The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Amanda gently scooped Shadow up in her strong arms and walked into the bathroom, setting her on the floor of the bathroom to let her get undressed. She remembered how to use a shower, at least. She turned the hot water on, then waited for Shadow to be undressed so she could help her inside. Amanda silently vowed to make sure that Shadow was never alone or helpless. She was not going to let her blindness keep her from living a full life.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2625667 shake smiled as she undid her clothing. Happy to feel her lover nearby. "Ok I'm ready." She said as she stretched her arms out for Amanda. Sometimes being blind made her like a child again but after a few years she had learnt to deal with it.

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Amanda's strong, gentle arms slowly took Shadow's hands and guided her into the shower, and the scaly mare pressed herself to her lover and licked her cheek. "You are so pretty...." She whispered, holding her tight around her back and squishing their breasts together. She knew they had to get clean, but they could cuddle for a minute or two.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2628413 shadow smiled and pressed her face into amdanas ."don't let any pony take you away form me... Or vice versa" she said as he held onto Amanda tightly "don't let them make me leave you..."

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Amanda's arms tightened around Shadow, and one hand reached up and gently guided her lover's head down to her scaly shoulder, where she stroked her mane lovingly and gave the alicorn's cheek a soft lick. "Never." She vowed. After a minute or two, Amanda reached over and grabbed the washcloth, then began washing her marefriend's back, still holding her tightly to her own chest. She wasn't going to leave Shadow's side, not for anything or anyone.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2629384 shadow began to hold Amanda close hopping she would never have to spend a moment without her. The soap an froth rolling doen her back and making her smell like strawberries in a summer breeze

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Amanda bent down and began gently washing over her lover's curvaceous body, feeling her body with shuddering breaths. She gently washed and fondled the alicorn's bosom, then down to her hips and rump, treating her lover's body with the utmost respect. The reptilian mare's scaly hands washed down Shadow's legs, then over her feet to finish. "You're so pretty...." She whispered. Amanda stood up and began washing herself, choosing specific soaps to use. When she was finished, she smelt of an ocean breeze, along with the hint of exotic fruits, like that of her homeland.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2629591 "thank you love you are such a sweet heart" once they were clean shadow carefully steped out of the shower. And tried to get a towel to dry off. "Amanda where did you come form?" Shadow asked hoping to find out more about her lover just in cause her sister decieds to ask.

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Amanda frowned and thought for a moment as she gave a towel to Shadow, then began drying herself off. "Um... Very far south of here... Somewhere with... um... jungles..." She said, making sure she picked the right words. "I don't think Equestria has any... umm... maps of it." The reptilian mare went into the bedroom and picked out a pair of jeans and a turtleneck sweater for herself, as autumn was coming, and being partially reptilian, she needed to stay warm.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2629713 "it sounds pretty." Shadow said as she felt the texture of cloaths she wanted. She chose bras and panties with smile face designs: she also wore a pair of skinny jeans, a white cotton tank and a denim jacket

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Amanda did make sure to wear a bra and panties, though she had to loosen the straps on them to fit her well-endowed body. She took hold of Shadow's hand and intertwined their fingers, smiling at her lovingly. "Where do we need to go?" She was ready to lead her blind lover wherever they needed to go today, and nothing would make her leave Shadow's side.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2629858 "well" she said as she reached over to get one of her blind folds. First we need to meet my sister in the main aduicance hall." She said as she tied the blue silk about her head

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Amanda nodded and led Shadow out the door, holding her hand and leading her down the halls. She frowned and gave a soft whimper at all the glares she was recieving from guards that they passed. She knew they were angry at her for killing their friends, even though it was an accident. And since Shadow was blind, they felt no need to hide their silent anger.

[Have Shadow tell them off. :3 ]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2630030 "don't worry about the gaurds.0 Shari whisper after yearning the whimpers of her lover. "Tell learn to forgive you in time, just stay here with me in this moment. It's just us." They soon came I the attendance hall, where Luna and Celestia were waiting with Cadence and her husband.

Group Admin

[Can you control Cadence and Shining Armor?]

Amanda sheepishly walked inside with Shadow and led her up to the four royal ponies in the attendance hall. Celestia placed her hand on Shadow's shoulder, smiling warmly at the two of them while Luna stood with Cadence and her husband. "Hello, sweetheart. Cadence and Shining Armor are in front of you. Would you like to introduce your new friend here?" Amanda blushed at those words, sheepishly standing closer to her lover.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2630121 "ohh yes do tell us sister," Cadence said as she smiled at the pair with a knowing smirk. Shinging himself smiled and silently rolled her eyes, knowing what Cadence was assuming right at that point.

