the table. All the straps were off. Time to act.

The strange reptilian mare shot up from bed with a shriek, using her sharp claws to slash at the ponies beside her and make them move back before she leapt onto a wall, and then, she disappeared. Just... gone. "Find her!" One of them shouted. The invisible mare crawled along the walls and let out a soft, predatory growl. The ponies had called in armored guards with spears and crossbows, and they began searching the lab. The mare's tongue shot out, stabbing one in the neck with her paralysis toxin while he was unaware. The stallion fell to the floor, gasping and spasming where he laid. While the guards went to help their comrade, she crawled along the ceiling, moving quickly to the exit. One of the scientists shouted "Contact the princesses! The subject has escaped!"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

"So I heard the grauds whispering about a strange mare being brought in." Shadow said hoping to then the subject off of herself. "It sounded interesting." She put another fork of food into her mouth. It was almost errie the way she could look straight ahead while doing all sorts of tasks
Sudden the heavy wooden doors open with a bang. When shadow heard someone brave into the dining room she gasped and seized the sliver handle of her cane.

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[Who opened the doors?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2615225 (a guard, unaware of what he was letting in if you'd like)

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The guard that stumbled through the door was wide-eyed with fear, clutching his neck as blood poured from a deep wound. "Run, princesses... We can't s-stop it..." He groaned and collapsed onto the floor, bleeding to his death. There was a faint shimmer in the air, and a soft growl echoed throughout the dining hall. Celestia and Luna stood up and placed their hands on Shadow's shoulders, looking around with keen eyes and ready to strike with magic. Suddenly, Luna's eyes shot to a spot on the wall, and her horn shot a magic bolt. The invisible mare was struck in the side, and she became visible, revealing her naked body as she screamed in pain and collapsed to the floor. She curled up on her side and shivered where she laid, and through her pained whimpers, one could hear a quite phrase. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2615350 "w-what's going on" shadow said looking about and trying to find the scorce of the commotion. "I-is some one hurt carefull the tapped the floor with her cane as she tried to find the mare in pain.

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The strange mare whimpered in fear as she heard the cane move closer to her. Celestia used her magic to sedate her again, and Luna applied a healing spell. Celestia picked her up in her arms with a soft sigh. "Shadow, dear, this is... Well, we don't know her name. She was acting on some primal instinct when we found her. She had... she had been eating the flesh of a guard she killed. She wasn't even thinking. Her instincts had been taking over because she's scared and hungry and alone. She's scared and we're trying to find out where she came from." Luna gently took Shadow's hand and laid it upon the reptilian mare's cheek to her feel the scales.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2615552 "h-how odd..." She said as she let her palm feel and Alize what she was touching. "What are you... How can I help you..." The midnight blue gown she was wearing was silky and clung to her body and showed of her curves and decent sized rumb and chest. The lower part of her dress ended slighty below her knees because if it was long and went down to the floor she could trip on it.
Shadows heart went out for the mare, ponies must have thought she was monster. She would be unloved. Shadow had brillant silver eyes before the accedent, she could use her eyes to lure stallions and mares on some occasions towards her. But now that her beautiful eyes were gone, she though of herself as considerably less attractive.

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Luna's hand rested upon Shadow's shoulder. "Perhaps... You could be her friend, if you wish to help her. If she knows you cannot see her, maybe she wouldn't be so afraid." Celestia smiled in agreement. "Yes, that sounds lovely. Here, let's get her some clothes and a place to sleep. And..." She frowned. "She should be kept out of the public eye for a while. There are a few guards dead, and many injured, and they all have families. I don't wan't them blaming her for something she had no control over. It was an accident." Luna smiled softly and stroked the reptilian mare's filmy mane. "She was so kind and timid when we saw her without those dreadful primal instincts in control. Shadow, she looks to be around your size. You wouldn't mind lending one of your dresses, would you?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2615947 "of course she can have one." Shadow said as she let her hand linger on her cheek. She new tying to befriend this mare might put her in phyiscal danger if her primal insticts take over but she felt something for this mare. She felt emphatic towards her and also she had left a longing for a friend for sometime

