The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Chernobyl grinned and placed a kiss on Eagle's cheek. "I'm very happy for you, sweetheart. Um..." He started. "Should we be getting back home? You could stay at my place, if you'd like. Radiation doesn't seem to harm you any longer. It might be a problem if i stayed with you at... wherever it is you're staying..."

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Eagle blushed as she realized that they were still in unknown and hostile territory. "Yeah, uh, we should. I think I'd like to stay at your place for now. I don't live in any settlement, but I do live near other people." She replied softly. She glanced over at her bags, and then back to he lover. "How long will it this to heal? I don't know if I can carry my bags."

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Chernobyl smiled and slipped into his suit, then slid on his bags, then grunted as he slid Eagle's bags on top of those. "Alright... Just cover us with a weapon, sweetheart. I'll lead us to my home." The ghoul began, slowly, walking to the door, nudging it open and stepping out into the hall.

[Skip to his shack?]

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2284462 (Skip.)

Eagle opened the door for Chernobyl, and then quickly walked inside. The anesthetic felt like it was wearing off, and she didn't want to be moving around when it did. She groaned as she laid down on the bed and stretched out, and she laid her head down between her hooves.

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Chernobyl sat down after setting down the bags, snuggling up to Eagle and placing soft kisses on her lips. "I love you, baby...." The ghoul stroked the mare's side with his hoof, smiling lovingly at her. "I would love to stay with you, my love. You make me so happy. I... I've been so alone before I met you..."

[When are we gonna get his stallion parts working again? :heart:]

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Eagle smiled at him fondly, her glowing red eyes holding loving and alluring warmth. "You can stay with me if you want, sweetie. I've cleared out an old apartment building to live in, no one will bother us unless we want them to." She said softly. Her gaze turned playful and lustful, and she gave him bedroom eyes. "Now, I want to find out how it feels to make out with a ghoul." She purred in her erotically soft voice. She gently pressed her lips to his with a soft moan, and she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

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Chernobyl's eyes widened, but he eagerly began kissing back, his hooves wrapping around her waist and cradling the back of Eagle's head. His mouth and tongue were drier and a little rougher, but not unpleasantly so. He couldn't believe he was making out with a gorgeous mare in his own little home. It felt too good to be true. And yet, here she was. Now that he had Eagle, he was going to work to keep her around. He was going to treat her like a queen. "Mmmmm....."

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Eagle gave a delighted moan, which sounded like an 'oh' of surprise. She pushed further into the kiss, and she began to breathe heavily as she let her tongue play with his. Kissing Chernobyl was different, but it was far from unpleasant. She rather liked kissing him, and if she could just sit here locking lips with him, she would.

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Chernobyl moaned softly in pure satisfaction, feeling like he was a real stallion again. Well, almost. It was as close as he could get, he thought. He could still love and tend to Eagle however she wanted. Kissing her was pleasure enough. Holding her was wonderful; she was so beautiful, and feeling her curves to his body made him want to moan. 'You're so beautiful..." He breathed out between kisses.

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Eagle broke the kiss for a brief moment, and she gave him a flirty look. "You're such a flatterer." She purred, before locking lips with him once more. She let her tongue explore every part of his mouth, and she began to pant lightly. The scent of her arousal began to fill the room: she wanted Chernobyl. She never thought that she would ever be legitimately attracted to a ghoul, but she wanted him. She burned for him. If it were at all possible, she would wear him out with sex, or at least try.

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Chernobyl smelt the arousal in the air, and he broke the kiss and smiled lovingly at Eagle. "Would you like me to tend to you again, my love?" His stallion parts have not worked in a very long time, and he would use them to pleasure this mare of they still worked. But he would have to resort to his hoof for now. At least Eagle seemed pleased by his hooves.

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Eagle spread her rear legs eagerly at Chernobyl's mentioning of pleasing her. She gave him a pleading and lustful look, one that held a.bit of desperation. "Please do, I'm in heat. I can always get myself off, but the relief never lasts long." She said softly. She moved a little closer to her lover, so that she could feel her hot breath. "I need you so bad, Chernie." She purred.

