The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Clockwork moaned and let gravity pull his lover down his immense shaft, watching her squirm and fondle herself under the ecstasy he was providing. He let his hand rest on his lover's hip, and he shifted his legs so he sat atop his giant fluffy scrotum, his giant canine knot between his legs. "Mmmm... Mm.... Oh, Velvet... So good... You feel so good...." The werewolf held onto his lover's hips as she descended, smiling lovingly up at her the whole time. The whole experience of having a lover, and making passionate love to her under the light of the moon, made his heart soar and his loins burn.

[Can we do Baker and Thorn, now? Please? I'd really like to...]

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3100076 (Sure.)

When Velvet slid halfway down his shaft, she threw her head back and squealed as she had an explosive orgasm. "Clockwork!" She cried out. She grinned blissfully down at her lover's face as she lowered herself further, and she continued to gently grope her breast. The only word that she knew of to describe what she felt was "perfect". Even with the most naturally well-endowed stallions, she felt unsatisfied. She could wear them out after hours of nearly non-stop rutting, and it was still never enough for her. However, Clockwork had what she wanted and needed. Even better, he loved her and gave her a home. She would do whatever it took to keep him around.

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Clockwork groaned and smiled as he felt Velvet reach an orgasm so quickly. It made him feel good about himself. He knew he could pleasure this beautiful mare to the point of orgasm in less than a minute of starting, without even fully hilting inside her. He felt incredibly happy and satisfied with himself, and he gently groped Velvet's large rump in his hands, moaning at the sensation of her toned flesh in his hands.

In another side of the same city at the same time, a large mare walked out of her house with an umbrella and up to her mailbox, grabbing her mail and giving a shudder. The rain had turned to sleet last night, and there was still plenty of snow on the ground. The mare was wearing some jeans and a blue turtleneck sweater. She pitied anyone who was stuck out in this weather, or anyone stuck out in the cold in general. The mare herself was known by a lot of stallions as a BBM, that being "big, beautiful mare". She was six and a half feet tall, with caramel eyes, a long, curly, sugar white mane and tail, and tan fur, like a sugar cookie, but a bit darker, like it was made with molasses. She had a layer of plush fat all over her body, and a little bit of a belly, though she liked having it. Her breasts were two feet in diameter each, and her most striking feature was her unnatural, impossibly large backside. Her rump cheeks were each four feet in diameter, stretching and straining her jeans, and her thighs were three feet thick at the base. Her hips were thirty inches past her shoulder on each side, giving the mare's hips a lot of swing. She took one last look around the street, hoping that there wasn't anyone out in the cold without a way home, or anyone without a home at all.

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Velvet's moans rose in pitch and volume, and she soon had only a fourth of Clockwork's shaft left to take. Her cries of pleasure eventually became screams, and she had another explosive orgasm as she reached his base. She couldn't believe how sensitive she was at the moment. Even the smallest of movements brought her to the verge of another climax. She looked down to Clockwork's face with a big, blissful grin, and then she leaned down and kissed him sloppily.

Meanwhile, a pony garbed in a blue hoodie sat on the ground with their back against of the nearby buildings. Their hood was up, and they had their knees to their chest as they struggled to stay warm. Judging by the long, flowing purple mane that spilled out of the hood, they were a mare. She was shivering from the cold, and she gave a cough every now and then. She was sitting on the side of a small tarp beside her, which seemed to be covering something.

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Clockwork eagerly began making out with Velvet, moaning into her mouth as he groped her rump and breathed in her scent. It was incredible how good she felt, and he hoped they would always love each other like this. His giant shaft kept leaking copious amounts of pre into his lover's womb, and his massive scrotum churned and tensed, soon to fill Velvet to the brim and past with his virile, musky seed, to claim her as his mare. "Gods, I love you..." He breathed out between kisses.

