The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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The roar of yet another set of explosives shakes the cave of the mining operation, the echo of which could be heard all the way back to the small colony on the cold, snowy planet. A stallion leaned against a wall of the deep cave, dressed in his white and black military suit, the green eyes of his visor sweeping over the area. He had been hired to protect the engineers here as they dug, and he couldn't help but let his eyes occasionally wander to the curves of one of the mare engineers, her body accentuated by her suit. With a soft sigh, he checked over his carbine's magazine and that of the underbarrel shotgun again for the umpteenth time. Both full, just as before. It wasn't like there was actually anything living on this planet as far as he knew, but hey, he was getting paid to sit around and guard a hot mare. He wasn't complaining.

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Eagle sprung out from behind a rock she had hid behind for protection, and she casually approached the gaping hole left in the wall, giggling to herself. She shifted her hips to one side, and she put her respective hand on it, and she stood there and looked over her work. "All these explosions can really get a mare excited." She remarked in her low, soft and purring voice as her eyes scanned up and down the hole. She pulled out her line gun and carefully lined up a shot with the left edge. She rotated the head ninety-degrees and then pulled the trigger, firing a vertical line of plasma to even out the hole. She had orders to extend the mineshaft further to gain access to more precious materials deep within.

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Stone blushed a bit as he heard the mare's voice, glad that his face was hidden by his helmet. He made sure to keep moving forward with the rest of the dig team whenever they made progress, though he was really unsure of what they were looking for besides minerals. They were digging pretty deep, too. With another blast, Stone Skin walked forward and shone his flashlight around. They had broken into a huge cavern, but what was in front of them was both strange and ominous. "Whoa..." It was a structure, black and striped red, ten meters high and four wide. It was made of two spires, seeming to be somewhat intertwined with each other. The thing looked very similar to what those Unitologists had as their symbol. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but just looking at it made him feel uneasy. He looked to Eagle and the others, unsure of what they planned to do. He did not have any desire to stay in this cave any longer than he had to.

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Eagle's jaw dropped at the sight of the strange object. " that..." She mumbled to herself. She suddenly felt uneasy, and a little scared as she looked over the bizarre object. She slowly took a few steps back, and then turned around to face her team. Behind her helmet, she had went from an excited grin to a serious frown. "Alright, guys. Let's get back to base and report this. We're not doing anything else until we find out what that is." She said calmly. She and the others picked up their equipment, and then began walking towards the exit.

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Stone nodded in agreement and walked alongside Eagle as they began leaving the caves, looking to her for a second. "So..." He started, unsure of what to say. He was never much of a conversationalist, but he did enjoy talking to his friends. Eagle was a good friend, if a bit naughty, and she had a knack for teasing the stallion. She could always get him to blush, whether he wanted to or not. Most other ponies couldn't even get him to flinch on the job. As they reached the lift to go to the surface, he smiled from behind his helmet. "Nice weather, eh?" He said with a chuckle. The weather was, as always, ass-hats cold and windy.

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Eagle chuckled mischievously from behind her red helmet. "Lovely. It's great for cuddling." She turned and looked at Stone as they walked. "Don't you think?" She purred. She always liked to tease Stone and make him feel a bit embarrassed, but she never went too far with it if she could help it. She had developed some interest in him after they got to know each other, which was partly why she teased him. The other reason was because he looked cute when he blushed.

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Though his face was hidden, Stone was most definitely flustered, as he decided to fiddle with his gun yet again. "Goddamnit Eagle." He said as they approached the large terrain vehicle, a sort of Armored Personnel carrier with tank treads. "You're the only one who can make me do that, you know. I don't know how, but something you do gets to me." He sat down in his seat on the wall and strapped in, waiting for the rest of the dig crew to get in as well.

Comment posted by Cakebomb deleted Dec 16th, 2013
Group Admin

2396179 (DayZ Standalone Alpha was just released! :pinkiehappy:)

Some of the dig crew members glanced between Eagle and Stone as they climbed into the APC, as if they thought that something was between the two. They occasionally overheard their banter and rumors got around, but Eagle was quick to tell them to knock that off. Eagle sat down in a seat directly across from Stone, and strapped herself in. She smiled sensually at him from behind her mask. "Maybe you're falling prey to my feminine wiles. By next week you'll be my slave." She said in a playful, snarky manner.

