The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

When the walkers started appearing, we thought we could handle it. They were slow, and stupid. But we couldn't. Ponies were afraid, and they made stupid decisions. And the walkers.... they never stopped. Every one that died joined their ranks, and they never stopped coming. They never stopped to eat or drink. The virus' host body was solely dedicated to the purpose of spreading the virus, and that usually meant taking bites out of ponies. Now, three years later, with the government gone and life as we knew it a distant memory, ponies try to survive in this world.

In a stretch of thick forest at night, several miles east of what once was Manehatten, with clouds rumbling overhead, a unicorn sat at a campfire. It was easy to think of this figure as a mare; the figure bore a slender, curvy body, with wide hips that went a couple inches past the shoulder on each side, and having curvy thighs and a plush rump to boot. However, the flat chest and the higher-pitched, androgynous voice would both lend to the figure being a very feminine stallion. He was roasting some meat over the fire, a rabbit that he had caught. He was wearing a grey hoodie, white undershirt, blue jeans, hiking sneakers, and his red and green mane had been cut shorter, so as not to be grabbable. His fur was a slightly lighter shade of blue, a bit faded from exposure to the elements, and his vivid red eyes glowed with the light of the fire.

He didn't have too much, but he felt fortunate to have what he did in the black backpack beside him: a few cans of food still leftover, a metal water bottle that was two thirds full, a lock-blade knife, a screwdriver, a strong slingshot that he used to hunt small game, a .357 revolver with four shots left that he had only fired once, and lastly, a wooden baseball bat. It was something he had used during the first few days of the outbreak. It had been repaired with duct tape and wood glue whenever he found some, and it has served him well. The skulls of many walkers have been smashed by this baseball bat, and it showed no further signs of breaking after several instances of extensive repair and reinforcement with nails and such. He tried another baseball bat with nails once, but it got stuck in the head of a walker on the fourth use. Useless, at that point. For now, he listened to the crackle of the fire, and the sounds of the forest around him, making sure his things stayed close in case he needed to move.

2426768 Ivory pushed through the forest, cautiously, armed with only a short-bow and a combat knife for self defense; followed closely by his dog, April. He'd been asked to investigate some movement within the brush, and was admittedly rather nervous. He had been a nurse in the legion, not a marksman. Not that my medical training was any help against an unidentified virus... He sighed, repressing his memories of the first few weeks.

He'd tied his mane back before he left, and also tucked in his collared, short-sleeved, red and white shirt. Complemented by somewhat close-fit black jeans and dark running shoes. A bit dirty, as the pandemic had left little time for personal grooming, and it had been four days since his last real bath.

He slowly approached a well lit area in the woods, which had been oddly quiet the whole time. Could mean survivors. He thought, optimistically. Or it could mean marauders... As he approached the source of the light, he managed to step on a fallen twig. Brilliant... he sighed in frustration. And strung an arrow, in case whoever was around the corner was of the latter.

Group Admin

In a split second after snapping the twig, the hooded stallion had turned in a hunter's crouch, aiming the revolver in the direction he heard the sound. If it was a walker, he could easily snatch up his baseball bat and bash the head open. With a measured volume, he called in the direction. "Hello? Come out where I can see you. I don't want any trouble." He had dealt with his share of scavengers and bandits in the past, and he did not want to be caught by them unaware.

[He was asked by the group he's in, right? Most people are either alone or in a group of a dozen or less people.]

2427123 Ivory slowly let the bowstring relax, relieved that he hadn't been jumped, but still wary of the mysterious voice. He signaled April to hide in a nearby bush. "I'm coming out, I'm not armed." He walked out from behind the tree, hands raised before the mysterious stallion.

Group Admin

[Hello? He was asked by his group, right?]

The feminine stallion sliwly lowered his gun, then draw back his hood, revealing his face of soft features. Even his eyelashes were suspiciously long for being a stallion. "Hello." He said softly. His eyes searched over the area, then back to Ivory's face. "I suggest you have any other ponies or otherwise you're with come out of hiding. Assuming they're there, of course." He said in a calm tone with his adrogynous voice, which could easily be taken as male or female. "I'm not going to hurt you, but I don't want to be jumped by anyone. I already had that happen a couple days ago." He took the stick with the rabbit it on it off the fire, carefully removing a piece of the succulent meat and offering it to Ivory, giving a soft smile. "I would be happy to share some food with you and anyone else, though."

2427277 [[Oh, yes, small group of four, including himself and April.]]