The large gasped at the sight of the mare on the street, and she quickly jogged over and bent down beside her, making sure to keep her umbrella up. "Miss? Hello? My name is Baker's Dozen. You look... Well... miserable. I know you don't know me, but I can't stand to see anyone out in the cold, whether I know them or not. Would you like to come into my house and warm up in front of the fireplace? I'm making some breaded chicken and some chocolate brownies tonight, and you're welcome to have some." Baker's eyes shone with sincerity, and her voice was moderately deep and smooth, and had a pleasant amount of femininity to it. Her tone was very caring, almost motherly.

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Velvet began slowly and firmly grinding herself into Clockwork's groin, causing her to grunt and growl into her lover's mouth. After a few seconds, she broke the kiss, and then stared into his eyes. "I love you..." She moaned. She then put one of her hands on the back of his neck, and gently pushed his face into her cleavage, letting him inhale her scent and feel their warmth. "Rut me..." She said in a pleading tone.

The mare jerked as a wheezing cough erupted from her mouth, and then she slowly looked up at Baker with her emerald green eyes. She had bags under her reddened eyes, which showed that she hadn't slept well for a while. "Yes, please." She croaked out. She seemed to have been sick for quite a while, and her condition seemed to be quite severe.

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Clockwork moaned at the soft flesh molding to his face, and he transformed the rest of his body into his werewolf form. He got on all fours and held Velvet to his chest, then began thrusting fast and hard into her loins, feeling his knot slap against her rump again and again as he let out a few barks of joy. This was incredible, being able to rut his eternal lover without holding back. He had no way to accidentally hurt her, and she was enjoying every second of it, which made this all the better.

Baker gasped and quickly, but gently scooped Thorn up in her arms, and as the tarp shifted, she saw the mare's guitar and picked that up too, carrying both into her home. She leaned the guitar against the wall by the fireplace to dry off and warm up, then laid Thorn down on the couch and put a blanket over her. "Oh, you poor thing. Just stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes." The large mare raced upstairs, and she returned a few minutes later with a loose white tee shirt and grey sweatpants, some clothes of Golden Dawn's that the pegasus kept at Baker's house in case she needed them. The generous pegasus certainly wouldn't mind her clothes going to someone in need. She also had a bottle of cough syrup and a smaller bottle of antibiotic pills, and a steaming mug of hot chocolate, all balanced carefully in her arms. "There you go, sweetheart. I'm going to be just around the corner, in the kitchen. Feel free to change into these dry clothes here, or there's a bathroom down the hall over there."

The motherly mare set the mug down on the coffee table, smiled warmly and stepped into the kitchen, checking on the chicken. It was just about done, and she pulled it out and began setting it onto plates to cool, along with some corn from a pot and some stuffing as well. She gave the sick mare a few minutes if she chose to change in the living room, then stepped into the room and set down the plate of food on the coffee table as well. "There, sweetheart. Eat up." Baker went back and got her own plate, then sat down in a chair and began eating her chicken with her fingers, smiling at the taste and using her napkin to wipe her fingers clean as she ate.

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Velvet screamed with joy as clung to Clockwork's chest with her eyes closed, and she panted like an animal. The intense rutting that she was receiving gave her one orgasm after another, and each one made the next come even faster. The constant pleasure turned her cries into a near-constant moan with the occasional squeal, and she felt as if her eyes would roll back in her head.

Thorn had just barely finished putting on her fresh clothes as Baker walked in, and she was now currently tearing off pieces of chicken with surprising speed. She ate as fast as she could without choking, and she whimpered every now and then as the food went down her sore throat. She occasionally took slow yet eager sips of her hot chocolate, trying to numb the pain of her throat.

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Clockwork threw his head back and howled as he thrust even faster and harder, feeling his member tighten and the pressure build beyond what he had ever felt before, and he had yet to still hit his climax. He wanted Velvet to get as much pleasure out of this experience as possible before they stop. After a few minutes more, the werewolf finally couldn't hold back, and he gave one last thrust and pushed his giant knot inside. He howled as his shaft pumped seemingly gallons of seed into the mare's womb like a fire hose, claming her as Clockwork's mare, now and forever, his sole desire and object of affection.

