The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Midnight's grin widened at the sight of her incredibly sexy marefriend, and her chest began to visibly heave with excitement. She scooted over towards the far side of the bed, and then slowly rubbed the spot next to her. "I'm going to make you really purr..." She said in a seductive tone.

Ember leaned down and placed a loving kiss on Amanda's lips, then nuzzled her cheek affectionately. "I think you're very pretty, Amanda. Most mares can't compare to your charm." He said softly.

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Maria laid down beside her mare and snuggled into her chest, wrapping her arms around Midnight's waist. "Mmm... Would you like to start the movie and dinner? I can wear this all night for you, if you want..." She smiled lovingly and purred in happiness, swishing her feline tail and twitching her whiskers. "I wanna make you as happy as possible, my love..."

Amanda smiled with a soft blush and nuzzled Ember's chest, feeling like a little filly in her lover's protective embrace. "Thank you. I love you so much, Ember." She said softly. After a few minutes, she looked around the large place. "Perhaps we could get a fireplace of some sort... Something to keep the place warm..." The mare rubbed her arms slowly, curling up. She didn't like the cold. Not one bit. She could tolerate it, but being only partially warm-blooded, she needed to stay warm more than others.

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"I'd love it if you wore that all night, and I'll do the same. I'll get the food and the movie started, but first..." Midnight quickly leaned in and eagerly pressed her lips to Maria's with a deep moan, and she panted lightly into her mouth. She wanted to get herself all fired up for tonight, and teasing herself was just the way to do it. She reluctantly pulled back a few seconds later, and then got up off of the bed and went about setting up the movie projector and getting the food prepared. Within thirty minutes she had a dinner of steaks, mashed potatoes, and baked beans set up on two plates for them, and the projector was set up. She carried the two plates over to the bed, then sat down next to Maria and handed one to her with a smile. "We'll be the desert." She purred naughtily. She casually stroked her pendant to draw her lover's attention to her abundant cleavage, and her loins stirred softly at the idea of making use of her bust.

Ember's eyes quickly scanned around the house, and then he looked back to Amanda's face with a smile. "I think we can manage that. Whatever it takes to make you happy." He said softly.

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[Almost forgot Maria had balls. :rainbowlaugh:]

Maria purred and sat down with her lover, making sure her garter belt didn't constrain her huge scrotum. She then reached over and turned on the movie, watching it project onto the white sheet that was hung up on the opposite wall. Maria snuggled up to her lover and quietly ate her dinner, watching intently and swishing her feline tail in excitement. She was enjoying the movie so far, and the monster hadn't even been revealed yet.

Amanda squeed and smiled thankfully, and after a couple more minutes, the mare slowly stood up, then walked over and picked up her shotgun again. "Okay, my love. I would like to go practice now. Perhaps we can relax later together. I would like to spend a quiet night with you."

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Midnight carefully wrapped a wing around Maria's shoulders, and then pulled it against her snugly. She loved getting to hold Maria, because it reminded her that she had someone who loved her. She enjoyed feeling the warmth of Maria's body, and the softness of her fur. She loved hearing her purr contently, and moan with satisfaction. She loved everything about her.

Ember smiled as he stood up and grabbed his gun, and then he led Amanda outside of their house. He pointed to a large steel plate chained to one of the walls, and then looked to his lover. "Put the stock in the crook of your shoulder and hold it against it firmly, then put your hand around the front grip tightly." He said softly. He demonstrated with his own rifle by putting one hand on the stock just behind the trigger, one on the foregrip, and then shouldering it. "Rest your cheek on the stock and look down the two pieces of iron on the middle of the weapon. If the front one appears in the middle as you look through the rear, then you're doing it right."

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Maria purred and snuggled up into Midnight's side, savoring the feeling of her lover's super fluffy fur. The little mare absolutely adored her angel. She loved how sensual and caring she was, and how willing she was to make Maria happy, no matter what. She was like a blessing to the little feline mare, and she was happy to return all of Midnight's love in full.

Amanda out the stock to her shoulder, nervously tightening her grip and resting her cheek to the stock. "Okay... I see them... Here I go..." The reptilian mare pulled the trigger, pulling harder at the feeling of the mechanism. The gun fired off, and Amanda dropped it and stumbled backwards, whimpering and holding her hands over her sensitive ears and her eyes shut tight. She didn't like guns. Guns were loud. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow....."

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Midnight took a bite of her steak, then casually turned her head to Maria and kissed her lovingly on the cheek. "I love you." She said softly. This night was just perfect to her. The only thing that would make it better, in her opinion, was some kinky lovemaking.

Ember immediately lowered his rifle and wrapped Amanda in a loving hug. "Hey, you don't have to use a gun if you don't want to. I can make you a crossbow, it doesn't make much noise."

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Maria purred and ate her steak with a smile as she watched the movie, setting some steak aside for Lucy to eat. She was quite enjoying the movie, though she was tense as she waited for the monster to show itself. She was ready to snuggle into Midnight's side and rest in her embrace, to feel her fluffy fur and warm body keep her safe.

Amanda looked around the bustling metro, thinking about what she wanted in a weapon. She looked over at the trams, and saw a stallion using something to shoot nails into some wood and metal. She only heard the ting of metal, and a faint rush of air. She grinned as inspiration hit her. "Maybe a gun that uses air? it would be quiet, right?"

