The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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2361940 She sighs sadly and lets go. "No one wants comfort from a monster."

2362083 Breathing heavily, Stringer whispers "I have bad experiences with vampires...", but then gets up. "Thank you all for the help, but I think it is time to turn in for the...The door, which was embedded in the ceiling, suddenly fell on the table, crushing it..."night. Umbra can take the couch, or share the guest bed with Blood. I'm going to lock myself in my room. As for Terra...I don't have anything large enough to hold a Minotaur."

2362122 Terra grabs the door and puts it back in place, quickly and efficiently repairing it. "I'll chill on the floor, my control over earth, thanks to Gaea, can let me soften up any natural surface."

"We'll share with Blood." Umbra said with a smile, Shadow was grinning mischievously.

Blood giggles. "Don't try what you're thinking, I last longer than changelings in bed."

2362194 Gulping, Stringer walked backward into his room and locked the door. Grunting, he slowly moved a dresser infront of it. He then jumped under the bed covers, and slowly went to sleep.

2362265 (YEAH YEAH) Yawning, Stringer removed the dresser from his door and unlocked it. Rubbing his eyes as he prepared some orange juice, he yelled "BREAKFAST!"

2362715 Terra lay on the floor by the door, sleeping like a rock.

Blood came out of the guest room, smiling. "Breakfast? For me?" She jokes in a surprised tone.

2363375 "I not even sure what i can feed you..." Sipping the orange juice, Stringer popped some toast into the toaster.

2363524 "I'm a Vampony, remember, damn you suck, it was a joke, I implied that you were offering me breakfast; blood."

2363563 "I can't really offer you anything then."

2363658 "I can still drink normal liquids." She smiles warmly.

2363839 "Oh. Want some orange juice?"

2363885 Sliding a glass to her, Stringer sits down on one of the two unbroken chairs and sighs. Whispering, he said "I miss my mom's pancakes..."

2363909 "I can cook." Blood offers after taking a sip of the OJ.

2363973 "Damnit! I forgot about your hearing....Go ahead." As he says that, some more tiles fall from the roof and land in-front of stringer on the shattered table. "MY LANDLORD IS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING PISSED!"

2364002 "Terra'll fix it." She said before going into the kitchen and starting to cook.

2364170 Sighing, Stringer slipped a picture out from under his Fedora. Looking at the image of what appeared to be him as a child, standing next to a mare and a stallion. The stallion was laughing as he patted his son's back, and the mother was putting a fedora on The younger stringer. Sniffing, he smiled.

2364455 Blood notices, but says nothing as she quickly and efficiently makes the batter.

2366480 Putting the picture back in his fedora, Stringer says "Hey Blood, how are the pancake"-Suddenly, his vision flashed, and he found himself in a dark corridor, lined with blood and the bodies of mysterious bipedal beings. Gasping, he found himself back in the chair, his position completely unchanged.

2371477 "What?" She asks loudly. She starts baking the pancakes.

2371619 "Nothi-nothing." Starting to glance nervously around, the flash returns again, to an even more terrifying sight. Dozens of bipeds surrounded a biped dressed In a black cloak, hanging from a cross. As fire spread up the cross to the biped, Stringer blinked back in, clutching his chest and breathing heavily.

2371857 She moves over to him. "You okay? Your heart rate is accelerating."

2371947 Opening his mouth to speak, Stringer is interrupted by another flash AND a makeshift club to the face. Blinking back, Stringer's glass of orange juice is sent flying as he falls out of the chair. Laying on the ground, he felt his nose was broken and bleeding, and his eye was badly bruised.

2372001 Blood just stood there, confused as F***.

Terra suddenly woke up. "Huh? Wha?"

2372132 (Why the hell did you censor it?) Stringer mumbled out "Phuck", and then crawled over to the couch, which he proceeded to lay on.

2372157 [Dunno, I do that sometimes]

Blood took a deep breath, smelling the blood. She quickly backed away from Stringer, her entire body trembling.

"Bath, calm down, it's fine, take deep breaths." He slowly gets up and moves towards her.

2372319 "Aughhhh. Am I going insane ag-" As another flash occurred, Stringer was surprised to see Terra and Blood had come with him. Looking up, he gasped as he saw an emaciated looking biped, wearing a patients gown, jumping at Blood with a large pair of knives.

2373741 Terra moves and tries to smack the creature away.

Blood is hyperventilating.

