The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Eagle gulped down a mouthful of beans before turning to her lover with a smile. "I'd like to explore some more, at least until I find enough salvage to fill my bags all the way. I'd rather we get that salvage instead of someone else." As a mercenary she needed every resource that she could get her hooves on.

From somewhere deep within the building, a deep, rumbling laugh with a heavy electronic effect echoed through one of the vents in the room.

"Food." The voice rumbled.

(That voice would be from my take on the super mutant.)

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Chernobyl nodded to Eagle, but at the sound of the voice echoing through the vents, the stallion began moving very, very quietly, drawing a red crowbar from his bag, and it had a lambda spray-painted on the side. He slowly, very slowly unlocked the door, peering out into the hallway with an eerie amount of stealth. He peered about and listened ready to strike or run. The apartment did have a window, and his bones would heal if he needed to jump, despite how much it was going to hurt. He would gladly protect Eagle with his own body if they fell....

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The lights flickered at the end of the hallway as a large shadow moved across the wall, and then the lights finally went dark. What remained were two large, glowing red eyes that peered out at Chernobyl, staring at him hungrily. "Alternate food source located. Radioactive, but nourishing." The synthetic voice of the monster seemed to have odd emphasis on certain syllables, and it was heavily distorted by whatever was causing that electronic effect.

Eagle quickly finished off what was left of her beans before she drew her shotgun and trotted over to the door, intent on fighting off whatever was out there.

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[Could you do a short auto-attack scene on Chernobyl, please, with Eagle coming to his rescue? He'll get healed up, she'll be immune to radiation, they'll cuddle, and then they'll find this sonuvabitch and kick his ass.]

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2220670 (You say "sonuvabitch" and I suddenly want to have Eagle quote Markiplier.)

The monster shrieked as it leaped from the shadows and towards Chernobyl, revealing itself to be some sort of huge wolf-like creature with several cybernetic implants, including its eyes. The beast pounced on top of the ghoul, pinning him to the ground, and then bit into his neck with its massive jaws. The attack was short lived before its temple disappeared in a shower of gore, courtesy of Eagle's shotgun. The beast gave a grunt before falling over to the side, its paw laying on top of the ghoul. The blue mare walked over to her lover and looked him over. "Chernie...are you okay?" She asked softly. She wasn't sure of how ghoul biology worked, so it was better to ask about his status rather than to assume.

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Chernobyl was gasping for air, feeling his whole neck crushed by the attack, his windpipe strangled like a twisted piece of rubber. His radiation was leaking from his suit, and though his body was healing as fast as it could, he might not make it. He might suffocate before his trachea was repaired. He turned to look at Eagle, his hoof slowly reaching up to her for help, before he blacked out, feeling himself starting to fade...

[Save him! he has surgical tubing in his bag. Loop it down his mouth and into his throat, then bandage up his neck with a splint so it heals right.]

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Eagle quickly put her gun back on her side before sitting down next to Chernobyl. She didn't have anything with her that could fix this sort of thing, so she began digging around in his bags. Her eyes lit up when she found some surgical tubing, and she quickly moved over to her lover's dying body. She opened his mouth and began feeding the tubing down his throat, which would hopefully allow him to breathe. She returned to his bags and pulled out some items to make a splint, and she quickly assembled them. The blue mare quickly used it to fix up her lover's neck. After she was sure that her lover would be alright, she grabbed him by the shoulders and began effortlessly dragging him back into the livng room. She then returned to the doorway and heaved the monster's corpse out of the doorway, and then closed the door and locked it behind herself. She slumped against the door for a moment to calm herself down, but then her stomach wretched. She turned to the side and threw up her breakfast, and she gasped for air. She realized that she probably had radiation poisoning, and she had no Rad-Away with her. Rather than allow herself to be further poisoned, she got up and moved deeper into the apartment, away from her lover. She needed to keep an eye on him, but she couldn't be too close. She settled for staying inside the kitchen, and she slumped to the floor. Her vision began to go dark, and eventually she lost consciousness.

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Chernobyl slowly awoke a little later, breathing softly and rolling his neck, making the splint fall away as he adjusted his now-healed neck back into place. He also reached up and gently pulled the tubing out from his throat, no longer needing it to breathe. He guessed that Eagle had patched him up... wait... there was a tear in his suit... so that means...

