The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Cast couldn't hold back his orgasm any longer. He threw his head back and shouted ecstatically as his member spewed several thick and powerful streams of his hot, sticky, musky seed down his lover's throat. Cast panted heavily as he looked down to Clockwork with a goofy grin, his mind awash with pleasure.

"Hi, there." Midnight purred with a loving smile. She leaned forward and gave Maria a kiss on the cheek, and then contently went back to stroking her mane. She was glad that she had a family to spend time with.

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Clockwork slowly withdrew her tongue, then licked her lips and sighed softly as she laid herself atop Cast's chest. She licked his cheek and gave a soft bark of happiness, then whispered "Feel better, my love?" Her hand stroked Cast's cheek, hoping he was feeling happier after all that.

Maria purred as she continued to slumber, clinging to Midnight and snuggling her fluffy marefriend to the fullest. Lucy meowed and laid herself next to Midnight's head on the pillow, nuzzling her cheek affectionately. "Thank you for keeping my momma safe. I remember, back in the tunnel, how you saved her when she had a concussion, and you stayed with her and made her feel better when she was scared." The cuddly cat curled up on the pillow and placed a soft lick on Midnight's cheek. "So, thank you. You're a blessing for us, and I'm glad I can finally tell you that myself."

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"Wow..." Was all that Cast was able to say. He gave Clockwork a deep kiss on the lips, and he held the embrace for a few seconds before pulling away. "That was absolutely wonderful, my dear." He said softly.

Midnight giggled softly, and then nuzzled Lucy's cheek. "I've never heard that before." She said in a lighthearted tone. "You both are very welcome. I'd do anything for Maria, and I hope that she knows that."

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Clockwork gave a soft bark, excited and happy that she could satisfy her lover so well. She pulled the blankets over them, then snuggled into his chest to keep Cast warm. Her fluffy body provided heat and a comforting sense of weight atop him as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him tightly.

Lucy purred and rested her cheek against Midnight's, nuzzling it occasionally as she rested. "I know I say that a lot. I just... I need to say it." Lucy licked her cheek again. "We both love you, and we wanna make you happy, too." Maria purred as she continued to sleep, her head resting on Midnight's soft bosom and all four limbs encircled snugly around the pegasus. She had never felt so safe before. Midnight made her feel safe and relaxed and loved.

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Cast smiled at Clockwork as he wrapped his arms around her back and gently held her. "I love you, Clockwork." He said softly. His eyes were filled with love and passion for this wonderful mare.

Midnight smiled warmly as she gave Lucy a loving nuzzle, and then she moved her hand from Maria's mane and began scratching her lover gently behind the ear. "You two make me very happy, Lucy. You guys are my family." She said softly.

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A few days later, the four of them were relaxing at their homes, and it was Februray, the month of love....

Maria was laying in bed in her wool pajamas with a book as dinnertime rolled around, reading a book intently while Lucy laid on her chest. She had asked Midnight to pick up dinner from the Stalliongrad food market stall down in the marketplace, since she had little motivation to do much tonight.

Clockwork was lounging at home in her werewolf form and listening to the radio. She had made herself a set of smuggly wool pajamas to fit her werewolf body, for modesty's sake and to make her even more cuddly. She had pre-made a dinner of hamburgers and french fries out of market-bought ingredients and some MRE packets, and she was just waiting for Cast to get home.

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Midnight came through the door with a large leather bag in her hands, and she shut it behind her. "Oh, Maria. I got you something." She purred in a sing-song voice as she walked to one of the tables. She sat the bag down on the table, then reached inside the bag and pulled out a red box of chocolates. She walked over to Maria and handed her the box. Taped to the lid of the box was a note which read "Did you know that just one hour of sex will burn off the calories of five pieces of chocolate?"

Up on the surface, in the ruins of an old apartment building, a hulking figure was crouched down behind a blown-out window. He had been hiding from a group of raiders who had been hunting him down. He couldn't take them out with his magic, because that would attract far too much attention. As far as he was concerned, he was trapped, and he was low on food.

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Maria xuriously set down the book, then took the box of chocolates. Upon reading the note, she blushed furiously and went wide-eyed, her cat eyes' pupils widening. Lucy knew where this was going, and she gave her mommy a sly wink and went out the window. She was gonna go harass the butcher for some meat again. He never said no to such a cute and dangerously equipped cybercat.

The group of raiders slowly picked fheir ways through a group of wrecked cars, and they looked around for that huge stallion they had been hunting. However, the sudden arrival of a demon caused their group to scatter. One was carried off by the demon to its nest, and another fell and smashed his mask, causing him to suffocate to death. The others ran for their lives, leaving the path open for the hulking stallion to continue unhindered.

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Midnight took off her coat and pants and threw them over to the side before sitting down beside Maria, and she wrapped her arms around her lover's shoulders. She rested her head on Maria's shoulder, and gave her a sensual grin. "Eat all of the chocolates. I've got plans for you." She purred.

