The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Maria moaned softly and placed her hands on the backs of her lovers' heads, feeling a pleasant tingling from her bosom as she nursed her marefriends. "Ohhh... This feels so nice...." She whispered. Lucy the cat walked in and meowed, then hopped onto the bed and snuggled in between Maria's massive breasts, completely disappearing inside her cleavage. The little mare smiled lovingly and closed her eyes, relaxing and slowly drifting off to sleep. Rose eventually stopped suckling and laid her head down on Maria's bosom, using it as a pillow and slowly falling asleep herself.

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Midnight stopped suckling as well, and she laid her head down on the pillow before drifting off to sleep with a soft smile. As far as she was concerned, life was perfect. In her opinion, the only way that things could be better would if she could have a really kinky threesome with her marefriends.

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Maria slowly opened her eyes, yawning softly and looking down at the bed. She saw that Rose had gotten up earlier, and she had awoken before Midnight, so she decided to get up and take a shower. Lucy slipped out of her abyssal cleavage for now, and as the little mare stepped into the bathroom and turned on the water, she looked over her body with a soft smile. She especially liked her breasts. It felt good to have them so colossally big, and she might even ask Rose to see if she could have them even bigger. It just felt so nice to have such a massive, perfectly perky set of breasts. As the hot water ran down her body, Maria felt her massive member come out, standing erect. She gently pulled it up so it was between her breasts, and she felt the tip rest against her nose.

The little mare took hold of the sides of her bosom and slowly moved them up and down while licking at the tip, moaning softly at the pleasant sensations. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked down at her tail, and the marehood at its tip. Curiously, she moved the tip of her tail to the tip of her member, and as soon as she pushed them together, she let out a soft gasp of pleasure. The folds stretched widely and seemed to suck down the little mare's member, crawling down her shaft and engulfing it, inch by inch. It was only a few more seconds when the tip of Maria's tail reached her base, and the little mare leaned back against the wall and gave a long moan. Her tail seemed to be sucking and convulsing around her member, as if trying to milk it for its seed. It was like the deepest love tunnel she had ever been inside, and she didn't want it to end. She moved her member back in between her breasts and slowly stroked the outside with her hands, feeling the fluffy fur of her tail as it milked her shaft.

The little mare washed herself up and slowly climbed out of the shower, still feeling her tail milking her member at a slow, relaxing pace. Maria put on her clothes and slipped into a fresh black turtleneck sweater and sweatpants. Reluctantly, she removed her tail from her member so it could go through the tail hole in her pants, but she quickly returned her shaft to the soft, warm, tight embrace of her tail. With her shaft encased in the fleshy sheath and bobbing in the air in front of her, she slowly made her way downstairs, while Lucy had crawled back inside Maria's cleavage.

Maria walked into the kitchen, and she saw Rose with her violet sweater on and some sweatpants as well, along with an apron as she cooked some pancakes in a pan. The succubus looked back and flashed Maria a loving smile. "Good morning, sweetheart. You look quite comfortable." Maria just gave a soft nod and sat down at the table, and she gave a soft gasp and looked down. Lucy had moved around and was suckling on Maria's left nipple, and the little mare smiled and closed her eyes, letting her kitty drink from her mommy's abundant mammaries.

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Midnight came down the stairs a few minutes later, wearing a white turtleneck sweater and jeans, and grinning like a mare who just had a threesome. She walked over to Maria, and then kissed her on the lips. When the kiss broke, Midnight gave Maria a sensual smile. "Life can only go uphill for you, sweetie." She purred with a wink. She then sat down in another chair as she patiently waited for breakfast.

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Maria grinned happily and relaxed with a soft moan, letting her tail keep her member warm and pleasured. Her hand stroked her kitty's head through her sweater, feeling Lucy continuing to suckle and drink her milk. The little mare looked over to Rose, who was finishing up the pancakes, giving her lovers a small shake of her giant rump for good measure. Maria gave a soft gasp as she reached a gentle climax, filling her tail with her seed. She could feel her tail suck down and slowly digest the white cream, and Maria's shaft stayed hard and ready to go another round. Her tail kept a snug fit around her shaft and began slowly convulsing again, much to Maria's delight.