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Celestia carried the mare to Shadow's bedroom and laid her on the bed, then tucked her in as Luna took Shadow's hand and followed her sister. "Just make sure to stay quiet and calm with her." Luna said softly, smiling at Shadow. "Just stay gentle, and try talking to her. She knows how to talk. She's just scared. And if she wants to turn invisible or climb on things, just let her, please. She means no harm, and she's clearly not from Equestria."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2616563 Shadow pulled up a soft satin and plush chair and sits by the bed as she waits until she hears her wake up. Meanwhile she tried to clam herself and prepare herself to introduce herself to the mare. Although she is going to be a friend to her, a part of her felt she wanted to more because she was so similar to the mare.

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The mare, now dressed in one of Shadow's nightgowns, slumbered quietly in bed for an hour or so. When she woke up, she yawned softly and slowly sat up, but upon seeing Shadow in her chair, she gave a shriek of fear and turned invisible, then leapt and landed on the wall, using her claws to stay on the wall. She slowly crawled forward and look down at Shadow nervously, staying very, very quiet.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2616871 "h-hello?" The blink mare asked when she heard the commotion.... A-are you awake." Shadow heart began to skin deep within her. What if it was hunting her waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. "M-m-my names Shadow... What's yours?"

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The sound of a soft, beautiful voice came from somewhere above Shadow after a few seconds. "I... I'm Amanda..." The voice grew a little louder. "I... I'm sorry..." She said. She was apologizing for what she had done to those guards. She didn't know who to apologize to, and she was still scared and confused. So, a simple "I'm sorry" was the best she could muster at the moment. Amanda was struggling not to just try to run off or hunt. Her instincts got her into this mess, and they're why five guards are dead.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2617033 "n-no it's fine." Shadow said as she tried to glup down her fears. She was helpless and vurnible by being blind then again it wouldn't help much either. "We understand that it was instinct that made you do those things... A-Amanda.... I-I want to help you, befriend you if I can...."

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Amanda let out a soft whimper, and the faint sound of her feet dropping onto the carpet sounded in front of Shadow. The timid reptilian mare slowly crawled forward, and she gently placed her clawed hand on Shadow's own hand. "I... I don't... want to be alone..." She whispered, speaking slowly to think of the words.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2617540 shadow slowly And carefully enveloped her reptilian hand in both of hers and smiled. "I don't want to leave you..." She said stroked her top of her hand with her thumb. She felt a kinship to this mare, when she first went blind she wanted constant assurance that someone was right beside her.

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Amanda gave a soft smile, and she slowly climbed onto Shadow's lap, resting her head on the alicorn's shoulder. "I... I don't want to leave you either..." She said softly. "You... You didn't try to hurt me, and... and you didn't run away..." The mare gently, timidly slid her arms around Shadow's shoulders. "I don't want to leave you... I... I'll be here for you... as often as you want... If you wan't, I... I'll never leave your side..."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2618034 "I-I glad you said that." Shadow said as she blushed and smiled gleefully as nuzzled the reptilian mare. "What do you like to do now?" She asked as she slowly stroked her back. She could feel her heart blazing with emotions she harden felt sence she lost her sigh and though she would never fell again.

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Amanda held Shadow in her scaly arms, nuzzling her and seeming to be making a sound similar to purring. Her sea blue scales felt as soft and warm as fur, which was odd for something that acted as natural armor. "I don't... I don't care." She said with a smile of her sharp, pointed teeth, pausing to make sure she said the right words. "Shadow... Can we... Can we snuggle? In bed?" She asked sheepishly. Other than the nightgown, Amanda had nothing on to cover her curvaceous and well-endowed body.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2618521 "I don't see why not." Shadow said with a smirk. She seemed to have found her rebellious spark which she had lost with her sight. She could only imagen how Anutie Luna and Tia would react if they found her lovely neice was filly fooling around with this reptilian mare.