The stallion saw his opening and quickly bolted down the stairs and across the street, stopping for nothing. He stopped inside of a building and collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. He was mentally and physically exhausted, and he was starving. He hadn't bother looking at his surroundings, he just needed to get out of there. He slowly stood back up, then looked around at his surroundings. To his surprise, he had ended up in a building which he had explored earlier. It was an old government facility from before the war, some sort of genetics lab.

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Maria's eyes widened, and she gave a soft blush and an excited smile as she opened the box and began eating the chocolates, moaning at the delicious taste. The flap of her pajama pants opened, letting one of her thick tentacle-like members slither out and wave about enticingly, wanting some attention now that the little mare had begun to get aroused.

The facility was as he left it, but there was a set of double doors that led to deeper into the building. To open them, he would have to cut the emergency power using the fuse box nearby. But that might cause some other things to open up as well....

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Midnight grinned and giggled at Maria's member as she slowly took off her tank top, and then she threw the garment to the side, revealing that she was in her white bra and panties. She scooted closer to Maria's member, then gently took a hold of it and guided it into the bottom of her cleavage. She readjusted her bosom so that the top of Maria's member poked out of the top. "It's nice and cozy in there, isn't it?" She purred. Midnight's bra squished her breasts firmly against Maria's member, which was something that she had planned to have fun with.

He spotted a box with a lightning bolt symbol and what looked like the Germane word for "Power", and then lit his horn. He knew that some of the doors here were powered, so he didn't have much of a choice. A blast of orange energy lanced from his horn to the fusebox, then blew it up on impact.

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Maria purred and laid back against the pillows, smiling blissfully and continuing to nibble on the chocolates. Her member slowly moved itself up and down by just a few inches margin, and the little feline mare let her eyes lazily stare at Midnight's beautiful body. "Mmm-hmm.... I love you, sweetheart...." She mumbled. It always made her feel good when Midnight decided to get sensual with her. It always ended well.

Many of the electronic locks on the doors, including the one blocking the stallion's path, burst in showers of sparks and let the doors slowly creak open. Many of the lights flickered, but a few of the flood lights were still active, thanks to a backup generator. However, this made for a very eerie hallway, lit only by a single floodlight per every twelve or so meters, and they occasionally flickered. However, the terminals inside should still be working.

[I'm writing out lots of entries for a research terminal and a personal log terminal. I'll link you to them when I'm finished. :pinkiecrazy:]

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Midnight shuddered and moaned as she used her hands to squish her breasts together more, and then she leaned down and gave the tip of Maria's member a teasing lick. "I love you too, Maria." She said softly. She felt heat between her legs, and she felt her arousal on her fur, both of which only increased as she thought about the fun they were going to have. Midnight shuddered, then pressed her lips to the tip of Maria's member and slowly slid the tip of her tongue inside. She had all sorts of sensual things planned for her lover, she was feeling quite frisky.

The hulking stallion checked his rifle, then barged straight through the double doors, slamming them against the walls. Whatever was here likely already knew that he was there, so noise wasn't an issue. The eerie lighting of the hallway barely illuminated the black metal of his mask, which had a built-in respirator. His eyes, mouth and nostrils were covered by some sort of magical shroud, which gave him the appearance of a nearly-faceless giant, who's equinity was questionable. Janissaries were usually looked upon with disdain, mostly because of their terrifying appearance.

(I wasn't sure if you wanted me to go to the terminals yet or not, so I'll just edit that in later if you want me to.)

Group Admin

Maria purred with a blissful expression as she munched on her chocolates, and her other two members came out of the flap of her pajamas. They snaked around and undid Midnight's bra and slid it off, then moved around to her huge bosom. Then, they did something different. The two heads each splayed out their five finger-like tentacles in a star shape pattern, then the urethras dilated wider open. They moved forward and took Midnight's nipples inside the urethras, then closed them shut to form an airtight seal. The finger tentacles held onto her breasts as a strong sucking sensation form on Midnight's breasts, like the two shafts were a pair of pumps. Maria purred as she felt the warmth of her lover's milk flow into her body, still lazily eating her chocolates.

[This cat likes her milk. :raritywink:]

As the stallion advanced down the hall, the feeling of something watching him became present, and very strong. Inside one of the large rooms, what appeared to be some sort of lab, was a working terminal. Inside an office down the hall was another terminal as well.

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Midnight let out a deep and powerful moan of pleasure, feeling as if her eyes would roll back in her head. Her breathing was heavy as she carefully laid down back-first on the bed, and she let Maria have her way with her. She could feel a strong orgasm building deep within her loins as she moaned and whimpered from the powerful sensations.

(Error: "Document Retrieval Failed" Could you please send me the entries via PM if you can't get GDocs to work?)