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Without any other sort of motion, Stone's helmet retracted into s suit, revealing his coffee brown fur, close-cropped black mane, fiery amber eyes, and a very unamused expression. Not even in a playful way; he was very much not amused. "No." With that, his helmet reformed around his head, and he continued his silence. Sometimes, the things Eagle said were things he wanted to groan and facepalm at if he wasn't in public. Heck, one time he did so anyway. The vehicle kept rumbling on, carrying the team back to the small colony. Once the door re-opened, Stone got up from his seat and briskly walked across the snowy terrain, using his kinesis module to turn the crank on his heavy steel door. He unzipped his armor as the door sealed shut behind him, leaving his tall, muscular body in a tee shirt and jeans. With an unceremonious dive, he flopped onto his bed and laid his head back, staring up at the metal ceiling. He had an hour before he was supposed to start his patrol shift, so he planned to relax.

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Eagle had walked to her own room, and was taking off her suit. Her armor was completely off a few moments later, revealing her tall, athletic and curvaceous form in a white tank top and jeans. She placed the armor in a special rack on the wall to keep her armor standing, then walked over and then lazily plopped herself down on her bed. She gave a soft sigh and closed her eyes, glad that she was away from whatever they had found in the cave, and now in the steel confines of home. She laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, and her thoughts drifted to Stone. She wasn't sure what was eating at him, but she would apologize later for upsetting him.

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Around half an hour later, the sounds of frantic knocking came on Eagle's door. "Miss Eagle Eyes? Please open up! I wish to speak with you about the marker!" It was Doctor Selma, the lead scientist in the colony, and well-known as eccentric and a devout Unitologist. The sound of his calls carried through the wind over to Stone's home. He grumbled and stood up, slipping into his patrol suit and grabbing his other weapon, a burst-fire submachine gun with a plasma-based kinetic force gun for an underbarrel. He always carried his Enforcer, a revolver with an EquisGov submachine gun underbarrel, and he modified whatever heavy weapon he had to fit the job, storing the extra parts away in the BENCH system. He stepped out into the snow, walking across to Eagle's house to make sure the professor didn't do anything too crazy. He was known to perform some less than orthodox experiments in his lab.

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Eagle's eyes snapped open at the sound of knocking, and she sprung up and out of her bed. She quickly walked over to her Scorpion Engineering RIG and slipped it on, then grabbed her plasma cutter and walked over to the door. The door gave a small hiss as it opened, and Eagle gave a soft sigh as she prepared for a long discussion. "Come on in, no need to stand out in the cold, sweetie." She said warmly.

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Doctor Selma stepped inside with a thankful smile, while Stone approached soon after, his helmet retracting into his suit. "Am I needed here?" Doctor Selma grinned at the stallion and waved him in as well. "Yes yes! do come in!" He said as he adjusted his archaeological suit.. "I wish to discuss with you what you found in the mining shaft. The marker." Stone looked a bit uneasy as he sat down in a chair, cradling his gun. "Well, what is it you wanted to know?" Doctor Selma smiled warmly and excitedly. "I want to know what it was like! You've experienced every unitologist's dream! As much free reign as I have in the bio-lab, I can't get much time to leave it. Tell me, what did you feel in its presence?" Stone Skin grimaced. "Um... Uneasiness, fear, nervousness, dread, and overall negativity."

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Eagle gulped nervously as her eyes darted between the two from behind her helmet. "What he said." She closed her eyes as she glanced down at the floor and sighed. "That thing felt like it didn't belong in reality. I almost felt violated just looking at it."

