The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Life in the Germane Metro was... difficult. Ponies took shelter and lived in the underground metro stations after the megaspells dropped, leaving the land above a barren nuclear winter wasteland of toxic air and mutated wildlife. The air above was so toxic, if you had to trek across the snow and winds, you had to wear a gas mask to survive.

In one particular station in the northern area, station 26-B, a small hooded figure made her way back to the front gates of the station, her backpack bulging with valuable materials like scrap metal and scavenged food and ammo. A calico cat with a metal left forepaw stuck her head and paws out the backpack and hopped onto the little mare's shoulder, purring and resting on her favored perch as the mare looked at her friend and the resident gate keeper. "Hi, Midnight." The voice sounded softly from behind the cloak, having removed the gas mask earlier. The little mare was wearing a white hoodie, a vest over it with pockets on it, and a set of grey cargo pants and boots. She also wore gloves to keep warm. Her eyes were a sparkling sapphire blue, while her fur, while only exposed around her forehead, was a snow white, like the snow outside.

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Midnight smirked at the white mare as she leaned on the railing of the catwalk above the gate. "Hey, Maria. Looks like you got lucky." She remarked suggestively. She was a tall, black pegasus mare with a slightly unkempt silver mane, and bright sapphire eyes like her friend's. She was clad in the trousers from a set of old military fatigues that hugged her toned legs and wide hips, and she wore a white tank top with a neckline low enough to allow the topmost part of her breasts to show. The top hugged her curvaceous figure, and between her large breasts dangled a tarnished gold necklace that drew the eyes to her enticing assets. To keep herself warm, she wore an old, brown leather coat lined with soft wool. To protect her feet, she wore a pair of old, steel-toed boots. She stepped over to a large crank and began turning it as hard and as fast as she could, wanting to get her friend inside as fast as possible. The old system of gears turned like clockwork as the rusted gates quickly swung open. The mechanism of the gate was complex to keep as much of the effort off of the operator as possible, it was necessary since they couldn't power an electric wench to move the great doors.

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Maria hurried herself inside, smiling up at Midnight thankfully, though her blush was hidden by the bandanna over her mouth. It was a known fact in the station that Midnight loved double entendres. The little mare went into the station, which was like a small town, with shacks made of metal and wood built for housing, as well as old train cars hollowed out for the same purpose. Ponies bustled about, whether at the local bar, or shopping for guns, things that many residents carried. She went over to the gun smith, giving him the bounty of scrap she collected. "Thanks, Maria." The muscular stallion said in a thick Stalliongradish accent. "Our normal deal. I'll keep forty percent, and the rest will be made into ammunition for you." The little mare nodded and went up to her apartment, a small train car that had been hoisted up off the train tracks and bolted to the wall as an apartment. The gunsmith began weighing all the scrap Maria brought in, which was quite a lot. Maria sighed and shed her backpack, flopping down on her bed and stroking Lucy's back when the cat laid herself down on the little mare's bosom.

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Midnight's ear twitched as she heard a sound from behind her, and she turned to see her replacement walking up the stairs. She grinned mischievously at the stallion, and she placed her hand on her hip as she shifted them to one side. "Hey, Snowbound." She said to the light-blue stallion as he climbed the stairs. "It gets really cold and lonely up here, you know." She purred. "It would be nice if someone warmed me up." She said suggestively.

The stallion rolled his eyes and walked past her, and he took his place on the part of the walkway nearest to the gate. "You'll probably just rob me blind." He remarked.

Midnight chuckled and turned to look at him, her eyes half-lidded in a way that would beckon someone to the bedroom. "At least you would feel good." She said softly.

The stallion didn't even bother turning around. "Just leave already, you whore." He said coldly.

His words earned a much louder chuckle from the black mare. "I may be a 'whore', but at least I'm not on a dry streak, limp-dick." She quipped casually. She turned and walked down the stairs, a victorious grin on her face, and she sprinted off towards the makeshift office of the head of security. She entered her boss's office, got her pay, and then existed, all within the span of a few minutes, and she continued to her house. Her home was an old train car on the outskirts of the station's safe-zone, turned back upright and bolted to the wall. Fittingly, her home happened to be the caboose of the train, which made her smile whenever she thought about it. More than once she had caught a stallion or mare staring at her own caboose. She opened the door for the car and stepped inside, then used a long piece of metal to secure the door from the inside. She went about and closed the shades, and then stripped off her tight pants, which were starting to itch. She laid down on an old mattress and decided to rest for a bit.