The stallion list his horn and cast a light spell, illuminating most of his surroundings with dim light, though it didn't make him feel much better. He felt as if something was waiting to jump out at him, which unsettled him a great deal. He didn't like it when he couldn't tell where a threat was. He ducked inside of the rooms, and then checked the terminal. He read through the research logs, then growled to himself. The Germane researchers were probably ordered to study this odd female so that they could apply her invisibility to their troops and equipment. He found it typical of them, Germaneigh had always been tyrannical and imperialistic, and that probably would have continued hadn't the bombs dropped. He turned and walked out of the room, then went into another when he saw the light of another terminal. He read through the logs, then sighed as he exited the terminal. He was slightly worried for his life, but he also sympathized with this Amanda. He shook his head exasperatedly, then turned and slowly walked out of the room. He lit his horn and surrounded himself with a shield of orange magic as he went further down the hallway, and he kept his eyes open for any faint shimmers. He wanted to reach out to this strange creature who was probably terrified and confused, but his mere presence might make her more so. As far as others were concerned, he was the lord of tartarus.

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Maria purred as she ate her chocolates and drank her lover's milk at the same time. Her third member had moved under Midnight's head and curled up in a spiral, acting like a pillow. "Mmm.... This is nice..." She mumbled. She reached over and turned on the radio, letting soft jazz flow into their little home. "Mmm... Hey, Midnight... When did you wanna get around to combining our houses? I know we talked about doing it before..."

The sounds of very faint scratching echoed in the hallways. However, there also echoed a voice. A soft voice, beautiful like nothing this world has ever heard before. "Hello?" The voice echoed. It echoed once, then the sounds of scratching started up again. This Amanda, whoever she was, was still alive and very confused. However, it was fortunate this Doctor Selma also taught her how to speak a little bit.

A few seconds later, a soft gasp was heard, and the scratching sound became much fainter, like she was moving away. She probably saw the stallion in his terrifying visage, and was going off to hide.

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Midnight could only respond with a moan, as she was feeling too much pleasure to think about anything else. She panted lightly, and she began firmly massaging the sides of her breasts. Her loins burned with lust, and her arousal matted in her fur.

The stallion let out a faint growl as he lowered his shield, and he continued forward with a slow pace. He was already annoyed with the situation, and he was not in the mood to chase someone around. "I'm not going to hurt you." His voice rumbled calmly through the halls. "My name is Burning Ember, and I know what was done here by your captors. I know that you are probably scared and confused about what is going on. You will be much better off if you just come out and leave with me." He said evenly. His voice held a strange accent, one that wasn't Germane.

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Maria's third member moved from under Midnight's head and replaced itself with an actual pillow, then snaked down and slid itself into the pegasus' hot folds, going slow and deep into her womb to give her relaxing, but satisfying pleasure. Her other two members also began pumping harder, drawing more milk from her breasts while Maria purred and ate her chocolates. "Mmm.... Best Valentine's Day ever..."

The voice echoed throughout the halls, as did now the soft patter of bare feet on the cold floor. "Selma? Where are you? Mister Ember? Have you seen Mister Selma?" Her voice was growing more and more desperate with every second as she tried in vain to find her only friend when all others tried to use her and hurt her. Eventually, something bumped into Ember, and there was a faint 'eep' as Amanda stepped back and revealed herself, showing her to be just in a hospital gown. She was also starting to cry now that she couldn't find her friend, and her arms were crossed over her incredibly busty chest. It was quite cold in this building, dangerously so for someone like Amanda. "Please help me...." She whispered, looking up to Ember nervously. "...." She couldn't think of the right words, probably she had yet to learn them. She had been taught many basic phrases by this Doctor Selma, and she understood what the words meant, but learning more was still needed.

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2621323 (Remember that random guy who started following me, when I said "Who the hell is this?" Turns out he wants me to be his prereader, and he felt that I was right for the job. :pinkiehappy:)

Midnight moaned louder as she looked over at Maria with a blissful smile on her face. Her breathing had become heavier, and she was lightly grinding herself into Maria's member. A few seconds later she went rigid, and she let out a small shout as her juices gushed out onto the sheets. She closed her eyes as she let out a deep moan of pleasure, and she felt herself become more sensitive.

Ember felt his heart break when he looked into Amanda's eyes, and his annoyance was replaced with concern. He used his magic to lift the darkness which shrouded his eyes as he slowly bent down to Amanda's level, and then he lit his horn. "I will help you." He said softly. The air around them heated up to a much more comfortable level.

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[Booyah. :rainbowdetermined2:]

Maria gasped as she pumped some seed into Midnight's womb, and her other two members pumped a much thinner, whiter substance into Midnight's breasts, causing them to swell up to their original size, and a good amount bigger as well. Maria's members slid back into her sheath, and she set aside the empty box and crawled forward, nuzzling her lover's huge bosom and purring all the while. "Mmm.... So big... So soft..."