Rose brought over the pancakes, some butter, and a jug of maple syrup, and she then quickly set the table and sat down with her marefriends. The succubus took some pancakes as Maria did the same, and she looked over to Maria with a soft, slightly sensual smile. "May we have some milk, sweetheart?" Maria blushed, but nodded with a sheepish smile as she got up and got three glasses from the cupboards, careful not to whack her member on anything by accident. She set the glasses down, then lifted up part of her sweater to reveal her breasts. Lucy had finished drinking her breakfast, and was fast asleep between her mommy's massive breasts. The little mare took hold of her nipples and tweaked them, sighing softly as her milk streamed into each of the glasses, quickly filling them up. Rose smiled and distributed the glasses while Maria pulled her shirt back down and sat down again. The little mare began spreading butter on her pancakes, smiling lovingly up at Midnight and Rose. The succubus sipped her glass with a soft moan and set it down. "Mmm... You have the best milk by far, sweetie."

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Midnight spread butter onto her pancakes, and then took the jug of syrup and poured some of it over her food. She cut her pancakes into smaller pieces, and then she stuffed a bite into her mouth, which was quickly washed down with a drink of milk after she swallowed it. Midnight let out a deep moan of satisfaction, and she grinned widely. "This is incredible..."

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Maria smiled thankfully as she took a bite of her pancakes, moaning softly herself and letting out a deep sigh of contentment. "This is so wonderful... I love you both so much..." The little mare leaned over and placed a soft kiss each on Rose and Midnight's cheeks, and the succubus smiled at her adorable little angel. "Awww.... We're so glad to have you, sweetheart. We're glad you showed up at our door. You'll have love and good food every day, and you'll sleep with us every night." Rose gave a loving smile to Midnight as well and said "We keep each other warm and safe, sweetheart, and you'll be right in the middle, every night, nice and snuggled up..."

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Midnight grinned mischievously as she took another bite of her pancakes, and another drink of her milk. "You'll have all of your needs met, all of the love you could want, and the greatest pleasures of the flesh that you will ever experience, whenever you want it." Her smile softened into one of pure love as she looked between Maria and Rose. "I love you both."

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Maria smiled lovingly and let out a sigh. "I love you, t- oooohhhh...." The little mare hit her second climax, pumping more of her virile seed into her tail's love tunnel. "Mmm... It's nice to feed my tail...." She mumbled. Rose smiled lovingly and asked "May I feed it, sweetheart?" Maria smiled softly and nodded as her tail pulled itself off, and her member went flaccid and back into her sheath. Rose pulled down the brim of her pants and let her own massive shaft out under the table, and Maria's tail quickly moved up and swallowed the succubus' member down to the base within a few seconds, sucking and convulsing to milk Rose of her seed. "Mmm... Maria, that feels wonderful...." Rose smiled lovingly and kept eating her food, as did Maria, the both of them bearing blissful expressions on their faces.

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Midnight shifted in her seat as she felt herself becoming intensely aroused, and then she took another bite of her food. She thought about rushing upstairs to give herself another change, so that she could join in on her lovers' fun, but she decided to let her first time as a mixed gender be more proper. She wanted to feel Rose or Maria's hips grind into her as she made slow, sweet love to them.

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Maria and Rose hit gentle climaxes within a couple minutes, and Maria moaned as her tail sucked down the succubus' seed and pulled off. "I can taste it... It's so good..." She breathed softly. Rose smiled lovingly, but frowned when she saw Midnight shifting in her seat. "Are you alright, hon? Oh... Did you want one of us to take care of you? We'd be glad to." Maria smiled lovingly at Midnight and gave a sheepish nod, eager to please one of her two saviors and lovers.

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Midnight grinned and looked between her two lovers once again as she got an idea. "Both of you would be even better." She said with a sensual raise of her eyebrows. She took another bite of her food, and then she washed it down with a drink of milk, moaning almost lewdly as the white fluid washed down her throat.

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Rose giggled as she watched Maria start eating faster at Midnight's words, and she kept slowly eating her small portion of pancakes. She always ate for taste, anyway. Maria was grinning eagerly and fantasizing about how she could please Midnight even more than last night. Her tail slowly waved about behind her, a sign of her growing excitement. The succubus' own tail reached over and intertwined itself with Maria's, drawing a blush and a sheepish smile from the little mare.

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Midnight giggled as well, finding deep satisfaction in seeing someone eager to make love to her. She turned to her food and began eating at a much quicker pace, eager to please her two lovers. She could already tell that she was going to enjoy this, and even better was that she got to share it with the two mares that she loved.