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Doctor Selma nodded and began typing something down in his wrist computer, part of his suit's RIG. Stone Skin looked to Eagle with concern. "Eagle? You can retract your helmet, if you want. You're in your own home." Selma stood up and nodded to the two of them in thanks for their time. "Thank you both. I can explain these feelings a bit once I have some more free time, but for now, I must be getting back." But as he was about to leave, a scream sounded from outside. Stone's own helmet immediately slid back up over his head, and he exited the bunker-like home, looking about with his weapon brandished. He saw a stallion stumbling about, tearing at his own civilian suit and clawing at it frantically. "Get it off! It burns!" His eyes were wild and his pupils shrunk to pinpricks. Stone approached and held up a hand. "Sir! Please calm down, or I will be forced to detain you!" The stallion snapped up and stared Stone in the face, like he could see it through the helmet, then screamed in agony and charged wildly at the officer. Stone used the kinetic shotgun to quickly floor the stallion, then he leapt over and delivered a solid, measured punch to the crazed pony's temple, rendering him unconscious, but otherwise unharmed. He hoisted the pony on his shoulder as Selma came running over, having watched some of the events. "Oh dear, what happened?" Stone Skin sighed. "I don't know. He was clawing at his suit like it was burning him alive." Selma seemed intrigued as much as he did concerned. "Let me take him to the infirmary. I'll ask him a few questions, assuming he's calm when he wakes up. I've got a hunch this is important." The doctor took the unconscious stallion over his shoulder and began walking off to the large research building just a few minutes walk east of the colony, which also housed its own medical wing. Stone Skin walked back to Eagle's house, unsure of where the mare was during the event. "Eagle? You alright?"

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Eagle walked outside, and then went up to Stone and threw her arms around him, hugging him through his suit. "I heard the scream..." She said softly. "I don't feel safe here, Stone. I'm scared." Behind her helmet, she had her eyes shut tightly.

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Stone seemed a bit startled by the hug, but he relaxed into it and wrapped one of his strong arms around Eagle's back. "Hey, hey, don't worry. I'll keep you safe. I've been keeping you safe for years, and I won't stop now." He led the mare back into her home, then sat her down on the edge of the bed. "I need to keep on patrol, Eagle, but I promise, I'm not leaving the colony. If you call me on the comm system, I'll be here in a heartbeat. In the meantime, just make sure not to answer the door for anyone else but me, okay? I'm not sure what's going on, and night's coming, so I need you to stay safe in here. You have your mining tools, right? They're plenty strong enough to keep you safe." He frowned, then retracted his helmet to show his face. He sat down beside Eagle and gave her a hug around the shoulders. "We'll be okay. I promise." Despite their teasing relationship, Eagle was the closest friend Stone had, and he was not going to let her be hurt. He slowly stood up and let his helmet form around his head again, and he went out the door. He made sure his weapon was loaded, then began his patrol, walking his usual path that took him by each of the homes.

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Eagle didn't bother removing her armor before laying herself down on the bed. She wanted to keep it on in case something happened, it made her feel far more secure. She kept her plasma cutter in the corner of her bed, so as to keep it within easy reach in case something bad happened. She thought back to the hug that Stone gave her, and she felt her heart flutter at the idea of being embraced by him.

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Stone Skin kept patrolling the area, listening over the howling wind for anything strange. He went door to door, checking in on each resident. They were unnerved by the screaming pony earlier, but otherwise, they seemed fine. However, one resident did not come to the door. When he knocked, some strange gargling sound was heard from within. He slowly opened the door, and the sight before him made him queasy and horrified. The entire family inside; wife, daughter, and husband, were laying dead on the floor. The lights flickered, and the room was dark. The same gurgling sound was heard again, and he advanced forward, moving to a small clothes closet. Part of him felt unnerved, similar to when he was in the cave with the marker. He slowly reached out and opened the door... to find it just full of clothes.

He began to relax- no, he still felt it. And the sound was... behind? No... above! He leapt backwards just in time for the spot where he was standing to be occupied by something else, something horrific in its own right. A hairless pony, probably once a mare, with sharp jagged teeth to big for its mouth, and its intestines exposed. From the palms of the hands were two long, scythe-like bone protrusions. It roared at him, and Stone acted on instinct, doing what he always did to push away threats. He fired the kinetic force gun, and the creature was sent flying back a meter into the wall with a dull thud. He then unloaded his submachine gun on the creature's center of mass, firing three, three-round bursts from his magazine. However, the creature still kept lurching forward at him. He aimed for the leg to slow it down, firing another burst. It came off surprisingly easy, and the creature kept crawling after him, but it seemed weaker. With another burst to its left arm, the arm came off, and the creature weakly kept crawling forward. Stone wasted no time bringing his heavy foot down on the thing's head, splattering the gore over the floor, and him, with a sickening mix of crunching and squishing. Finally, the strange beast died where it laid.