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2684110 (I would have replied much, much earlier, but I've been keeping a killer headache for the past several hours that put me out of the mood for a lot of things.)

Midnight glanced over at Maria, and she grinned as she noticed how tense she was. Having a mare as pretty as Maria would be a real treat for her, and she felt herself become a little hotter at the idea. She turned back to the movie and continued eating her steak, eager to hold her lover when the time came.

Ember gave the strange stallion a hard stare for a few seconds before turning to Amanda with a soft smile. "It would be for the most part, but I don't know if such a gun even exists." He said thoughtfully.

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Once the two of them had set aside their empty plates, and the movie kept playing, Maria sat close to her lover, intently watching and ready to leap into her lover's arms. When the greenhouse door opened and the monster swung its arm at the soldiers, Maria squeaked and leapt onto her lover's lap, holding her tightly and squishing her massive bust against her lover. After a minute or two, the little mare smiled and purred as she snuggled into her lover, rubber her cheek across Midnight's own.

"Maybe we could build one..." Amanda said as she looked about the area, her face scrunched up in thought. She laid her eyes on a worker that was hammering away at a large rail spike on the track, and it was clear she was strong and very much not a pony. She looked to be more of a bipedal, anthropomorphic dog, perhaps a mix between a Germane Shepard and a border Collie, with a dog's muzzle and pointy ears, as well as a covering of thick fur all over her body, colored in a flowing mix of brown, grey, and black. She wore no shoes, as the paw pads on her feet and her canine claws both removed the need and prevented her from wearing any. From the hole in her clothing came a long, fluffy tail, naturally kept in a spiral-like position. Her hazel eyes were trained on her work, and she bore the grimace that came from intense concentration. She was dressed in the usual tee shirt and overalls of a worker, the pockets of her clothing loaded with tools and such.

Her body was exceptionally muscled and chiseled. Where as Amanda's muscles gave her the curves of a goddess, this vixen bore curves as well, but they gave her a look of strength as well as feminine beauty. She had a hefty bosom, at least a cup size within range of Amanda's, and her rump could rival the reptilian mare's own as well. Her muscles seemed more dense, though, like she possessed a high endurance.

She grimaced further as she saw something she was working on, and she shouted back to the other workers, carrying a voice that, unlike Amanda's voice of beauty, came a more gruff, snarky voice with power behind it. "Alright, which one of you dolts forgot to finish removing the old spikes and fixing them?!" The other workers, even the stallions, seemed a bit intimidated by her, and one of them tried speaking. "Ah, can it, spiral-butt!" He said in a snarky tone, but the vixen growled and bared her teeth, causing the stallion to stumble backwards. "Alright! I'm sorry, Emma! Jeez..." Emma just gave a soft huff and pulled a small, one-handed crowbar from her tool belt, then pried off the old railroad spike from the track and stood up. She walked over to the workbench and took a pair of tongs and a blowtorch, and began cutting and welding the spike to fix any cracks or damage, doing so with incredible efficiency and diligence.

"Maybe her?" Amanda said. "She seems to know what she is doing."

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Midnight let out a soft gasp as she felt her member stir at the feeling of Maria's breasts squished against her. That kind of arousal was something that she had yet to get used to. She looked to Maria with a small grin, and then kissed her on the cheek. She was all fired up now, and she was definitely going to make sure that Maria enjoyed herself later.

Ember turned and watched the ponies and lupine for a moment, and then he growled to himself. "I'm not so sure. We don't know if she even has the needed skills, and I'd rather not bother someone who's busy." He said softly. He didn't say it, but he was also distrustful of these strange people, and he didn't like them being so close to his home. Normal people were never good to him.

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Maria purred contently as she rested in her lover's lap, watching the movie with a grin and a swish of her tail. It was getting exciting, as the characters argued among themselves on what to do with the alien creature. "This was a good idea." She whispered to her lover before going back to purring and snuggling her marefiend.

[Lupine, thank you. That was the word I was trying to think of.]

The lupine named Emma let out a sigh as she set down her tools and the now-repaired railroad spike. She shouted "Taking a break!" to the others and walked over to a small restaurant next to the tram station. The look in her eyes... she seemed tired. She sat down with a cup of vodka and stared at the table she sat at. Amanda smiled at Ember and whispered "We won't know until we ask." And she walked over to Emma's table, quietly tapping her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss?" Emma looked up with a tired, but a soft smile. "Hello. Can I help you?" It seemed that this lupine at least tried to be friendly around others. Amanda smiled and said "Well, um... you see, I find myself in need of a silent weapon, and... well... I don't like guns. Would you happen to be able to build something? I'm unsure of how to pay you, but... I'll find a way to pay you."

