The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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It has been over two-hundred years since the war between the Zebras and Equestrians ended in a rain of fire that purged life from the world. However, contrary to popular belief, the lands of those two factions were not the only ones struck a killing blow. The Empire of Germaneigh, a massive empire composed of several cultures, operated on the sidelines of the war, a fact known only to the rulers of both the Zebras and the Equestrians. Though their intentions were great, it ended in their destruction. Now, only the shattered remains of the once-great superpower remain, populated by scavengers and struggling survivors descended from the lords and commoners of the industrial giant.

On the outskirts of the city of Mulenich, Eagle Eyes wandered through the halls of an ancient apartment complex in search of whatever she could salvage for caps and her own survival. The fluorescent tubes above the earth pony dimly illuminated her dark-blue coat, pleasantly lithe body, and silver mane with gold-highlighted tips as she moved gracefully through the dilapidated halls.Her lust-red eyes danced about the area in search of anything useful to stuff into her large, leather saddlebags, and she was on high alert for anything remotely hostile. Thankfully, she had her 12-gauge shotgun and 25mm grenade launcher at her side in case she had to fight.

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From inside one of the rooms, a pony wearing a hazmat suit was also scavenging about, and judging from the way his large saddlebags bugled with items, he was quite good at scavenging. The pony moved about the kitchen of the apartment, working to rip off things like the pilot light and and some of the other metal scrap from the oven. He, as he appeared to be a slender male, was being surprisingly quiet about it, though it would be a good idea not to sneak up on him, since he had a .44 magnum revolver holstered to his hip.

Comment posted by Cakebomb deleted Nov 20th, 2013
Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Nov 20th, 2013
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Eagle was moving quickly but carefully through the old hall, and she was trying to be a stealthy as possible. She would have moved slower for extra caution, but the building gave her the creeps. The fact that the lighting wasn't too great didn't help ease her fears in the slightest. Suddenly her ears perked as something heavy and metallic was knocked over in one of the rooms ahead of her, and she stopped immediately. Her heart was racing, mostly due to the unsettling atmosphere of the building, but she knew that it was probably a gangster, a fellow scavenger, or a ghoul. She pulled out her shotgun and held the weapon between her front right hoof and her fetlock while she stood on her hind legs, ready for whatever awaited her. Gurgling and sucking noises from that room caught her attention, and a decayed face poked its head out of the room. Eagle pulled trigger and a deafening roar echoed through the halls as the ghoul's head was replaced with a shower of goo and gore, which splattered across the surfaces of the hall.

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[I thought the guns had oversized mechanisms to be fired between the hoof and the fetlock. That's what Frost and I came up with for a game we did.]

The suited pony immediately stopped what he was doing, pulling out his revolver in his hoof and standing on his hindlegs, moving quietly to the door and peering out the door, aiming the barrel out into the hallway while staying behind the cover of the doorway. He wasn't sure what he was going to see. Perhaps it would just be a ghoul, at which point, he could just tell it to be on its way. If it wasn't... that's what the gun was for.

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2202440 (Whoops. Sometimes I just repeatedly do a dumb. :derpyderp2:)

If the suited pony looked in the right direction, then he would see the lovely mare near the corpse down the hall. Eagle eyes took a deep breath as she tried to calm her nerves, and she kept her shotgun out in case anything else decided to greet her. "Damn this place..." She mumbled to herself. She needed the salvage, but this place was starting to get to her.

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The suited pony cocked the hammer of his revolver, looking at the mare. "Hey. You." He said in a moderately deep, smooth voice. "Friend or foe? I don't want trouble." From Eagle's angle, she could see the bulging weight of the suited stallion's saddlebags, showing how much he's been collecting. With that kind of success from just one outing, this stallion could possibly be rich. Although, the hazmat suit was strange, since there was no radiation anywhere near the apartment building. The hazmat suit was also armored with metal plates sewn into the shoulders and chest, and it looked quite professional for an improvised armor set.

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Eagle's eyes widened as she looked over to the stallion down the hall and realized that the gun was pointed at her. Were this any other situation, she would probably be dead right now. "Friend. I'm just a mercenary looking for salvage." She replied firmly. Her voice was deep for a female, and it was also quite soft, almost innocent. It was the voice that most males imagined as being ideal for seduction.