Baker quickly got up and went into thr kitchen, and she returned with a spoonful of honey. "Here, sweetheart. This should help." The large mare gently put the spoon to Thorn's lips, then once she swallowed the honey, pulled it back and put it in the kitchen sink. She then sat down in her chair again and resumed eating. "So... Miss... what's your name?" She asked curiously, looking up at her guest with a warm smile.

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Velvet clenched her eyes shut as she buried her face in Clockwork's fur, and she let out a scream of ecstasy. She had one last orgasm as he filled her body with his warm seed, which caused some of it to spew back out and stain their fur. She grinned blissfully as she let out soft moans of pleasure, and she sensually and affectionately nuzzled Clockwork's chest.

The mare looked up at Baker with a faint smile. "My name's Thorn." She abruptly gave a wheezing cough, and she whimpered from the pain of her throat. She quickly poured herself some of the cough syrup, and downed it with one swift motion. She then read the instructions on the bottle of pills, and took them accordingly with a drink of her hot chocolate.

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Clockwork flopped onto his back and panted happily with his tongue flopping out of his mouth, and he gave a soft bark or joy as he laid on the bed, with Velvet still locked onto his shaft. "Oh, sweetheart... Ohhh... I love you..." His paw slowly stroked his beautiful mare's mane, and he closed his eyes and let himself relax as he came down off his afterglow. His tail wagged between his legs and flopped against the bed, showing the werewolf's pure joy.

Baker frowned with concern and stood up, gently sitting down beside Thorn and placing a hand on her shoulder. Due to the sheer width of her hips, she had to turn her body to face Thorn a bit in order to be close enough to reach out. "Poor dear... You can stay here as long as you'd like, Thorn. I have a guest bedroom you're welcome to stay in. I have to work on every day but Sunday, just to let you know. I was up this late because, well, today's Saturday, and I was watching a movie a little earlier." The motherly mare smiled warmly at Thorn and sat back down in her chair, resuming her dinner.

Once Baker finished her food, she went into the kitchen and put away the leftovers in the fridge, then opened the oven and pulled out a hot, fresh tray of chocolate brownies. "Thorn, dear, dessert is ready!" The large mare went back into the living room, carrying two plates with several brownies on each, and she gave one to Thorn before sitting back down in her chair again, munching on them with a wide grin. Baker had a sweet tooth for her own sweets, and it partially accounted for her plushness.

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Velvet cooed sensually as she looked up at Clockwork with a big grin. "That's the first time any stallion has satisfied me." She purred. "I love you." She gently ran her fingers through Clockwork's chest fur, admiring its softness, and the strong muscles beneath. This was easily the best few days of her life.

Thorn's hand lunged for a brownie the moment they were set down in front of her, and she ate like she was starved, which was probably the case. She hummed softly with approval as she savored each bite despite how fast she ate. After she had eaten her second brownie, she looked up at Baker with a warm smile. "Thank you."

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Clockwork smiled and sighed softly, pulling the blankets over their bodies and holding her tight under the blankets. He was so content with himself, and he was ready to rest with Velvet. He had special breakfast plans in the morning.

Baker smiled affectionately at Thorn and finished her food, then stood up and walked over to Thorn, giving the smaller mare a quick hug. "I'm going to bed, dear. All the food is in the fridge. You're welcome to microwave and eat whatever you'd like, and the guest bed is the first door on the left once you go upstairs. Bathroom is first on the right. If you need extra blankets, there's a closet in the guest bedroom, and my room is second on the left, okay?" Baker went into the kitchen and put away her plate and the brownies, then went upstairs to her bedroom, shedding her clothing and climbing into her warm king-sized bed, snuggling into the large pillows and fluffy, warm blankets. She trusted Thorn to be alright, and she was glad she was able to help someone in need today.