Emma smiled at the strange mare'e honesty, and she stood up and held out her paw-like hand, which Amanda happily shook. "Name's Emma. Sorry about that shouting earlier. My co-workers can't tell a hammer from a wrench sometimes, I swear." She said with a chuckle. "Anyway, I'm a bit of a tinkerer when it comes to unorthodox weapons, though I've only gotten a couple of things to work. How about this. I'll let you have one of my weapons, if you help me get the parts and get it working. I try to use junk parts and things to cut down on money and make them useful. Recycling, you know? It's a little something I've been putting together. It's supposed to be like a big shotgun, sorta. It uses tin cans as shells, and a big tank of air powers the pellets. Well, not pellets, per say, but it's really just whatever I can shove in the can. Which, by the way, can make it a very versatile weapon, seeing as you can load almost whatever you want inside. I just need help testing it and such, and I'm usually busy with my job. So, what do you say?"

Amanda gave a quick and eager nod, shaking Emma's paw and running back over to Ember. "Great news. She says we can have one of her weapons if we test it for her and make sure its working. Does that sound good?"

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2688714 (I've made a music playlist just for Midnight Storm. :pinkiehappy:)

Midnight lovingly nuzzled Maria before going back to the movie with an excited grin. She was enjoying holding her lover, and hearing her purrs of happiness. There was no greater sounds in the world to her than the sounds of Maria's joy and pleasure.

Ember sighed softly, and then nodded slowly. If it made Amanda happy, then it was worth putting to the side whatever negativity he felt for others. "When does she want us to leave?" He said softly. He was admittedly curious as to what this weapon could be.

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Once the movie finally finished, Maria shut off the projector and let the room grow dim, lit only by a small lamo next to the bed. "Come, my love... Let us relax together..." The feline mare slid under thr covers of the bed, holding her arms open invitingly. Lucy laid herself down on a spare pillow, letting her mommy and Midnight have their fun together.

Emma walked over to Amanda and Ember, carrying what looked like a big shotgun over her shoulder. It was a pair of large, strong pipes, with a trigger and an old wooden stock. There was a shotgun's pump on the bottom, and what looked to be a mechanism for the gun's action above the trigger, the only full metal part of the gun. There was also a set of crude iron sights atop the gun, and on the left side of the two pipes was a small scuba tank, and by the gauge's reading, it was full of heavily pressurized air. There were also tubes feeding from the tank into thr mechanism, and a bike pump was attached beneath the two tubes to fill the tank. It was bulky and clearly a prototype, but it was a damn well-made prototype. "Hey, there. This is it." She said as she gave the weapon to Amanda. "I have it loaded with shotgun rounds, six of them in the bottom tube. It's a simple mechanism. So, just pump the tank up with the bike pump there if the gauge goes below 300 psi, make sure to collect the cans if you can after you're done, and... that's about it. Check in with me after you test it on some mutants or bandits or whatever, and tell me everything about it. The more you test it out for me, the more I can make it better. Sound like a deal?" Amanda smiled and nodded, looking to Ember for his input.

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Midnight slid underneath the covers with Maria, and then laid herself down on top of her lover. She moved up so that her bust was in Maria's face, and she grinned down at her lover. "Would you like that drink now?" She purred sensually. She pulled the front of her gown down to let her massive breasts fall out, and hang just inches from Maria''s face. She quivered as she felt her loins stir at the idea of having her breasts suckled.

"Yes, thank you." Ember said simply. He then turned and led Amanda away to one of the trams that he had rented for his own use, and he hopped aboard. He sighed softly as he gripped the controls; he felt mentally exhausted just dealing with other people, and he wanted to get this over with as fast as possible.

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Maria purred and eagerly latched onto Midnight's left breast, squishing her face into it and tolling them so she was on top. She purred softly as she drank down her lover's sweet milk, feeling as happy as she could ever imagine. This must be what Lucy feels like when she gets a bowl of warm milk. The little mare closed her eyes and continued to suckle, caring little for anything else but her beautiful lover at the moment.

Amanda frowned in concern and came up beside Ember, setting the gun down and snuggling herself into his side. "What's wrong, my love?" She asked softly, looking up at him. She saw her lover's discomfort clearly on his face, and she wanted to make him feel better. She was dedicated to Ember, and she wanted to love and comfort him whenever he needed it.

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2693279 (I think it's time for Maria to have those spontaneous mutations. :pinkiecrazy:)

Midnight grinned and let out a shuddering breath as she watched Maria suckle her breast, and she could feel her warm arousal run down her inner thigh. She looked up and let out a lewd moan as she closed her eyes to savor the moment. She could easily orgasm from this alone, and it would possibly be one of the kinkiest thing that she had ever done.

"People haven't been nice to me because I'm not normal." Ember replied as he threw the acceleration lever on the tram. "You're the only person I trust." He said softly. Soon, they left the station and they were on their way to one of the more monster-infested tracks.

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Maria purred as she suckled and drank Midnight's milk, and she felt something stirring in her sheath. Her member's felt... fuller. With a mental grin as she realized what that feeling was, she slid two of her members out, one sneaking under Midnight's gown and rubbing at her sheath, while the other went up to her other breast and latched on. Maria purred as her secondary member pushed through Midnight's nipple and into her breast, thrusting deeply in and out while she prepared to do the same to the pegasus' member.