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Maria quickly finished her food and wiped her mouth, feeling nice and full with the big stack of pancakes that she ate. The little mare quickly went back up into the bedroom, shedding her clothes and laying down under the blankets, letting Lucy crawl out of her cleavage and curl up at the foot of the bed. Rose was up with Maria a few minutes after, snuggling up to the little mare and gently suckling her breast. "Mmmm... Maria, your milk is divine..." Maria smiled bashfully at the praise and waited for Midnight to join them, feeling a gentle pleasure wash over her as Rose drank her milk.

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Midnight finished her food as quickly as she could, and then she rushed up the stairs and into the bedroom. She casually shed her turtleneck and unsnapped her bra, and then she shook her hips as she removed her jeans. She sauntered over to the bed and laid down by Rose, and then she wrapped her arms around her waist. Midnight pressed her groin to Rose's rump, and then she began lightly grinding herself into the plump flesh. "Nnnf...I love how hot your body feels, Rose...It makes me hot..."

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Rose smiled and gave a soft moan into Maria's breast, and she pulled off and smiled lovingly back at Midnight. "Would you like your lovers to take care of you, baby? I think Maria here would like a nice, slow, sensual session." Maria blushed and smiled sheepishly. "What did you say earlier about... um... A mare sandwich?" Rose giggled and placed a kiss on Maria's breast. "That sounds wonderful, baby. How about it, Midnight?"

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Midnight hummed sensually in response, and ground her groin a little more firmly into Rose's backside. "Sure thing. I love the idea of being between two beautiful mares as they make love to me." She leaned over to Rose, and then kissed her on the neck, moaning softly at the heat of the demonic mare's skin on her lips.

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Rose grinned and gently pulled Midnight atop her chest with Midnight facing up, the succubus' member coming out and prodding at Midnight's plot hole. "Mmm... We'll face upwards, baby, so Maria can see our faces." Maris smiled thankfully and slowly laid down atop Midnight, her shaft poking at the pegasus' folds. Rose slowly shifted her hips and slid her member into her marefriend's plot hole, and Maria squeaked and moaned as she slowly slid her member into Midnight's marehood, her head resting on the pegasus' bosom. "Mmm... Ohhh..."

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3051721 (I've got another character in the works, this one also having the same basis as Midnight, but I'm hoping that she will take characterization in a different direction than Midnight.)

Midnight's mouth fell open in a deep, powerful moan of pleasure as she stared up at Maria with a blissful smile. She wrapped an arm around the white mare's back, and then she used her other hand to grope and fondle her own right breast. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Maria's in a deep, passionate kiss, and when the kiss broke she looked her in the eye. "We love you, Maria. We can do stuff like this whenever you want."

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Maria just closed her eyes and gasped softly as she slowly moved her hips back and forth, feeling her lover's hot, tight folds pleasure her shaft in wonderful ways. Rose placed soft kisses on Midnight's neck and cheeks, her arms wrapped around the pegasus' abdomen as she slowly shifted her hips back and forth, keeping a slow and gentle pace. Maria's tail pulled the blankets over the three, leaving them snuggled up together under the covers and having sweet, loving, passionate sex. Maria's massive bosom squished against Midnight's lower torso, acting as pillows and rests for the little mare.

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Midnight bit her lower lip before letting out a long, powerful moan of pleasure. She could feel the two shafts roll her g-spot between them, and they gave her a level of fullness that she couldn't achieve any other way. The idea that two ponies were willing to share her body made her feel like the most desirable mare on earth.

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Maria and Rose breathed deeply and slowly as they made slow, gentle love to Midnight, and the little mare's eyes flicked up between their two faces from time to time, a gaze of pure love in her shimmering sapphire eyes. Rose smiled back lovingly, making sure to gently take hold of Maria's hand and give it a loving squeeze. Maria's tail snaked up to near Midnight and Rose's heads, and the succubus smiled an gently licked at the entrance to the tail's vaginal tunnel, and she then began gently sucking on the tail's clit, drawing a soft, shuddering moan from Maria.

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Midnight moved her hand from Maria's back to the back of the little mare's head, and then she passionately kissed her with a deep, powerful moan. She slipped her tongue into Maria's mouth and licked at her teeth and gums, and she used her other hand to lightly caress her mane. She couldn't help but think that Maria tasted good.

