The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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The dry and encompassing Darkness of night slowly overtook Las Pegasos, as creatures of all sorts-Bipedal dragons, Diamond Dogs, Ponies- closed their homes for the Night. But throughout the large city, flashing neon lights flashed into life as dozens of establishments were opened. Clubs, Casinos, and run down pubs opened their doors as dozens of patrons came in. Flashing lights filled the clubs, as ponies tried their luck in the lavish casinos. Dozens came in, and dozens came out, empty holes in their money bags. Musicians played at those cafes for Night Owls, and heart pounding Rave Music filled the Clubs. Also among the darkness, there came the Night's children....

A little thing for Vampires-Their eyes are generally a deep crimson, with a small glow coming off of it. A vampire's eyes in this have a slight controlling effect over people that look into them. It's not a real power, it's just the strange beauty of the eyes are somewhat calming in a way. Ponies won't turn into slaves or anything upon looking into them, it is only calming.

(Well, just ANOTHER supernatural RP on my part. Any race can be used, but no Alicorns! The technology is around the same as my other RPs: 1980 style fire arms, Modern Day electronics, and 1955 styled cars. The architecture is also pretty modern. No overpowered Magic please, and try not to go COMPLETE balls to the walls.

Happily breathing in the nice cool air, Stringer adjusted his fedora and leaned back in his chair. Sipping from a small glass of Soda, he sighed and thought I am SOOO lightweight.. Thinking back to the time he first drank, he smiled and remembered how crashed he was. Looking around at the somewhat empty Bar, he looked again at the bar's namesake, a large dragon skull hanging above the counter top. There were only 5 others in there, 3 pegasi laughing together, a diamond dog sitting at the end of the counter all alone, and a unicorn constantly playing with a deck of cards with his magic. The bar had dim lighting, and the smell of cheap alcohol permeated the air.

2284019 A tall, bipedal figure enters the building, it's body hidden by a black cloak. It immediately goes and sits at the bar.

2284267 Looking over, Stringer gets an inquisitive look and tries to look under the cloak. He thinks Well, i have never seen anyone like this....

2284293 A hand, obviously of d-dog nature comes out of the cloak and sets onto the bar. It remains still.

2284308 Gulping, Stringer says to the figure "Is everything alright?"

2284320 "Yeah, we're fine." Says two voices coming from the figure.

2284337 Nodding, Stringer says "You didn't look o-wait, did you see we?" Stringer inquisitively cocked his head.

2284345 The hand pushes back the hood and reveals two wolf-like heads, one with blue eyes, the other with green.

2284355 Blinking, Stringer says "Wait, wait, wait. Are you two headed, or is there two diamond dogs in there?"

2286789 "And there we go again, freaking everyone out." Says the green eyed one.

"Oh, Umbra, it's not their fault, we are a bit of an oddity." Says the blue eyed one.

Umbra sighs. "I guess you're right, Shadow."

2287633 Simply staring silently, the three suddenly hear the bartender go "WHAT THE FUCK!", and level an old double barreled at the two headed dog/wolf/(Please specify your race).

2289278 The diamond dog simply sits still.

Umbra sighs. "Told you, you owe me twenty bits."

"Yeah yeah, shut up Umbra." Shadow grumbles softly.

They both look to the bartender. "Bars are supposed to be places where one can relax, that gun isn't helping us, just look at it! Shoddy workmanship. If we may see it, we'll fix it, child's play for us mechanics." They chorus.

2291056 Stuttering, the bartender slowly hands the gun to the two headed diamond dog, having literally no fucking idea what happened. Stringer simply stares at the scene open mouthed.

2291208 As they took it, three extra hands come out from under the cloak, making a total of two on each side, and begins tinkering with the gun before handing it back. They smile. "Should be fine now."

2291793 Taking it back, the bartender put it back under the bar table. Shaking his head, he just went "wait, what just happened...". Stringer is still staring with a shocked expression, and the commotion has drawn the attention of every single other creature in the Bar.

2291885 They take off their cloak, revealing a normal Diamond Dog body, though with two exceptions, the two heads attached to it, and the fact that their was an extra set of arms underneath the normal set.

2292362 The assembled group of creatures back off, except for one brave, racist, and obviously drunk Pegasus who slurs "Ge-et outta' here, ya' free-aek...". His mouth is inches in front of your two heads, with the disgusting stench of alcohol on his breath.

2292379 Umbra growls, it was a primal sound.

Shadow simply grins.

All four fists shoot outwards and slams into different parts of his face, sending him flying back into a wall.

2292781 (How strong is your character exactly, and how hard did you punch?) The other 2 pegasi went to check on their friend, while the diamond dog sitting near the end of the bar grabs a pool cue. The Unicorn playing with his cards levitated a glass bottle and smashed it into the table, pointing the shattered and sharp glass at the Two diamond dogs. The bartender only looked at his gun, still confused about his brief exchange of words with Umber. Stringer slowly climbed over the bar, and hid underneath it.

2292829 [They're mechanics, and have helped build airships, so they're pretty strong, and they hit him with enough force to almost kill him...almost...]

Umbra growls louder. "So, is it pick on the freak day?"

Shadow giggles. "It'll be fun to crack some skulls."

They reached into their cloak and drew three things, two foot-long monkey wrenches, and a larger, three-foot monkey wrench. The smaller were held by the upper set of arms, the large one was held with both of the lower set of hands.

2292892 The two Pegasi began checking their unconscious friend for injuries, and it was quite obvious that his neck was hyper extended and could break from the smallest strain. Yelling, one of them produced a knife from a vest he wore and charged the diamond dog, recklessly swinging it in his hoof. The diamond dog with the pool cue circled around Umbra and Shadow, and attempted to get a whack in at her head. The unicorn simply threw the shattered bottle at her, and then began repeating the process. The final pegasus simply tried waking up his friend. Stringer continued hiding under the bar.