"Oh, honey... That's an issue for me, too... Only you and one other, besides Emma, have accepted me for what I am. I'm trying to trust ponies, and... I would like it if we could work through this together. I'm here for you, my love. Always." After giving what she hoped was a reassuring smile, Amanda held the large weapon in her hands, reading the gauge to make sure everything was set, and then she waited, standing close to Ember with the stock against her shoulder. When she saw a nosalis coming at the tram, she aimed her weapon and pulled the trigger. She felt a surprisingly low amount of recoil, easily manageable, and she only heard the puff of air and soft patter of the can falling onto the floor of the tram as she pumped the slide. Said nosalis was now missing half of its head, dead on the tracks. "Wow." She said as she looked over the gun.

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Midnight's eyes shot wide, and she gasped loudly as she felt her nipple penetrated, and her sheathe rubbed. She knew exactly what was going to happen, and she wanted it badly. Her shaft had immediately sprung out, and hardened so much that it almost hurt, and precum streamed from her tip. Her red, swollen marehood quivered, and her arousal was flowing in tiny rivers down her thigh. "T-t-take me, please. H-hard..." She moaned in a pleading tone.

Ember lit his horn and quickly recovered the can, then stuffed it into a bag in his coat. "Nice shot." He said with a soft smile. He was happy that Amanda was learning to defend herself, and he hoped that her new weapon would keep her safe in such a dangerous world.

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Maria's second member slid deep into Midnight's urethra, and the third slid deep into Midnight's marehood, into her womb. The three members began thrusting in unison, all while the little mare purred and continued to drink her lover's sweet milk. This was as wonderful a night as she could envision. Just herself and her marefriend, making love in their own home after a wonderful dinner and movie.

The can that came out of the gun had seven small holes drilled in the bottom, six in a hexagonal pattern and one in the middle, to let the air through. There was a little bit of folded paper as packing, and a thin sheet of paper acted as the cover of the can, to make it a full shell that could be loaded and reused. The shot in the shotgun shells was actually the lid of the can, removed and cut into shrapnel, and stored in the shell.

When the next nosalis cam through, Amanda aimed and fired with more precision, and this nosalis ended up with literally no face or frontal lobe. She pumped the second shell out, then fired again, taking the head completely off another nosalis' body. "I like this gun." She said softly with a big, happy smile.

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Midnight clenched her jaw and eyes shut, and then squealed ecstatically. Her member was so incredibly hard that it hurt a little, but it was far from unpleasant. She grunted as every thrust caused her member to throb powerfully, and her precum began to stream out even more. She slid her sheathe over Maria's member, and completely engulfed it, then latched her suction cup over her flared tip and convulsed around it powerfully. "I want you so baaaad right now...Rut me h-harder, please...It feels sooo good..." She moaned out.

Ember chuckled softly as he took the next can in his magic, and then he stuffed it into his bag. "I'm glad that you like it, my love. I only want you to be happy." He said softly. He was admittedly impressed with how well the weapon worked.

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Maria purred loudly at the increased stimulation and began thrusting her member's harder, loving the feeling of Midnight's strange sheath over her member as she suckled. This all felt so good, and she didn't want it to end, not until they were both satisfied. The little mare felt her huge balls churning with seed, ready to soon pump it into her lover's womb and prostate. She made sure to hold off on pumping it into Midnight's breast, as that would make it bigger, and thus lopsided to the other.

Amanda checked the gauge, seeing the psi reading at 248, and she quickly pumped the bike pump a few times, until it rose back up to around 370. When the next three nosalises came, she fired her weapon with deadly accuracy, shattering the skull of one, punching a hole in the chest of the second, and eviscerating the jugular and trachea of the third. "That's it. Six shells. Let's go back, honey." She set down the weapon, glad it was made of light materials, and sat down in her seat on the tram, ready to go back home and report to Emma.

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Midnight let her mouth fall open in a deep and powerful moan of pleasure as she began to pant lightly, and she was sweating from her excitement. Her heart pounded in her ears, and she could feel not one, but two powerful orgasms building in her lower half. She yearned to feel what it was like to have hot, sticky, virile seed pumped into this new part of her body, and she was eager to know what a climax of this magnitude would feel like. She moaned lewdly, and licked the inside of her mouth as she imagined her and Maria's seed mixing together in her body.

Ember collected the last shell, and then turned the controls around. He threw the accelerator forward and took them back to the station. He was glad that this new weapon had worked so well, and he was happy that Amanda would be properly armed in this dangerous environment. Soon, the tram pulled into the station, and then Ember stopped it and got off of the vehicle.

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Maria pounded her members fast and rough into her lover's body, knowing that was how she liked it. She purred at the pleasure and the sweet, hot milk still rolling down her throat. She would drink Midnight's bosom dry, if she was allowed. It tasted so very, very good, and she could tell Midnight liked how it felt. Maria's hand reached up and held Midnight's hand, and her other hand gently began holding and rubbing the breast she was suckling from.

