The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Across the lands of Gia, two kingdoms sat facing one another, warring constantly for control over the entire continent. One nation, known as Shizukesa, was a relatively calm and quiet nation, with farming villages, friendly locals, and an overall peaceful atmosphere wherever one went, and nature was allowed to roam mostly free in this land. Soldiers trained in disciplined arts, and stuck to sword training, though a few were allowed to practice with the more modern firearms, expensive but powerful weapons that were only affordable by the richer soldiers and nobles. Gun crafters were free to experiment however they pleased. The standard armor, known as samurai, was an ancient design, one that has stood the tests of time and served as a symbol of power for Shizukesa. While their army did not number quite as much as the army of the other kingdom, their soldiers were elite and trained extensively.

The other kingdom, known as Eisenland, was a very industrialized nation, with factories full of hard-working citizens, all working to support the war effort. They forged swords and armor for the many, many soldiers sent out to the battlefields. Some soldiers did not receive much training, but their numbers were large and their spirits strong. Since the nation put more resources into manufacturing and designing firearms, many more of their elite soldiers had access to them, and they were a bit ahead of what Shizukesa had available.

In the northern area of Gia's lands, in a large grassland area surrounded by forests, a bloody battle waged between the two kingdoms. Swords clashed, and the occasional sound of a gunshot was heard. One of Shizukesa's lieutenants, by the name of Chekkumeito, was walking across the battlefield calmly, carrying his katana at his side, a black weapon with a wood sheath, both engraved with the pictures of a raven, affectionately named Nikuya, or Butcher. Whenever an enemy soldier got close, he would simply draw his sword, slice the foe in half, and keep walking as he put it away. Some soldiers began to turn and run from him, and that was fine. He was here to see if he couldn't finally meet this lieutenant of Eisenland, nicknamed as the Moving Castle....

Group Admin

Every other sound on the battlefield was drowned out as the sound of a massive gun fired into a mass of troops Shizukesian troops towards the rear. Those in the center of the impact had their armor burst and their flesh pulped, while those towards the edges were maimed and sent airborne. Donner Grollen strode between columns of his troops as the massive gun on his right shoulder reloaded, and the spent brass casing hit the ground with a sharp and loud 'ting'. Saying he was a giant of a man would be an understatement, as he towered over even other large men, and he had the build to go with it, though it was hidden by his immensely thick armor. He moved across the bloodied fields with a sort of purposeful grace that seemed unfitting for such a massive creature, each and every step precise. He was moving from the rear of his army towards the front with curious intent, he wanted to see the enemy lieutenant that he had heard so much about. Occasionally a shot from a foolish soldier with great intentions would ping off of his armor, but despite the seeming vanity of the actions, he raised his wall-like shield just in case.

(I got the urge to write all novel-like. So, ta-dah!)

Group Admin

[Yer killin' mah soljers! REVENGE!]

Chekku kept walking calmly forward, holding the sheath of Nikuya in his left hand as he drew his breech loaded pistol with his right. He had loaded it with a burstfire shell earlier, and he simply pointed it at a group of Eisenlandish soldiers and pulled the trigger. The swarm of small bullets fired off like a buzzsaw, and left the group of soldiers as a bunch of bleeding corpses on the ground. He popped out the shell and loaded in a bomb shot, one of his favorite kinds. It sticks to a target like a dart, then explodes a few seconds after. It was meant to help him rattle this Moving Castle's walls a bit. With calm precision, he holstered the gun and put his sword back to his belt, then pulled out his battle rifle and began firing shots off at soldiers, watching each shot he fired drop another grunt like a ragdoll.

Group Admin


Donner, now in the middle of his army, trundled towards the front of the lines, seeming more curious than anyone should be on a battlefield. He pulled out a massive bolt-action rifle that looked more fitting for killing elephants than people, and he placed the stock against his shoulder. He aimed at a formation of elite soldiers and fire at the base of the neck of one of the soldiers, and a thunderous crack was heard as he pulled the trigger. The soldier in his sights was sent reeling back into his fellow behind himself as a torrent of blood gushed from his corpse, and the round continued to penetrate several more men behind him like a lance. He racked the bolt on the over-sized rifle ,ejecting the spent casing of the one round that the rifle held, and he loaded another into the breech and sealed it.