Amanda gave a soft smile as she continued to fight back tears, and she moved closely to Ember and kept her arms crossed over her chest, trying desperately to warm up. "Do you... have any..... um..." She was trying to ask for something to keep warm with, a blanket or a coat or something, but she couldn't think of the word. "Um... Sheets?... No..." She mumbled, realizing that wasn't the right word.

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Midnight moaned softly as she gently fondled her now-larger bosom, which gave her even more pleasure than before, and she gave Maria a loving smile. "That felt goooood..." She cooed. She used her hands to part her breasts, and then she wrapped them loosely around Maria's head, using her cleavage like a big and soft blanket.

Ember hummed thoughtfully as he floated a large pack from behind his shoulders and moved it beside himself, and then he used his magic to pull a large , old blanket from the bag. He floated the blanket to Amanda, and then offered her a warm smile as he gently wrapped it around her. "We need to leave this place, things are dangerous now. Things are not as they once were." He said softly with a hint of sadness. "Would you like me to carry you?"

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Maria's body went limp as her face was buried in the impossibly soft cleavage of her lover, and she purred softly as her arms laid limp by her sides. "Mmm... Oh, they're so soft... Mmm..." She lifted her head out of her mare's cleavage and rested her head down on her left breast, feeling the soft flesh support her head like the softest of pillows. "So when did you want to warm up dinner? I already made us some chicken soup this morning... Just gotta warm it up..."

Amanda nodded at Ember's question as she wrapped the blanket around her body, and she held out her arms with a soft whimper. She was very scared at this new world Ember mentioned, and she had to fight back turning invisible and curling up in the corner. "I need a... home..." She said carefully as she chose her words. She very much needed a home. She needed someone to care about her and make sure she was safe. She wasn't in her homeland. She couldn't even remember what her homeland looked like. It had been so long...

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Midnight smiled at Maria as she moaned softly at the pressure of Maria's head on her breast. "You can go ahead and warm it up, sweetie. Then, maybe we can have some more fun." She moaned again as she gave her breasts a gentle squeeze. "I love what you did with my breasts..." She said with a shuddering breath. It excited her just thinking about it.

Ember grunted as he scooped up Amanda with both arms, and then he slowly stood up and held her to his chest. "You can come home with me. No one will bother you if they know that your with me." He said with a soft voice. Now that she was at eye level with him, she could see that Ember's eyes were red-orange, and held kindness unusual for his kind.

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Maria purred and lifted her head, smiling sensually and swishing her feline tail back and forth, drawing attention to her huge rump. "I can make them bigger, if you want... I can make them as big as you want..." Two of Maria's member slithered out, and their finger tentacles reached up and began gently fondling Midnight's bosom. She loved making her lover happy, and she would do anything to satisfy the pegasus.

Amanda smiled and curled up in Ember's arms, closing her eyes and keeping herself warm. "Thank you..." She whispered. The reptilian mare looked up and smiled warmly at the stallion, then closed her eyes, wanting to get to her new home as soon as possible.

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2622782 (I could give Midnight another mutation or two. :pinkiecrazy:)

Midnight closed her eyes and went limp as her mouth fell open in a long, deep moan of pleasure. "I want...I want them a little bigger. I want to make good use of my tank top's neckline for you..." She panted out. She could feel intense heat in her loins from being groped so much, and she could feel something else, but she wasn't sure what.

Ember smiled fondly behind his mask as he reinstated the shroud of his mask, once again giving him the appearance of a faceless giant. It was for Amanda's own good, it was partly why people had a respectful fear of him. He floated the bag back onto his shoulders, then turned around and left out of the building. He took Amanda to a subway entrance, and then went down into the metro system to an abandoned station. It was a ghost town when he had originally found it, but he wasn't exactly worried. He was scarier than anything else there, and he could back up his fearsome visage with equally fearsome magical power. Ember carried his new friend to a large house made of four train cars fused together in a 2x2 fashion, and then opened the door and walked inside. It was fairly spacious inside out of necessity for Ember's immense size, and there were several work tables set up, along with a bookshelf and a huge bed. He carried the strange mare to the bed, and then gently sat her down on the thick sheets. He glanced at a magically-powered heater and turned it on, hoping to make his friend feel at home.

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[Yes! Yes! The more mutations, the better. Don't stop mutating on my account. :pinkiecrazy:]

Maria's member clamped onto Midnight's nipples again, and this time, they began pumping out fluids into her lover's breasts, slowly, to make sure she didn't make them too big or hurt her lover. Then again, Maria didn't think there was a 'too big' for her beautiful mare. She would most certainly enjoy them no matter what size, especially if they got bigger. And bigger. And bigger...