Stone called the police force on his comm, but he was met with static. He called Doctor Selma, and he did pick up, but the sounds of roaring could be heard in the background as well. "Stone!" Selma shouted, his face appearing over the camera system. "This is incredible! A new kind of being, and it seems to be originating from the markers!" He turned and fired a high-powered javelin gun, normally a probe for large creatures, and it hit a creature just like the one Stone fought, right in the chest. Selma activated the electrocution module, and the creature spasmed as it was fried by the electricity, dying and crumpling to the floor. "It's not the "Great Rebirth" I was expecting, though! I'm still here with Clockwork, and he's using his repair tool as a weapon and to seal up the vents. Stay away from the vents! They come out of them!" Stone nodded as he hurried to Eagle's house, reloading his weapon as well. "Got it! Cut off their limbs, if you can! They die faster that way!" Selma nodded and fired another bolt, this time at a fuse box on the wall. The electric charge short-circuited the system to the door to one of the labs. "I'm sealing out lab 13!" He shouted to Clockwork. "Get somewhere safe, Stone! We'll be fine!" The call cut off right as he reached Eagle's front door. "Eagle! Open up!" He called, knocking frantically on the door. He needed to keep in touch with Doctor Selma in case anything happened, and he was going to stay by Eagle's side. He had sworn to protect her years ago when they first met, and nothing would harm her while he was still standing.

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At the sound of Stone's voice, Eagle immediately shot awake and leaped out of bed. She turned and gabbed her plasma cutter before heading over to the door. She quickly unsealed the door and smiled at Stone from behind her helmet. "What's going on?" She asked in a serious tone despite herself.

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Stone slipped inside and sealed the door behind him, leading Eagle to the bed and sitting on the edge with her. "There's something dangerous in the colony." He said quietly. "Some kind of monster. It looks like it was once a pony. There's lots of them, and we need to stay in here. There's a lot in the research center, but Clockwork and Doctor Selma have barricaded themselves inside. For now, we need to stay in here until Selma calls us with something. We can talk, but quietly." He put his hand on Eagle's shoulder, the other cradling his gun in his lap. He was nervous. He had never encountered any creature like this before. But he was not going to lose his composure.

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Eagle took a deep breath, and she lowered her helmet. She looked over to Stone and gave him a warm smile with big, hopeful eyes. "Stone, there's something I wanted to tell you in case we don't get out of this. I have feelings for you." She said softly.

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Stone's helmet retracted as well, and his hand on Eagle's shoulder tightened a little bit. "Eagle, I... I've had feelings for you, too, but I wasn't sure if... I..." He looked down, then back up to her face. His strong arms pulled the mare into a gentle hug around her shoulders, and he spoke quietly into her ear. "We will make it out of this, Eagle. I promise. I won't leave you. We'll get back to Earth maybe, or one of the sprawls on a different planet. I can take up a job somewhere, and we can have a proper date. Does that sound good?" He hoped his words offered some form of comfort and hope to Eagle. He meant every word he said.

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Eagle sighed softly in content, and she smiled warmly. "That sounds very good." She whispered back. She pulled back and gave him a small grin. "One last thing." She said quietly, with a bit of mischief. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips firmly to his, and she moaned softly into his mouth.

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Stone's widened at the unexpected contact, but holy shit Eagle's lips were soft and warm and he couldn't help but melt into a metaphorical puddle. He leaned into the kiss with his eyes closed, breathing in his new marefriend's scent. "Mmm...." After a good few seconds, Stone slowly broke the kiss, smiling blissfully. "Wow... Okay... Let's just relax for now, sweetheart..." He slowly stood up and walked over to the BENCH in the corner. "Let's just rest and stay quiet until something happens. I need to make sure my gun is as powerful as possible. Maybe you should get your extra mining gear as well." Stone began working on his gun, replacing pieces with one another. He soon had in his hands a large semi-auto carbine with a shotgun underbarrel, the kind he used when out in the field. He stepped aside to let Eagle mess around with her gear.