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Amanda let out a squee and picked up Shadow in her arms, then leapt onto the bed and pulled the covers over them. She shed her night gown and pressed her naked body to the alicorn's own, holding her tight in her strong arms while her long reptilian tail slowly swished back and forth. Amanda's body was covered in dense muscle, and her breasts were very large, her scales helping to keep them super perky. Her hips were quite wide, at least four inches past her shoulders, and her rump was huge, made so by all the muscle in her legs. It was what allowed her to leap all over the place. Her arms also had thick muscles for climbing.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2618627 shadow smiled as she felt her honed body being pressed against shadows own slender body. She was sorter by a few inches and had slightly smaller breasts but still could fill a dress like the reptilian mare. "You don't like wearing cloaths do you." She said with a bright smile as she felt her warmth against her fur

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Amanda was purring once more, not seeming to hear Shadow's quip. The reptilian mare was so very happy right now, happier than she could ever remember being. However, such moments were made to be interrupted, for a soft knock sounded at the door. "Shadow, sweetheart?" Celestia's voice called out in a motherly tone. "I brought you two some food." At the sound of the knock, Amanda let out a surprised 'eep' and went invisible, leaping onto the wall again and clinging there. She didn't like ponies. She liked Shadow, but she had a hard time liking other ponies right now.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2618769 "were on the bed Anuty Tia well Amanda might be on the wall.... " she said as she tries to sit herself up. Her disappointment in the interruption of her and Amanda's moment. She tried to make she her blankets and clothes where all in order so Celestia wouldn't worry about her.

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Celestia opened the door, and she stepped in with two plates in her magic, one with just pieces of cooked steak, and the other with a piece of steak, some green beans, and mashed potatoes. "Steak, green beans, and mashed potatoes, sweetheart. I know you like them. I'm setting it on your lap. The fork and knife are on the plate, okay?" As she set the plate down on Shadow's lap, she whispered into her ear. "I don't want you to feel like we're babying you, sweetheart. We still trust you. Just..." She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Make sure to keep Amanda by your side, alright? Amanda is a sweetheart, and she'll keep you safe, I promise." Celestia stood up, set Amanda's plate on the bed as well, then left the room. She knew the timid mare probably wouldn't reveal herself to others for a while, but she was glad that Amanda was warming up to Shadow.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2618938 "thanks anutie..." Shadow called back as she began to search the play carefully for the utensils Celestia was actually a closing thing to a mother shadow ever had. She was orphaned at a young age and aunt Luna was always a little distant. She was glad she was included in so meany family activities. She was able to attend her older sisters marriage (gone terribly wrong) and the corrination of twilight sparkle.

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Amanda's soft, scaly hands gently took hold of her wrists and guided Shadow's hands onto the fork and knife. The reptilian mare gave her a soft lick on the cheek, then began munching on her steaks, sitting very close to Shadow. She was very much attracted to the alicorn, and she wanted to make her happy. Whatever Shadow needed or wanted, Amanda wanted to be able to provide it.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2619151 shadow begins to eat her potatoes carefully putting them into her mouth. She wanted to feel the lovely reptile press against her forever. For she found the mare oh so very attractive. "Oh my lovely... Come here, come here sweet Amanda"

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Amanda quickly finished her plate, then once Shadow had finished eating, she set both plates onto the nightstand, then laid herself atop the alicorn and held her close, pressing their bodies together. "Shadow... I... I love you..." She said softly. The alicorn was kind and caring and beautiful and wonderful. Amanda's heart was set on Shadow, and she would gladly be her seeing eye and her lover and her protector, all to make her happy.

[Gotta go to bed. Exams tomorrow. Good night.]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2619817 "ohh I love you too my big strong lizard women..." She scans she nuzzled her. She well so in sync with this mare it had to be love. "I hope that isn't to offensive.... MMM if Luna and Celestia could see us now." She said before cooing happily

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Amanda purred and stroked Shadow's mane, placing soft and affectionate licks on her cheeks. "Can I make you happy?" She asked softly. "I want to make you smile." She nuzzled her marefriend's cheek and smiled happily, glad she found someone who didn't run away from her when they saw her.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2621382 "I'm happy just like this for know lovey..." Shadow said as she a carefully wraps her wings about Amanda. This time, she was actually glad she couldn't see. If she found the sight of Amanda terrifying they might have not grown into his point in her relationship.