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The stallion put away his gun and nodded, going back into the apartment he was salvaging. He tried not to think about that beautiful mare as he kept scavenging through the living room. He tried not to think about her deep and luscious curves, her beautiful eyes and seductive voice. It had been a long, long time since he felt his male parts ever work properly, but the sheer sight of such a perfect mare might just reawaken them. For now, he prayed that this mare might find it in her heart to talk to him or keep him company, at least.

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2203180 (I forgot to mention that Eagle Eyes has tattoos all over her body. She has intertwining lines that look like serpent tails going down her front legs, and she has similar but more angular ones on her back legs. Her eyes are perfectly outlined with black ink, and underneath and towards the rear of both of them is a black, curved spike that sweeps back like a stylized tear.)

Eagle sighed softly and lowered her head as another crisis was averted. In the wastes, death could always be just around the corner, sometimes quite literally which is partly why she always carried a shotgun. She raised her head back up and decided to see if the stallion wanted any help. Sometimes other scavengers would let others help out with their operations for one reason or another, so hopefully this stranger would allow her to have some loot. She was on an unfortunate streak of not finding what she needed, which meant that she had to occasionally do without. She could usually still get laid, but that wasn't as important as survival. She put a little weight into her steps to announce her presence as she walked through the door, she didn't want to sneak up on him lest he shoot her. "Find anything good in here, uh, sir?" She purred softly. If it came down to it, she would use her feminine seduction to grease the wheels a bit.

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The stallion stopped moving for a second, like he was thinking about something, before he let out a soft, sad sigh. "Yeah, I've found a lot of things." He stood up and took off his bulging bags, setting them down and opening the pockets to reveal a myriad of food, drinks, valuable scrap metals, and many other things of use. "Are you in need of something, Miss? You could have a little, if you'd like. I don't mind." He really hoped she wouldn't question why he was wearing the hazmat suit. He didn't want to lose such a beautiful mare so quickly. He hoped that they could at least be friends. "I never got your name, by the way. Mine is Chernobyl."

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2204663 (I actually feel more comfortable doing an RP in this setting than anywhere else. Though, I think that may be because it's my "native habitat", so to speak. I am a Cloudsvillian, after all.)

Eagle darted over to one of the bags and began digging through it with a big grin, eager to finally get her hooves on some food. "My name is Eagle Eyes, Mister Chernobyl. I'm thankful that you've allowed me to have some of your salvage." She said in a grateful tone. Besides her seductive qualities, the blue mare's voice held a strange accent. It didn't seem to be of any Germane province, and it certainly didn't sound Equestrian. She grinned wider as she pulled out three cans of Cram and shoved them into one of her bags. It wasn't the best of stuff, but it was food. She glanced over at the doorway as she remembered to check to see if it was open, and to her unease it was. "Shit." She mumbled as she dashed over to the door and quietly closed it, and then locked it. She breathed a sigh of relief before walking over to an old couch and laying down on it. An open door usually meant that something or someone hostile could potentially walk right in with the element of surprise, and Eagle had too many close calls in the past to risk such an incident. She tore open the lid of one of the cans can and began eagerly eating its contents. It tasted like crap in her opinion, but her stomach didn't care.

(I wasn't aware that I had typed so much until I posted. Heh.)

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Chernobyl felt as if he would blush if he could, seeing Eagle laid out like one of those French mares. He offered her a Sunset Sarsaparilla from his bag, then once he finished scavenging, he just sat in a chair, awkwardly fiddling his hooves. It had been years since he could speak to a mare like this, much less one so beautiful. He took out his revolver and a wrench, working on tightening the hammer's mechanism for faster firing, but he was really trying to not make it look like he was just sitting there to be in Eagle's company. He was so very lonely, and he hoped that, even if she knew what he was, she would still be nice to him...

[Cue questioning about hazmat suit.]

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Eagle smiled thankfully at Chernobyl, it was about time that she got something to drink besides water. She pulled an old bottle opener from one of her bags and then used it to open her drink before putting the tool away. She took a sip of the drink and gave a soft, purring moan at the flavor. She looked over at her new acquaintance and gave him a warm smile. "So, Chernobyl, why do you wear such a strange suit? I didn't think there was any radiation around these parts." She breathed. She figured he was just another eccentric out in the wastes, but she wasn't one to judge.