2292930 Umbra, controlling the upper set of arms, blocked the cue and then smacked both the dog and the Pegasus, just hard enough to knock them out, then they charged at the unicorn and Shadow, controlling the lower set, smashed the table with her massive wrench then Umbra smacked the stallion with a wrench, knocking him out. They turned to the last Pegasus, and each raised an eyebrow, daring him.

2293052 The last pegasus jumped out a nearby window and ran like a bitch. Poking his head over the table, Stringer whistled.

2294767 Shadow looks to Stringer while Umbra looks to the bartender.

"Hey there, cutie." Shadow said to the pony.

"You saw that we were simply defending ourselves, correct?" Umbra asks the bartender.

2296923 Smiling, Stringer blushed and said "Thanks....."

The bartender simply nodded, and then walked into the backroom. You began to hear soft crying from there. (No need to help him out, it was intended as a funny way to get him out of the picture)

2296936 [it is funny]

"Anything for a cute stallion like you." Shadow giggles.

Umbra looks to Stringer. "I agree with my sister, you are rather cute...for a pony, at least."

2297122 Getting an even larger blush, Stringer stuttered "We-ell, that's n-nice of you to sa-say."

2297141 They both laugh. "We don't bite." Umbra said with a grin.

"Unless you're into that, then we'll bite, lightly." Shadow said with a smile.

2297174 Stumbling over his words, Stringer says "Wh-aat, i bar-ely eve-ev-even know you two!" The light sound of sirens in the distance could barely be heard.

2297186 "And?" They chorus with smiles. they slip their cloak back on, but keep the hood down, and hide their wrenches in some pockets sewn into the fabric. "Besides, cops are coming, and we gotta go, you wanna come with, we'll show you the best view in town, there's a rooftop where you can see the entire city, it's beautiful." They both give him their best puppy-dog begging faces.

2297200 Nodding silently, Stringer got up from the bar and walked to the two.

2297245 They smile and exit through the back door and lead the pony through a twisting path of alleyways before they lead him through a building to the rooftop, and, as promised, it was a beautiful view of the city. They sit down at the edge of the building, legs dangling down.

2297264 Eyes wide, Stringer said "Wow...", as he admired the view. Multiple skyscrapers dotted the skyline, as Neon signs advertised the multiple businesses in the city.


Groaning, the Diamond Dog slowly lifted his head, and suddenly froze as he saw the sight in front of him. A-pony-was currently on top of this unicorn that helped them out earlier, and was currently-The diamond dog's thoughts were interrupted as the unicorn gave a piercing shriek as the thing on top of him removed itself from his neck. Revealing a bloody and fanged grin, it stomped one hoof down on the poor bastards head, immediately crushing his skull like it was paste and splattering grey matter everywhere. Looking up, the monster grinned even wider as it looked at him with unholy, glowing red eyes.......

The sound of an agonized scream cut through the city, as the police arrived to find a terrifying mess......
(That wasn't a new character of mine, it was a NPC used to introduce the supernatural part of the city.)

2297308 They smile and look to Stringer. "What do you think?"


2297321 "It's really nice. I mean, really nice!" Stringer happily hummed a small tune as he looked at the cityscape.

2297549 They smile. "Though it is a bit cold up here." Shadow says, the tone in her voice suggesting he come closer.

Umbra wasn't paying attention, she was looking at the city.

2297829 Blushing, Stringer slid closer to the two.

(How would you feel if there was a way In the RP to make your character into two different beings, one Umbra and one Shadow, by splitting your body?)

2298630 [They have a scroll that that shows a spell on how to split different parts of oneself into two, they simply can't cast it without help from a unicorn.]

They suddenly pulled him onto their lap and gently wrap their arms around him.

2298859 "Ummm-uuhhh", Stringer slowly says. "What are you doing?"

2299129 "I believe we are cuddling with a cute and immensely shy stallion." Umbra says with a grin.

Shadow giggles and nuzzles the stallion's cheek.

2299475 "Pl-please stop!" Stringer blushed, and started hyperventilating.

2299515 "Why do you wish for us to stop?" Umbra's tone was one that suggested he better tell the truth.

Shadow kept nuzzling him.

2299566 Sighing, Stringer says "You won't believe me....The therapists always say that i just covered up what really happened with childish fantasies, or outright said i was insane...."

2299612 "We've seen many things, supernatural, godly, even creatures of myth." Umbra began.

"So try us." Shadow finished.

2299635 Stringer flashes her a grim and toothy smile, and slowly says "Do you know what it's like to watch your parent's throats get torn out? Or for some-THING-to laugh as it forces you to rape their dead bodies?"

2299652 "We have seen a gryphon, who's mind was lost, rape the dead body of a friend as he cannibalized her body..." Umbra said quietly.

"And the damned monster is still alive..." Shadow finished for her sister.

2299675 "Oh no....NO! That's not what happened...This FUCK wasn't a cannibal! It was something else...Something that looked like a pony....But tell me, do ponies have fangs? Or unholy red eyes? Damnit, it shrugged off a fire poker to the eye and just...tore it in half like it was cotton candy!"

2299691 "A vampire, you mean?" Shadow asked innocently.

"It would make a lot more sense if the gryphon was one of those." Umbra growled then gently spoke to Stringer. "Is that why you do not wish to have a bit of fun with a beautiful female?"

2299716 "Wellll, i have only known you for about 10 minutes.....And, after seeing what that thing did-I can't disagree with what you think it was...."

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