Group Admin


Chekku put away his rifle and pulled out his breech pistol, casually firing the dart at a soldier and watching him scramble to take it off before it exploded and turned him and those around him into chunky salsa. He had heard the crack of that gun, and began moving towards it with a calm excitement in his step. He loaded in a shotgun shell into the chamber and fired it at another group from only a couple meters away. The first person became a pile of scrap metal and mush, and the others were either dismembered, disemboweled, or knocked flat on their asses and left to bleed out. After drawing his katana once more, he began wading through the enemy forces, slicing through soldiers around him as he approached the source of the thunderous sounds.

Group Admin

2263818 (You cannot stop my Russian zeppelins. We smash capitalists like cheap toy, then drink potato water and invade Serbia.)

Wanting to save what costly and bulky ammunition that he had left for his enormous rifle, Donner put the gun away and drew a large and odd club-like weapon. The weapon seemed to be combination of a mace and a spear, having the shape and design of the former and the spike of the latter on the top. A lowly soldier took a swipe at him with his curved sword, but the giant moved back on reflex before countering with a swing of his huge beatstick. The soldier crumpled to the ground with his neck bent at an unnatural angle, and a bloody and bruised indentation in the crook of his neck. He searched around for the enemy lieutenant, but he couldn't seem to find anyone who readily stood out. After a few seconds of careful searching through the din of battle, he spied a soldier who seemed to be wearing only half of his armor. He seemed to be the only one doing so, therefore he had to be important. Raising his wall-like shield, the giant began marching slowly towards his new target, knocking aside and trampling any enemy who got in his path.

Group Admin


Chekku grinned devilishly as he finally laid eyes upon the giant soldier, sheathing his katana. He drew his other blade in his left hand, which resembled a kopis, with a slightly forward curved blade and a flared tip, but the single handleguard was sharpened to create a wall of sharp steel, making it dangerous to approach and defend against the weapon. In his right hand, he had his breech pistol, reloaded with a large shotgun slug round. He stood in a low, agile stance with his left side facing Donner, and gave a stage bow, then retook his position. "Greetings. The name's Chekkumeito. Shall we dance?" He gave a venomous grin, the breech pistol aiming at the giant soldier from his hip, ready to fire at the slightest opening.

Group Admin

2265823 (Communism intensifies. My saliva glands now sweat vodka.)

"Indeed." Donner replied in a deep, thundering voice as he turned his left side to face his opponent. He began marching towards his foe, leading with his shield and his head poking out occasionally above the thick wall of steel. His huge, club-like weapon waved in the air above him menacingly as he advanced, ready to smash his foe. Once he was close enough, he swung the club at Chekku in a downward-diagonal motion.

Group Admin

Chekku casually ducked under the club, hopped up onto its shaft, then twisted in the air and wrapped a knee around the giant's neck, his body weight pressing through the armor and into Donnor's trachea. As he hung backwards from his opponent's neck, he grinned and placed the barrel of his breech pistol to the back of Donner's head, ready to fire the slug and see just how tough his armor really is.

Group Admin

Donner roared and dropped his club, which freed his hand to reach up and try to dislodge this acrobatic mother-humper. He grabbed Chekku by the leg and tried to pull him off as best as he could. He wasn't trained in any special techniques, so his best wasn't so great. "You monkey...bastard...fucker..." He croaked out.

Group Admin

Chekku saw the hand going for his leg, and he quickly dislodged before he was able to his gun, spinning in the air and kicking his armored boot across the back of Donnor's head before he fell to the ground in a crouched stance, still holding his sword and gun. He leapt back to a few meters away, then aimed his pistol at Donner's center of mass and pulled the trigger, the giant slug shooting out at the armored soldier.