(The mention of Sunset Sarsaparilla made me realize that I have to link Germaneigh to Equestria in some way if I want my story to make sense. The readers will be looking for the familiar stuff.)

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Chernobyl looked away, then sighed and put the wrench and revolver away, looking up at Eagle. A fiant green glow could be seen from his black visor. "Miss Eagle, I... I'm not keeping radiation out. I'm keeping it in." The glow increased from inside his suit, until the outline of his face could be seen. It looked like a feral ghoul, though with the mention of radiation and the green glow, he was clearly a glowing one, rare and powerful versions of ghouls that emit radiation, and have the ability to quickly recover from wounds. Though, there has never been known to be non-feral ones. The glow stopped, and Chernobyl looked away in shame, small sobbing sounds quietly echoing from the stallion. He hated himself, and he thought that Eagle would hate him now, as well.

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Eagle lowered her drink from her lips and raised an eyebrow at Chernobyl's words. She was a little surprised at his words, but she wasn't put off by them. "Chernobyl, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" She asked softly. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but her heart was breaking at the sight of her new acquaintance being so sad.

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[Has she never seen or heard of a Glowing One? I would think she would be a little nervous or curious, or both.]

Chernobyl looked up at Eagle with an air of disbelief, unsure of what to say to the beautiful mare. "You... don't hate me? You don't want to blow my head off or stab me?" By his tone of voice, that was probably the reaction he usually got when he revealed what he was. "I... Thank you, Miss Eagle... I haven't had a real friend in.... in a long time...." He mumbled, still trying to process what was happening.

Group Admin

2207145 (*Facedesk* I was actually meaning to put in a line of dialogue pertaining to that. Good thing you reminded me. :rainbowlaugh:)

Eagle up-ended her drink and gulped it down as fast as she could before putting the bottle down into one of her bags. She sat the can of Cram to the side as she got up, leaving her food to stand freely on its own. She went over to Chernobyl and wrapped her front legs around his armored neck, then laid her head on his shoulder. "If you want, I can be your friend. It gets lonely out in the wastes." She purred. "Honestly, I've never seen a Glowing One before, only heard about them. I try to stay away from areas with potentially-feral ghouls unless I have to go near them."

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Chernobyl held Eagle around her shoulders tightly, not wanting to let go, afraid he might lose the only friend he had. "Yes please..." He mumbled. He wished he could be a normal stallion. He wanted so, so much to be able to feel Eagle's hooves on his fur and skin. But just having someone to call a friend... That was wonderful. "Eagle? Can... Can you hold me, please? Just for a little while. I'm lonely..." He admitted. At his irradiated shack he called home, he only had a few teddy bears to keep him company. He cried himself to sleep most nights, or, he tried to cry, but his tear ducts dried up, and the blood in his almost skeletal body had congealed. He could barely be called a stallion anymore. His stallion parts didn't work anymore.

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Eagle gently nuzzled Chernobyl's fur, careful to not cut herself on the armored plates. "Sure thing, sweetie. I'll hold you as long as you want." She purred. This stallion was kind enough to let her have some food and drink, the least she could do was hold him for a while. Despite the suit, he actually felt good to hold. Suddenly, she felt heat in her loins, and her feminine scent began to drift throughout the room. She sighed softly and closed her eyes. Dammit, I have to go into heat now of all times... She thought.

(Perhaps Eagle and Chernobyl go on an epic quest of face-smashing goodness to transform him into a normal pony?)

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[Perhaps. What if she mutated again? I really just wanna have them cuddle in bed without Eagle dying.]

Chernobyl smelled the arousal from Eagle's loins, since he had no air filter in his mask. He let out a soft, sad sigh, then said "I... I wish I was still a true stallion... I could pleasure you like you deserve to be pleasured..." He mumbled, unaware he spoke his thoughts aloud. The stallion let out another sigh and slowly snuggled into Eagle's chest, glad that the couch they laid upon was still intact. "Thank you, Eagle..." He said quietly.

Group Admin

2208733 (I'm fine with that. I mainly want them to explore the world around them as they love each other. I have a bunch of ideas floating around, but I don't think I can put them into words.)