Emma waved at them as they got off the tram, walking over and smiling warmly, still wearing her usual tee shirt and overalls. "Hey! How did it work?" Amanda giggled and gave the weapon back to Emma. "Six shots, six dead mutants. It blew parts of their heads off." Emma's eyes widened, and the lupine squealed and danced in place like an excited school filly. "Omigosh it worked! Eeeeee! Alright, let me take this back home and give you something a bit more... nice-looking. I've been working on a new version of it, and I've also made a lot more shells. Back in a minute!" The lupine raced off back to her home, and returned with the newly made version. It looked more like a combat-ready shotgun, with a single barrel, and below it was the air tank, covered with a piece of light, strong pipe to protect it, with only the PSI gauge exposed, and the pump slide now served to pump the tank. At the mechanism of the gun, there was a drum of six cans attached instead of the previous tube magazine, and it was all surprisingly compact and lightweight. Emma also had a backpack on, which she set down after giving the gun to Amanda. "Here you go. Tin Can Gun, V2. Semi-automatic function. The drum mag is just a quick set of a central rotary spring, and some shaped metal. Effective, and sturdy. I made it with a mechanism that uses the force of the air pressure to push open the hatch door and eject the empty shell at the same time." She fished a piece of paper from her overalls pocket. "I've saved the schematics, and made a copy of the tin can shotgun shell schematics for you, in case you wanted to make your own. Here." She gave Amanda the folded up piece of paper, which the reptilian mare quickly pocketed. "Oh, and I also made two extra drum magazines, and a good amount of extra shells." She grabbed what looked like a milk crate from her backpack, full of thirty or so extra cans, and two fully loaded drums sitting atop it, which she gave to Ember. "Again, thank you so much for doing this for me. I can never find the time. You guys are great. Alright, enjoy your new toy, and don't be afraid to shout if you have any questions! Okay, I gotta get back to work!" The lupine, smiling like an excited child, put her backpack on and ran back to the tram yard, grabbing her wrench and resuming repairs on a tram that had broken down.

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Midnight smiled blissfully as her moans became even louder and more unrestrained. Her chest heaved with her heavy breathing, and her sweat was beading on her brow. She reached a hand up and began roughly fondling the breast that Maria was rutting, and the resulting surge of pleasure evoke a small squeal from her. Eventually, the pressure in her loins and member were nearing the point of no return. Midnight clenched her eyes shut and furrowed her brow as she grunted and growled with effort. She wanted to hold back her climaxes for as long as possible in the pursuit of even greater heights of ecstasy, but she was unable to hold back any longer. She abruptly threw her head back and screamed as euphoria overtook her nerves. Her member throbbed powerfully as it filled the fleshy envelop that her sheathe had created with her hot, virile seed, coating Maria's primary and secondary members with her sticky essence. Her marehood quivered as it clenched down on Maria's other member, and her marely juices came gushing out of her folds. Both her member and her marehood gave off several spurts of their respective sexual fluids, causing her sheathe to bulge from the sheer amount of seed inside of it, and the sheets to be permanently stained with her scent.

Ember smiled lovingly down at Amanda, and then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "Was there anything else that you wanted to do, or are you ready to go back home?" He asked softly. He was content to let his lover have her way with the situation, but he preferred that they go back home to relax and cuddle.

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Maria squealed and purred as her members pumped seed into Midnight's womb and prostate, and she pulled her head back and screamed out her pleasure, and her third member pulled out of Midnight's nipple and sprayed the pegasus all over with her intensely musky seed. Midnight's bosom, neck, shoulders, face, and even her mane were all coated in the little mare's essence. She fell on her back with a blissful smile, purring and lazily adjusting her lingerie. "Ohhhhhh honey..... Nnnnnn....." She slowly got up and stumbled over to thr dresser, fishing out new sets of bedsheets while her members slowly pulled back into her sheath, her huge balls churning as they produced more seed.

Amanda smiled and eagerly walked back to Ember's home, setting her new gun and the ammo down in the corner before laying down on the bed. "Come hold me, my love." She said as she held out her arms and smiled invitingly.

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Midnight grinned with satisfaction as she slowly and carefully got up off of the bed, and she held her member with one hand to keep her still-leaking tip from slinging her seed everywhere. She stood up and used her other hand to put her gown back over her bust while she used her other hand to gently stroke her erect member. She loved the unique sensation of her male parts pumping her seed out of her tip. She walked over to one of the walls and leaned against as she continued to stroke herself, and she let out a moan at the gentle pleasure. Her male need was starting to build again, which caused her hips to lightly buck into every stroke. She felt something churn in her groin, and she gasped and stopped stroking when she felt something move. She looked down at her lower half, and then grinned as she saw a pair of large testicles, which were churning with a much more musky form of her seed.

Ember had entered their home behind Amanda, and then smiled as he sat down on the bed beside her and hugged her lovingly. "I love you." He said softly. He leaned down and closed his eyes as he put a deep, passionate kiss on his lover's lips. He loved how soft her lips felt, and how it felt to hold her.

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Maria smelt the increased musk, and she grinned as she saw her lover's new testes. They could definitely have some fun with those, but for now, she was very tired. "Mmm.... Come sleep with me, my love..." She said with a soft sigh, purring as she crawled under the covers and closed her eyes, promptly falling asleep. She was exhausted after such an intense session with her marefriend.

Amanda sighed into Ember's mouth and gently pushed him down onto his back so she could lay atop his chest, and she pulled the blankets over them and rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you, too." She whispered, kissing his cheek and letting out a content sigh.

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Midnight quickly got back onto the bed and crawled back underneath the covers with her lover, and then wrapped her arms around her in a loving embrace. She quickly fell asleep with a happy grin, feeling satisfied in ways that she didn't know that she could be. Life just got even better for them.