Group Admin

The slug dented Donner's armor and ricocheted off, prompting an amused chuckle from the giant. "Sorry, slugger, but you actually have to wound me." He taunted. He quickly rubbed the back of his head with his armored palm. "Rather than take me head-on..." He muttered. He rammed Chekku with the front of his shield before using the distraction to grab his club.

Group Admin

Chekku was quickly reloading his breech pistol when Donner rammed his shield at him, and he flipped backwards and fired a shot at the giant's feet. A bomb shot, one stuck in the ground right between the armored soldier's legs. The witty lieutenant grinned and loaded another slug as he flipped backwards, getting himself out of the blast radius.

Group Admin

Donner looked down at the ground, and his face behind his helmet fell as he saw the slug. That didn't look like any ammunition he'd ever seen. Whatever it was, he didn't want to be near it. "Sheeeeeeeeeeeyit!..." He muttered to himself as he backpedaled as fast as his size would allow. Once he was at least a few feet away from the bomb, he put up his shield to protect himself as much as possible.

Group Admin

[When did Donner backpetal? The shot has a three second fuse, and Chekku fired it as he was leaping backwards from Donner's shield ram. Tick tick tick.]

Group Admin

The bomb went off with enough force to make the giant soldier stumble backwards, though Chekku was just getting started. He let out a laugh of joy as she ran up and used Donner's shield as a stepping stool, leaping over and behind the giant, where he aimed his kopis and thrust the tip up under the giant's arm, hoping to hit the weaker joint armor while he was still stunned from the explosion, and perhaps injure the man inside. "Let's crack this tin can." He muttered to himself as he thrust the potentially fatal blow.

[Monkey backstabbing bastard. :rainbowlaugh:]

Group Admin

2273482 (Nu, murnkey! Gu awur, murnkey! Bad murnkey! *grows tobacco out of ears )

Donner staggered back from the small explosion with a surprised yelp, and he lost his footing on his left side. He staggered to the to the left a bit as he tried to regain his balance, which just barely saved him from a direct blow from Chekku's kopis. The blade cut into the mail beneath and grazed his flesh, which elicited a cry of pain from the giant. "Damn-fucking-it!" He shouted. With a pained grunt he swung himself around to face his opponent as fast as possible. Blood visibly dripped from the fresh wound under his arm, and it seemed painful more than anything. Figuring that the massive shield was more of a hindrance than an aid against an agile opponent, the giant hurled the shield at Chekku as hard as possible, and then used the distraction to allow him to grab his club. His body armor was enough for now, and he knew that he couldn't fight this man without his primary weapon. "You're a worthy opponent." He remarked as he turned back to face his rival, favoring his left side. "Let's end this."

(This admittedly took some brain-thinkery to work out.)

Group Admin

Chekku dropped to his stomach, letting the massive shield fly over his head and crash into a group of both their soldiers. He didn't quite notice, but troops on both sides were retreating. He was too caught up in his opponent and taking the giant down. "Indeed. Let's." He replied as he drew his katana in his right hand, standing in a low crouch. Suddenly, he sprang up and spun in the air, looking as if he would attack with the deadly blades, but instead switched at the last minute and put all the momentum into his armored foot, aiming the sucker punch of a kick at Donner's face.

[That just means I'm writing him well. Betrayal comes soon.]

Group Admin

Donner reeled back from the hard impact to his face, and he stumbled for a brief second. He threw his weight forward and swiped horizontally with his club, hoping to get at least one hit in. If the blow struck, it would probably break bones.

Group Admin

Chekku put both swords up in the path of the club, then let himself be lifted off his feet by the blow. He knew he couldn't dodge the impact, so he decided not to resist it. The force hurt his hands a bit, but the blow served to throw him away from Donner, letting him land on the ground and roll to his feet. Chekku grinned and leapt at the giant soldier again, this time landing just short of Donner in front of him and lunging forward with both swords, going for the armpits again.

Group Admin

Donner anticipated Chekku's aim and turned sideways, then lunged forward and lead with his shoulder. He knew that he didn't have the time to swing his club, so he used the one weapon that had the necessary speed; his body.