Eagle blushed and smiled shyly at Chernobyl's words. It wasn't the sexual nature of his words that made her feel giddy inside, but rather that he seemed to be acting like a gentlecolt. "Uh, no problem." She said with a nervous chuckle. Usually someone smelling her arousal would make her feel sexy, because that generally meant that she would have no problem finding a nice mare or stallion to share a bed with, but with Chernobyl she felt...different. She actually felt a little embarrassed.

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[Oh, sure, they can explore. I just wanna have them cuddle, and possibly do some more, without dying. :heart:]

Chernobyl's breathing slowed, his hooves wrapped loosely around Eagle's shoulders as he laid atop her. He didn't want to leave this beautiful mare's company. Not when he was so very lonely. The door to the apartment was locked, so the two of them could rest if they'd like. "Eagle, I... I..." He was about to profess that he loved the mare, but he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. He just... He was so, so very lonely....

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2208956 (Eagle just want's to be loved. :rainbowlaugh:)

Eagle couldn't help but chuckle happily, both at the fact that she had a stallion atop her in a situation that wasn't related to the bedroom, and at the fact that Chernobyl seemed just a little nervous. "Yes? What is it, Chernie?" She purred. Her lust-red eyes looked up at his visor, and she gave a small grin that was both sensual and playful. She hoped that she could lift this stallion's spirits at least a little.

Group Admin

[So find a way to mutate her, and let's get loving. :heart:]

Chernobyl gulped at the pet name and looked up at Eagle, his breathing a soft shudder. "I... Um... I..." He suddenly clung to the beautiful mare, burying his face in her shoulder. "Oh Gods I love you Eagle you've been so kind to me and you're so very beautiful!" He said in one breath, trembling as he poured his heart out. He just wanted to be loved. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He just wanted to be held and loved and have someone to be with.

Group Admin

2209323 (Maybe they find some potions in an old lab, which were tainted by magical radiation. Eagle could drink one and get her old transformation powers back.)

Eagle's eyes went wide, and she gasped softly at Chernobyl's words. It seemed as if all of her blood went to her cheeks as her loins become much, much hotter. "I...what?" She said in a soft, surprised voice. Having someone fall in love with her at first sight was a first for her. "I'm flattered, and you're so sweet." She said softly. She leaned forward and kissed his visor. If this stallion were to travel around with her, his affections would take some getting used to, but it would happen in time.

Group Admin

[I would like it if she could stick with the long tongue and immunity to radiation, then we could give her entirely new powers beyond those. We also need a way to get his blood flowing, so his stallionhood can do its thing again.]

Chernobyl looked up and sighed, resting his head on Eagle's chest. "I wish I could pleasure as a stallion should be able to do... Although, I..." He looked away and stopped himself, not wanting to push any boundaries. "Never mind... I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I would like it if you would let me tend to your needs, though. If nothing else, knowing I made you happy would be reward enough." His suit-covered hoof snaked down and rubbed the spot above Eagle's slit, wanting her to know what he intended to do.

Group Admin

2209611 (*Steeples fingers* Excellent. :pinkiecrazy:)

Eagle let out a deep moan as her entire body quivered and her marehood moistened at his touch. She needed a stallion badly during one of these cycles, as just pleasuring herself would not keep away the burning in her loins, and the frustration that came with it. She looked down at Chernobyl with a pleading face that would cause most stallions to be enraptured with her feminine beauty. "Please, do it." She breathed.

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Chernobyl wasted no time, pushing his hoof down to Eagle,s folds and rubbing up and down at a moderate pace, occasionally sliding his hoof a bit deeper in and wriggling it around. He also made sure to play with her clit, and make Eagle feel as good as possible. "How's this, my darling?" He asked as he pleasured the mare, hoping that, despite not being able to use his mouth or member, that his hooves did a well enough job to satisfy his lover. He would do this every day for her, of she she wants it.

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A loud squeal of pleasure was Eagle's reply as she laid limply beneath Chernobyl, panting softly. Her loins felt as if they were begging for more, and the rest of her lustful body seemed to agree. Every nerve tingled with pleasure, which made her curvaceous body writhe beneath her lover. During one of these times she would try to find some large stallion to rut her senseless until she was satisfied, but Chernobyl's hoof would do for now.

(I don't remember if I've ever mentioned this, but Eagle's body shape is like that of Fleur-De-Lis.)