Chernobyl gasped in realization and went into the kitchen, seeing Eagle's unconscious form. After going back into the living room and using some spare rubber and a makeshift cauterizer, he had melted the rubber over the whole, effectively repairing the damage and restoring the airtight seal. He ran back into the kitchen and tried shaking Eagle awake, but he was losing hope; his geiger counter on his suit was going off, telling him that he had irradiated the apartment as he slept. "Eagle?! Eagle, please wake up!" He begged, staring down at her face and shaking her shoulders.

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Eagle coughed and hacked as she slowly awoke, and she let out a groan of pain. Her eyes slowly opened a moment later, which revealed that her lust-red eyes were glowing with magic. "Chernie...I hurt..." She squeaked out. Her whole body ached, and it felt like something was moving inside of her.

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Nov 24th, 2013
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Chernobyl scooped Eagle up onto his back, carrying her into the living room and laying her on the couch. He pulled a med-x syringe out from his bags, then quickly injected it into her neck, hoping the potent chem would help to numb the mare's pain. He had no Radaway on him, since he never needed it. All he could do now was sit on the couch and stroke Eagle's mane, whispering words of comfort. "Shhh... It's alright, sweetheart... I'm here, and I won't let anything happen to you..."

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Eagle sighed in relief as the chem took effect, but she couldn't help but sob to herself. "I don't want to die..." She mumbled as tears began to roll down her cheeks. This was not how she wanted to go out. She didn't want to die at all. She looked up at her lover with her glowing, lust-red eyes, and she placed a kiss on his visor. "I love you..." She whispered.

(I got feels typing this. Major feels.)

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Chernobyl pulled an old blanket over Eagle's body to keep her warm, a blanket that had survived the years and the dust. "You won't die, sweetheart." He said in a determined tone. Considering she wasn't dead from the massive radiation exposure so far, he figured he might as well make himself comfortable. He slipped out of his suit, revealing his near-skeletal body and glowing green flesh. He tentatively snuggled up to Eagle under the blanket, hoping to make her feel better.

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Eagle began looking over what she could see of Chernobyl's true form, allowing herself to adjust to his presence. She looked him in the eyes with a hopeful expression, her own eyes full of love and warmth. She was unable to believe that someone was showing so much affection for her. "Chernie, will you hold me?" She asked softly. Her body felt horrible, and she just wanted her lover to hold her close.

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Chernobyl laid himself down atop Eagle's body under the blanket, wrapping all four limbs around her and resting his head on her shoulder. "Of course, my love." He placed soft kisses with his dried lips on Eagle's soft, luscious, living cheeks, seeming to almost worship her perfect flesh. "We can stay here as long as you'd like, sweetheart. If you need anything, just let me know." The ghoul was happy that he could finally do something right, instead of just scaring off all he wanted to be friends with.

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Eagle gave a soft sigh, which turned into a soft groan, and she closed her eyes for the time being. She needed to just rest for now, she hurt far too much to be able to do anything else. "I love you, Chernie..." She mumbled. She could definitely fall in love with someone who was this willing to show her so much love and care, even if that person was a ghoul.

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Chernobyl would have blushed if he could; the pet name was new to him, but not unpleasant in the slightest. "I love you, too..." He said softly, nuzzling the mare affectionately and praying his appearance didn't unsettle his lover. It most certainly unsettled him the first time he saw it. For now, the ghoul stroked Eagle's sides with his hooves, shuddering as he felt her living body against his own near-dead one. He hopped off the couch and grabbed a bottle of water from his bags, then climbed back onto the couch, uncapped it, and held the opening to Eagle's lips. "Please drink something, sweetheart. It will help make you feel better, I promise."

[If Eagle were to become a ghoul, or at least partially one and lose part of her natural beauty, Chernobyl would still love her as much as he does now. Just an image that went through my head.]

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Eagle weakly placed her lips around the opening of the bottle, and gently tipped it up as she began to drink eagerly. The cold water felt soothing on her throat as it went down, and it seemed to put her at ease. She lifted a hoof and tipped the bottle back up once she was finished, and she smiled softly at her lover. "Thank you, Chernie. You're so sweet." She said lovingly.

(I could see her becoming partially one, but not entirely.)

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Chernobyl smiled and set the empty bottle aside, making sure to pull his bags over against the couch so he could reach things without getting up. He laid back down atop his lover, pulling out a fresh apple from his bag and setting it in her hooves. "Here, my love. This will settle easily in your stomach." He hoped that Eagle would feel better soon. He wanted to be with her for as long as he could... but... He was a ghoul. Ghouls don't age. They just exist until something kills them. He was effectively immortal, and he would have to watch Eagle fade away one day...