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Thorn took her time finishing the rest of her food, despite her hunger it just hurt too much to try to wolf it down. When she was finished with her food and drink, she got up and politely put her dishes in the kitchen sink, and then she went back into the living room for her guitar. She quietly walked up the stairs and into the guest bedroom, and set her guitar in the corner, and then she sat down on the bed. As she began to remove her shoes, she couldn't help but have conflicting feelings about Baker. She was so big and beautiful, taller than most stallions, even, yet she just met her. Was it too soon to have a crush on someone that she just met? With a quiet sigh, Thorn laid back on the bed, and then she quickly went to sleep.

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Baker got up a little earlier than Thorn, and she had pulled out her waffle iron and was mixing batter for the waffles. As she mixed the batter and quietly hummed to herself, the buxom mare idly thought about the pretty mare staying in her house. She was so beautiful and adorable, and she just wanted to scoop Thorn up and snuggled her like a plushie. She restrained herself, though. As far as she was sure of, Thorn saw her as just a friendly mare who offered her food and shelter.

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Thorn's eyes fluttered open a little later, and she yawned tiredly as she slowly sat up and stretched. She swallowed, and, to her surprise and immense relief, her throat wasn't nearly as sore as before. She could actually stand to eat and drink things now, though probably nothing rough. She slowly got up from the bed and stood up, and then she coughed up some sort of awful gunk into her arm. Whatever was causing her illness was starting to dissipate, which made her so happy that she wanted to cry. Thorn thought that she was going to die alone and out in the cold from her sickness, with no one to miss her. She gave her body a few tired stretches, and then she put her shoes on before walking out of the room. She walked into and used the bathroom, and then she slowly made her way downstairs.

When she caught a whiff of the food that was being made, a smile formed on her lips, and her stomach gave a hungry growl. She walked into the kitchen, and then she sat down in one of the chairs. "Good morning." She said in a somewhat cheery tone. She didn't sound as hoarse as she did yesterday, but her voice was still far from clear.

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Baker adjusted her violet turtleneck and sweatpants, which tightly hugged her immensely deep curves, and she turned and smiled warmly at Thorn. "Good morning, Thorn. I see you're feeling better. I hope you like waffles, and I'm using fresh maple syrup from Northern Equestria. Best syrup in the world." She said with a hint of pride. The large mare always baked and served her food using only the freshest ingredients, both at home and in her bakery. "Would you like anything with breakfast, sweetheart? Anything to drink?"

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3106913 (My mom decided to hijack my computer so that she could listen to music. That's why I haven't said anything.)

Thorn coughed into her arm again, and then groaned quietly as she felt as if her throat was being ripped out. "Just water, please." She said in a pained voice. As she waited patiently for breakfast, Thorn couldn't help but stare at Baker's enticing body, and she only occasionally looked away. All kinds of images went through her mind, ranging from lewd to romantic. Part of her wanted to give Baker a big hug, and another part of her wanted to give her rump a squeeze. She blushed hotly, and then she looked down at the table, feeling slightly ashamed of herself.

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Baker turned around from the sink with a tall glass of water, but she frowned as she set the water in front of Thorn as she saw the mare's face. "Thorn? Is something wrong?" She asked with concern in her voice and her face. The plump mare hoped her guest was feeling alright. She seemed to be getting better, so the problem must have been something other than her health. If it was money, she would be glad to support her friend and help her get back on her feet. At least, she hoped they were friends.

[You can call me back on your laptop, if you need to.]

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Thorn looked up at Baker with a sheepish smile, and then she glanced down at the glass of water before taking it in hand. "I-I...I have a...crush on you..." She said shyly. She took the glass of water, and then looked away as she brought it to her lips, letting the cold liquid ease the pain in her throat. She hoped that Baker wouldn't laugh at her, or worse, throw her back out into the cold for being honest about these feelings.