Ivory eyed the meat, curiously. Desperate times... "April, it's ok. He's not hostile." The dog came sauntering out from the bush, and glanced toward the lithe stranger's cooked rabbit. "Are you alone?"

Group Admin

The stallion nodded, and he set aside a leg of the rabbit in front of April for her to eat, then took a piece of breast meat and offered it to Ivory. "I've been thinking about finding a group, but then, I've always worked alone. Still, it's nice to meet some friendly faces. What's your name? I'm Jukebox."

2427528 "Ivory... Ivory Bastion. I worked as a medical attendant in the legion, before all this happened." He took the meat for himself, and started eating. "What did you do before the outbreak?"

Group Admin

[A little longer with the posts, please. And we're assuming that meat is a normal part of an anthro pony's diet.]

2427971 [[Alright, I'll adapt the role as necessary. Thanks for clearing that up at least. The previous has had an extra sentence added.]]

Group Admin

[Try to add sensory details. It helps add immersion. What does Ivory do, piece by piece? How does his facial expression and tone of voice change when he reacts to something? What's he thinking about? What does he think when he looks over Jukebox or someone else? What does he want to say? What does he think of the cooked rabbit? And don't forget about April. She's just as much a character as the stallions are.]

Jukebox gave a soft, sad sigh, and he leaned over to his backpack. After rummaging through a few things, he found his more personal belongings. He fished out a set of high-quality headphones, colored the same shade of blue as his fur. "I made music. Rather, I used instruments I had to recreate really old music pieces. I was really popular, from what I could tell. Does the name "Rhythms of Time" ring a bell? i had collections of songs from nowadays to a couple thousand years ago. Nobles would pay a lot for the recordings of pieces back before Princess Luna had been banished to the moon." He seemed rather proud of himself, though his shoulders slumped as he talked. He was just a musician with no one to play for.

2429683 "... Perhaps..." Ivory responded. He'd definitely heard the name, but he wasn't sure he'd ever had the chance to listen to that particular collection. He scratched his scalp, before glancing over toward April, who had been staring warily at the stallion ever since being called from the bush. She hadn't even bothered to eat the meat she had been given. Guess it doesn't hurt to be a little paranoid, these days. Regardless, she needed food, and he patted the ground twice, signalling her to ease up. He shook his head, before turning back to Jukebox. "Any noteworthy pieces in the collection? Don't think I ever had the chance to listen to it, I'm afraid."

Group Admin

[What breed of dog is April?]

Jukebox shrugged, seeming a little disappointed his shop wasn't remembered. "Um... Anything by Beethoofen or some other composer from a few hundred years ago. Their the most popular that I sell. Moonlight Sonata and Number 9 are the two most popular Beetoofen pieces. So..." He blushed and looked away, trying to get certain thoughts out of his head. "A-anyway, if you have a group, perhaps I could join you. I've been on my own for a while, and..." He let out a sad sigh as his eyes turned to the ground. "I just want to be with someone. To talk to someone again. I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't have someone to talk to at the very least."

[Jukebox is going to have strong magical capabilities, but he's reserving his energy for it as best he can, since he has to be careful how much he uses in a place like this. What if unicorn zombies could detect the use of magic in a close proximity?]

2430205 (Imagine a Siberian Husky with a mild grey and white coat. Haven't come up with an appropriate Equestrian equivalent, I'm afraid.)

Ivory nodded solemnly in response. "We're not a particularly large group. It's just me and my family at this point; or, what's left of us..." Ivory's gaze drifted downward, and he bore a distant expression as he was suddenly reminded of how things had been before the pandemic. April abandoned what was left of the rabbit in favor of taking a place beside Ivory, where she gently nuzzled his cheek. He started to reach for his pocket, before remembering that he'd had company. "Do you need help packing? My sister might be a little suspicious at first, but I don't think she'll turn you away. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she'd turned away an individual in need."

(That sounds like a great idea, actually. Certainly puts some pressure on the characters to be sparing with their abilities.)

Group Admin

[You don't have to come up with a new name. A husky... german shepard hybrid, then? I had a shepard-border collie mix as a pet a few years ago. I still miss her. As for the other zombies, earth pony zombies are a bit stronger, and pegasi are a special case. A fresh, non-decomposed pegasus zombie would have wings, but bad dexterity, resulting in the ability to do a sort of fly-hop, about twenty feet in the air. The decomposed wings will have exposed bone, which will be very sharp and dangerous.]