[Just an idea. Partially enough that she doesn't age, and is healed by radiation, but not too much damage to her beauty. Healthy, living flesh that regenerated in the presence of her lover's radiation, or any, and a body that wouldn't grow old. Sounds like fun. :heart:]

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Eagle happily took the apple in her hooves and began to munch on it eagerly, and she moaned quietly at the taste. She could immediately feel relief settle in her stomach as she wolfed the food down. After gulping down a mouthful of food, she turned to Chernie with a confused look. "I feel so hungry for some reason, do you have any more?" She asked softly.

(Sounds like a lot of fun. Her hunger is because her body needs fuel for her mutations. FUEL THE FIRES MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.)

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Chernobyl nodded and drug through his bag, pulling out a few pears, apples, cans of tuna, more water, some sodas, potato chips, some brahmin steaks, and another can of baked beans. "Have at it, sweetheart." He pulled over a small table, then helped Eagle into a sitting position. He laid out all the food before her like a buffet, then sat back and let his lover eat to her heart's content.

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Despite her pained state, Eagle quickly leaned forward and grabbed one of the steaks, and then bit into it with a soft "Mmm." She ate like she was starved, and the steak disappeared within a minute before she grabbed another one and treated it similarly. "You're so good to me..." She said between bites. At the moment, she felt as if she could eat everything there.

(My characters' fondness of meat is one of my traits that made it into their designs; I have a near-constant craving for the stuff.)

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Chernobyl smiled and let himself rub Eagle's back as she ate, wanting to worship her beautiful, living form. He was humbled and honored and overjoyed that she loved him and trusted him, and he vowed silently to himself to make sure he never broke that trust. "Eat as much as you'd like, sweetheart. I have too much for myself as it is." He said with a giggle. He let his eyes wander over Eagle's lovely body, thought he did his best to make sure his hoof didn't wander.

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It only took a few minutes for the beautiful blue mare to wolf down all of the steaks, and she quickly began working on the bottles of water. She felt like she couldn't get enough to drink, but the saltiness of the steaks may have had something to do with that. She chugged down one bottle after the other, and though she felt more content, she could feel more stuff inside her moving. It was unsettling. She slowly sat down the last bottle, and then looked to Chernobyl with a curious and worried look. "Sweetie, I keep feeling something...moving...inside me. I'm a little scared." She said softly.

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Chernobyl rubbed Eagle's back and placed soft kisses on her cheek, laying her back down and putting the blanket atop her before snuggling into her side under the blanket. "It's alright, my love. Just relax and let it happen. I won't let you get hurt. Just go to sleep, sweetheart... I'm here..." The ghoul closed his eyes, stroking Eagle,s mane and hoping to help her drift off to sleep.

[Skip to sunset?]

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Eagle slowly awoke several hours later, feeling almost as if she had a hangover. She groaned and slowly raised up off of the couch, and looked around to see if anything had changed. Feeling content that all was well, she laid her head back down on the pillow. Her pain was gone for the most part, but she still felt a little sore. She also had her strength back, but her mind felt a little disorganized. On top of that, there was some sort of strange pressure in two places just behind her shoulders, and it seemed to get worse as time passed.

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The smell of cooking noodles smelled from beside the couch, as well as the smell and sound of a sizzling steak. Chernobyl had hooked a pair of hot plates to a fission battery, and was cooking a fresh meal of brahmin noodles. He had found some cooking pots and pans in the kitchen, as well as a pair of bowls, some forks, and a steak knife. "Hey, sweetie." He said, still stirring the boiling noodles. "I figured you'd still be hungry after you slept. How are you feeling?"

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Eagle looked over at Chernobyl with surprise, seeming to have completely missed his presence. "I feel fine, Chernie. Just a little slow and sore." She replied in a tired but cheery voice. She sighed and turned her head to the side, trying to look over her shoulders. "There's this weird pressure behind my shoulders that I can't quite get to..." She said in a soft but somewhat irritated voice. In reality, there were two large lumps behind her shoulders, which seemed to twitch and pulsate.