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Eagle resealed her helmet and got up off the bed, then began doing some quick stretches. She made sure to do moves that would show off her curves as much as possible for Stone's viewing pleasure, and she couldn't help but grin to herself the entire time. She stood back up a few seconds later and walked over to the BENCH, then took her Line Gun and began doing some modifications. She grinned like a madmare behind her helmet as she attached a rocket launcher to the bottom of her weapon. She giggled happily to herself like a filly in toy store, then sat her newly-furbished combination gun onto a rack on the wall. She took her Contact Beam and then attached a Hydraulic Hammer to the bottom. Eagle happily took her newest weapon and let it hang from a strap on her back, then took her Line Gun and gripped it firmly. "Ta-Da!" She proclaimed in her soft, soothing voice.

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Stone smiled through his helmet, and he gently wrapped his arms around Eagle, holding her close and sighing softly. "We csn get through this. We can. I'm not leaving you." Suddenly, Stone's comm came on, revealing a holographic screen Doctor Selma as he was running, with Clockwork behind him in a vintage CEC engineering suit. "Stone! Eagle! Glad you two are okay! We're heading to the shuttle in the east wing of the facility. Meet us there as fast as possible. We're getting off this planet and heading back to the Delta Sprawl." Stone nodded and cut the call, turning to Eagle as he held up his rifle. "Come on, let's get moving. We need to be quick." He waited by the door, ready to open it once Eagle was ready to go.

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Eagle walked back over to the BENCH to double check that she had enough ammo for her weapons. When she was done, she walked over to Stone, grinning confidently from behind her mask. "I'm ready to go whenever you are, sexy." She purred.

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Stone nodded and looked to the door, seeming to have a much more serious demeanor than Eagle at the moment. After a tense moment, he unsealed the door, and when it slid open, he already had his rifle aimed from the shoulder, looking down the laser sights at whatever could be outside. The mining colony seemed deserted at the moment, though what that would bring was anyone's guess. Briskly, but carefully, Stone began moving forward, sweeping back and forth with keen eyes and open ears as he went between the small homes in the direction of the research facility. All he could hear were their footsteps in the soft snow, and the wind howling around them. Though, he listened carefully, and he thought he had heard the horrid screeches and cries of those creatures faintly in the distance. He made sure his stasis module was also at the ready, should he need to stop one of those things in their tracks. All it took was a flick of the right wrist, since the left held the kinesis module, to send out a glob of the blue energy and stop anything it hits, even able to keep things suspended in midair. "Is your stasis charged?" He said quietly to Eagle. "I have some stasis packs if it isn't." The suits all had self-charging stasis modules, but it never hurt to be careful. Some charged more quickly than others, while others came with larger energy capacities.

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"Mmmhmm." Eagle replied from being her mask. "I make sure to charge it before I go into the mines just in case." She said quietly. She looked around at the seemingly endless expanse of white around them, and suddenly she felt dread creep into her heart. She began to understand some of what could go wrong. She could be separated from Stone, or he from her. One of them could die. They could be stranded. Eagle shook her head and shuddered as she tried to clear her mind of the thoughts.

There was suddenly a loud, inequine shriek off in the distance, which made Eagle's blood turn to ice.

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Stone tensed as he held his gun, and he began moving faster. "Come on, Eagle. We need to go. We're going to fight those things as a last resort." He began a brisk jog across the snow, and through the endless blizzard, the sight of the research facility came into view. He used his kinesis to open the the door to the southern section as ran up to it, and once Eagle was inside, he shut the door behind them. The halls of the research center were dark, and covered with blood. There was a surprising lack of dead bodies, though, adding to the idea that the dead bodies were the monsters. Stone raised his rifle, the three laser pointers and the flashlight shining out from the ends. "Stay close, sweetheart, and stay away from the vents." He said quietly. "The shuttle is in the eastern wing. Let's move quickly and meet Selma and Clockwork there." He began slowly walking forward, taking quiet steps and listening carefully. He could hear faint growling noises through the walls, echoing through the vents.

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Eagle's eyes darted around the halls as she quickly and quietly followed behind Stone at a close distance. Her heart was beating out of her chest, and she could feel that they were being watched, or at least listened for. She kept her weapon pointed forward, though away from Stone, so as to be ready for any threat that might jump out.