Group Admin

Chekku used the momentum of his arms to bring his hands up, letting them push against Donner's shoulder as the giant rammed forward. He stumbled backwards and sheathed his kopis, then grinned maliciously at Donner, loading a slug into his breech pistol and drawing it, then firing it at the giant's head, seeing as how he no longer had his shield.

Group Admin

The slug hit Donner in the forehead of his armor, just above his eyes, denting it severely. Though the wound looked superficial, the dent was deep enough to contact his skull, which rattled all of his senses. He accidentally fired his shoulder-mounted gun as he staggered back a bit, and appeared to have trouble standing. The shot from the gun was far off target, but being in front of the muzzle was enough to shatter eardrums and rattle teeth. As for the giant, he was dazed by the impact, and he possibly had a concussion, but he was still able to fight. In a last-ditch effort, the giant clumsily swung his club at Chekku. He could barely stand or keep his concentration, but he would die if the fight didn't end quickly in his favor.

Group Admin

Chekku cried out and held his head with his left hand, stumbling backwards as his ears rang from the explosion. He put away his pistol and dropped to the ground, albeit in a less graceful manner than he was used to, and just barely avoided getting clubbed by Donner's haphazard swing. As he scrambled to his feet, his sense of balance and hearing slowly coming back, he prepared to fire his battle rifle again, but something happened. Another gun went off in the distance. It sounded like Donner's artillery cannon, but much, much bigger. Chekku's head snapped in the direction, but in the same second, something hit the ground between the two lieutenants, and it exploded with massive force. The Shizukesan soldier was sent flying through the air, landing like a ragdoll several meters away, unconscious as both armies began retreating.

Group Admin

Donner did a spin in the air as he was sent flying in the opposite direction of Chekku, and he hit the ground with a loud clang. He was knocked unconscious on impact, and a small trickle of blood began to leak from his forehead. He wasn't dead, but he would feel close to being so after he woke up.

Group Admin

It was several hours later, with the sun up the next morning, when Chekku groaned and opened his eyes. His head hurt. Gods, his head hurt. The man slowly stumbled to his feet and made sure all his gear was intact, and in their proper places. Satisfied, he slowly looked around at the dead soldiers, and at the one he was fighting. What just happened? Chekku stumbled over to Donner, poking the helmet of the giant with his sheathed katana. "Hey. You. Ow... Still alive in there?"

Group Admin

Donner's eyes snapped open, and he groaned as his huge arms began slowly pushing himself off the ground. "It's quite. Either one of us is a prisoner, or something's wrong here..." He mused softly as he got to his feet. He felt like his head had been bashed repeatedly against a wall. Once he was upright, he checked around for his shield, and he groaned in pain when he found it. He wanted to smile, but it hurt too much to do so. He lumbered over to his equipment and took it up by the handle, and he realized that it hurt his head just to lift the great weight.

Group Admin

Chekku looked around, putting away his weapons and adjusting the battered pieces of his light armor. "Guh... I'm gonna say its the latter, unless it's common for your artillery to hit off-target. Or maybe they were just that desperate to kill me." He joked. He groaned and stretched his back, eliciting several pops and cracks from his bones. "Ohhhh yes... That's the stuff... Alright. Both our armies retreated." It finally hit him. "Both... Retreated... Right after we were shot." He turned to look at Donner, bearing a very serious expression. "I think... I think they may have left us for dead. They thought we had died, and both our armies retreated afterwards."

Group Admin

Donner took a moment to look around at his surroundings, but it wasn't for sight-seeing. "We're alone in a no-man's land, and I don't have a map." He said in a somber tone. He turned to look at Chekku with a bit of sadness. "I don't know about you, but I'm stranded."