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As soon as Eagle spread her legs, Chernobyl's hoof plunged inside and pumped in and out of Eagle's marehood, fast and hard. He knew that his lover liked her hard ruttings, and he planned to give it to her all she wanted. "Then I am all yours, my love." He said quietly. His other hoof mashed her clit roughly at a similar speed as his first hoof, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

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Eagle flattened her ears against her head as she snapped her eyes shut, and she moaned loudly. "Oh, yes! Just like that!" She cried out. She panted and grunted like an animal as she felt a powerful orgasm build in her loins. She couldn't help but imagine what it would be like for Chernobyl to have working stallion parts. She wanted to feel his weight on top of her, his hot breath on the back of her neck, and his hooves around her body.

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Chernobyl could provide at least one of those things as his hooves moved incredibly fast and hard. He bent down and let his breath gently blow onto Eagle's face, and placed soft butterfly kisses on her cheeks, worshipping her soft flesh and beautiful fur. He said nothing, letting his actions do the talking for him. His hoof shoved itself deeper into her burning loins, and he gently nibbled on Eagle's ear, hoping to convey his affections and increase her pleasure.

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Eagle glanced over at him with a blissful smile, and she let out a low, shuddering moan. She could barely think straight, but she was surprised and happy that Chernobyl was willing to tend to her like this. "I love you..." She breathed. Those words were becoming truer with every passing moment. This stallion had done so much for her, far more than she believed anyone else would. She trusted him with her life, and with her body. She decided that she would find a way to make his stallion parts work again, he deserved to experience this pleasure with her.

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Chernobyl kept his hooves thrusting and moving faster and faster, his strange muscles working tirelessly to provide new heights of pleasure to his lover. "I love you, too..." He whispered, kissing her lips and her cheeks, then letting out a sigh as he rested his cheek against her own, feeling her beautiful body rubbing against his own hideous, half-decayed one. It was an honor to be loved by Eagle. It was his mission to love her back as much as possible.

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Eagle turned away from Chernobyl and let out a loud squeal. Her needing folds were absolutely soaked with her arousal, and she felt herself rapidly getting closer to sweet relief. She couldn't do much besides moan and pant heavily. She turned back to her lover and pressed her lips to his, passionately channeling her sexual energy into showering him with affection.

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Chernobyl's hooves moved even faster and harder, eagerly kissing back with all the passion he could muster. He loved Eagle with all his heart, and he channeled his tireless energy into pleasuring this beautiful mare. "I love you..." He breathed out as he passionately kissed his lover over and over again. "I love you so much...." The ghoul began thrusting a bit slower, but much harder, his other hoof still mashing and rubbing Eagle's clit.

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Eagle's breath slowed and became much heavier, and she squealed into her lover's mouth with every thrust. She quivered from the unbelievable feelings in her loins, and her eyes shut as she fought to hold back her inevitable climax. Her cries of pleasure gradually became louder with every passing second as she tried to reach greater heights of ecstasy. Her instincts screamed at her to release, but she felt too good. She wanted to feel even better. She sloppily kissed Chernobyl back as he pounded her folds with his hoof, hoping to let him know how thankful she was for his love.

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Chernobyl passionately kissed Eagle back over and over, his hooves moving tirelessly as they thrust and rubbed and did everything to stimulate and pleasure the beautiful mare. His hooves moved at their incredibly fast pace, never once slowing or tiring. The ghoul let his tongue explore the inside of his lover's mouth, working to drive her to the best climax she had ever felt. He may have been hideous, but he was going to make sure he surpassed whatever any normal stallion could do to pleasure this wonderful mare.

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Eagle felt her eyes roll back in her head as she felt the ghoul's tongue caress the inside of her mouth, and she let out a shaky moan of delight. Despite its unnatural nature, or perhaps because of it, she loved his tongue. Every time it touched her she couldn't help but imagine what else he could do with it, and the mere fantasy made her loins even hotter. Eventually the need to let go became so great that it started to ache, but it felt so unbelievably good. With a loud squeal she released a flood of hot, sticky feminine juices onto Chernobyl's wonderful hoof, and she went limp as ecstasy overrode all of her senses.

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Chernobyl slowly withdrew his hooves, licking them clean to taste of his lover's sweet feminine juices. "Mm... I love you, sweetheart." The ghoul laid himself down atop Eagle, pulling the covers over them as he did so. "Is there anything you wish to do tomorrow, my love? I usually just go out and scavenge, but I want so very much to spend more time with you." He said as he nuzzled Eagle's cheek.

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Eagle tiredly looked up at him as best as she could, smiling lazily. "Well, I wanted to check out the imperial labs a few blocks over to see if there's anything there that will get your lower bits working again." She said playfully. Making such a trip was the least she could do to repay all of his kindness. It would be difficult, but it could be done.

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