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Maria had slipped herself into a pair of sweatpants and some more comfortable slippers, though she still wore her white hoodie. The little mare turned on her radio and slipped a cassette inside, playing one of her favorite songs. When the song started playing, she picked up Lucy and started dancing with her cat, giggling as she moved about her car. It had a good amount of space to it over all. She had her bed against the wall, a gas lamp in the corner to illuminate the room, a workbench with sketches of weapon modifications and tinkering ideas, and two other tables, one with an electric hot plate to cook food, and another that she kept her gear on. Lucy purred and hopped onto the bed, seeming to dance along with Maria as the two shared some quality time together.

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Midnight gave an exasperated groan and raised back up, unable to sleep. Though it did feel good to just lounge around after so much standing around, she was restless. With a sigh of defeat she rolled off of the mattress and stood up, then put her pants back on. If she couldn't sleep, then perhaps she could go exploring a bit but she didn't want to go alone. Preferably she wanted to find some mare or stallion to have some fun with, but the excitement of adventure and finding salvage was enough for her. She put her boots back on and went over to the door, opened it, and left, closing it behind herself. She walked to Maria's house, which took a few minutes, and she raised her hand to knock. She noticed that music was playing, and she felt the urge to peek through the window. She sighed in defeat as she gave in, and she peaked through a crack in the shades. She saw Maria dancing happily with her little cat, enjoying themselves despite the gloom around them. It brought a smile to her lips, and it warmed her heart. Now that she was in a better mood, and that her curiosity was satisfied, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

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Maria looked over at the door, then reached over to her radio and hit the stop button on the cassette. She made sure she looked presentable in her pajamas, then walked over and opened the door. "Oh, Midnight! Hello. Um.... What'cha up to?" She asked, tilting her head curiously. While the two of them were friends, she rarely, if ever, got a visit from the tall pegasus. Not that she minded the visits; Midnight was drop-dead gorgeous, but Maria dare not show that she's more than just female, lest she be thought a mutation. Lily sat on the bed, licking her metal paw and flexing the sharp, inch-long metal claws in and out. She also yawned and leaned her head back, revealing the long, thin scar on her chest that had remained from the surgery that saved the cat's life, and had also put a miniature gas mask filter in the base of her trachea, so she could survive the air outside. It was easier than making a gas mask for Lucy, in the long run.

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Midnight gave a friendly smile, and she folded her hands in front of herself. "I'm off of work and I can't really rest, so I was wondering if you'd like to go exploring with me. I'd love it if you came." She asked softly. She couldn't help but widen her smile into a grin as she thought about her last few words.

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Maria gave a sheepish nod, looking back to Lucy, who seemed to be stretching in preparation. "I'll meet you by the front gate in a few minutes, okay? Where are we going, by the way?" She asked as she went over to the table with her gear, loading up her weapons and packing away all the usual items she carried. She would wait until Midnight had left in order to change; she didn't want to shut the door in her face. That'd be rude.

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"How about the abandoned metro station further up the line? If we work together we can probably find some good stuff." Midnight replied. She tilted her head to the side as she observed Maria's rump as the white mare worked. She sighed in defeat and tilted her head back, she couldn't see much of Maria's outline through her baggy clothes. It didn't help that she was horny. "I'll see you at the gate." She said before closing the door and walking away.

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Maria quickly slipped out of her sweatpants and put on her cargo pants and boots, then slid on her vest over her hoodie and pulled up the hood, putting a shroud over her mouth as well. She put on her backpack, with Lucy already inside the little pocket Maria had made for the cat, then strapped the holster to her pistol, a 10 millimeter pistol she called Lil' Darling, to her hip. She quickly made her way to the front gates, making sure her headlamp was on her head and then squeezing her hand charger a couple times to make sure the battery was fully charged. "Ready." She said, her HK 417 in her hands. "We should see if we could borrow a tram to use, assuming the tracks are still intact."

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"That's a good idea." Midnight replied. She turned to look at the heavy gate. "I think the tracks are alright, but the station is pretty far away. " Strapped to her hip was a revolver far larger than a handgun had any right to be. It was black and had a wooden hand grip, and engraved on the cylinder was "The Cougar". Judging by the size of the gun, it was chambered for at least .45-70 rounds. Hanging from her back via straps were two long guns; one was a submachine gun that was engraved with "The Screamer" on the stock, and the other was a black hunting shotgun with a bayonet lug, and a lip-print of pink lipstick on the stock. She called the shotgun "The Goodbye Kiss". She turned to her coworker on the catwalk. "Hey, Snowbound. We're taking the tram." She called up.

