The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

[Maybe her vagina and womb could be deeper along with everything else so she could comfortably take it. And isn't she going to drink her stuff? :unsuresweetie:]

Group Admin

2102867 (She wants to keep pace with Ben. She'll drink her stuff once she's at the vertibird site. Also, I like those ideas.)

Group Admin

[K. Gonna make the device a big syringe with a bung of different needles, labeled with different animals.]

Ben ran up to what was an Enclave vertibird, crashed into the ground and the occupants dead. The man began eagerly searching the wreckage, but the one thing he found was what appeared to be a big syringe, with several different retractable needles. He looked it over carefully as he returned to Lily, reading the names of several kinds of animals, but his gait faltered as he saw a single word.


Could this really...? Ben couldn't think straight anymore. He thought wildly about what this device could possibly be, and how it could help him reach his goal. He slowed his walking, still staring obsessively at the device in his hands even after returning to Lily.

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Lily abruptly came to a halt, and the gravel and dirt rolled beneath her soles. She looked curiously at the device as she grabbed her bottle of anti-venom and brought it to her lips. She chugged the medicine straight down and then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "What did you find?" She asked, occasionally glancing to the crashed aircraft.

Group Admin

Ben adjusted his pants with an idle hand, feeling a bit of tightness down there, as he looked upon the device in his other hand. "I... I don't know... It's got vials labeled with a lot of the mutated wasteland creatures... Nightstalkers, radscorpions.... deathclaws..." He said the last one with an air of desire, that innate wiring to love deathclaws resurfacing in the back of his mind. 'I... I don't know what I should do with it... I really wanna..." He pressed a button with a finger, and from the vial labeled as deathclaw, a needle slid down, as well as the plunger atop the vial popping up to be pushed down. "Sh-should I?" He asked shakily, looking up at Lily nervously.

[Would this be when she would try out the nightstalker stuff for her own reasons?]

Group Admin

Lily looked curiously at the device for a few moments, unsure of what to do or say. She wasn't sure what the device actually did besides look somewhat dangerous, but she wondered if its purpose was to transform something or someone into one of those creatures, if only partly. She knew that Ben had a love of Deathclaws, it was clear by the way he watched them with such fascination in his eyes. She figured that if she was right about its purpose, then perhaps it would be a dream come true for her lover. She smiled as she remembered what she heard about Nightstalkers, about how they were fast and powerful creatures with a venomous bite. She closed her eyes and sighed softly, and then looked up to Ben. "Go ahead, but I get the one that says "Nightstalker.""

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Ben smiled nervously, giving a shaky nod and lifting the needle to his shoulder, aiming it at the base of his neck. After taking a deep breath, he plunged the needle into his neck, grimacing in pain as he used his thumb to push the plunger all the way down. He pulled the needle out and let out and small shout of pain, feeling his whole body tense up with a sensation like a sunburn all over his body. His skin became tougher, much tougher, and covered in sand-colored scales around his neck and other soft, vulnerable areas for protection, and he felt his muscles bulk up a good amount. A pair of small horns sprouted from through his blonde hair, and his nails became longer, an inch long each, and very sharp and scythe-like. His brown eyes became slitted like a cat's eyes as well.

When it was all done, he fell to his hands and knees, dropping the device and looking at his hands as panted. He looked up to Lily and gave a small smile, revealing his sharp, pointy teeth and long, forked tongue. "Am... How do I... how do I look?"

Group Admin

2106327 (I'm trying to man-face my way through this spell of insomnia. I can post, but posting may be slow. However, I may have to stop in a few hours. I tend to feel really hazy and act disorganized when I get too tired.)

Lily quickly took a step back, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Her eyes danced over Ben's new form, taking in every inch of his exotic changes. "You look..." She trailed off. Her eyes lingered on his arm muscles for a good while, and strange yet pleasant thoughts came to the forefront of her mind. She imagined those powerful arms wrapping around her body, both in comfort and in pleasure, to make her feel safe and secure. She looked into his slit eyes and smiled softly. "You look great."

(I had more typed out, but I wasn't sure if you wanted me to continue. I didn't want to be presumptuous.)

Group Admin

[Rest if you need to. I'll still be here.]

Ben smiled, partially in relief, and partially in excitement as he stood up and looked over himself. He adjusted his pants and underwear again, since it was feeling a bit tighter down there. After examining himself curiously, he looked at Lily with a smile. "So.... Nightstalker. I'm actually excited to see that, you don't have to if you don't want, but... I think you'd look really cool if you did." He went back to rummaging through the vertibird, picking out the useful bits of ammo and parts that he could find.

Group Admin

2107653 (It's not really something that I can control. My condition is usually associated with insomnia, so I just have to wait it out. I'll post for the time being, albeit slowly.)