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Maria squeaked and let out a soft moan, her eyes fluttering closed as she slowly began kissing back, still feeling timid in such intimate situations. Rose smiled and gave Maria's hand a squeeze as they kept thrusting. She actually liked Maria's timidity; she thought it was part of what made her adorable, and she was so humble and kind, it was hard to not just scoop Maria up in her arms and snuggle her like a plushie. The succubus resumed pleasuring Maria's tail, snaking her long tongue down the love tunnel and licking about while her free hand tweaked and massaged the clit.

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Midnight gave a pleased moan as Maria began to kiss back, and then she lightly wrapped her serpentine tongue around Maria's. She then used the tip of her tongue to stroke her lover's as if it were a stallion's pride and joy. It was fun to be kinky with Maria, partly because she was so adorable, and the rest because she just enjoyed being kinky.

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Maria squeaked and moaned softly, and she eventually broke the kiss and buried her muzzle in Midnight's shoulder, still keeping her slow, gentle thrusting pace. Rose smiled lovingly around her tongue as she continued to gently lick out the little mare's tail folds, keeping a similar pace as Maria. Maria let out a deep sigh as she started to relax under the pleasure, her arms wrapping around Midnight's waist.

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3060258 (Can I bring in my new mare so they can have a foursome? She's not completely finished, but I figured I could develop her along the way. Midnight has a ton of love to give, anyway.)

Midnight began to pant as two intense orgasms built within her folds, and she gave her breast a hard squeeze, which brought forth a loud moan from her lips. She grabbed both of her breasts and began to fondle them, and she squeezed them firmly, causing her to moan even louder. "I'm so's so good..."

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[I wouldn't mind doing an interaction with your new character. I would rather enjoy it. But I feel like anything bigger than three gets clunky. Remember how everyone split off into pairs in Sleepover? I would love to start a new interaction with your character in this thread or another, but I would prefer to keep this one with Maria and Midnight and Rose at a limit of three.]

Maria moaned loudly as she began thrusting a little faster, and Rose began doing the same as the two mares held Midnight in their arms. After a few minutes, the little mare squealed as she thrust her hips one more time, filling Midnight's womb with her virile essence. Rose filled Midnight's plot with her own demonic seed, and the combined stuffing caused Midnight's tummy to swell up a bit. The little mare's tail-gina also hit an orgasm, spraying Rose's face with her juices. Maria fell back onto the bed with her member sticking into the air. Her tail went up and quickly enveloped her own shaft, keeping it warm and erect and cleaning it of any leftover seed. Rose sighed softly and kissed Midnight's cheek, smiling blissfully. "That was wonderful, dear. Do you feel good, Maria?" Maria just gave a soft moan in response, her body limp on the bed.

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3061141 (Agreed. Let's start her in this thread, just so we can both get used to interacting with her.)

Midnight merely quivered with a soft groan as she was whisked away to nirvana, and her eyes rolled back in her head. She was limp atop Rose, and her only signs of life were her faint moans and her slow breathing. This wasn't as intense as the edging-induced orgasm that she had with Rose a day ago, but it was close.

Down the streets of outer Manehattan walked a pegasus mare who was as dark as a starless night, from her curly, shoulder-length mane to her silky fur. The only thing that stood out from her mysterious visage were her slanted, enticing dark brown eyes. She looked up at the sky as she felt something wet hit her fur, and then she groaned softly as she realized that it was about to rain. "Perfect..." She grumbled as she looked back down towards the sidewalk, mumbling to herself about not having an umbrella. As the rain picked up, it began to gradually turn her white, v-necked shirt transparent, and darkened her blue jeans to the point that they nearly matched her fur. The only reason that she even minded the rain was that it was cold, made people sick, and caused her clothes to become unpleasantly heavy.

(Ladies and gentlecolts, I present to you: Black Velvet.)

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[Let's set these three aside for now. Would you prefer I use a male or female character? I'm tempted to use Emma again, but that's mainly because she's so special to me.]

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(I'd prefer if you use a male character. I have some things in mind for her.)

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[Who should I use? I really only have Clockwork as a favorite male character, if you don't mind me using him again. Otherwise, I might be able to pull off Stone Skin, but he lives in Manehattan.]

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(Go ahead and use Clockwork, then. We can never have enough werewolf snuggles.)

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An umbrella was suddenly over the mare's head, and walking nearly silently beside her and holding the large umbrella was a tall, lean, though clearly strong stallion, wearing a leather jacket over a white under shirt and a pair of jeans and some grey sneakers. He himself had tannish-copper colored fur, a short, shaggy grey mane, and a pair of striking red eyes. "Hello, miss. Wonderful weather we're heaving, eh?" He said with a warm smile. He seemed very genuine with they way he moved and talked, and he made no move to touch the beautiful black mare.