The stallion turned and threw her a pair of keys for the vehicle. "Have at it." He called back. He turned and walked over to the crank, and he began quickly opening the gates.

Once the gate was open, Midnight went over to the tram and got up on it, and she sat down on the driver's seat. She turned to the white mare and motioned for her to follow. "Hop on."

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Maria hopped in the tram with Midnight, relaxing and letting her friend drive as she quickly checked over her other two weapons. Her HK 417 marksman rifle was painted in a black and white tiger stripe pattern, with the word "PROWLER" on the side, in jagged red letters. It was modified with a flash suppressor, shorter barrel, and a folding skeleton stock. The little mare kept her headlight and gun aimed at the back end of the tram, while the motorcycle headlight illuminated the front and the on-board electric lantern gave the both of them illumination. She never liked the tunnels; too claustrophobic for her tastes to fight in. Up on the open surface, her pneumatic compound bow, the Messenger, allowed her to shoot anyone and anything in sight without a sound. Of course, it still worked down here, but her poison blowpipe was much better for the smaller areas.

As they rode, Maria stole glances at Midnight, admiring her beauty. "So..." She started, feeling awkward. "What have you heard about this abandoned station? Anything good?"

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"Well, supposedly it's got a lot of loot for the taking. From what I've heard, it just went dark one day, and no one's been brave enough to go check it out." Midnight replied as she watched the road.

"They knew too much..." A voice softly whispered into their minds. The voice seemed to echo, with every echo changing its form to reflect a different emotion. One repetition would be sad, while the next would be angry, and so on.

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Maria squeaked in surprise and shone her headlamp about, ready to shoot anything that dared come after them. "Do... Do you hear that?" She asked quietly. That voice was very unsettling, and she wished that it would stop soon. Either that, or something that she can shoot comes into the open. Lucy was on Maria's shoulder, nuzzling the little mare's cheek and trying to calm her down. Maria eventually sat back down, but kept her gun at the ready, still seeming nervous.

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"I have no regrets...They knew too much..." The voice chanted.

Midnight was thoroughly unsettled, but she was calm enough to notice that the voice got louder as they approached their destination. She hit the breaks on the tram and turned off the engine, listening for anything else out of the ordinary.

"I have no regrets...They knew too much..." The voice echoed again.

Midnight turned her head about as she heard the being chant its mantra. "Whatever it is, it's not even remotely a pony. No one can speak like that." She replied in a serious tone.

"I have no regrets...They knew too much..." The voice repeated.

Midnight whipped her head around to Maria. "Whatever that thing is, it sounds like it's all around us, and getting closer by the seconds." Something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she looked back to the direction they were headed. A blue light came from a docking platform far in front of them, moving from the left to the right as it slowly hovered over the tracks to the other side.

"I left none alive, I had no choice...I left none alive, I had no choice
...I left none alive, I had no choice..." The voice chanted, this time somewhat louder . If one could see that far, they could notice a blue, featureless, pony-shaped figure in the center of the powerful light, a figure that seemed to change its pose every few milliseconds. It was both awe-inspiringly beautiful, and horrifically alien.

Group Admin

[Let's have them discover information about the creature in the ruins of the station, and that's when the creature starts coming after them. I'm liking this. :rainbowkiss:]

Maria's keen eyes widened at the sight, the grip on her gun trembling a bit as she aimed down the ACOG scope at the pony, ready to fire at a moment's notice. Lucy did her best to calm the little mare's fears, wanting her owner to stay calm. She purred softly in her ear and nuzzled her cheek again, knowing that usually soothed the little mare. Maria took a few deep breaths, thankful she had Lucy to keep her calm. She watched the figure carefully, now with a calm and steady grip on her weapon. She considered turning her headlamp off, but the tram was already well-lit as it was. There would be no point. "Midnight?" She whispered. "Let's make sure we stay away from that. Whatever it is. It doesn't... I don't feel right when I'm looking at it."

Group Admin

2286762 (I'm glad you enjoy this. Part of my fascination with neuroscience and psychology is that the brain has hard-wired reactions to certain stimuli. In other words, I designed this entity to be terrifying on a scientific level.)