2375299 It goes flying, all the while screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" as it smacks into the wall, immediately sagging as it bones are pulverized with a loud smack.

2375889 Terra growls lightly.

Blood curls into a ball, muttering to herself.

2376453 "Seriously, what the fuck was that!" Suddenly, with another flash, the trio arrives and their noses are immediately meeted with the stench of rot. A hanging red sign with the name "Ravenholm" is leaning against a rock, and the sounds of terrifying growls and gunshots echo around them. Hearing a distorted voice shouting "Oh god, help me!", Stringer screams at the bipedal abomination approaching. It has a strange fleshy mass covering what should be its head, and its insides are exposed and hanging out. It's front appendages have elongated into sharp claws, and it is covered in extremely tattered and old looking clothing.

2377110 Terra attacks with Gaea, sweeping the blade in a deadly arc.

Blood is still freaking out from the smell of blood.

2377746 The beings head is cleaved off, but the mass of flesh detaches, revealing a face stuck in a terrified scream, and extremely torn apart. Shaking itself, the mass of flesh is revealed to actually be a small creature, which jumps at Terra's head.

2377856 He swings the blade back up with unnatural speed, cleaving it in two.

2377980 The two pieces shudder on the ground, and lay still. Suddenly, dozens of the strange creatures begin coming out of assorted areas: Doorways, shattered walls, and windows. Gasping, Stringer crawled and laid next to Blood.

2378118 Terra began slashing at them, the ground around him suddenly erupting with spikes at random.

2378774 Gunshots ring out, and as zombies drop a crazy looking biped wearing dark clothes and wielding a Winchester shouts "YOU ARE FAR FROM HOME COMRADES!"

2380165 Terra points his blade at the biped.

Blood slowly staggers to her hooves, growling softly.

2380452 "No need for that!" Throwing Terra an oversized SPAZ shotgun (by pony standards), he then climbs up a ladder onto a roof and shouts "AIM FOR THE HEAD!" Loud howls ring around the town, and many of the zombie like creatures who are nearly skeletons start jumping from the roofs into the clearing the trio is in.

2380618 Blood takes the gun and starts killing them.

Terra encases himself in stone armor and goes all-out tank mode on them.

2381132 Stringer hides behind a barrel, whacking at the smaller creatures with a crowbar he found near said barrel. Clutching the crowbar to himself, he thinks "Make it go away...", and suddenly, with another flash of light, the trio finds themselves in a strange, extremely fast train. Hanged on the walls are pods, and extremely pallid and grey legs hang out from them. With a disgusted look, Stringer notes that their are strange metallic attachments to their legs. Suddenly, the door opens, and a strange biped with a gasmask, light white armor, and what appears to be a futuristic 9mm steps through the door. Stopping, it raises it's gun and in a garbled voice says "Stop right there!"

2381153 Terra, still encased in stone, grunts. He looks to Blood.

Blood smiles at the biped, revealing her fangs. "Hello there, lower your weapon and Terra might not kill you."

2381462 It shouts "The hell!", and runs. Seconds later, it comes flying back in, propelled with a large glowing rod through its chest. Grunting, it is impaled into the wall, and after flailing for a few seconds, it lays still. Another biped, this time with a revealed and feminine face steps through. With a confused expression, it walks around the trio, always looking at it, and grabs a crate. Walking out, it winks, and then says to an unseen group "No one else is in there!" Closing the door, the group is thrown into darkness.

2381587 Blood and Terra shrug. Blood lights her horn so they can see.

2381677 Blinking, Stringer is suddenly assaulted with another flash as they are sent to a black void. Looking around, Stringer notices a pale biped sitting at a desk, wearing a business suit and typing at a computer. Looking up, it gasps and says "I didn't call for anything from FIM-9!" Snapping it's fingers, the three are sent back to the dining room, still with the weapons they picked up.

2381689 "The fuck just happened?" Terra asked out loud. His stone armor vanishes.

Blood shrugs, putting away the shotgun. "No clue."

2381793 Looking around, Stringer puts the crowbar on the table and says "Soooo....about those pancakes?"

2381890 Blood tosses the gun onto the couch and finishes making the pancakes while Terra fixes the rest of the apartment, then sets out a few plates of pancakes and a bottle of syrup.

The twins stumble out of their room. "Fucking hangovers!"

2381970 Looking at the yellowish blood on his crowbar, Stringer says "Hey Umbra."

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