Group Admin

[You have. I never picture Eagle as that, though. I usually just imagine a slender, curvy body shape for Eagle from scratch. Fleur-De-Lis looks almost anorexic. :pinkiesick:]

Chernobyl pushed his hoof deeper inside Eagle's marehood and began thrusting it in and out, his other hoof wrapping itself around her back so he could hold her as he pleasured her. The stallion showed off the endurance of a glowing one, tirelessly thrusting in and out of her wet, needing folds and pushing a little deeper inside each time. He sped up his pace after a minute or two, wanting only to make Eagle feel good like she deserved to feel.

Group Admin

2211051 (I see what you mean. Once I get a decent understanding of vector art, I'll design a visual representation of her. I need to do that for all of my characters, actually.)

Eagle moaned unintelligible things as her body was flooded with pleasure, and she bucked lightly into each thrust of her lover's hoof. She didn't know how, but he made her feel so good down there. It would be enough to keep her satisfied for at least a day, or perhaps a little less. However, her loins still yearned for more pleasure.

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Chernobyl's hoof began thrusting even faster and harder, showing no signs of slowing down or getting tired. His other hoof cradled the back of Eagle's head, and he so desperately wanted to kiss her. But for now, he was content that he had a friend at the very least. He wasn't sure if Eagle had decided that she wanted to date a ghoul, not to mention a glowing, radioactive one. Nonetheless, he made sure not to stop thrusting, speeding up a little more in the hopes that he could somehow rival the pleasure of all those well-endowed stallions in the wasteland could provide.

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Eagle's mouth fell open in a loud and near-constant moan as her loins were pleased even further. "Oh...Chernie..." She moaned. Her chest heaved as she panted for air, and she bucked her hips a little harder into the thrusts. If her lover could do this for her when she needed him to, then she would definitely try to keep him around.

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Chernobyl thrust even faster, hoping to satisfy his lover as much as he possibly could. He kept stroking her mane as he thrust, looking into her eyes through his visor. "I love you, Eagle Eyes. I want only to pleasure you like this, each and every day. Whenever and wherever you ask, I shall do it for you. I can make you happy by doing this, and I want to do it more. I want you to know how happy you make me."

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Eagle's blush returned in full force at Chernobyl's words as she let out squeal of pleasure, no one had ever talked so romantically to her. She looked up at her lover's visor, and then kissed it. "You''re sweet..." She panted out. This ghoul made her feel safe, secure, and loved. She didn't love him just yet, but with the way he treated her, she might soon. It was so rare to meet someone who seemed to legitimately care.

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Chernobyl smiled from behind his visor, keeping his fast and hard thrusting pace with his hoof as he pushed deep into Eagle's marehood. He hoped that he could win over this beautiful mare's affections, as unlikely as that would be to happen. If nothing else, though, he had a friend. That was more valuable than anything else for the lonely ghoul. "You've done for me what no one else would. That means so, so much to me..." He said softly, still stroking her mane.

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Eagle closed her eyes and let out a shuddering moan as the ghoul atop her satisfied her needs, and showed her loving affection that no one else had showed her. After about a minute, she began bucking her hips hard into Chernobyl's hoof with a loud squeal. "Chernie, keep going. I'm coming..." She moaned. She furrowed her brow as an intense orgasm built in her loins, ready to ravage her body.

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Chernobyl's hoof became a blur as it sped up, making lewd squelching noises with each pounding thrust into Eagle's body. He could satisfy her, and he was going to satisfy her as much as possible, damnit. He also gently pressed her muzzle into his shoulder as he stroked her mane. He secretly wanted he to cling to him as she climaxed; it would feel so good to be held again, to feel her body tremble with heights of pleasure that she had never felt before. Pleasure he gave her. "Let it out, sweetheart..." He whispered, his hoof still thrusting at its incredibly fast speed.

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Eagle moaned and squealed ecstatically into Chernobyl's shoulder, and her body writhed against his suit as pleasure overtook her mind. Her lithe, powerful body clung tightly to him as she tensed up in anticipation, and her muscles quivered. This strange ghoul somehow managed to give her pleasure that few stallions could match, most of them would be straining by now. Yet he kept going, pounding her loins like she so desperately needed. Suddenly, she let a yell as she arched her back , and her marehood clenched down around his hoof tightly as her hot feminine juices gushed out. She panted heavily as she continued to cling to him, wanting to be held.