Midnight felt her heartbeat rise as she stared at the entity. "I don't like it either. I feel like it shouldn't exist at all, it's like it violates everything I know about the world." She whispered back. When both mares blinked, the entity and all visible traces of its presence disappeared. The tunnel ahead was completely dark. Midnight looked down the tunnel with surprise. "Where'd it go?" She asked softly. The black mare quickly restarted the engine of the tram, which turned on the headlights, and she moved her foot towards the gas pedal.

"We hear you...We know you're there..." The voice whispered.

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Maria whimpered softly, putting away her HK for now, letting it clip onto the side of her backpack by some straps. She needed some comfort. With Lil' Darling in her right hand and the laser pointer on, Lucy sat on her lap and purred comfortingly, and Maria stroked her cat's back to keep herself calm. It was moments like these that she was glad to have Lucy. The cat was always there to make sure her timid nature didn't overwhelm her, and that she was always calm enough to finish the mission. "Thanks, Lucy..." She said softly, and the cat twitched her ear in acknowledgement. "How much farther to the station?" She asked Midnight.

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Midnight stepped on the gas pedal, and slowly accelerated the tram, taking care to not go so fast as to lose her passenger. "It should only be a few minutes, if that." She replied evenly. She glanced back at Maria with a concerned look, noticing the fear in her eyes. "Look at it this way; if that thing comes back, we'll know, and from what we've seen it doesn't move very fast."

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Maria nodded, but she kept stroking Lucy's back, her other hand still holding her powerful handgun. "Let's just... Make sure we keep away from it." She said quietly. A few minutes later, she sighed and let Lucy go back into her backpack, and she holstered her pistol and pulled out her HK once again, folding out the stock and putting it to her shoulder. She was planning to stick to Midnight's side; there was no way she was going to let herself be separated from her friend. The same went for Lucy, though the cat could tell right away. She and Maria had grown to know each other very well.

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The tram went past the platform where they had seen the unsettling entity, and it soon became just another part of the view behind them. After about a minute-and-a-half, Midnight brought the tram to a gentle stop and she turned off the engine with a turn of the key. She put the keyring in her pocket before hopping off of the vehicle, and she pulled out The Cougar. She held the huge hunting revolver firmly in both hands as she looked over the gate to the abandoned metro station. The front gate, which was a single piece of rusted steel lifted by a crank, was only half-there. The top part dangled from the cable, and there appeared to be scorch marks on the bisected gate. Something had melted or cut through the door, and recent events seemed to suggest that it was the creature they had seen before.

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Maria warily walked forward into the metro, her headlamp illuminating the inside as she slowly passed under the destroyed gate. She was unsure of what she would find, but she expected to see the station in a similar state as the front gate. As she crept forward on silent footsteps, she glanced back at Midnight, making sure to stay close to her. "Here goes..." The little mare shone her headlamp around what was the residential and market area of the station, expecting to see something rather horrific.

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Midnight kept her grip tight on her revolver, ready to snap it up at a moment's notice. She looked where Maria was looking, and she gasped softly. There were suits of clothes and equipment strewn about the station, but there were no corpses. On closer inspection, the items were all covered in blackened ash. "What a monster..." She mumbled. She squeezed the pump for her headlamp a few times to make sure it was charged, she didn't want to run out of power in a place like this.

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Maria slowly moved forward and moved around to each of the equipment and such, salvaging any ammo she found and taking any guns that were still usable. As scary as this place was with that creature around... "This place is a gold mine..." She mumbled, moving with practiced hands. Soon, she came across a spot with a particularly large amount of guns and ammo. She pulled out a flare from her backpack and cracked it open, illuminating the spot. "Hey, I found the ammo exchange and the gunshop!" She called over to Midnight, her smile hidden behind the cloth around her nose and mouth. She gleefully began collecting as much as she could carry, looking back at Midnight and waving for her to come over, the area illuminated in the flare's crimson light.

Group Admin

2287598 (I'm assuming that they're in the gunshop, I got a little confused.)