Ember closed his eyes with a faint smile of happiness as he slowly reached back, and he began gently fondling Amanda's rump. He sighed softly as he leaned forward and lightly nuzzled her cheek, and then he gave that part of her face a kiss. This was nice.

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[Setting these two aside...]

Emma let out a soft sigh as she stumbled into her home after along day of hard work, and she slipped put of her grimy work clothes and into a soft grey sweater and a dull green vest over it, one with her ammo and some small tools in the pockets. She also kept a wrench in the belt loop of her jeans; she needed something other than her teeth and claws to defend against anyone who decided to try robbing her, as that has happened before. The lupine walked out of her home and over to the local pub, ordering a bottle of vodka and a plate of baked beans and some steaks. She sat down with her food and drink and began cutting into her steak with a knife, with the baked beans poured on top of the steak. She wore a certain grimace on her lips, one that was habitual for her to have. She wasn't upset, but she didn't feel like smiling right now, either.

Amanda cooed as her massive, muscled rump was fondled, and she relaxed with her wonderful lover. After a few minutes, however, the reptilian mare felt her stomach rumble. "Um... Do you think we could have some dinner, please?"

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A tall, athletic and curvaceous blue mare wearing a tank top and jeans strolled into the bar and sat down a seat away from Emma. She then ordered an entire bottle of whiskey, along with a dinner of steak and potatoes. She let out a soft sigh before taking a bite of her steak, and then she quickly washed the food down with a drink of whiskey. Upon further inspection, one could tell that she had a silver mane which hung down to her shoulders, and the ends of her hairs were colored gold. Her arms had black tattoos, which spiraled down from her shoulders and ended at her wrists. Her eyes were lust red, and she had a tired expression on her lips. She had a long day at work, and she just wanted to unwind.

Ember looked over to the table as he lit his horn, and then turned on the hotplate as he opened the freezer and pulled out a few steaks. He sat the steaks onto the hotplate, which hissed as the ice on them was vaporized. He turned back to Amanda with a soft smile, and then used his hand to lightly stroke her silky mane.

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Emma glanced over at the mare as she chugged vodka from the bottle, feeling a small blush on her cheeks forming at the sight of the beautiful mare. Her sexuality was something the lupine never really got time to explore much, but she was unsure of whether or not she liked females. Then again, males have consistently let her down in that area as well. A shady-looking stallion tapped her on the shoulder and said "Hey, lassie. Gimme da bottle. I want some." He was clearly drunk by his slurred speech, and the cocky grin he had. The lupine calmly turned in her stool and held up her left finger. "Listen here, you little shit..." Her right hand took her wrench and clubbed the stallion across the temple, knocking him out cold. She put her wrench away and went back to eating her steak and chugging her vodka, clearly not in the mood for bullshit.

Amanda squeed and nuzzled Ember's hand like a playful kitten, swishing her long, powerful tail about excitedly. "What do you wish to do tonight, my love? We have all night to ourselves." The reptilian mare laid herself on her stomach atop her lover, resting her head on his shoulder.

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2703698 (I did a ton of reading on a few animes. Now I can't dismiss the image of our characters being drawn with an anime style.)

The mare looked over to Emma and the unconscious stallion with a surprised expression, but then she gave a soft, amused giggle. "Serves him right." She said in a sing-song tone. Her voice was low, whispery, and purring, and it was like her words made love to the ears. It was what most stallions and a few mares fantasized about. She looked to Emma's face, and then grinned warmly with a hint of mischief. "My name is Eagle Eyes. Mind if I buy you a drink?" She asked playfully.

Ember looked into Amanda's eyes with a look of pure love and affection. "I'm content to just hold you for as long as you want me to. I wouldn't really know what else that we could do besides read." He said softly. His lifestyle growing up completely isolated him from the social norms and customs of both the Germane and his own people. He wouldn't know entertainment if it came up behind him and bit him.

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it was like her words made love to the ears

[Best. Description. Ever. :rainbowlaugh:]

Emma paused for a few seconds, not wanting to rely on another pony. Especially considering the way a lot of ponies treated the lupine. She had to fight for her respect and work extra hard for her pay, and put up with harassment and insults from ponies. She had no way to get back to her homeland, she had no one in her life she truly trusted and loved, and she lived in an underground metro in the midst of a nuclear winter. With all that considered, a free drink sounded pretty good right now. "Yes, please...." She said softly, her eyes still staring at the table.

Amanda smiled and blushed as she slowly sat up, and she slid off her jeans to reveal her goddess-like legs and hips, her massive, muscled rump sitting above her incredibly thick, toned, curvy thighs, and her mare parts were covered only by her panties. She tossed her pants aside and laid back down, smiling lovingly at Ember. "I love you."

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2705343 (I think that technically falls under skull-fucking. :rainbowlaugh:)

Eagle quickly turned to the bartender and waved at them to get their attention, and then she ordered another bottle of whiskey. She scooted into the seat beside Emma and casually handed her the bottle, then took another pull of her own drink. "So, what's your name, cutie?" She purred softly.

Ember smiled sheepishly with a furious blush, and then he used his magic to carefully take off his pants and lay them beside the bed. "I love you too, Amanda." He said softly. He leaned forward and placed a deep, passionate kiss on her lips as he began gently fondling her incredible rump.