Jukebox smiled and shook his head, munching on the rabbit with a smile. "No thank you. I've gotten used to quick packing." The lithe stallion fished some ragged, but clean cloth from his bag and wrapped the rest of the rabbit in it. "Waste not, want not." He said with a chuckle, putting the meat in his backpack. He then put the gun away in a side pocket on the backpack, then slid it on and hefted his baseball bat. "We can just smother the fire and be on our way. I was going to go explore a convenience store a couple miles east of here in the morning, but other than that, I had no plans." He gave a warm smile to Ivory, then slowly bent down to scratch between April's ears. He had handled animals in the past, and he made sure to move slowly and let April smell him if the dog chose to.

2430899 (I had more or less imagined her as a purebred husky. Well, perhaps not "purebred" but not notably mixed. Also, sounds like a rather well thought out setup. I don't have any objections to it.)

April turned questioningly toward her master, still not entirely convinced the stranger wasn't putting on a friendly facade. Ivory simply nodded; Jukebox seemed to be sincere throughout the brief conversation, and had decided he was willing to give him a chance. April then lowered her head and allowed Jukebox to scratch behind her ears. Ivory simply smiled. "My family found a cabin not too far from here. It seems to have been abandoned, but we're keeping our guard up, just in case." Ivory took one more bite out of his own meat before stowing it away in the same manner as Jukebox, and then proceeded over to the fire.

Group Admin

[Purebred it is. And thank you. :twilightsmile: I like coming up with mutations and other biological changes. :pinkiecrazy:]

Jukebox smiled at April's acceptance, scratching gently behind her ears. "Hey, April." He said softly, bending down so he was face-to-face with the dog. "You won't have any problems with me, I promise. I won't hurt you or Ivory or anyone else." The lithe stallion then stood up and promptly kicked dirt over the small cooking fire to smother it, then went over and stamped out the ashes. "Alright then. Ready to go when you are." The stallion pulled up his hood and held his baseball bat in his hand.

2431133 Ivory nodded, before pulling the shortbow from over his shoulder. "Follow my lead, then."

They moved slowly through the forest, ever vigilant and wary of walkers or unidentified survivors. Thankfully, however, the woods seemed to be quiet that evening, and they shortly arrived at a quaint wooden cabin. At first glance, one might have assumed the building had been abandoned, as there seemed to be no light within the structure at all. Now, however, Ivory's family had claimed it for themselves, even if only temporarily, and a mare could be seen standing watch from the upper floor with a crossbow. A loaded crossbow, pointed directly at Jukebox. "Easy, sister. He's a friend."

"Ivory, who is this?" She demanded, refusing to lower her weapon. Ivory simply signaled Jukebox to introduce himself.

Group Admin

[Please be careful with how you word things. Make sure not to write it as "Jukebox did" or some kind of verb.]

Jukebox stood still where he was beside Ivory, his baseball bat still clutched in his hand. "I'm Jukebox, and I have food, if you'd like some." He said back, staring up with his ruby red eyes. He hoped to appeal to the mare's stomach, if nothing else; many ponies around here would do a lot for food. If that failed, then he would do his best to not appear threatening. But he wasn't going to put down his baseball bat. He had a connection to the object. It was special to him.

2431440 (Heh, sorry. I'll pay more attention next time.)

Stalwart turned to her brother and simply raised her eyebrow. "How do you know he's not a marauder?"

Ivory sighed. "I found him completely alone by a fire, what could he hope to do to us on his own?"

"Are you sure you weren't followed?"

"Pavise, it's dead silent out there. If there was a horde of cannibalistic ponies following us."

"Ivory, please; think about what happened last time we let someone outside the family into the group. We still haven't managed to pull together all the food we lost. I know this stallion has food, but I doubt whatever he has in his pack is enough to sustain a group of five for more than a few days..."

Group Admin

Jukebox sighed, feeling a little bit disappointed, and slightly hurt. He knew times were tough, but it still hurt to be distrusted on such a level. "No. I have enough for myself because I didn't think I would ever have the fortune of meeting any kind ponies again in my life. And I will gladly share it with you anyway." After a moment of his eyes staring at the ground, he looked up with flattened ears and said "I don't want to be alone anymore. I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust, but I promise, on whatever value my life has left in this world, that I will not betray you." He looked away, waiting for something, anything to happen.

2431851 The mare simply looked on at the stallion below her. She didn't want to turn him away, she really didn't, but if she could have her way none of this would have ever happened in the first place. Times were rough, and while there were still good, decent ponies roaming the world, there were many who were willing to put their own survival before anyone else's, and she didn't want to risk another sabotage effort. Nevertheless, this stallion seemed either to be sincere, or a very good actor, and April was a better judge of character than any of the ponies in the family.