Midnight grinned and quickly went over to the spot where Maria was, enticed by the promise of salvage. She gave her lamp-charger a couple of squeezes for good measure before she began looking around. She got down on her knees to better look at the wares on the lower shelves, and her eyes scanned over what was there. She found a few boxes of 9mm and 7.62 Stalliongrad ammunition, along with a recently-made Bastard Gun. She frowned at the sight, and sighed softly. The items were worth a decent amount, but the crude gun wasn't anything special. She raised an eyebrow as she noticed something behind the old gun. "Hey, I think I found something." She said to Maria. She moved the shoddy firearm to the side before reaching out and grabbing what had caught her interest, and she quickly pulled it to herself. Her eyes lit up at what she found. "Wow..." She said. She turned to Maria and laid the gun down on the floor; it was too heavy to hold up. It was a semi-automatic rifle just shy of four feet in length, with a stock made of laminate chestnut. The stock also had an emblem etched into it; a two-headed dragon with the heads facing opposite directions. Upon closer inspection, the rifle seemed to be missing a small part of its gas system, and the barrel had a few dings that may have compromised its integrity.

(I realized that while the bolt face can be "opened-up" enough to fit a 45-70, each cartridge will have to have its rim cut down so that it feeds properly.)

Group Admin

[That's fine. Maria will need to shorten the barrel and attach an adjustable stock, if it really is that long. However, since the 45-70 rounds are low velocity, the noise shouldn't be a problem.]

Maria looked the gun over, thinking about how she could possibly repair it and maybe use it. If she could modify its length and weight, and find whatever ammunition it uses. Scavenging around the shelves a little more, she found some large, heavy rounds, ones that looked as if they would be used for hunting. They looked very similar to the Beowulf rounds Midnight had in her revolver; perhaps she could give them to the gunsmith to produce, and maybe she could modify this large rifle to take the rounds. A little more examination of the inside of the mechanism showed that it worked with an en bloc clip, something she could easily compensate for. The little mare hefted the rifle up and slung it onto her backpack, strapping it on the backside of it next to her folded-up bow and quiver. "I collected a lot of military rounds and much more dirty ammo." She adjusted the bulging backpack, smiling from behind her cloak. "Do you want to head back, or do you want to drop off what we have in the tram and explore a little more?"

Group Admin

2294933 (This is fuuuuuun. :pinkiehappy: Also, sorry I was absent for so long yesterday, I was just that tired.)

Midnight stood back up with a small grunt, and then grinned at Maria. "Head back and miss some quality time with a friend? Never." She said playfully. She reached a hand up and moved a lock of silver hair out of her face. "In all seriousness, I'd rather look around some more. This place is incredible." She said with a hint of excitement. Her face went blank as she remembered the stuff on the shelf. "Whoops, almost forgot." She said as she bent back down. She scooped the ammo up and put it in a small pouch on her hip, and then opened the magazine for the Bastard Gun. It still had some ammo left inside, which she quickly removed before closing the weapon back up and putting the rounds in her pouch. "It was a bad idea leaving those in there." She remarked as she put the gun in her backpack. She stood up and turned to leave, but she shuddered as she felt a chill go down her spine. She idly wondered if Maria felt it too, it felt like she was being watched.

(I'm thinking that they could find a journal about the Lite Brite they saw on the way there. It contains sensitive data about the creature, and that alone is enough to goad it into approaching them.)

Group Admin

[Journal idea sounds good.]

Maria gave a squeak of nervousness, raising her HK and making a quick jog to the tram. Once there, she emptied out all the ammo and spare parts into some wooden crates they had brought, then set the large rifle they found in the tram as well, leaning on the crates. The little mare made he way back to Midnight, her backpack now empty and ready to be filled again. "You lead, please. We've emptied the gunshop and ammo exchange for all they were worth, so we can look in the residential area now." After a moment, she let out an excited, quiet squeal. "Holy crap, we've got enough here to keep us set for years. The ammo exchange had so freaking much inside it!" Indeed, the two mares seemed to have the wealth of an entire station at their fingertips, and they had the rights to it all.

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Midnight grinned excitedly and pulled Maria into a warm hug. "This was the best idea ever!" She said quietly. She blushed softly and released the white mare, and smiled at her sheepishly. "Uh, sorry." She said with embarrassment. She quickly opened her pack and pulled out the Bastard Gun, and then set it down in a different crate. She then took the ammo from the pouch on her side and put it in along with the crude gun. She turned to her companion and smiled, then waved for her to follow before she set off for the residential area.

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Maria followed her friend from behind with a blush, partially so she could secretly admire Midnight's large, toned, curvy backside and wide, swinging hips, both similar to her own. She wanted so very much to admit her feelings towards the tall, beautiful pegasus. She had been a wonderful friend to the timid little mare, and she only hoped that Midnight would accept her if she shared her secret to her friend.