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[*NSFW LINK* I think this qualifies for both of those terms.]

Emma sighed softly and gave a soft, thankful smile as she took the bottle. After tipping it back and downing a good eighth of it, she set it down and mumbled "Emma. My name's Emma." After a few awkward seconds of silence, she let out a soft sigh. "Thanks for the drink. I... I'm not used to kindness. I've only met a few nice ponies in my lifetime. The rest have been assholes to me." She let out a soft whine, almost identical to what a normal dog would make if it was upset. Her fluffy, curly tail twitched behind her, drawing attention to her huge, muscled rump. Her fur was infinitely softer and warmer than any normal pony's fur, which kept her nice and warm in the chilly metro tunnels.

Amanda smiled and eagerly kissed Ember back, her tail curling in a spiral for a second before falling flat again. She looked over to the frying pan on the hotplate that held their steaks, still cooking. "When will they be done cooking?" She asked curiously. "I can eat any sort of meat, cooked or not. May I have mine now, please?"

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Eagle's ears drooped a little in response, and she gave Emma a sympathetic look. "You poor thing..." She said softly. Her expression then turned in a kind, yet sensual smile. "I can show you some love." She purred. "We can go back to my place, and I'll give you a night to remember. You seem to need it."

Ember looked over to the hotplate and lit his horn, then took one of the steaks and set it on Amanda's plate. He floated the plate over to her with a soft smile, then turned his head back to the hotplate. He wrapped his steak in his magic, and then flipped it over to cook on the other side.

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Emma's cheeks ignited into a shade of crimson, and she looked away as her ears flattened to her head. "Uh... I... I don't know... I've never been with a mare before..." The lupine took another long swig of her bottle, unsure of what to say or do. It was hard for Emma to trust another pony as much as what Eagle asked of her. But... She did buy her a drink. That's something. No one else would have done that for her. "... Alright... Lead the way..." She said nervously as she stood up, taking the bottle with her. She wasn't going to let good whiskey go to waste.

Amanda sat up on the bed and eagerly took her steak in her hands, then took a bite out of it and smiled as she chewed and swallowed the delicious meat. "Mmmm...." The reptilian mare happily munched on her steak, finishing it quickly. She licked her claws clean and set the plate aside, then snuggled back into Ember's chest, smiling lovingly up at him.

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Eagle grinned, and then grabbed her whiskey bottle as she stood up. She turned and quickly led Emma out of the bar, and to the train car that she called home. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an old key, and then unlocked the door and led Emma inside. It wasn't fancy at all; it was only a bed two tables, a hotplate, and a light which dangled from the ceiling. Eagle put a little swing into her hips as she walked to the bed, and she stripped off her tank top and kicked off her boots before laying down on the mattress. She looked to Emma with a sensual smile, and she made the "come here" motion with her hand.

Ember put a kiss on Amanda's lips as he held her for a little bit, but then a few minutes later he gently picked her up and sat her on the bed. He raised up and looked to the hotplate, then lit his horn and used his magic to put the steak on his plate and float it over to himself. He took the steak in his hands, and then bit into it with a soft moan of delight.

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Emma whimpered and blushed as she let her eyes follow Eagle's toned rump, and she found herself rather enjoying the sight, much to her surprise. She slipped out of her shirt and pants after hanging up her jacket, leaving her in her black panties and bra, and revealing her toned, muscled, curvaceous body. She walked over to the bed and laid down on her back, looking to Eagle nervously. "Um... I don't know what to do..." She said softly, blushing with embarrassment.

Amanda snuggled up into Ember's side and wagged her tail happily. "I love you, Ember... You've been wonderful to me... So wonderful..." She blushed and looked down to her lover's groin, then back to his face. "Can I make you feel good, my love? I like seeing you happy."

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Eagle rolled over to face Emma with a sensual smile, and then lightly kissed her on the cheek. "Just let me take the lead, sweetie. I'll be gentle." She purred softly. She closed her eyes as she leaned forward, and then she pressed her lips to Emma's with a soft moan. One of her hands moved over rest just below the lupine's bust, and then she sensually rand her hand down her powerful abdomen.

Ember immediately stopped what he was doing as he heard Amanda's words, and he slowly turned to her with a light blush. "Yes, please." He said meekly with a shy smile. He reached over to the table and sat his plate down, then quickly took off his pants and boots, and he laid his garments in the floor beside the bed.

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Emma let out a soft squeak as she felt Eagle's hand on her abdomen. She hadn't been touched there in years, and she forgot what a loving touch could feel like. The lupine's eyes fluttered shut, and her hand tentatively went up and cradled Eagle's cheek, and the other rested upon the seductive mare's shoulder. This was... very pleasant. Whether or not Eagle was the one for her, Emma could feel a little more confident with her sexuality now. Mares, right now, were seeming to be much more appealing than any stallion. "Mmm..."

Amanda smiled and crawled in between Ember's legs, and she gently took his member in her hands and stroked it up and down a bit until it was erect. She then bent forward and wrapped her lips around the tip, then began swirling her tongue down Ember's tall shaft, in the pattern of a perverse candy cane stripe, as such an image began appearing. Her incredibly long tongue swirled down his shaft, bit by bit, until her tongue reached the base. Still going, she kept feeding her tongue out, and it wrapped around Ember's scrotum as well, going across his two heavy testes.