She sighed. "I'll unlock the door."

Group Admin

Jukebox let out the breath he didn't know he was holding until just then, and he turned to Ivory with a thankful smile. "Thank you for taking me in. I'm sorry all this has happened to you, but I promise I can pull my own weight and then some. I'll help get your family back on track." The lithe stallion let out a yawn. "Though, a place to sleep sounds good right now. I'll take a couch or whatever is still in the cabin."

2431922 "You can take my bed, if you'd like. We have a number of sleeping bags prepared in preparation for any relocation." No reason to sleep on a couch when there were plenty of bedrolls already available. Ivory offered. Just then, he heard the latch as it was lifted from the other side, and Stalwart stood in the doorway. She bore a noticeable resemblance to her brother. Both had similarly pale coats and blue eyes, the most egregious contrast being her darker, blackened mane. As he entered the building, Ivory caught a dim light in the corner of his eyes. When he turned to investigate, he saw a lilac, unicorn mare examining food cans in near complete silence, only breaking it on occasion to mutter "expired."

"Mother?" Ivory stated?

The mare paused before turning to face the group, managing a half-hearted smile. Her dark violet mane was a mess, and her fatigue showed in the dark pockets below her matching violet eyes. Her smile quickly turned to curiosity.

"Was there a visitor?" the mare asked.

Group Admin

[You forgot to write the transition of Stalwart actually going outside. It just jumped to her dialogue. I was lost for a few minutes. :derpyderp2: Also, with stand-alone dialogue, like the "mother?" bit, make sure to signify who is speaking. Something like: "Mother?" ivory quietly called. And one last thing. Let me write Jukebox walking inside. Please. You already wrote that Jukebox was walking in the door, and that was jarring.

I should explain. My characters are all made of pieces of me. They are very deeply connected to me and very important to me. If someone assumes control over my character in any way at all, it's very jarring and uncomfortable. It's like losing control of a limb and watching it move on its own. It's unnerving and uncomfortable.]

2432084 (Sorry, didn't quite think that post through, it seems. :applejackunsure: Please forgive my rookie mistakes. :twilightsheepish:

Honestly, though, I don't really have any excuse for doing that, as I knew that before hand. I just assumed that you would be stepping through the door and decided to help speed that along. It was wrong, I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I did anyway, and for that I am truly sorry. :ajsleepy:

Would you like me to rewrite the post?)

Group Admin

[Yes, please. Just some changes to the order of events and the wording. Thank you for being so understanding.]

2432122 (I am nothing if not empathetic. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, sorry that took so long, this isn't the only RP I'm participating in at the moment. How's the revised post?)

Group Admin

[Ya still forgot to write in that Stalwart walked outside, but otherwise, it's fine. :derpyderp2: Also, can you describe the layout of the cabin, and where the mother is sitting? How well it is lit? things like that.]

Jukebox pulled back his hood and gave a warm smile as he stepped through the doorway and closed it behind him. "Hello, miss. I'm Jukebox, and I was hoping it would be alright if I joined your group." He set down his backpack on the floor and pulled out the rabbit meat, setting it on a table and unwrapping it. "I have food for whoever wants it. I also have some cans of corn and baked beans." He pulled out the small collection of cans and set them on the table as well, giving a warm smile to the mare.

2432769 (Sorry you had to wait almost a whole day for this. Distracted with holiday preparations. :twilightsheepish: In any case, thanks for pointing out what I need to improve.)

The mare simply smiled at the young stallion. "Good to see someone friendly out here for once." She stated.

Ivory simply glanced around the barren dining room. Everything was as they had found it, save for the cans laid out across the dull wooden table. A good half of the table as well as one of the four chairs surrounding it seemed to be covered in a layer of dust, suggesting the building had been abandoned for days before they'd arrived. The room was sparsely lit by a single candle in the center of the table. He turned to the sheets in the corner of the room. "Mother, do we have any extra beds?"

The mare scratched her head. "I'm afraid not. There are only three beds in here, and only one of them is big enough for more than one pony."

Ivory shifted uncomfortably. He hesitated, as he was a bit unsure how she would react to his next suggestion. "Well... what if he and I were to... share that bed?"

The two mares simply stared at him, dumbfounded. His mother seemed somewhat bewildered. "Well... If he wouldn't mind... Jukebox?"