The residential area was built into the lower tunnels, which were only a couple meters wide and around ten feet between the floor and ceiling. There were small, one room homes built out of wood and metal placed side-by-side against the walls, some with their oil lamps still dimly burning, and all of them full of their previous owners' personal items. Maria made sure to stick close to her friend, following the pegasus' lead.

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Midnight looked around at the abandoned homes with a mixture of unease and excitement. She was strongly drawn by the promise of fresh salvage, but the way that everything seemed to be frozen in time unnerved her to no end. "Eerie..." She remarked quietly as she moved towards the nearest home. She slowly walked over to an old mattress in the corner and knelt down beside it, and then raised it up. Immediately she found a half-full magazine for a 9mm pistol, which she quickly put in her bag. "The owner of this gun must have gone out just before whatever happened here. That means there could be even more loot than we thought." She mused. She stepped a few inches to the side and checked further beneath the old bed for more items. If one were to be at the right angle, they could get a good view of her bountiful cleavage, and the necklace that dangled teasingly between her breasts.

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Maria squeaked in nervousness and made sure to look away, but she couldn't help but glance at Midnight's bounteous breasts. Maria had occasionally thought that she shared Midnight's endowments overall, barring the fact that she was half a foot shorter, and she could never think of herself as beautiful with the large thing between her legs. The mare busied herself by going into the other room across from the one Midnight was in, her cargo pants outlining her rear as she bent over the dresser, which was large, surprisingly so, and very well toned, as well as her thick, firm thighs below them, which was what gave the little mare such powerful kicks and running speed.

In the dresser was a bottle of moonshine and another bottle of vodka, which Maria pocketed and searched a little further. In the bottom drawer was a journal, and as she picked it up, she swore she could hear the whispers grew a little louder. "Hey, Midnight." She called, still bent over the dresser as she opened the journal. "Come look at this..."

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Midnight dropped the bed back to the ground and put a 7.62 Stalliongrad pistol in her backpack, and then quickly walked towards Maria. She couldn't help but let her eyes linger on the white mare's large rump and thick, toned thighs. As she looked her over she was immediately reminded of her libido, which made her groan softly in frustration. "Gods, I want her..." She mumbled under her breath. She stopped beside Maria and bent over to look at the book, giving another great view of her cleavage. That was partly why she wore a tank top.

Suddenly, the whispering got a little louder. "They lie...Scarce truths...They lie...Scarce truths...They lie...Scarce truths..."

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Maria squeaked in nervousness as she heard the voice, pocketing the journal and raising her gun up. "M-Midnight..." She whispered quietly. "Let's go home. We have more than enough, and I wanna leave before that thing finds us..." The little mare looked up to her friend, silently pleading that they go back home. She didn't like it here; she didn't know what was after them, and she didn't have any clue as to how to stop it.

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Midnight nodded in agreement before she turned and walked out of the room, and she then quickly headed back to the tram. She took off her backpack and opened it up, then pulled out the pistol and magazine and set them in one of the crates. She resealed her bag and put it back around her shoulders, then hopped onto the seat of the tram and turned the controls to face the other way.

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Maria eagerly hopped into the tram and kept a vigilant watch out while she waited for Midnight to start driving. The little mare was desperate to get back to the safety of her home station. She also was anxious to get home so Lucy and Midnight would both be safe; her cat and her friend were the only two beings in the world that mattered to her. If they were gone, she would be alone, and she wouldn't know what she would do. The world was not kind to a timid mare like her.

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"Leave now..." The voice whispered urgently.

Midnight turned the key and started the motor, an unsettled look on her face. "Way ahead of you." She remarked. She stepped on the gas pedal and accelerated out of there as fast as possible without dislodging her cargo. In the distance, when the metro station was far behind them, the flickering light that heralded the presence of the mysterious creature appeared. Though its orientation was unable to be discerned, the shape in the middle of the blue aura seemed to stare them down, as if making sure that they left.

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Maria held Lucy to her chest, stroking and hugging her cat to her chest. She was just glad to have made it out of there alive. A little while later, the tram arrived at the station, and Maria set Lucy in her backpack and slung the broken rifle on her shoulder, then picked up one of the heavy crates, full of enough military ammunition to outdo the wealth of entire stations. And there was still another crate of standard ammo of all kinds, and a third full of spare parts. Maria was feeling much better now that they were home and they had oodles of wealth to each of their names. Though, she was still shaken up a bit, and some potato water was sounding good. Something to calm her nerves.