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Eagle gave long, pleased moan into Emma's mouth as she felt the powerful muscles beneath the lupine's fur. Strong... She thought to herself. She slowly thrust her tongue into Emma's mouth, and she began gently licking at her teeth and gums. She reached down and began undoing her jeans as she felt a warm sensation between her legs, and then she took them off and tossed her pants to the side.

Ember moaned deeply, and he gripped the bed sheets with both hands as he watched Amanda's tongue swirl down his length. His member visibly throbbed in her mouth, and it became as harder than he thought possible. Precum was streaming from the tip and into her mouth at this point.

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Emma squeaked a bit and timidly licked at Eagle's tongue with her own, and her hands stayed on her cheek and shoulder. She wasn't brave enough to touch Eagle anywhere else at the moment, and she didn't want to mess this up. Slowly, the hand on Eagle's cheek moved around and began stroking the mare's mane, the lupine hoping to trying being a little more intimate.

Amanda began convulsing her tongue around her lover's genitals, squeezing and rubbing in different places all over as she drank down his musky pre. She looked up at him with a loving gaze, and her hands gently held the inside of Ember'a thighs for balance.

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Eagle moaned softly as she eagerly moved her tongue to play with Emma's, and she used her hand to gently feel up the lupine's curves. She was taking things slowly so that her lover wouldn't be uncomfortable with what was happening. She wanted her to enjoy every bit of this.

Ember clenched his hands on the bed sheets at the strange but intense pleasure, and he stared back loving into Amanda's beautiful eyes. "I love you..." He said in a soft, gentle voice. He wasn't sure how his climax from such unique stimulation was going to feel, but he knew that he would probably enjoy it regardless.

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Emma panted softly as she let her hands slide around Eagle's shoulders, still tentstive about the whole situation. She broke the kiss and looked up at Eagle with a nervous expression, her ears flat to her head. "Um... Could you just... hold me? Please? And... scratch me between the ears?" She asked softly, and she gently rolled them so Eagle was on bottom. The lupine laid her head on Eagle's shoulder, still a bit nervous about touching a mare's private parts.

Amanda closed her eyes and kept clenching her tongue in different areas, and her drool trickled down the side of Ember's shaft as she gave his testes a soft squeeze. The tight feeling traveled up to his shaft, then up the length of it to her mouth, then back down his member to his scrotum again, giving a feeling not unlike being stroked.

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Eagle smiled warmly and giggled happily at Emma, and then reached a hand up to the lupine's head and began scratching her gently between the ears. "You're cute when you're nervous. There's not a lot of mares that I can say that about." She said softly. She then snugly wrapped her other arm around Emma's waist.

Ember shuddered quietly as he worked his hands against the sheets and the mattress, he was nearly unable to believe how good this felt. His eyes wanted toll back in his head each time Amanda's tongue stroked his shaft. He slowly looked down to his lover's face with a half-lidded gaze, and he panted softly. "Could...Could you put your tongue down the...hole? Please? I want to know what it feels like..." He asked quietly.

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Emma let out a sigh of relaxation and closed her eyes, and she reached down and pulled the bedsheets over them. "Thank you..." The lupine's hands were curled to her chest so she didn't touch Eagle anywhere inappropriate, though she couldn't help but crack and eye open and idly glance down at Eagle's hefty bosom. Some part of her mind was associating the soft breasts with pillows, and she did want to try that, but she wasn't sure how to ask. As much as she enjoyed this, she wasn't sure what was and wasn't acceptable with this beautiful, sensual mare, and she didn't want to throw away the only source of affection she had...

Amanda's tongue slowly unwound itself from Ember's genitals, then once it was back inside Amanda's mouth, she clamped her lips down around the tip, then began slowly worming her tongue down her lover's urethra. She looked up to Ember to make sure he was comfortable as she was doing this, and her hands rested on the insides of his thighs.

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Eagle grinned sensually as she saw Emma glance down at her chest, and she went from rubbing her head to petting her slowly. "I know where you're looking, sweetie. Wanna feel them?" She purred in a soft, playful voice. More than once had a stallion or mare put their face in her cleavage once they were in privacy, and she admittedly liked it. It made her feel good about herself.

Ember gripped the bed tighter than ever before as he stared down at his shaft, and let out a deep, powerful moan of pleasure. "Oh, Amanda...I love you..." He panted out. This felt simply incredible to him, and he wanted more. He wanted to feel his lover's long tongue all they way down into his prostate.

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Emma smiled softly and timidly laid her head down on Eagle's bosom, letting out a long sigh at the softness and warmth she felt embrace her. "Soft..." She said quietly, smiling and nuzzling the breasts she laid upon. Her hands slid around Eagle's waist, feeling more comfortable about holding the beautiful mare.

Amanda pushed her tongue deeper and deeper, until she wormed it deep into Ember's prostate. Her tongue licked the inside of his prostate as her hands began massaging his scrotum, wanting to provide as much pleasure as possible. Her eyes looked up to Ember's own, shining with love and affection.

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