Group Admin

[Layout, dude. Layout, lighting, furniture, etc. And make sure to name a character by having a character say their name or something. You said Amethyst out of the blue, and it took me a second to figure out who this Amethyst person is. As for awkwardness, if Ivory finds Jukebox at all attractive, he could tentatively offer to share his bed, and he might act a little awkwardly, which would be adorable and funny.]

2438414 (Forgive me, I still have a good deal to learn, it seems. :facehoof: I'll revise the post.)

Group Admin

[Don't worry, bro. I've been at this for at least a couple years. There's always more to learn.]

2438467 (Alright, post revised. I am so sorry for the wait. :pinkiesad2:)

Group Admin

Jukebox's cheeks turned a shade of crimson to match his eyes, and he looked up at everyone, seeming to be caught between smiling and slinking away in embarrassment. "I... If... If it's alright, I... I wouldn't mind it..." He said sheepishly. He picked up his backpack and baseball bat again, smiling bashfully. "We should probably get some sleep soon... Oh, before I forget, I have a flashlight in my backpack, but the batteries have died a while back. Have any of you found a pair of C-batteries in the house, by any chance? it's a Mag-light. Metal and hard plastic. Really bright and durable. I can use it as a weapon, if I have to."

2456944 The mare simply nodded. "It's settled then, I suppose. You'll be... sleeping with Ivory..." There was a rather awkward silence. Ivory simply shuffled as his sister stared at him as though he were some kind of mental patient. His mother simply offered a week smile. Suddenly, his sister turned toward the pile in the corner of the room. After walking toward the pile, she began to rummage through it for batteries.

"We do have two..." She admitted, removing the pair from the bag. "... one of them appears to have been used, however. I can't guarantee it will last long."

Group Admin

Jukebox took the batteries in his hands, looking them over carefully and weighing them in his hands. "Hmmm.... Let's see..." He reached down and unzipped his backpack, then pulled out the large, sturdy flashlight. After unscrewing the bottom cap and taking out the batteries, he set aside two of the four batteries, the ones he decided had the most charge. "This is a little trick a friend taught me a few years back to save batteries. I just hope it doesn't attract too much attention." Jukebox quickly went about checking the blinds, closing any of them that were open. Afterwards, his horn faintly lit up, and from the two batteries with the least amount of charge, there came a small crackle of electricity, floating and sparking inside Jukebox's magic for a second before being pushed inside the other two batteries. The unicorn let out a soft sigh and picked up the two batteries, shoving the depleted ones into his backpack before putting the charged ones into his flashlight. "There we go. All set."

[You still never said what kind of ponies Stalwart and the still-unnamed mother are. Ivory is an earth pony, correct?]

2461019 (Really? Sorry, I thought I had. Oh, well. They're a family of unicorns.)

Ivory was impressed. Admittedly, it was a very simple trick for any unicorn who knew how a battery worked, but not many ponies would be resourceful enough to come up with it, nonetheless. I'll have to remember that for the future. Just then, it had crossed Ivory's mind that he had never properly introduced Jukebox to his relatives. "Oh, where are my manners? You still don't know their names, do you?" He didn't bother waiting for an answer, as he gestured toward his mother. "This is my mother, Amethyst." She smiled, as she raised her hand in greeting. Ivory then turned to his sister. "And this is my sister, Stalwart. Stalwart Pavise." She simply nodded in response.

Stalwart then turned toward the window. "Jukebox is right, it's getting kind of late. Why don't you all head to bed? April and I will stand guard for the night." April seemed to nod, and sauntered to her side.

Group Admin

[Thankies. Proper introductions are always good.]

Jukebox picked up his backpack and baseball bat, giving a warm, but sheepish smile to Ivory. "So... Lead the way, I guess..." He said with a sift blush. Being gay was not something he had ever been truly accepted for in his life, so he had learned to hide it. But with the end of the world as they know it in progress, he was feeling the effects of loneliness, and it was getting harder to not just question every stallion he came across if they were attracted to him. He just wanted someone, anyone, to love him for who he was.

2464718 Ivory nodded and began to walk toward the stairs. "The bed we'll be, uh... sharing, is in the room behind the second door on the right. Follow me."

I hope I'm not being too forward... Ivory thought as he began walking up the stairs. Normally, he had been very slow to warm up to new ponies. Now that everyone was looking out for themselves, that was especially true. That being said, there had been... something about Jukebox that made him much more comfortable around him than he felt was at all warranted, given the situation. Maybe I should try to get to know him...