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Chernobyl slowly withdrew his hoof, wiping it on the couch and wrapping his hooves around Eagle's waist. He didn't feel tired; he couldn't feel tired, or run out of energy. He was a living paradox, and it made him powerful. The ghoul stroked Eagle's mane, resting atop the beautiful mare. "Did I satisfy you, Eagle?" He asked, rubbing her back with his hoof and making himself glow just enough so the outline of his eyes could be seen, letting them look into each other's eyes.

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Eagle gave a small grin as she looked into the ghoul's eyes, her panting having slowed down to just heavy breathing. "Yes, you did wonderfully, Chernie." She replied softly. She winked up at the ghoul, and then kissed his visor. "I'd like to explore this building a little more, but I think we should rest here first. Wouldn't you agree?"

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Chernobyl sighed and snuggled into Eagle's chest, closing his eyes as the glow faded. "I do not need to physically rest, but I can still fall asleep. Just wake me when you wish to continue exploring, okay?" He said, then closed his eyes, snuggling up with the beautiful mare and feeling like the luckiest stallion ever. He never thought that he would find a friend and a possible lover in this apartment building. He only hoped that, someday soon, they could touch one another without him killing her with a flood of radiation.

[Skip to an hour or two later?]

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Eagle awoke with an unladylike yawn, and her eyes fluttered open to look at the blurry image of the stallion atop her. She subconsciously stretched her body out beneath Chernobyl as she gave his visor a sloppy and wet kiss. "Morning, sunshine. You awake?" She purred. Her stomach growled a moment later, reminding her that she had forgotten to finish her food.

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Chernobyl slowly lifted his head, and upon hearing Eagle's stomach growl, he slowly climbed off the couch, dug through his saddlebags, and gave her a can of baked beans, along with a knife to open the can. "Eat what you wish, my dear. I have too much food for myself, as is." He glowed bright for a second so Eagle could see his happy smile. "It's nice to have someone to share it with. Eagle? I... Would you consider trying being my... m-marefriend?" He asked nervously. "I am always happy to make you happy. Just please don't leave me alone again...." He mumbled, unaware he had said the last part.

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Eagle blushed as she sat up and took the can of food and the knife in her hooves. She wasn't used to a stallion being so sweet and kind to her outside of the bedroom. Sure, she had some friends in some places, but none of their kindness held that loving touch that Chernobyl's actions did. "I would love to be your marefriend, Chernie. You're very sweet, the least I could do is give you a shot at being with me." She replied with a smile. She gripped the knife with her mouth and jabbed it into the can, and used her hooves to turn the can as she carefully opened the lid. Once that was complete, she turned her head and spit the knife onto the coushion next to her, and then began slowly eating. It felt so great to be able to eat.

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Chernobyl took the knife, set a bottle of fresh water in Eagle's free hoof, then sat beside the couch with a soft smile. "I may not be able to do a lot of what normal stallions can, but I can at least make you comfortable as much as I can." He said, rubbing his hoof across Eagle's shoulder. "You are so very beautiful, sweetheart.... I'm the luckiest stallion in the world to have you be my marefriend, Eagle..." He rested his visor to her forehead, the closest he could get to a kiss.

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Eagle felt her heart melt at Chernobyl's words, and she blushed even harder in embarrassment. "It's not often that I get to meet such a gentlecolt, Chernie. They're somewhat rare in this day and age." She said in warm tone. "Most stallions just want to hop into bed with me, which I was usually fine with unless they were drunk or jerks, but none of them ever treated me like a lady."

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Chernobyl hopped up on the couch and snuggled into Eagle's side, making sure not to impede her food and drink break. "You deserve to be respected and treated like the lady you are, Eagle. You've been an angel to me, and I want to repay all of your kindness to me somehow. If you'll let me, I'll put my limitless energy into pleasing you, sweetheart. I can pleasure you and comfort you whenever and wherever you want. Did you still want to go exploring, or would you like to start heading to whatever place you call home?"

[Super mutant attacks and tears Chernobyl's suit and injures him like last time? And perhaps a potion or mutation allows blood to flow to a certain part of him. Who knows: he might even get mutations to allow more blood to flow down there. Eagle would definitely like that. :heart:]

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