Amanda eagerly curled up beneath the thick sheets, making a sound similar to purring as she made herself comfy. "Thank you, Mister Ember..." She mumbled, relaxing in the warm home Ember had provided. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do, but then again, she had no intentions of leaving the bed without some good, warm clothes on. For now, she was content to rest, and she opened her eyes to see what Ember was up to.

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Midnight's chest heaved as she watched her breasts slowly inflate with a longing look. She loved the feeling of the fluid stretching the insides of her nipples and lightly caressing her flesh as it rushed into her bosom, it made her even more aroused. She gasped and cracked her eyes open when she felt her nipples convulse slightly, and she could feel what seemed to be a new muscle group. She gave it a quick try, and her eyes widened when her nipples lightly grabbed at Maria's tips. She also felt an odd pressure in the front of her groin, and she had a good idea of what was about to happen.

Ember was currently going through a chest beside the bed, and he eventually tossed out a suit of mare's clothes onto the bed. "These are for you." He said softly. The suit consisted of a pair of jeans, white undergarments, a blue turtleneck sweater, and a tank top. "I was going to use these clothes for rags, but you seem to need them more."

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Maria moaned and purred softly as she continued to slowly pump her fluids into her lover's bosom, and she closed her eyes and laid her head back. "Mmm.... Just say when, sweetie..." She wasn't sure how big her marefriend wanted her breasts, but she would gladly make them as big as she desired. Anything to make her happy.

Amanda smiled and took the clothes, making sure to keep her body hidden, and she carefully slipped into the clothes and stood up out of bed. She had to stretch the tail hole open to fit her scaly tail through, and she smiled thankfully up at Ember. "Thank you." She said softly. "So... What now?" Amanda was starting to get hungry, but she could wait a bit, if need be. She adjusted the tank top and the sweater that was over it, as they were a snug fit on her incredibly large bosom. Her rump and hips were also quite endowed, her rump and thighs especially so to give her the strength to leap around.

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Midnight closely watched her breasts until they were a very large E cup, and then she flicked her eyes up to Maria. "Stop, this is good." She said quickly. She winced as the pressure in her groin increased, and then she grit her teeth as it turned into slight pain. She clenched her jaw and growled as the pressure and pain became immense for a split second, and she squealed as she felt her flesh spontaneously reform. A massive member had erupted from between her legs and just above her marehood. It wasn't any ordinary member, either. It was just over two feet in length, and it at least five inches wide. It was covered with circular ridges that went all around its diameter, and its tip was flared and suction-cup-like, as well as having several finger-like tendrils around it. She gave it a quick flex, and to her surprise a second, much smaller member emerged from her new urethra. The smaller one was built just like the primary, minus the tendrils. Midnight breathed heavily as she stared wide-eyed at her new and bizarre endowment, which was already hard and dripping with precum. "Oh my goodness..." She mumbled. She scrunched her face up as she felt something even more odd about her member, and she gave it another flex, this time using new muscles. Her jaw dropped as her primary member expanded, dramatically increasing its diameter by at least four inches. Though, as soon as she released the muscles it went back down to its normal size.

(I decided to get really, really, really kinky with this.)

Ember's cheeks were crimson behind his mask, and he sighed as he quickly flicked his eyes up to Amanda's face. "I-I was about to fix us some food." He said calmly. He got up from the bed and went over to an old but functional freezer, which was enchanted to keep things chilled. He opened the freezer and pulled out several large steaks, then lit his horn and thoroughly cooked them with the heat of his magic. He floated the meat onto two plates, then hovered one over to Amanda.

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[Not sure what the little secondary member could be used for, but I thoroughly approve of everything else.]

Maria's members pulled off after giving a few more ounces of fluid, then retracted back into her sheath. But upon seeing Midnight's new endowment, the little mare's breath hitched in her throat. Her lover was like her now. A mixed gender. They were the same now. That mare Maria feel good like she couldn't ever describe with words. One of her members came out enough to be the same length as Midnight's, then went rigid. "Oh, honey... Honey...." She moved closer and moaned as she watched their members rub against one another. She began slowly moving her hips, watching both their shafts rub and bump against each other.

Amanda smiled thankfully, then set the plate down and took the steak in her hands, where she eagerly took a huge bite from it with her knife-like teeth. "Mmm... Thank you..." She mumbled before swallowing and taking another bite. In three more bites, the steak was gone, and she licked her fingers clean and sat patiently at the table, waiting for Ember to finish.

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2624853 (Urethral penetration. Lock together and insert. It's tiny enough. :twilightblush:)

Midnight had a focused expression on her face as she played around with the muscles of her new endowment, flexing the tendrils and the suction cup on the tip, and to her surprise she found out that the shaft was prehensile. As she grew more accustomed to her new parts, she grinned and flicked her eyes to Maria. "I know something you'll like." She purred softly. She pressed the tip of her member against that of her lover's, and then clamped the suction cup around the tip and held them together with the tendrils. Her tiny secondary member poked out of her tip, and then gently inserted itself into her lover's urethra. Midnight moaned loudly as she felt Maria's walls grip around her smaller tip, and she panted lightly as she slowly pushed herself deeper inside.