Group Admin

Chekku sighed and nodded in agreement, then slowly looked about the battlefield. "I don't know about you, but unless we work together, I'm not sure either of us will get through this. We're hundreds of miles north of both our kingdoms." The man simply went about scavenging the corpses, pulling out each soldier's canteen and emptying what water he could find between them, until he had three full canteens for Donner and himself. He also grabbed all the rations he could find, storing half of them in his backpack and offering the other canteens and rations to Donner. "Come on, partner. Let's get going. I'd like to get home as soon as possible."

Group Admin

Donner ignored the remark and eagerly took the supplies that he was given. He stored the stuff in the bag on his hip, and then turned to Chekku. "So, which direction do we go?" He asked softly. "I'm not exactly a navigator."

Group Admin

Chekku shrugged and pointed south. "We're north of our kingdoms. We just head south until we find civilization. Granted, I'm also curious as to why we were fired upon, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." The man rolled his neck and began walking at a brisk pace, glancing behind him to make sure Donner was keeping up.

Group Admin

Donner was following behind Chekku at a fast walking pace, though he occasionally stumbled to the side and swayed as he walked. The blunt force trauma to his head was making just being awake a challenge."Heh, maybe the gunners were drunk..."

Group Admin

Chekku chuckled and kept walking, the two of them getting closer to the thick forest that surrounded the grassy area of the battlefield. "I wouldn't put it past ya lot. So, we have about eight hours until the sun goes down, judging from its position. We can keep walking fora while, but it looks like I banged your noggin up a bit more than I thought. I think you should rest."

[Um... This is a really kinky idea, but... what if Chekku is a male herm? Looks male, but has both sets of genitals? Sorry, I just love mixed gender stuff. We can do it if you're okay with it, but if not, that's okay.]

Group Admin

Donner tiredly nodded as he followed along behind his companion. "I think we should try to get as far as possible before we rest." He clumsily pointed at the smaller man. "And if you try to kill me in my sleep, tell me first. It would be rude not to." He said jokingly.

(I'm up for trying anything once. :rainbowwild:)

Group Admin

[Thank you. Once Donner shows himself out of his armor, Chekku's gonna get a bit flustered. :heart: Do you wanna skip to sunset after they've walked a little bit and set up a camp in the forest?]

Group Admin

2295155 (Sure. If I'm understanding you right, you mean walk a bit first, and then skip? At first I thought that you wanted me to go ahead and skip us because you didn't leave a post, but my brain is going in circles here.)

Group Admin

[Go ahead and skip us to sunset. Just have Donner collapse or have him say he'd like to stop and rest where they are.]

Group Admin

Donner tripped and fell to his hands and knees, his arms shaking as they held him up. "If you don't mind, I'd like to rest here." He said in a quiet and pained voice. He weakly pushed himself back to let himself fall onto his rump, and he fell asleep moments later. He awoke at sunset with a small groan, and he looked around to see if anything had changed.

Group Admin

[Whoa, whoa, whoa... I was gonna have them talk by the fire... I can roll with this...]

Donner had been moved into a sitting position against a large rock, still in his armor, though behind his head was a folded up cloak as a pillow. His helmet had been removed and his head bandaged in a cloth. Asleep over a few meters on the ground was Chekku, seeming quite comfortable on the bare ground. Shizeukesans were known for their connection to nature. There was also a burnt-out fire pit between the two of them.

[What does Donner look like? Chekku kinda looks like me. Blonde hair, green eyes. His face looks a bit chiseled, but there's some small amounts of femininity in his facial features, like longer eyelashes and suspiciously soft cheeks.]

Group Admin

2295550 (I based Donner's appearance on my own. Short, extremely curly dark-brown hair, dark green eyes with brown rings on the inner iris, high cheeks, high forehead, large nose, and deep-set eyes.)

Donner groaned softly as he shifted around a little, his rear was starting to hurt from sitting in his armor for so long. Carefully and quietly he began undoing the straps to his leg-armor, and he then set it to the side. Next was the plate covering his rear. It took about a minute of work and frustration, but it finally came off, and he sat it to the side with the other pieces. Covering his lower half were a pair of brown, button-up military fatigues which were standard issue in the Eisenlandish Army.

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