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Stone slowly reached the next door, and the automatic sensor quietly beeped as the door slid open to reveal a similar stretch if hallway to the one they stood in. However, as he stepped into the next section, the vent on the wall burst open by a Slasher jumping out of it, which stood and roared at the couple as it charged. Stone wasted no time sweeping the creature's legs with his shotgun, blowing the left leg clear from the body. His carbine fired three shots, one to each of the arms and the head. The Slasher gurgled and died where it laid. Stone immediately took Eagle's hand and began pulling her along as he jogged down the halls. "They know we're here now. We have to move as fast as we can."

Selma watched as his weapon blasted apart a pair of necromorphs in a single shot. Said new weapon was a particle-beam tesla weapon with a large flamethrower attached, for the use of humane extermination and sequential incineration of biological entities. It worked great as a weapon. "So glad we stopped through the bio-labs." He said with an excited grin from behind the helmet of his yellow archaeologist's suit, while Clockwork fired off another shot from his arc welder, then used the hydraulic knife beneath it to slash the arms off a necromorph. The two stallions, their suits drenched in gore, ran as fast as they could towards the shuttle bay. They burst through the doors, and Clockwork used the blowtorch on his repair tool to seal the door behind them. They left the southern entrance unlocked for Stone and Eagle to get to. Clockwork ran over and hopped inside one of the shuttles, getting into the pilot seat and fiddling with the controls. Selma watched the southern door for Stone and Eagle, praying for their safety.

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit..." Eagle quietly muttered to herself as she was pulled along by Stone. As an engineer in dangerous environments she had some combat knowledge, but she was no soldier. She was inexperienced and scared, but she was ready to fight. If it meant protecting herself and Stone, then she would fight as best as she could.

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As they ran, more necromorphs burst from the grates and air vents around them, crawling out in droves and chasing after the couple. He kept running and pulling Eagle, and he reached back to her Contact Beam that was around her shoulder on a strap, and oulled the secondary trigger as he aimed it behind them. The rocket made a soft pomf as it left the gun and hit a Slasher square in the chest, and the explosion pushed back the swarm, turning several of them into mush and viscera. Stone burst through the door to the shuttle bay, and Selma was waving to them frantically. "Over here! Run, you fools!" The scientist aimed his javelin gun and shot a bolt between their feet. Once they were out of range, he activated the bolt, sending a field of electricity up that caused several necromorphs to perish as they stumbled through it.

Stone literally scooped Eagle up in his arms and leapt into the shuttle, and Selma slammed and sealed the metal door behind them. As he did, Clockwork fired up the engines, lifting them off the ground and through the hole in the bay roof. "Entering outer atmosphere." He said as he steered the ship upwards. Stone set Eagle down in a seat, then strapped himself into one himself beside her, while Selma did the same in his own seat up in the co-pilot's chair. The three stallions on the shuttle all retracted their helmets, and Selma looked to Clockwork with a relieved smile, and the engineer looked back with a similar expression. Stone was panting softly as he laid his head back, his eyes closed. His hand laid itself over Eagle's hand, squeezing it softly. He didn't want to speak right now. Once he got a new home with his funds, and he was far away from that planet and that marker, he would be relaxed enough to talk.

"Entering shockspace." Clockwork announced, and within a few seconds, the stars around them became a blur as the ship began moving at light speeds. Within a few minutes, the ship slowly went out of its hyperdrive, and before them laid what appeared to be a giant space station in the orbit of a large grey planet, warmed by two relatively distant suns, with ships coming and going. "Welcome to Delta Sprawl, one of the largest successful residential colonies in existence." Selma announced. "We'll be docking soon. In the meantime..." He pressed a button on the console. "Delta Sprawl command, this is Professor Selma of the Sigma biological research team. I have three other passengers, we're all tired, and we are all in need of some homes." The command voice, a mare, spoke up in a cheery southern drawl. "Sure thing! Just come on in, and we'll get y'all set up with some empty places in the residential area. Only ten thousand credits to a home." Stone's eyes widened at the price. It was quite low compared to what a home could cost. He's seen weapons go for twice that much easily.