Ember had wolfed his steak down just after Amanda had finished her own, hinting that he hadn't eaten in a very, very long time. He looked over to the reptilian mare with a soft smile, then carefully removed his mask and set it on the bed. The absence of his mask revealed an onyx black stallion with a tan mane. "I'll do my best to help you survive out here, no one deserves to suffer." He said softly. He floated another steak to her in case she wanted it, unsure of how much she would eat, and then he dug into a second one on his plate.

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[:pinkiegasp: Genius! Will it also work for nipple penetration? :pinkiehappy:]

Maria moaned and shuddered at the incredible sensation, and she laid herself on her back, letting the pleasure wash away her thoughts. "Nnnnn.... Honey.... I love you..." She mumbled out between moans, feeling it slide deeper and deeper inside her member. It was heavenly, and she didn't want it to stop.

Amanda was about to bite into her steak, but when she saw the way Ember ate, she realized he must be hungry, too. Without a second thought, she slid her plate over to him, smiling at him hopefully. She could do with one steal tonight. If Ember was short on supplies and had to ration his food, then she wouldn't eat any more than what she needed.

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2625246 (Mmhmm. Maria and Midnight can also do that milk-pumping thing we invented in Let It Snow.)

Midnight whimpered and moaned as she began using the suction cup to tug on Maria's flared tip, and she felt her secondary member become extremely slick with some sort of bizarre substance. Suddenly, the shaft slid in with much less resistance, and she moved it forward a little faster. "Oh, yeah!" Midnight squealed out, feeling her member leak precum, and her loins pool her arousal on the sheets. Eventually the tip made it to Maria's prostate, and she looked to Maria to see if she wanted her to go farther. She would gladly use her new endowments to rut her lover senseless in this new and kinky way.

Ember shook his head as she gently pushed the plate back over to her. "There's plenty of food in this station, I just haven't been able to eat for a long time. Before I found you I was stuck up on the surface being chased around my bandits." He said softly.

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[Me gusta]

Maria whimpered and moaned loudly, then calmed down and began purring once she felt the little member in her urethra slow down. "Ohhh... As deep as you can go, baby..... Invade my prostate... I'm your mare..." She moaned out, unable to move from such intense stimulation.

Amanda nodded and eagerly bit into the steak, then looked to Ember with a soft smile. "Um... Could... Could you read to me?" She asked softly, thankful she remembered the words. "It helps me sleep... I like books..." With a blush through her vibrant blue scales, Amanda looked away and finished up her steak.

[Feel free to initiate those pesky love feelings whenever. :pinkiecrazy:]

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Midnight threw her head back and squealed as she pushed her member past the unbelievably tight opening of Maria's prostate, and she began groping her own breasts fervently. Her secondary member secreted more of the strange lubricant, and then began thrusting in and out rapidly with no resistance. Suddenly she felt her primary member tremble and throb violently as it began to rapidly mutate, and suddenly the suction cup expanded and enveloped all of what was visible of Maria's member. Midnight's primary shaft was still tip to tip with Maria's, but what was originally the outside had spontaneously turned into a tight sheathe, and it was clenched tightly around Maria's member. Midnight moaned loudly as she began convulsing the sheathe around Maria's shaft, milking it for all it was worth of its seed. She grit her teeth and cried out as she began rutting Maria's urethra for all she was worth.

Ember suddenly felt as if he was about to melt as he briefly looked over Amanda. She was so adorable and innocent, yet she had a body that most stallions fantasized about, and that most mares would commit unspeakable things for. "Sure, I have a few books around here..." He said softly. He floated over a large book about astronomy, and began reading to her about the various constellations, and bizarre things in the night sky.

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Maria was left limp on the bed with purrs constantly leaving her throat, all of her other faculties having abandoned her in the presence of such incredible pleasure. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth as she drooled onto he bed, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. There were so many fun things the two of them could do with their endowments, and she was eager to get creative with them later. For now, though, this was heavenly.

[Say, you wouldn't mind if Maria got herself a set of huge, heavy balls, would ya? I think Midnight would love to play with those. :raritywink:]

Amanda had climbed into bed, and she smiled as she closed her eyes and listened to Ember's voice. Soon, the sounds of her soft breathing indicated that she had fallen asleep. And thanks to Ember, she felt safe. She felt like no one was going to try to hurt her or take advantage of her again.

[We can totally have a little mutation fun with these two later.]

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2628352 (I wouldn't mind at all.)

Midnight opened her eyes, and stared lustfully at their members as she panted like an animal, and made love to Maria. She gasped as she felt a somewhat familiar pressure travelling through her member, and it felt so good to her. "Maria...I'm coming!" She moaned out shakily. She pulled her sheathe back so that the suction cup was back around Maria's tip, and then she began convulsing it powerfully around the ridge as if she were sucking on it with all her might. She arched her back, and clenched her eyes shut as she squealed and released her hot, sticky seed deep inside Maria's member.