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The mare's eyes widened a little with surprise. "Huh?" She glanced up at the umbrella with a confused look, and then she glanced over to the kind stranger with a warm smile. "Yeah, just...perfect." She sighed quietly as she briefly looked down to her feet. "So, what's your name, handsome? I'm Black Velvet." She said with a smile as she glanced up at him. Her voice was deep, purring, and smooth, fitting of her name. On closer inspection, she had a nearly perfect hourglass figure, a pleasingly slim body with proportionately wide hips, and a relatively large rump. As if that weren't enough, her bust, while modest b-cups, were firm and perky, and the low neckline allowed for cleavage that was more teasing than normal.

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[Only b-cups? Awwww, okay....]

The stallion smiled warmly, though his eyes only took one quick glance over the mare's body. "My name is Clockwork, m'lady. Clockmaker, watchmaker, and jeweler by profession. My business does well, and I'm quite content with my current lifestyle." The stallion seemed to craft his words as finely as he crafted his jewelry, and he kept a warm smile on his face the whole time. "Ah, there's my house. That mansion there." He pointed to a large building, one that seemed from a time era long ago, when ponies would discuss the meaning of the universe over lunch, and words and poems were as respected an art style as any Picasso in a museum. The black, angular roofs covered the pleasant light grey walls, and the windows on the first floor glowed with the warmth of a fireplace. "You're welcome to stay inside my home as long as you'd like, madam. You're free to kick your feet up and relax. I have some rice and chicken simmering, and they should be almost done cooking." The unicorn stallion walked up to his front door, covered by a porch and a roof over said porch, and pulled out a key from his pocket, unlocking the door and stepping inside while closing up his umbrella.

The inside of the house was warm and cozy, with the front door opening up into a long hallway that ended with a flight of stairs going up. The first door on the right was a large living room with a plush couch, oak wood coffee table, and a large, ornate fireplace, roaring and crackling with warmth. Clockwork took off his coat and shoes, then walked into the kitchen, taking the pot of rice off the heat and the chicken out of the oven, smiling to himself all the while.

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3068798 (We can make them bigger later. As-is, her form is partly to mix things up.)

Velvet walked after Clockwork, and then she poked her head into the kitchen with her hands on the door frame. "Excuse me? Can I use your shower?" She asked with a faint smile. She briefly sniffed the air, and then she gave a soft hum of approval as she got a whiff of what was being cooked. Her stomach growled loudly in response, she hadn't eaten in quite a while.

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Clockwork smiled warmly and nodded as he set the food onto a pair of plates, and he also poured a pair of glasses of milk, then set all the food down onto the large dining room table. His heart fluttered a little as he sat down and waited patiently for Black Velvet to finish showering. He had a beautiful mare in his house, one he was about to share dinner with, and he desperately didn't want his condition to screw this up. Even if she never loved him, having a friend would be a blessing.

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Black Velvet gripped the waist of her shirt with both hands, and then raised it up as she turned around and walked away, giving Clockwork a teasing glimpse of her slender figure. She finished removing her shirt, and then she walked around the house, searching for the bathroom. Eventually, she found an open door leading to a large bathroom with white tiles, and then she casually strolled inside.

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Clockwork's cheeks ignited red, and he took a deep breath and let it out, smiling softly to himself. She was teasing him. That was a good sign.

The bathroom Velvet was in was quite large and fancy, with a hot tub built into floor in the corner, and a large standing shower with a glass door as well as a large sink with wide mirrors. Strangely, there were long black hairs on the floor of the bathroom, though Clockwork seemed to have no pets.

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Velvet shifted her hips and leaned on the door frame as she took a moment to wonder about the presence of the black hairs, and then she rolled her eyes. She didn't know why those were on the floor, but she had better things to do. She moved herself from the doorway and closed the door behind herself, and then strolled over to the shower. She quickly stripped off her damp blouse, revealing the lacy black bra beneath it, and then she removed her jeans, revealing panties of a similar style. She quickly took off her undergarments with a mischievous smile, idly wondering how Clockwork would react if he saw her in them. After she was completely undressed, she tossed her clothes into one big pile away from the black hairs, and then she opened the shower and turned on the hot water. She waited a few second for the water to warm up, and then she stepped inside and began washing up. She stepped out five minutes later, and then she put her clothes back on and strolled through the house and into the kitchen. She sat down in a chair across from Clockwork, and then she leaned over the table and folded her arms on its surface, mashing her breasts together and exposing more of her cleavage. Her fur was still a little damp from her shower, causing ever part of her exposed body to glisten enticingly. "So, there was something I've been meaning to ask you, Mister Clockwork, and it's really important. I was just evicted from my apartment, and I need a place to stay. So, how about it?"