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Midnight hopped off of the tram and then picked up her full crate of stuff with a grunt. She then turned to Maria with a small smile. "I saw that safe in your house. Mind if I store my stuff there? Afterwards we can grab a drink together." She said cheerily.

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Maria nodded and hefted the two crates again, moving up to her house and opening the safe, then setting the crates inside. After Midnight set her crate inside, she whispered to the pegasus "The combination is 16, 58, 13." The little mare smiled and took off her vest and backpack, letting Lucy hop out and curl up on the bed. She turned to Midnight with a sheepish smile. "Those drinks are sounding good." She said in her sweet little voice.

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Midnight grinned at her as she began walking out of the house. "I wonder what kind of drunk you are. I could see you as a fun drunk." She said playfully in her low, purring voice. She strutted as she walked in front of Maria and led her to the bar, swinging her hips enticingly. She grinned to herself, hoping that she was getting Maria's attention. They arrived at the bar about a minute later, and she led her friend inside. She sat down on one of the bar stools and asked the bartender for a whiskey, which was brought over to her within a few seconds.

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Maria immediately grabbed and chugged down a fourth of the bottle, setting it down and coughing a couple times. She seemed nervous, and eager to forget about what she had seen in the abandoned station. She then poured herself a small shot glass and offered the bottle to Midnight, staring down at the table. Her mind was in turmoil; she wanted to confess her feelings to Midnight, and she was still nervous about what that strange thing was.

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Midnight looked at Maria with a concerned frown, and she slowly laid her hand on the white mare's thigh. "Maria, what's wrong?" She asked softly. She wanted to make her friend feel better somehow, but she didn't know how. Whatever was wrong, she would be there for her friend through thick and thin.

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Maria blushed as she felt the hand on her thick thigh, and she placed her hand on Midnight's own, looking up to her with a sad face. "I... Midnight, I... Oh, damnit... Midnight, you're the kindest, sweetest mare I've ever met and you're so damn beautiful and sexy and you've been so good to me and I really want to date you but I don't know what you'll think of me if I share my secret with you!" She blurted out, then let out a soft 'eep' and looked away with a fierce blush, feeling her nervousness come back tenfold. It was the alcohol, she was sure of it.

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Midnight put a wing around Maria's back, and then slowly brought a hand up to her cheek and gently stroked it with a finger. "I feel the same way about you, Maria." She purred softly. "I've wanted you for so long, but I was never sure how to approach the subject. You're so beautiful, brilliant, and sweet, and it's so cute at times how shy you are. I just want to wrap my arms around you and hug you."

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Maria felt tears of joy well up, and she couldn't help but hop onto Midnight's lap, snuggling into her chest and wrapping her arms around the pegasus' back, burying her muzzle in her shoulder fur. "Th-thank you..." She whispered, feeling their sets of large breasts squishing together a bit. "Can... Can we just... head back to my place? Just relax and spend time with each other? I've wanted to be with you for so long... I..." The little mare squeaked in shyness and continued to hold the beautiful pegasus, acting as if she had been given an angel to be loved by. That was pretty accurate, in Maria's mind.

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Midnight hummed softly as she lovingly nuzzled Maria's cheek. "That sounds good, Maria. I can really help you relax, if you want me to." She purred. She felt her loins stir from being held by such a pretty mare, and she wanted to feel Maria's body up against her own. She wanted to satisfy both of them in every way imaginable.

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Maria smiled and stood up, taking Midnight's hand and eagerly leading her back to her home. Once they were alone and the blinds were drawn, the little mare sat down upon the bed, shifting nervously and smiling hopefully up at Midnight. "S-so... Maybe we could... could we start with some kissing? Please?" She asked. She still wore her hoodie, the tee shirt beneath it, and her cargo pants, but she was much too nervous to take them off just yet. Besides, she wasn't sure if Midnight would still love her if she knew Maria's secret.

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Midnight eagerly sat down beside Maria and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, grinning mischievously. She moved her face close enough to the white mare so that only a few inches separated them, and she let her hot breath roll over the mare's face. "I'll kiss you as much as you want, wherever you want, sweetie." She purred sensually. She slowly moved closer and pressed her lips to Maria's, and she closed her eyes with a soft moan.

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