Ember looked over to Amanda and smiled, feeling a bit of joy creep into his heart at the sight of her so content. He quietly closed the book and sat it on the table along with his gun, then made sure the hot plate was turned off before laying back on the bed and closing his eyes. When morning finally came, he was wide awake. He had been trained from a young age to do so, and it wouldn't be changing anytime soon. He looked over to Amanda to see how she was doing.

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Maria squealed and screamed as she felt her lover's seed mix inside her prostate with her own, and her radiation-filled body adapted to the sudden increase in semenal fluids. From Maria's groin came a strong pressure, then it faded. In Maria's pajama pants now was a bluge that looked akin to a pair of volleyballs stuffed inside the little mare's pants. She had grown a pair of huge testes, churning with virile seed. "Ohhh.... Ohhhh....." She could barely think as she basked in the afterglow of her powerful orgasm, and she simply flopped on her back and began purring in content.

Amanda was fast asleep, still wearing her clothes and curled up beneath the covers. She looked so happy and innocent, smiling in her sleep as she dreamt about pleasant memories. Her long tail slowly swished back and forth beenath the covers, and her abdomen slowly rose and fell with each breath.

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Midnight grinned lazily, and panted heavily as she carefully laid herself down on top of Maria, squishing their breasts together. "That was beyond incredible." She said as she placed a deep, passionate kiss on Maria's lips. She felt her lower parts quiver as she imagined the fun that they could have with their new endowments.

Ember carefully and quietly got up out of the bed, then softly groaned as he stretched himself. He went over to the table and quietly floated a few more steaks from the freezer onto the hot plate, then turned in on. Normally he'd go out hunting, but he wanted to make sure that Amanda was alright. He didn't want her to wake up to an empty room.

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Maria purred and let her member retract into he sheath, then looked down at her new, utterly massive testes. "Ohhh.... Honey.... They feel so good..." The little mare purred and laid her head back, swishing her feline tail in pleasure as she pulled the blankets over them, wanting to cuddle with her beautiful mare as long as possible. Her arms and legs wrapped around Midnight's body, squishing their bosoms together and her giant scrotum to her lover's groin.

Amanda slowly awoke with a yawn and stood up from bed, adjusting her clothes so they fit comfortably before walking over to Ember and sitting down at the table. "Good morning." She said with a cheery tone. The reptilian mare felt a strange tingle in her body whenever she looked at Ember. It was very pleasant, and she found herself wanting to stay in his presence as often as possible. He was so nice, and strong... and handsome... and....

Amanda stopped herself before she went down that train of thought, but her cheeks bore a soft blush through her vibrant blue scales.

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Midnight grinned down at Maria, and she lovingly stroked her mane. "I love how that feels down there...It makes me feel...naughty." She purred before locking them both in a deep, passionate kiss. Once the kiss broke, Midnight looked down at their breasts, then clamped her nipples down around her lover's. She moaned softly at the unique sensations it brought, then felt around as she sensed a new muscle group. Her massive breasts convulsed a few times, then began inflating and deflating. Milk was pumped from her own bosom into Maria's, providing a strange and gentle pleasure for them both and slowly increasing the white mare's bust.

Ember looked over at Amanda with a soft smile. "Good-" He was cut off as he looked into her eyes. They were so beautiful that he was lost in them for a second. "Morning..." He finished, quickly looking away. He used his magic to set one of the steaks onto a plate, and then he floated it over to Amanda. He sat it down in front of her, then floated his own onto a plate and began eating it.

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Maria moaned as she lifted up her pajama shirt and felt her lover's nipples clamp down onto her own, and when she saw her own breasts slowly growing in size, her eyes became fixated on their connection, and only one thing was able to leave her mouth. "B-bigger... Please.... please..." She breathed out. She wanted to have larger breasts. She wanted them to be huge. She wanted to use them to please her lover as much as possible. The little mare was dedicated to pleasuring her beautiful lover.

Amanda smiled thankfully and began munching on her steak, smiling at the wonderful flavor and looking up at Ember. "So... What are we doing today?" She asked curiously, smiling warmly at her friend as she ate breakfast. She wasn't quite sure what this new world was like just yet, but she felt safe with Ember around.

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Midnight moaned shakily and looked deep into her lover's eyes as she began pumping her breasts harder, which gave her unique pleasure. Maria's breasts swelled until they were at least small F-cups, and then Midnight stopped, but she kept their breasts locked. She enjoyed this far too much to let go.

Ember felt a distantly familiar tingling in his pants as he listened to Amanda's voice, and his blush intensified. Her voice made his heart soar whenever he heard it. "I planned on going hunting today. I would have gone earlier, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay, and that you wouldn't wake up to a lonely room." He said softly.