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Clockwork's cheeks seemed to catch fire, and he silently stammered for a moment at the proposition mixed with Velvet's enticingly curvy body. "I... Ahem... I don't mind." He said with a smile as he regained his composure. "I have a spare bedroom you're welcome to use, and I'd be happy to cook for you. Mind you, I have to go to work on weekdays, but I usually get back here by seven in the evening." Inside, Clockwork's heart was racing at the idea of having such a curvaceous, kind, beautiful mare stay with him. He just hoped she would discover his condition. All it would take was one accidental walk-in....

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Velvet grinned widely at Clockwork, satisfied that her feminine charm was having an effect, and that she now had a place to stay. "I'm guessing that you own your home and property, otherwise you would've mentioned rent." She raised an eyebrow questioningly, which somehow made her eyes even more alluring. She reached a hand up to move a stray hair that was tickling her, which briefly revealed her other eye that was otherwise hidden by her curly black mane.

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Clockwork kept his eyes intentionally aimed at his meal, so as not to lose composure again as he ate. "Yes, I own this building. I personally don't mind you not paying rent. Just some company in this big old house is nice. I plan to go to bed after dinner, but you're welcome to stay up as long as you'd like. Just make sure to keep it down, please. And..." He let out a soft sigh. "Please don't open my bedroom door. If it's closed, please keep it closed. You can knock, but I ask that as the only rule of the house. Please don't open my bedroom door if it's closed."

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Velvet raised her eyebrows as she leaned back, and then she put her hands up defensively. "Hey, whatever you do in your room is your business, not mine." She then leaned back in her chair as she grabbed her silverware, and then she stuffed a bite of her food into her mouth. A smooth, pleased moan left her lips as the taste washed over her tongue, and her stomach growled loudly. "You're a really great cook. Did you go to school for this?"

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Clockwork chuckled to himself, shaking his head a little as he took another bite. "No, I've just had a lot of experience. I've... been around a while. There's also some cookies in the jar in the kitchen, if you want dessert." The stallion's eyes widened for some unknown reason, and he quickly finished his meal and set his plate in the sink. "Sorry for the short chat, but I'm feeling quite tired. Please, enjoy your meal." The stallion went up to his bedroom, and shut the door behind him. Once he was alone, Clockwork shed his clothes and let out a soft grunt as his body shifted and changed. When it was done, he was eighteen feet tall, and covered with black, fluffy fur, and his looked as if he was changed into a giant wolf with humanoid features. He laid down on his bed and curled up, breathing deeply as he let himself drift off to sleep, hoping that Velvet wouldn't see him like this...

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Velvet watched Clockwork with curiosity as he left the kitchen. "Whatever that was, it wasn't just being tired. Something's up." She thought to herself. She sighed with resignation as she pushed out her chair and got up. "Just more mysteries..." She mumbled. She walked into the kitchen and got a cookie out of the jar, and then took her good old time as she enjoyed it. When she was done, she went upstairs and to what she thought was the master bedroom, and then she softly knocked on the door. "Clockwork? You alright in there? You didn't look so good earlier." She called out softly.

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There was no response from inside, just the sound of deep, slow breathing. The breathing was abnormally deep; no pony of normal size could make such a deep noise. Such an animal would have to be huge...

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Velvet's curiosity was driving her up the walls at this point. While she was respectful of rules and other people's privacy, she had to know what was going on if she was going to be living here. She quietly cracked the door open, and then her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat at what she saw. She quickly and quietly closed the door back, and then she casually strolled to one of the guest rooms with a perturbed look. She wouldn't have thought Clockwork to be a werewolf. He seemed so nice, but...maybe he really was okay, and not some monster. She took a deep breath as she walked into one of the empty guest bedrooms, closing the door behind herself as she entered. She pulled off her shoes and kicked them to the side, and then walked over to the bed and laid down, sighing with relief as the back of her head hit the pillow. She was tired and sore from moving things in her apartment, and she just wanted to rest. Soon, she fell asleep, and she dreamed naughty things about a certain stallion.

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