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Baker blinked a couple times as she processed what he heard, but she smiled affectionately and placed a soft kiss on Thorn's forehead. "I'm flattered, sweetheart. If you're thinking about dating me, well..." The buxom mare blushed and smiled wider. "I'd love to. You're sweet and very beautiful, and you're welcome to stay here with me as long as you want." Baker placed a soft, loving hug around Thorn's shoulders and placed another soft kiss on the mare's cheek. "And I'd be happy to do whatever you'd like. But for now, let's eat breakfast." The mare opened the large waffle iron and took out the eight waffles inside, putting four on Thorn's plate and four on her own, then spread some butter on the stack of waffles and poured on a generous amount of dark, sweet, flavorful maple syrup. "Here, sweetie. I'm going to spoil you rotten." She said with a wink and a soft giggle.

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Thorn blushed with a soft smile, and then she eagerly took her fork and stabbed it into her food. After she had stuffed her first bite into her mouth and eaten it, she looked to Baker with big, loving eyes. "I want to thank you for taking me into your home. My shows weren't bringing in enough money, and I lost my job. After that, I lost everything, and I thought I was going to die."

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Baker's ears flattened, and she scooted her chair around to be next to Thorn, then put her arm around the mare's shoulders and gently rested her marefriend's head onto her massive bosom. "Thorn, I will not let you die alone. No one should be out in the cold with no one to care about them." The large mare put both arms around Thorn and held her protectively for a minute or so, then let go of the hug and resumed eating her waffles, sipping her glass of milk with a soft smile. She was not going to let Thorn be alone or sad or homeless ever again.

[Maybe Thorn would like some milk sometime, hmm? :raritywink:]

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Thorn blushed and grinned widely as she squirmed in her seat, and then she eagerly returned to eating. She wolfed her food down with even more speed than before, delighted to have more fresh food. When she was halfway finished with eating, she looked up at Baker. "Could I have some milk, please?" She asked softly.

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Baker's mind was completely elsewhere when she heard that question, for her cheeks turned red at the thought of giving Thorn some of her milk. "... Oh! Oh, yes. Sorry about that." The large mare stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling it open and grabbing the jug of milk. There was also another jar of milk on the top shelf, one that looked creamier and fresher, but Baker said nothing about it as she closed the fridge and poured some milk into a glass, then gave it to Thorn before sitting down. "So, Thorn, you said you were a musician?" She asked, partially curious about Thorn's job, and partially wanting to change the subject off of milk.

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Thorn stared blankly at Baker for a few seconds, idly wondering about her strange reaction to her request, and then suddenly Baker's question hit her. She blinked a few times, and then gently shook her head. Y-yes, I was a guitarist for a heavy metal band. We split up after our finances went downhill."

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Baker listened intently to Thorn, smiling lovingly as she took bites of her waffles. She was glad the question about her reaction was avoided for now; it would involve an explanation that would be even more embarrassing. "Well, I would be honored to hear you play sometime. So, what do you want to do today? I usually don't do much besides read some books, listen to the radio, and some other stuff. But now that you're here, I want to spend some time with you." The large mare gave a loving, nurturing smile and softly kissed Thorn's cheek, wanting to convey her affection towards the smaller mare.

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Thorn blushed furiously as Baker kissed her, and a wide grin spread across her lips. Around Baker she felt as if she was a teenager, and she was talking to her first crush. "I could play for you, I just need an amp and we're good." She had played in front of crowds before, but she felt a little nervous when she thought of playing for Baker. What if she didn't like it?

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Baker smiled and nuzzled Thorn, putting an arm around the smaller mare's shoulder and gently holding her close. "That would be lovely, dear. I should have an amp somewhere. It was something the old owner of this house left behind. It's somewhere in basement. So, any favorite bands, baby? I don't listen to too much metal, but I do love that one band... Umm... Candlemass. Yes, that's the name." She hoped that Thorn would enjoy playing some music again, now that she didn't have to worry about playing to earn money and keep herself alive.

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Thorn's heart soared at Baker's words, and she continued to grin excitedly. "I have a lot of favorites. Abysmal Dawn, Entombed, Emperor, Gorefest, Candlemass, Hearse, and Asphyx." Her nervousness at playing for Baker had disappeared completely, and she was now quite eager.