When the ship landed in the massive docking bay, Stone unclipped himself and stepped out with a sigh, feeling relief of being in a safe place. A pair of officers wearing EquisGov uniforms and using pulse rifles approached, their helmets retracted. "Welcome to Delta Sprawl- Say, aren't you Stone Skin?" Stone raised an eyebrow and nodded. The two stallions grinned. "We've heard you mentioned a couple times from a few cadets at the EquisGov security academy. Top of your class in everything from the firing range to hostage situations, and then you went freelance." The second peered around Stone to glimps Eagle Eyes and her curvaceous body. "Though, now I see why." It was then that the two finally noticed how much blood was covering their suits. "Damn. It looks like the four of you just fought your way out of hell." Stone sighed and chuckled, though it was a sad laugh. "Something like that, yeah. There wouldn't happen to be an open spot in the security force around here, would there? I need money, and something to do." The two officers nodded. "We'll talk to our commanding officer. He'll love to have you on board. In the meantime, feel free to check out the residential districts. Find a home you like, and purchase it. The credits are automatically withdrawn from your account upon purchase." Stone nodded and looked back to the other three, stepping up beside Eagle. Selma and Clockwork were standing by one another. "We're bunking in the same home to save money." Selma stated. "I think it would be to both of your... benefits, to do the same." He said with a sly grin. Clockwork was standing strangely close to Selma, but the shy engineer wasn't looking at anyone, as usual.

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Eagle looked over to Stone and retracted her helmet, revealing her sensual smile. "Stone will be getting plenty of benefits. I guarantee that." She purred. She felt he loins stir at the idea of being rutted senseless by a stallion like Stone, who was so strong and built. She knew that he would be a lot of fun, but most of all she knew that he would love her, which meant more than anything.

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Stone blushed furiously, eliciting a giggle from Selma. "Well, I'll leave you two to pick out a home. Clockwork and I are going to check out the eastern residential area. Perhaps we'll end up being neighbors." With that, the scientist and the engineer walked off together towards the main plaza, standing suspiciously close to one another as they walked. Stone smiled as he turned back to Eagle. "Let's get a home and get cleaned up. Then, we'll find a restaurant and I'll treat you to a nice dinner." The stallion took Eagle's hand in his own, leading her out of the bay.

The main plaza was a massive circular area, consisting of restaurants and stores lined up around the edges. The whole place was lit by small electric lights and a giant holo-television, easily twenty meters diagonally across, floating above the whole plaza and showing a mare sitting at a desk, speaking the local news from around the star systems. The TV itself was silent with subtitles, but civilian comms could tune to a frequency and listen to the show as well as watch it. As Stone led his marefriend through the plaza, they received many strange and nervous looks from those around them. Embarrassed, he briskly walked through the large hallway into the eastern residential area.

The area was essentially a series of large hallways, and the homes were essentially apartments, but they were cozy enough. The stallion peered through a few of the vacant homes, indicated by the holographic sign above the door reading "FOR SALE" and their wide-open doors.. Eventually, he spotted a rather nice one for sale. Blue painted walls, a nice red carpet, a holo-TV projector across from a couch, a small kitchen, a bathroom with shower and bathtub, and a bedroom with a large bed and a text log collection on a shelf, with a library's worth of books. "I like this one. What do you think, sweetheart?"

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Eagle hummed to herself as she thought about their potentially new apartment. She turned to Stone with a smile, and she folded her arms across her chest. "I like it too. Nothing fancy, but just cozy enough to be called a home." She said warmly. Not much sounded better than kicking back with a good text log on their new bed.

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Stone smiled and went out into the hall, pressing a few buttons on the panel. The computerized voice spoke. "User recognized. Stone Skin. House purchase: 11,000 credits. Enjoy your new home." He smiled and immediately went over into the bedroom, climbing into the suit kiosk after selecting a civilian RIG. The kiosk's metal doors sealed over him, and after a few seconds, his bloody suit was replaced with a civilian RIG, which was a white long sleeve shirt and jeans, and some sneakers. He also still had a kinesis module on his left wrist. "Mmm.... I'm gonna take a shower, sweetheart. We're filthy, and I want to relax." The stallion went into the bathroom and closed the door, then shed his clothes and RIG, setting both aside to reveal his tall, muscular body. RIGs were all waterproof, but he preferred not to bathe in it. He climbed into the bathtub and hit a button on the wall, and the shower head turned on and sprayed steaming water down onto his fur. "Mmm... That's wonderful..." He used one of the soap dispensers on the wall, and began scrubbing down his fur, wanting to wash away every bit of dead flesh that might be on him. He was sealed inside his suit, yes, but the act of washing himself helped him to be sure.

