The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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2299727 "A night with the Dark Twins can make anyone forget their troubles, even if for only a few moments." Shadow said in a seductive tone.

Umbra gently patted his back, an apology in the gesture.

2299757 Shaking his head, Stringer slowly says "I may sound like an ass saying this, but WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERY SINGLE FEMALE I MEET WANT TO BONE ME WITHIN 5 MINUTES OF ME MEETING THEM?"

2299772 "Well, a stupid stallion did slip some kind of drug into our drink before we came to the bar where we met you...and ever since that we've been very horny." Shadow said matter-of-factly.

Umbra smiles. "I believe the drug was known as ecstasy."

2299799 Stringer is silent for a few moments, before hissing "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-"

2299806 They both nuzzle his cheeks. "Come oooooon." They begged. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

2299815 "No. Just no." Stringer quickly thought WHY ME!

2299834 "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" They continued, mercilessly giving their puppy-dog faces.

2299841 "Am i not making myself clear? NO. But, you can still hang out with me at my place."

2299855 "Good enough for now, we'll see about sex later." Umbra said diplomatically.

Shadow giggles softly. "Where to?"

2299864 "Follow me!" After leaving the rooftop, the two/three/shit i don't know how many make their way to a medium sized apartment after a 15 minute walk. The inside was somewhat bland, but with 2 large and comfy couches, bright lighting, and a small stereo with a large stack of CD's next to it.

2299880 They toss their cloak onto the couch and flop into it, facing the ceiling. "Comfy." Umbra observed.

Shadow smiles at Stringer. "So, what's the reason beside just meeting a little while ago that you won't come and have some fun? Do you just not like Dogs?"

2299914 "Generally, when your forced to rape your own parent's dead bodies, it does things to a pony. Also, i barely know you and we met 30 minutes ago or so."

2299938 "Things we could help you forget for a while." Shadow insisted.

Umbra was strangely quiet.

2300059 "...........No. Just please....No.." To help break the ice, Stringer got up and put on a song.

2300074 "I'm not giving up." Shadow said quietly.

Umbra looks to him. "You don't mind if we take off our vest?" She asked, gesturing to the vest that was currently squeezing down and hiding their magnificent bust.

2300198 "I do mind. I know a thing or two about Diamond Dog Biology, and i INSIST that you keep your shirt on."

2300245 Umbra smiles. "Well played."

Shadow sighs. "Got anything to drink in this place?"

2300338 "Do you really think il give two horny AND persistent mares alcohol?"

2302501 "So you do?" Shadow persisted.

"The term 'Mares' does not apply to us Diamond Dogs, females are called Bitches, or girls if you don't want to say Bitch." Umbra said calmly.

Their hands rested on their stomachs.

2304218 "Yes. But I am DEFINITELY not giving you any."

2304394 "Either you get it, or we raid this place until we find it, your choice." Shadow said with a smile.

Umbra closes her eyes and lays her head back.

2304454 Grinning slyly, Stringer says "Do i have to call the police?"

2305496 "You're mean." Shadow pouts.

Umbra, not opening her eyes, smiles and says. "Shadow, we ain't getting any alcohol from him, 'sides, we got our own."

Shadow gasps in realization and suddenly pulls a bottle of vodka out from their cloak. She squeals in delight and starts chugging.

2305550 "Fuck me!" Sighing, Stringer simply put in another song labeled "Canned Heat".

2305585 "The alcohol affects both of us." Umbra said, finally opening her eyes.

Shadow simply kept chugging.

2305645 Gulping, Stringer says "You know, i have the right to kick you two out of my home. And the Los Pegasos police department frown upon sexual harassment and rape..."

2306016 "It's not rape if you enjoy it." Shadow says, just finishing the bottle. "If we can cause you to get a boner, you like it, therefor, not rape." She grins.

Umbra's eyes go wide. "Sis!? Did you just say something intelligent!? Congratulations!"

Shadow blushes.

2306132 ".......I can't even begin describing how deluded and stupid that comment was."

2306154 "Sister, we may as wel-" Umbra stops, and they both blush furiously. "The Ecstasy is finally kicking in." She said weakly, her voice trembling.