"This is Admanda." Shadow said happily as she squoze her hand lovingly. "She tells me she comes from a jungle in the south. We get along, very well here and I. Isn't that right Amanda?!" Shadow ended her statement with a happy squee.

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Amanda nodded with a sheepish smile, then placed a soft kiss on Shadow's cheek and wrapped her long, felxible tail around her lover's waist. "She's so nice to me..." She said softly, and Celestia giggled and looked around at the group. "Well, Cadence, Shining, anything you two wanted to do while you were visiting?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2630271 shadow smiled and kissed Amanda as well. She was so glad that she was lived by Amanda.
"Why don't we play tennis" Cadence suggested. "You and Luna could be on a team, Shinging and I on another and if they want to shadow and Amanda could play in a tema as well.

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Celestia and Luna looked to one another with grins. "You're on." The princess of the night declared. Amanda herself scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Um... I don't think I should play..." Celestia tilted her head. "Why not?" Amanda bent down, then leapt up to the ceiling of the hall in a single bound, clinging to the ceiling with her sharp claws. Amanda could easily leap as high as anyone could possibly hit the ball.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2630382 "oh that's fine." Cadence said as she smiled bringky and pulled Shinging close to her. It will make up for shadow being blind."
"That is ture!" Shakes said with a shurg "all I'll be going of of is the sound of the ball bouncing and maybe the shuffle of feet

Group Admin

[Do you mind if we skip to when they finish tennis? I... I don't like tennis much. :applejackunsure:]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2632242 (ok)
Aft the matches were over Shadow found a towel to wipe her sweat soaked figure with. She and Amanda had actually come behind Luna and celesta in matchs one but had beat out her sister and her husband. "That was a good game

Group Admin

[Do you think you could control an angry mare or two that were family to one of the guards (or multiple) who were killed by Amanda when she was under her instinctual control?]

Amanda had swapped out her clothing for a tennis shirt and some tennis shorts, ones that outlined her incredibly huge rump and thighs, all muscle of course. She took a long drink from a water bottle and went into the locker room next to the tennis court, washing off in the shower and putting her black turtleneck sweater and jeans back on. "That was fun." She said happily as she sat down next to her lover.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2632837 (alright)
Shadow also sat and cuddled her lover, suddenly she gasped when she heard some ponies bust things and shout thinks like.
"Were's that lizard bitch that killed my husband!" And death threats were also thrown about. In fear shadow held Amanda tightly.

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Amanda turned invisible and gently stood up, nuzzling her lover to assure her that she would return. She quiwtly crept over to the doors that led from the indoor tennis court into the hall, and she silently opened the door a little and peered out the crack to see what the commotion was all about.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2633105 appearently some of the gaurds had let in a mob of the wife's sisters and audit daughters of the gaurds Amanda had killed. "
A-what's happening" shadow asked her sister and anuts. She didn't want Admanda to be linched by a mob

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Amanda returned to Shadow's side and became visible again. Celestia and Luna stepped out into the hall, the elder of the two sisters looking down at the mob. "What is the meaning of all this?" She asked in a calm, but clearly authoritative voice.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2633239 "your magesty." Said the probbibly leader of the mares. "Were heard that the beast that slaughtered our family members is still residing in the castle we only seek what is just." Shadow began whimpering again and hold Admanda close to her

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Celestia crossed her arms, looking down at the mares while Luna simply held her sister's shoulder, letting her talk. "Her name is Amanda. She is not a beast, or a monster. She is scared." She motioned to the group of mares with a wave of her hand. "And can you blame her? Having all of you barge into our castle, looking for revenge? She lashed out at them out of fear and desperation. She knows what she did was wrong. It haunts her, like a nightmare. She is trying to make things right, but she cannot if all of you can't see her as more than just some beast. Amanda feels that she doesn't deserve to be forgiven, but she is trying her hardest to earn it." After a long pause, Celestia sighed and said "I will allow you to speak to Amanda, if you all stay calm and do not try to lash out at her. She is through the double doors behind me. And if one of you so much as tries to hurt a single scale on her head, you will face immediate expulsion from this castle. Am I clear?"

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2633543 Shadow cried as she crawled int Amanda's lap.the mob leader nodde and lead her underlings into the courts. "Don't hurt her!" Shadow plead. Having compassion in the blind mare th others being to talk to amadana clamly

Group Admin

[What do they say to her?]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2633834 (causal conversation, what is your name were are you form, basically getting to know what kind of person she really is I just wanted to soo that really)

Group Admin

[Don't know why you didn't mention that the first time...]

Amanda held onto Shadow as the crowd barraged her with questions, and she did her best to answer. She could answer her name and give then a general idea of where she was from, but she had trouble answering others. After a couple minutes, Celestia came in and spoke. "All right, all right. Give her a little space, please. Amanda? Do you have anything you want to say?" The lizard-like mare stood up and looked around at the mares with a sad expression. "I'm sorry. I... I wasn't in control of myself. I know what I did was wrong."