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Amanda wrapped her long tail around Shadow's waist to hold her closer, and her tongue softly and affectionately licked at the alicorn's cheek. The moon shone through the curtains, indicating that the time had shifted to night. After a few minutes, she had stopped licking, and the sound of soft breathing came from her muzzle that was next to Shadow's ear, her hot breath gently billowing onto her mane. She had fallen asleep. The faint sound of the doorknob turning sounded, and Luna peeked her head in, having recently gotten up and raised the moon. She smiled at the sight of her niece and Amanda cuddling in bed, she giggled softly and quietly closed the door, then went on her way.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2621644 Amanda also slowly began to fade into unconsciousness and seems of Amanda. In the middle of the night her dreams turned sour. Images like Amanda turning on her and her repitillan love being forcefully taken form her. She began to turn about in bed and wihimper in feast.

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Amanda awoke to the feeling and sound of her lover in distress, and she did what came instinctively to her. She laid herself atop Shadow like a blanket and wrapped her arms, legs, and tail around her to keep her still, and she began purring softly and licking her lover's cheek, hoping the sound and feeling of her purring and tongue would calm her down.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2622149 slowly her whimpers seeced and sh began to sleep peace fully again her hair was wet due to her sweat and clung to her pillow and face. It has a sleek texture to it and it's blackness was a little shiny.

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Amanda slowly got up and went into Shadow's personal bathroom, then came out with one of the towels. She gently dried Shadow of her sweat, then snuggled back under the blankets with her lover and wrapped herself around the alicorn again, purring contently. She had someone to love and be loved by, and that was more important to her than anything else.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2622957 Shadow didn't wake until her aunts sun feel on her face. She could still feel her larger lover warpped about her. She just wanted to lay ther enjoying the gentle warm and rhythmic breathing of her lover. But then she remembered that Princess Cadence, her older sister. Was coming to the castle today. "Amanda my sister is coming today and I need to get ready..."

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Amanda slowly awoke and rolled off of Shadow, and she yawned and sat up. When she heard her lover's words, though, she frowned and gave a soft whining sound. "B-but I... I don't want to be alone..." Amanda wasn't sure about going out in public yet, even clothed and invisible. But she didn't want to be alone. She wouldn't know what to do, and she would worry about Shadow. She could work up the courage to leave if she was invisible, but only if she was able stay by Shadow's side and make sure she was safe.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2623523 "oh Mandy the last think I want is to leave you alone." Shadow said as she felt her way to her warborb. "You can come with me if you want, Cadence is a nice mare and she would probibly want to know who I'm with." She still to this day cursed herself for not seeing the imposter sooner

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Amanda was comforted by Shadow's words and gave a soft "Okay...." However, she tilted her head when Shadow was picking out clothes. "Um... Should we... um..." She paused to think of the right word. "Shower first?" She climbed out of bed and moved towards the bathroom, needing to give her scales a good scrubbing.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2624875 "ok well umm..." Shadow swayed a little "d-do you want to shower together?"' She hoped she would say no because that would mean she would have to remove her bandages and she would have to see the acid burns that blinded her.

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Amanda gave a nod and a "Yes please!", but upon seeing her lover's distress, she walked up and wrapped her arms around Shadow's waist. "What's wrong, my love?" She asked softly, nuzzling her marefriend's cheek. She hated seeing Shadow upset or sad.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2625132 "I-I have some ugly scares under these bandages." She said as she hug her head. "I-I don't want to discust you...." She said as she made sure her bandages where on tight. She didn't want to have her love find any part of her unattractive

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Amanda's scaly hands gently reached up and removed the bandages, and when she saw the burn scars, and Shadow's milky, blind eyes, she wasn't disgusted. She placed a soft kiss on each of Shadow's eyes, then whispered in her ear. "You will always be pretty to me."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2625551 this made shadow smile and hug her tighter. "I-I had such lovey sliver eyes before... I thought no one would ever say I was preatty again once they were gone." She said as she held Amanda close to her with all her might. "They still burn form time to time, that's why we put lotion and bandages on them every night..."

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