"Holy shit that's powerful." Shadow gasps.

2311436 Gulping, Stringer says "I suggest you leave if you can't keep your composure."

2311891 "There are two minds controlling this body, we should be able to stop ourselves from doing anything wrong." Umbra says, voice still trembling.

Shadow simply stares at Stringer, a hungry and lustful look in her eyes.

2311928 "Yeah....Just please go outside and try to compose yourself.

2311940 "Shadow, chill out." Umbra says quietly.

"But I'm so horny!" Shadow whines.

"Doesn't matter, control yourself."


"Butts are for sitting."

Shadow goes quiet.

2311987 "THANK YOU!", Stringer shouts out. He sighs, and then lays on the couch, pulling his Fedora over his face.

2312026 "Pleeeeeeease?" Shadow whispers to Umbra.

"No, you aren't touching yourself either." Umbra growls.

"Why not?"

"Because it's indecent."

"You were okay with taking off our vest."

"That's different."


"Because the vest is a little uncomfortable."

"What are you-"


"Oh, I get it."

"I said SHH!"

2312071 Without looking, Stringer said to the two "What are you talking about?"

2312086 "Nothing." They chorused in guilty voices.

2312150 Rolling his eyes, Stringer grinned and said "Rightttt...."

2312219 "Not like you'd be interested." Shadow growled.

"Be nice, he simply doesn't like females, don't be hard on him just because he's gay." Umbra joked.

2312703 Stiffening, Stringer slowly said in a low, sinister voice "What did you just fucking call me?"

2313397 "Look us in the eyes, and we'll tell you." Shadow said with a smug grin.

Umbra giggles. "I took off our vest a little bit ago...still...I do hope you can look us in the eyes, not the headlights."


2315618 They raise their eyebrow. "I was joking." Umbra said quietly, hurt in her voice.

"Umbra, let's go." Shadow muttered to her sister.

"No, we have been just simply playing with him, we need to apologize."

"But...fine...Dude, I'm...I'm sorry, I just..." She goes silent.

"Kid, I've been trying to figure you out, whether you're a good guy, or one who wants to just sleep with any random woman...seems you're the former, and I respect that, I'm sorry, and if you really want us to go, say the word." Umbra said evenly.


2318127 They both began to growl. They both spoke in unison. "You're parents we're killed by vampires, you were forced to do things you didn't want to. We were slaves. We had to do things for the amusement of a dragon, or get eaten...We were forced to suck it's dick, to masterbate in front of it, and a plethora of other disgusting things. You think you had it bad? Ever had to fight your best friend to the death for the enjoyment of others? Ever lived every day of your pitiful life being called a freak, labeled as a monster, hated, for nothing other than being born? We learned how to cope. When you're depressed, you either have a sense of humor, or you're nothing more than a living corpse. Sure, we wanted to be with you, but that's because we could sense that you've been through Tartarus. We, however, are NOT whores, We simply were trying to help..."

They are silent for a few seconds before getting up, putting back on their cloak, then heading for the door. "We pity you, unable to cope with your past." They said as they reached the door, pausing for a moment.

2319466 Glaring, Stringer slowly said "So we both went through bad stuff, huh? That doesn't change the fact you didn't stop..."

2319574 "Stubbornness is a trait all share, but some moreso than others." They look to him. "We hope you can find a way to cope." Their voice is no longer angry, but sad. They open the door, then stop, their was someone there. "Uh, hello?" they say, scared.

The reason for their fear was not because of the fact that there was a massive Minotaur there, it was because of the two-handed broadsword slung over it's back."Are you the Dark twins?"


"Step back inside, I have questions for you, and the stallion."

"O-okay." They back up and sit on the couch again.

The Minotaur stood there, silent.

2319694 Pointing at the Minotaur, Stringer said "Hey, ever think of getting a gun? Also, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

2319763 "Someone interested in why you two were seen leaving the bar in which we found multiple dead bodies, also, I do have a gun." He shows them a handgun, then puts it away.

2319817 "Ummm, you mean the pub we left? There were no bodies...At least, i hope Umbra didn't punch that stallion THAT hard...."

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