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2634042 the mares start looking amongst themselves as thought they asshamed. There were so enraged that they were becoming like beasts. They could see now that Amanda wasn't some animalistic menace that killed without remorse. The thought that they could justify doing just that shamed the mares deeply so after apologizing they began to suffel out.

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Amanda smiled and let out a sigh of relief, then sat back down next to Shadow and gave her a big hug. "Can we go get dinner now, my love?" She asked softly, her long tail slowly swishing back and forth in pure joy. She was forgiven, and that made her feel so much better. And now, she had a lover to be with and protect and take care of, and she made it her mission to make Shadow happy.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2636429 "I don't see why not." Shadow said happily as she hugged Amanda with all her might. She was gald Amanda had not been taken form her and that they still could be together. "So what would like to eat." Meanwhile Cadence beeme her approval form the other side of the court

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Amanda slowly stood up and gently pulled Shadow to stand up as well, then took her hand and wrapped her tail around the alicorn's waist. "Um.... What is it called... spaghetti and meatballs?" She asked softly. Celestia giggled and nodded at the two. "Certainly. I'll have the chefs start preparing it right away." The two royal sisters exited the tennis court, and Amanda led Shadow back to their room. Once they were inside, she led her to the bed and laid down with her. "Can we cuddle?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2636483 "yes of course," shadow said as she crawled into the bed. "Anytime for you." She layed on top of her lover. Suddenly a thought came across her mind. "Hey Amanda, would you like to have some fun?" She said as she out in a seductive grin

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Amanda smiled and gave Shadow a deep kiss on the lips. "Yes, I do. Can I make you feel good?" The reptilian mare reached down to her lover's waist and gently began pulling up her shirt, wanting to provide all the pleasure she could.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2636534 "only if you allow me to do the same in return." Shadow said as she let her hands roam over her exotics mares body. As shadow caressed her lover shadow made and held a deep kiss on Amanda's lips

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2636534 (did you get comment?)

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[Busy day.]

Amanda let her long tongue slip into Shadow's mouth as she tossed aside her shirt, then gently took off Shadow's bra and tossed it aside as well. The reptilian mare broke the kiss for a second so she could shed her own sweater and bra, then eagerly resumed the kiss, squishing her huge breasts into her lover's chest. "Mmmm...." Her scaly hands went down and held her lover's hips, wanting to make her feel as beautiful and attractive as she really was.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2636909 shadow smiled and played with Amanda's tongue as she pressed both of there bare body's together. She Esspecially focused on the hip area so that there lower lips were kissing like the lips in there faces. "Ohh I love you so much..."

Group Admin

[They gotta take their pants off, silly.]

Amanda reached down and quickly took off her jeans and panties, leaving her stark naked. Slowly, she reached down and began sliding her lover's pants down, and she whispered in her ear. "Lie on your back, my love. I'll take care of you." Her tail rubbed itself teasingly along Shadow's inner thighs, wanting to get her aroused so she could pleasure her even more.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2637019 (oppise doppise)

Shadow smiled and reclined so she lay flat on her back with her legs speard slightly. She only done it once or twice before with a stallion and even then she had to keep it all hushed up. But Luna and Celestia had seen how much they loved eachother so this should be expected...right?

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Amanda ducked down under the blankets and went between Shadow's legs, and she slid her very long tongue slowly inside her lover's wet folds. It wormed its way deeper and deeper, going deeper than any stallion's member could. She licked at Shadow's cervix, hoping to provide as much pleasure as possible.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2638011 she moans ou happily as he pleasure, hightened by her blindness fills her body. She smiles and aches her back while she runs her hands though Amanda's filmy mane. "This is so wounderful... I love you so much!!"

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Amanda's tongue pushed its way into Shadow's womb, licking about inside and using her hands to gently massage her rump. The reptilian mare reached a hand up and took hold of her lover's hand, giving it a squeeze to silently convey her love and passion for the alicorn.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

2638460 shadow returned the swueeze as she felt her sensitive and still I experianced body climax in pleasure. She moaned, sighed snd panted as a torrent of female jucies was released into Amanda's open mouth. Shadow began to let herself relax before a knock at the door (Celestia no doubt) interrupted her.

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Amanda stood up and wrapped herself in a blanket, then went up to the door and opened it a crack, making sure to lick off her lover's juices from her muzzle. Celestia was there with a cart of food, with drinks and silverware as well. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said softly with a giggle and a mischevious smile. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Here..." Celestia used her magic to wheel the cart into the room without stepping inside. "You two have fun now." She said with another giggle before going on her way.

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