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Baker squeed and clapped her hands together. "Oh, I love Abysmal Dawn! I'd love to hear you play sometime, sweetie. But first..." The large mare placed a deep, loving kiss on Thorn's lips, cradling her cheeks in her soft palms, before pulling away. "Mmm... Did you like that, sweetie pie?" The large mare giggled and kept her arm around Thorn, wanting to make the smaller mare feel as loved and safe and appreciated as possible. Baker kept eating her waffles, smiling widely and gently rubbing Thorn's shoulder with her thumb.

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Thorn stared up at Baker with an unfocused gaze and a goofy grin, and her cheeks were red like fire. "Wow..." She said in a soft, excited voice. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and her heart was racing. "That was" She with a faint giggle she went back to eating her breakfast, this time at a slower pace.

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Baker giggled and stroked Thorn's mane, smiling down at her lovingly as she ate her waffles. "You're so beautiful, sweetie. Oh, I just wanna pick you up and snuggle you like a plush toy!" The large mare giggled as she put a big hug around Thorn's back, nuzzling her lovingly before letting go. "Mmm... Sorry about that, sweetheart. I just... I'm so happy that I have someone to love now. I just want to hold you all day long..."

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Thorn's cheeks turned somehow even more red, and she smiled shyly up at Baker. "I wouldn't mind that..." She took a long pull of her drink, and then she went back to eating her waffles, giggling every now and then. This was one of the best days of her life, a close second was the day that she got her guitar.

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Baker smiled and sighed softly, leaning back into her chair and taking lazy bites of her waffles as she relaxed with her lover. Her arm still held Thorn around the shoulders, though she made no move to touch the beautiful mare in other places. She was waiting for permission before she began spoiling Thorn further. She soon finished her waffles, and she set her plate in the sink and smiled at Thorn. "I'll be in the living room, sweetheart." The large mare walked into the living room and sat down onto the couch, making sure to swing her immensely wide hips and giant rump as she sauntered by Thorn. Baker's home was indeed built with larger rooms and wider doorways specifically for the buxom mare that lived inside.

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Thorn's head slowly turned to follow Baker's rump as she walked by, and she continued to stare after her as she left the room. She turned away after she noticed that she was drooling, and then she returned to her waffles. She quickly finished them, and then she stood up and took her dishes and silverware to the sink and laid them down inside. She walked into the living room and over to the couch, and then she sat down beside Baker before giving her a warm hug. "Thank you for everything."

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Baker squeed and turned her body so she could fully embrace Thorn in her arms, and she unknowingly squished the smaller mare's face into her massive mammaries. "Oh, it's no problem at all, sweetheart. You're just so cute... I could snuggle you right- oh! I'm sorry, dear." The large mare readjusted Thorn's head so it was instead resting on her breasts, instead of being smotherd by the giant, pillow-like bosom.

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Thorn bore a goofy grin on her face, and she was blushing furiously. "No worries. That was...nice..." She said in a dreamy tone. Baker's body felt better to Thorn than she had expected, and now she felt a little excited. She didn't want to bring it up for fear of moving far too fast with their relationship, so she planned on having a little alone time with herself later.

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Baker blushed a bit, and she gently laid back onto the couch and pulled Thorn atop her body, resting her lover's head on her bosom. "Thorn? How fast do you want to go with this relationship? I... As long as we're doing it out of love, and not just because we can..." The large mare leaned down and placed a deep kiss on Thorn's lips. "Then I'm okay with it. I just want to make you as happy as possible."

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Thorn grinned and let out a quiet sigh as she looked at Baker's beautiful face, and then she slowly leaned forward and returned Baker's kiss with one of her own. She held the embrace for a good ten seconds, and then she reluctantly moved away. She looked Baker in the eyes with a big, loving gaze. "You're the most beautiful mare I've ever seen, and I can't take my eyes off of you." She said quickly, and her blush returned in full force.