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Maria gasped and rubbed the tops of her huge breasts, breathing deeply and looking into her lover's eyes. "J-just a little bigger... please... Just a little..." She whispered. Once she was at the size she wanted, she would be very satisfied, and she would be able to show off for her lover. Maria knew Midnight loved to flirt and be sensual.

Amanda smiled thankfully as she took another bite of her steak. "Um... I could help." She offered. "I can hunt." Amanda wanted to put her natural talents to good use, and she didn't want to just sit around the house every day. She wanted to pull her own weight and get things done.

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Midnight let out a long and quiet moan as she resumed pumping milk into her lover's breasts. She looked down at Maria's breasts as she further inflated them, and then stopped once they were small G cups. She gave Maria a naughty grin as she gently rubbed the sides of the white mare's breasts. "I wanna have a little fun with these and my new toy. I bet that your huge bust would feel just magical around it..."

Ember blushed nervously at the idea of Amanda following him on his hunt, and he took a bite of his steak. "I..would like it if you came along." He said softly. He looked back over at her, and he found himself unable to look away. Though she was bizarre, he found her incredibly curvaceous body enticing. His cheeks had become more crimson than tan, and he forced himself to look away.

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Maria slowly pulled her nipples off of Midnight's, then purred happily as she laid back and fondled her new massive bust. She tried pulling her pajama shirt back down over it, but the new increase in size caused the fabric to tightly hug her body and the neckline to stretch out a bit. The incredibly large breasts, even moreso on her small frame, covered up her forearms if they were by her sides. "Mmm.... Oh, sweetheart.... Let me make you happy...." She reached down and eagerly stroked Midnight's member to full erection, then lifted up the bottom of her soft wool pajama shirt and gently moved the tip of her lover's shaft into the bottom of her cleavage. The little mare then put the edge of her shirt back down and moved forward a little, feeding more of the shaft into her cleavage until the tip popped up and went up next to her chin. "Mmmm..... Does that feel nice and soft and warm?" She purred as she gently began sucking on the tip, licking at the little tentacles around the edges and sucking on it gently.

Amanda tilted her head and reached a hand over, laying it on Ember's and looking up into his eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked in her soft, beautiful voice, rubbing the stallion's hand with her thumb, careful not to cut him with her claws.

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2636456 (Two things: Meshuggah is now one of my favorite bands, and I found a band that may be fitting for Ashes; they're called Nuclear Assault. :rainbowlaugh:)

Midnight whimpered as she stared at Maria's mouth with a lustful smile, and her tip was already leaking precum. The pleasure sent shivers down her spine, and it made her member throb madly. She began gently rocking her hips back and forth, slowly thrusting herself in and out of Maria's cleavage. "You feel gooood..." She moaned.

Ember's cheeks turned impossibly more red as he felt his pants suddenly become too tight around the groin. He sighed softly as he was made to confront his feelings, and then he slowly turned to Amanda with a nervous smile. "You make me nervous. You're more beautiful than any other female that I've met. Just hearing your voice makes my heart soar..." He said softly. He was secretly afraid that she would reject him.

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Maria purred around the shaft in her mouth and began slowly moving her mouth in time with Midnight's member, keeping it inside as she sucked on the tip lovingly. Her hands went up and squeezed the sides of her massive bosom around her lover's shaft, wanting to increase her pleasure as much as possible. "Mmmm....."

Amanda blinked a few times, then smiled lovingly and slowly stood up. She walked around the table to Ember and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as far as she could reach. "You saved me. You didn't try to hurt me. You fed me and gave me clothes.... I... Is... Is this love?" She asked with a thoughtful expression. She had felt something like this with Selma, but that felt more like a father than a mate. But Ember... Ember made her heart flutter with all the kindness he showed her, and he was so strong and handsome....

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Midnight smiled blissfully and closed her eyes as intense pleasure radiated from her member, and her chest heaved as she panted lightly. "Maria, can we try your plot soon? I got a kinky idea, I'll show you once I'm close..." She panted out.

Ember shuddered softly as he heard Amanda's beautiful voice so close to his ear, his cheeks still bright crimson. He was already having trouble keeping his composure, but this made him have impure thoughts. "I...I'd hope so. You're so beautiful and sweet..." He said softly.

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Maria purred and gave an "mm-hmm" as she began moving her massive breasts up and down her lover's shaft, still making out with the tip and prodding the urethra with her tongue. She didn't have a way to penetrate small orfices like her lover did, but she could certainly make up for it with other methods.

Amanda smiled widely with her own blush, and she laid her head on Ember's shoulder. "Can you hold me, please?" She asked softly, closing her eyes and relaxing with her potentially new coltfriend. She would love to have Ember as her mate. In her mind, she couldn't fathom why he wasn't beating mares off of himself with a stick.

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