Group Admin

Once they had entered the predictably dark room, Jukebox sheepishly slipped off his shoes and socks, then his hoodie and tee shirt, revealing his slender upper body. He slipped under the covers on one side, turning so his limbs were facing out towards the edge. "So... Thanks for sharing the bed with me..." He said, grateful the darkness helped hide his blush. "And thanks for taking me in, too... I... I hope I'm not imposing or anything..."

2464967 "No, no. It's fine." Ivory responded. "Really."

He glanced around the fairly empty room. There was no reason to light a candle as they were about to lay down, but he could at least make out the bed as Jukebox laid down. He'd been in here often enough to memorize the layout, anyway, whoever had last set up here had apparently used much of the excess furniture as firewood.

Ivory began to remove his own clothes, starting by untying the knot that held his mane in a short ponytail. He then untucked, unbuttoned, and lifted off his shirt, before sitting down on the bed to untie and remove his shoes and socks. Finally, he stood back up to remove his jeans, now wearing only his boxer shorts. Hope he doesn't mind...

Group Admin

Jukebox, still wearing jeans, was doing his best to not look at Ivory, though he stole the occasional glance at his silhouette in the darkness. He shifted himself and looked away again, his lips stammering. He wanted to say something. Anything. He wanted to tell Ivory how handsome he was, how kind he was to the feminine unicorn. "I..." He started, but he silently stammered for a bit before closing his mouth. "N-never mind..." Perhaps he would have more courage tomorrow, or perhaps, if the divines would allow, Ivory would say it to him. But he was unsure. And he just wanted to go to sleep. Strangely, he felt more restless than he was comfortable being, and he was sure his anxiety was nit making things easier.

2465506 Ivory simply turned toward Jukebox, rather curious what he'd had to say. Nevertheless, he was unsure that it'd be appropriate to pry. Instead, he simply walked over to the bed and took his place in underneath the covers beside him. His cheeks began to grow rather warm as he felt his chest pressed against Jukebox's back. "I- I'm sorry..." He stammered, as he'd worried for some time now that he may have been taking this a little too far too quickly. "Is this too, uh... awkward for you? ... I can go get a bedroll if you'd like to be alone..."

Group Admin

[Dude. He's facing away from Ivory. I wrote that in specifically. He can't be chest-to-chest. Ivory will either have his back to Jukebox, or he will end up spooning him. I made Jukebox do that because he himself is trying to avoid awkward situations, but if Ivory initiates something, like wrapping his arms around him, Jukebox won't try to stop him.]

Comment posted by bluemoon1996 deleted Dec 28th, 2013

2465611 (I facepalmed. Hard.:facehoof: I'm sorry. :fluttershysad: I made the necessary adjustment, at least.

On that note sorry this took five days, I've been busy at my grandparents' house.)

Group Admin

Jukebox's cheeks lit up as red as his eyes, and he let out an admittedly adorable squeak of embarrassment. However, he refrained from moving, as he enjoyed the sensation of having the stallion's chest against his slender back, though he would be hard-pressed to admit it so soon. "Uhh... N-no... I-it's fine..." The lithe unicorn laid his head down on fhe pillow, and unconsciously, he adjusted himself slightly so he was more snuggled into Ivory's chest. It was comforting and soothing, two feelings he was in need of after all this time alone and having to fight for his life.

2506702 Ivory hesitated briefly before placing his arm over Jukebox's torso. He silently cursed himself for having been so forward with Jukebox; after all, it wasn't exactly proper to take a pony to bed the day one met them. In the end, however, he had to acknowledge that it was better than another cold night alone. Besides, Jukebox had to be at least somewhat interested, otherwise he would not have agreed to sharing his bed.

Ivory sighed. "Thank you... I realize that was incredibly forward, but I figured you and I could both use a little, uh... companionship..."

(Finally found the time to get this back up and running. I should be able to participate in this RP more regularly from now on, if you're still interested.)

Group Admin

Jukebox's cheeks were as red as apples, but he gave a soft smile at Ivory's words. He felt his heart flutter in his lithe chest; Ivory was interested in him! And the handsome stallion was right. Jukebox was most certainly interested in him. Slowly, he rolled over so his slender chest was up against Ivory's chest, and he laid his head against the pillows, comforted by the warmth and weight of the white unicorn's strong arm around him. "Yeah... I... Thank you..." He mumbled. "Mmm... Hold me tighter?" He asked softly, smiling hopefully at Ivory through the darkness.

[Of course.]

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