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Chernobyl looked up with a smile, but as soon as he saw what was on Eagle's back, he jumped up from the food, pulling out a small hand mirror from his bag. It was still plenty reflective, even after a little wear by wind and sand. He gave it to Eagle to let her see what was on her back. "Um... I think you might want to take a look at your back, sweetheart... There's something there..."

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Eagle quickly took the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror, her expression one of reserved fear. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly when she saw the writhing lumps on her back. "Wh-what are those?" She said softly. She turned back around and plopped her head back down on the couch, seeming to be slightly distressed. "All I wanted to do was fly, I never wanted this..." She said fearfully. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she picked up the mirror once again, seeming to have a brief window of insight. "Wait...Could these be wings?" She mused. She turned to Chernobyl with an excited expression, but her eyes held some fear. "I mean, those lumps are where wings would be on a pegasus." She looked to the side as her thoughts ran wild. "What did this radiation do to me..." She mumbled to herself with a tone of wonder.

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Chernobyl slowly climbed up onto the couch, sitting behind Eagle and looking her over. She was right; if she was growing a pair of wings, then they were right where they should be. He put his hooves on the lumps and began massaging them, looking over to Eagle's face. He had heard that pegasus wings were sensitive. "How's this, sweetie?" The ghoul kept rubbing and massaging the lumps, hoping that, if they were wings, that they wouldn't cause his marefriend too much pain in forming in.

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Eagle gasped and moaned loudly at the sudden surge of pleasure that she felt, and she relaxed into the couch. The lumps twitched and throbbed underneath Chernobyl's hooves, seeming to respond to his actions. The blue mare raised her head up and slowly looked back at her lover, a small smile on her lips. "Don't stop, sweetie. I don't know why, but that feels great." She said softly. She felt her marehood begin to grow wet at the strange but pleasant stimulation, and it only intensified due to her being in heat.

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Chernobyl smiled and kept massaging the two strange lumps. Anything to make Eagle happy. His hooves kept moving at a steady pace, showing off his unnatural endurance once more. "How's this, my love?" The ghoul took a second to flip the steak and stir the noodles, then went back to tending to his lover, glad that, whatever these lumps were, they seemed to be benign at the very least. And if they were wings, then Eagle might be able to fulfill her dream of being able to fly. They would have to be pretty large wings, though.

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Eagle gave a shuddering moan, and she smiled blissfully at the exotic pleasure that she felt. "Your hooves are amazing, sweetheart..." She moaned out. Chernobyl's hooves were absolutely heavenly, and she felt herself growing warmer in the loins as time passed. She wasn't entirely sure why, but the massage was really turning her on.

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Chernobyl smiled and massaged a little harder, rubbing his hooves up and down the mare's back, focusing on massaging the two lumps. He wondered whether he should be concerned for Eagle's well-being at this point, but she seemed so happy, and he wasn't going to spoil that. He decided to try treating the lumps like folded pegasus wings, his hooves running across where each bone would be, each little nerve ending and all he saw in those anatomy textbooks.

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Eagle's entire body quivered in ecstasy at her lover's precise touches, and she let out a long, sensual moan, followed by a whimper. Her red, swollen marehood dripped her hot arousal onto the couch coushions, and she panted lightly as more of the wonderful feelings washed over her. "Chernie, I've never been more turned on in my life..." She moaned out. "Please, I need you..."

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Chernobyl wasted no time sliding his hoof into Eagle's dripping folds, thrusting in and put at a moderate pace, the texture of his flesh and dull bone pleasuring every crevice of his lover's marehood. "Then I shall tend to you, my love. Your wish is my command." He smiled and placed kisses on her back, nuzzling the strange lumps as he did so.

[Back later. Gonna have thanksgiving dinner.]

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Eagle buried her face in the old pillow and squealed loudly into the fabric as she felt a new level of pleasure course through her loins. She began grinding and bucking her toned hips into Chernobyl's hoof, moving her lithe body in a wave motion, and causing her plush rump to jiggle enticingly. She was so aroused that it hurt, but at the same time it felt so good. The relief of having her arousal addressed was so great that, were she standing, her legs would buckle.

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Chernobyl's hoof kept moving, speeding up and thrusting harder into her wet folds. He let his other hoof massage Eagle's large, plush rump, feeling his male instincts kicking in. He may not have had working genitals, but he was still a stallion, damnit, and he wanted to feel this beautiful mare's body as much as possible. "I love you... You're so beautiful...."