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Baker squeed and pulled a blanket over the two of them, then held Thorn around her back and placed a deep kiss on her lips. "Oh, you're so adorable! Eeeee!" The large mare rolled them so she laid atop Thorn, blanketing the mare and keeping her warm with her plush body. "Oh.... I love you, Thorn... I'm gonna pamper you out of your mind, sugar..." She said softly, her face bearing a wide grin. The smaller mare's head was buried inside Baker's abyssal cleavage, warm and soft and giving off the scent of Baker's breast milk.

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Most of Thorn's blood seemed to rush to her cheeks as she slowly nuzzled Baker's breasts. "Wow..." She mumbled. She couldn't give Baker a proper response, she was too distracted by the fact that she had her face between the biggest breasts that she had ever seen. They were perfect.

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Baker rolled onto her back again and smiled lovingly down at Thorn. "Mmm... Would you like to have a little fun, sweetheart? Only if you want. I would love to make a beautiful, sweet little mare like you as happy as possible, but not if it'll make you uncomfortable." The large mare stroked her marefriend's mane as she gently held her head to her bosom, hoping her plush body was pleasing to the smaller mare.

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Thorn's green eyes peaked out at Baker from the larger mare's cleavage, and her cheeks were red like fire. "Yes, please." She nuzzled Baker's breasts with half-lidded eyes, and she hummed softly as she admired their softness. "You feel so soft and warm, it's incredible..."

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Baker smiled and nuzzled Thorn, then gently scooped up the smaller mare in her arms and carried her up into her bedroom. Baker's room was spacious, with a thick blue carpet to keep their feet warm. A king-size bed with extra fluffy purple bedsheets dominated the room, and she laid Thorn down onto the bedcovers. There were two nightstands with lamps, and one had a radio. The rest of the room had a few bookshelves with cookbooks and novels on them, and there was a small electric fireplace heater that Baker turned on before laying down on the bed beside Thorn. "So, sweetheart... Would you like to try cuddling without clothes? If you don't, that's fine, but if you take your clothes off, I'll follow suit. Whatever you'd like."

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Before Baker had even finished speaking, Thorn had already stripped off her blouse, revealing her curvaceous body, and she was currently unsnapping her bra. She tossed her bra to the floor once it was unsnapped, causing her five-inch-wide breasts to drop and jiggle. She sprang over to the edge of the bed and sat down on the side, and then she quickly stripped off her shoes and lower garments. Her nakedness revealed her wide hips, thick legs and large, shapely rump, which drew the eyes of many stallions. Thorn laid herself down on the bed, and she looked up at Baker's face with a shy grin.

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Baker smiled and stood up, slowly stripping off her clothing to reveal her incredibly curvy, plush body. Her massive breasts sat perky and round upon her chest, and her giant rump slowly jiggled a bit with each movement she made. The large mare laid down on the bed and pulled the heavy, fluffy blankets over them, then cuddled up to Thorn with a grin. "You're very beautiful, sweetie pie. I'm so glad I have you as marefriend."

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Thorn closed her eyes, and let out a shuddering breath as she gently wrapped her arms around Baker as best as she could. "Same here. You're...well, you're honestly the sexiest mare that I've ever seen..." She said softly. She moved her hands down to Baker's waist, but no further.

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Baler smiled and put her arms around Thorn's waist, then rolled onto her back, letting the mare once again rest her head in the abyssal cleavage of her bosom. "You can touch me, sweetheart. And... Would you like a little drink?" She asked with a soft blush, giving her chest a little shake. "Your throat must still be a little sore. Why not some warm, sweet, creamy milk to help with that?" The buxom mare's naked body was like a big plush bed. Every part of her body was plump and cushiony, like she was built for never-ending snuggles.

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Thorn's cheeks turned crimson as she stared blankly at Baker's face. At this rate, her face would be permanently red. "I'm still a little sore, but..." She sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment. "Okay, if you're alright with it..." She said shyly. She timidly moved her mouth to Baker's left breast, and then gently wrapped her lips around the nipple and began to suckle. Her eyes widened as she tasted Baker's creamy milk, and she was suddenly much more okay with this. She then gave her lover's rump a gentle squeeze, and she felt her excitement grow as she admired the plump flesh.

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