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Eagle quickly went over and used the suit kiosk to change into a suit of clothes as well, deciding on a pair of blue jeans and a red, button-up blouse. She stepped out of the kiosk and then went over to the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Care if I join you?" She called out in a seductive voice.

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Stone blushed furiously and froze where he was, stammering as he tried to speak. "Uhh... S-sure, come on in." He was very nervous; this would be his first marefriend, and the first time seeing a mare naked, outside of, ahem, certain holotapes. He waited for his lover to join him in the shower, and he desperately prayed he wouldn't get an erection. That would be most embarrassing. He looked down to see that his huge member was still inside its sheath, right above his grapefruit-sized testes inside his stretched scrotum.

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Eagle opened the door and eagerly yet calmly walked into the bathroom. With a sensual grin she began stripping off her clothes. She undid her jeans at a teasingly slow speed, and then pulled them off in a similar manner. Then, she slowly undid her blouse, then took it off and threw it to the side to land against the wall. She then pulled off her panties and laid them on her pile of clothes, then walked over to and stepped into the shower. She wrapped her arms around Stone's waist and pressed herself up against his back, and she hummed at being able to touch him. "Hey there." She purred.

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Stone blushed and slowly turned around in her arms, looking at Eagle and feeling the new and wonderful feeling of her body pressed to his, especially her hefty bosom. His hands tentatively rested on her hips, though he made no move for her shapely, toned rump. "H-hi... Wow... You're so beautiful..." He said with a stunned expression, looking across his marefriend's face and body with wide amber eyes. He reached out and took some shampoo from a dispenser, and he began gently washing Eagle's mane, admiring the vividness of the gold and silver streaks. He felt so very lucky to be alive, and to have this wonderful mare as his lover.

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Eagle closed her eyes and hummed softly at the feeling of her lover's hands stroking her hair. "Oh, Stone, you're such a gentlecolt..." She purred to him. Her chest lightly rose and fell as she let him take care of her, enjoying the feeling of being held by him, and her heart beat loudly in her ears from the sheer joy that she was experiencing.

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Stone finished rinsing out Eagle's lustrous mane, then grabbed some body soap in his hands. He began washing her back and shoulders, but he strayed close to her hips and bosom, asking silently for permission to explore her toned, curvy body. He could feel his huge member wanting to burst from his sheath, and it might do that very soon, if he was allowed to keep touching her like this. He shot the mare a soft, loving smile, his cheeks still a shade of pink.

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Eagle chuckled lightly as she opened her eyes and looked up at Stone. "Touch me where you want, Stone. I know you want to." She said softly. Her lust-red eyes were aptly-colored, as they were full of desire and passion, but they were also full of love. She sighed softly and rested her head against his chest.

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Stone blushed and smiled lovingly at Eagle, his amber eyes burning with his own passion. As his hands moved down to her rump and started to gently massage it, he placed soft kisses upon her neck, breathing in her scent and feeling her fur on his muzzle. It was heavenly. Suddenly, to his embarrassment, his giant shaft reached full erectness, and the way he was standing, the flared tip of the two-foot mottled brown and black beast poked its way into view, coming up between Eagle's breasts. Stone was as rigid as his namesake with embarrassment, and he dare not move, lest he moan from having his lover's bosom embracing his throbbing shaft.

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Eagle pulled back ever so slightly with her eyes wide with surprise at the sudden feeling, but she grinned sensually as she quickly realized what it was. Her loins tingled as she slowly looked down to her chest, and suddenly that fire became an inferno as she saw that Stone's massive member was between her breasts. "Oh, gods, you're huge..." She said in a surprised and lustful voice. She glanced up at Stone's mouth, and then hungrily pressed her lips to his with a deep moan.

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Stone felt Eagle's chest shift around his flared tip, drawing a moan from his lips that intensified as he was kissed. He slowly began gyrating his hips, his member sliding up and down between his lover's bosom while his strong hands continued to gently massaged and fondle Eagle's large, toned rump. "Mmmm...." The stallion felt very lucky and oh so loved, and he wanted to make Eagle feel as good as she was making him feel.

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