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Eagle clenched her eyes shut and grunted like an animal as Chernobyl's hoof rutted her, and she bucked her hips harder into the pleasuring limb. Her dark blue fur became matted with sweat as she felt a powerful orgasm build in her loins, which only made her buck harder and faster. Part of her wished that her lover had working stallion parts. She wanted to feel him mount her, to feel his body against her and feel his hot breath on her neck as he rutted her senseless. The combination of being in heat and being so aroused from the exotic massage made her want to be taken like an animal. As they continued to make love, the lumps on Eagle's back writhed and pulsated even more intensely. Perhaps her elevated heart rate was having an affect on them, though whether it was positive or negative remained to be seen.

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Chernobyl thrust his hoof faster and harder while his other hoof gently massaged and fondled her rump, his muscles working tirelessly to please Eagle as much as possible. "I love you..." He said softly, his hoof making loud and lewd squelches with every fast thrust. "I love you so much. Your pleasure is my mission, Eagle Eyes. I'll tend to you each and every day, for as long as you'd like..."

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Eagle squealed loudly into the sheets as an unbelievable amount of pleasure pulsed through her hot loins. Her body quivered and her rump dropped back onto the couch, she was unable to do anything but squeal, whimper, and quiver at the pleasure. "I'm coming...I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming!" She squealed. Her entire body tensed up as she reached her peak, and she bit down on the pillow hard. She cried out into the fabric as her juices gushed out onto Chernobyl's hoof, and she laid there panting heavily. "I love you..." She mumbled.

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Chernobyl slowly retracted his hoof, then sheepishly gave it a lick, tasting the sweet nectar of his lover's flower. He was glad that, despite all else, he could still taste and smell to some degree. "I love you, too. I love you so very much." He looked at the writhing lumps on Eagle's back with concern. "Honey? I... I think something is underneath your skin. I think I need to cut the skin open, lest whatever is in your back decides to tear through. It won't hurt, I promise. I'll be quick." He said as he pulled a scalpel, a stimpak, a syringe of med-x, and a roll of bandages from his bag. He had found a hospital out in the wastes, and he had forgotten to put some of these things away. He was glad he forgot now.

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Eagle flattened her ears in fear when she saw the medical supplies, particularly the scalpel, but she stayed still. "I...I trust you." She mumbled fearfully. Her eyes lingered on the sharp blade, but she snapped her eyes shut a few moments later. Anticipating the blade would only make it worse.

(I know what it's like to be cut into without painkillers, so I'm using a bit of personal experience here.)

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Chernobyl's hoof softly caressed Eagle's cheek. "Hey, hey. Don't worry. Just relax..." He gently pushed the needle of the med-x into her back, numbing the whole area. As soon as the powerful anesthetic had a few seconds to kick in, the ghoul quickly cut two incisions on Eagle's back, using his hoof to fish out the two lumps, whatever they were, out from under the skin. He then wrapped the bandages around her torso and injected the stimpak into her spine. "There. All done."

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What came out of the lumps were two pegasus wings, both covered in bloody flesh. The only thing abnormal about them, besides the fact that Eagle wasn't born a pegasus, was that they had no feathers. However, those would probably grow in with time. The blue mare dared not look back,part of her feared that it would hurt just seeing the lumps.

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Chernobyl wiped the blood off with a wet rag, then stared in awe at the featherless wings. "Honey... Look at this... You have wings... The feathers have yet to grow in, but... wow...." The ghoul smiled at Eagle's face, hoping she would feel better about the lumps now that they weren't going to burst from her skin. Chernobyl felt rather good about what he had done, considering he had never actually done that before.

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Eagle slowly looked back, almost as if there were a monster behind her, and she gave a small, surprised squeal when she saw the wings. "...Wow." She mumbled, looking at them with awe. She smiled excitedly at Chernobyl. "Who knows, I might become an alicorn next."

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Chernobyl chuckled and kissed Eagle's cheek, looking back at the wings curiously. "Alright... Let's see... Can you move them? Any pain? How are you feeling?" The ghoul wanted to absolutely make sure this mutation didn't cause any pain or problems. These wings could very well end up harming Eagle as much as helping her.

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Eagle closed her eyes and focused on feeling her wings. It was difficult, but she eventually did it, and she then wiggled her wings a little. "They don't hurt, but I feel excited. Like, genuinely excited, not horny." She looked over at Chernobyl with a grin.. "I'm going to fly!" She squealed happily.

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