Lily scrunched her face up and looked down at her bust, feeling tightness around her chest. She lifted up the back of her shirt and readjusted her bra, and then bent over and picked up the device. She pressed the button over the needle labeled "Nightstalker", and then lifted it up to her neck. She took a slow, deep breath and let it out, and then injected herself with the contents. She collapsed to her knees with a squeal, and she felt her entire body begin to tingle. Her muscles thickened and became much more toned, giving her the cut and powerful look of a female boxer. Brown, thick scales like a viper's appeared along her spine and on the soles of her feet, and on the backs of her legs. Her nails blackened, and they became thick and curved like a dog's, though they weren't the best of weapons. Her deep blue eyes became serpentine, which gave her an air of deadly beauty. Her teeth had become much more dog-like, and a pair of long, venomous fangs had replaced her canines. She fell forward and caught herself with one arm, breathing heavily.

Group Admin

[Awww, no cuddly soft fur?]

Ben caught Lily in his arms, his hands slowly pulling the woman to her feet and ho,ding her gently to his chest. He bent down and placed a soft kiss upon his lover's forehead, smiling at her lovingly. "You look beautiful, honey." His hands slid down to her hips and rear, which strangely felt wider and plumper than he remembered. Her breasts also squished up to his chest a bit more. "Mmm.... This is nice...." He mumbled, nuzzling the hair atop her head lovingly.

Group Admin

2108306 (Upon realizing that fact several minutes after posting, I thought "Aw, dammit!" :rainbowlaugh: I can put it in as a later as a gradual change, but I don't really know where the fur would grow. I keep mulling it over and I keep thinking "Nah, that place isn't good." :derpyderp2:)

Lily blushed hotly and closed her eyes as she slowly nuzzled Ben's chest, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "You're an ass man, aren't you?" She said playfully. Her arms wrapped around his back, and she felt a slight fire in her loins as she admired his strong physique. She looked up at him with a gleam in her eyes. "My chest feels kinda sore, maybe you could give me a massage later." She purred. "I love your touch, and I bet you've got quite the strength in your hands now."

Group Admin

[Just a fur covering over some.... softer places. :raritywink:]

Ben smiled and slowly moved behind Lily, tracing a finger underneath her large breasts. "I dunno.... these have my attention, too. I will happily give you a massage later." He placed a kiss on her cheek and adjusted his pants once more. "Anyways, let's get going to the northern passage." The man began a brisk walking pace north, feeling a strange amount of weight between his legs as he walked, but enjoying the vigorous feeling of his stronger muscles.


Group Admin

2109080 (I'll see if I can make that work. :twilightsmile: Also, skiperoony.)

Lily stood with Ben at the entrance to the northern passage with a curious gleam in her eyes. She smirked to herself as she noticed that her bust seemed to bounce more when she walked. She didn't know why it did so, but it made her feel more feminine. She turned to Ben with a small smile. "Did the radio say anything else about this trip?"

Group Admin

[Oh, see if you can put fur around her body in a way that would look like a winter coat, both for snuggles and to keep her warm at night. :pinkiehappy:]

Ben shook his head, then grimaced and stopped, looking down at his groin. "Okay, that hurts a-... whoa...." Looking inside his pants, he saw that his member had grown to a much, much larger size, and his testes were like a pair of ripe apples. The visible bulge of his pants looked as if someone put a grapefruit over his genitals. "Wow....." He adjusted his pants to be looser and more comfortable, and he grinned as he realized that the trader's elixir must have done this. "Hey, honey? How are you feeling?" He asked, looking over her breasts, hips and rear.

Group Admin

2110185 (Snuggle for zeh snuggles god. Hmm, yes. *fiddles with moustache*)

Lily grimaced as she felt her breasts start to hurt, and she also felt tight around the waist and hips. "I feel like my clothes shrunk." She said in a suspicious tone. She looked down at her bust, then grabbed the neckline of her shirt and pulled it down. Her eyes widened with excitement and surprise as she saw that her bust was bulging, and spilling out of her bra. "I went up a cup size." She deadpanned.

Group Admin

Ben smiled widely as his hands slowly, gently rubbed up from her rear to her breasts, then to her cheeks, cradling them as he gave her a kiss. "You also got a set of wider hips and a bigger butt. It's damn sexy." He said with a grin. He couldn't suppress the thoughts of what they could do later with their new endowments. But that would have to wait. "Come on, you. We can adjust your clothes later."

The inside of the cave held several people, including a dark-skinned man with a mustache who raised an eyebrow at the pair as they entered. "Well, what do we have here? I take it you got the radio mesage. I'm Jed Masterson, and we're gonna be heading to Zion shortly. Now, assuming you're coming along, you can"t be carrying more than about 75 pounds. Any heavier, and you'll just slow the caravan down. Store what you don't want to take in that crate there." Ben checked over his gear of his power fist, .44 magnum revolver, ammo, a couple repair kits, food and water, and a set of spare clothes. He smiled as he realized that he was already under thr weight limit.

Group Admin

Lily checked her own gear carefully, calculating the weight of each item as she went. Her guns, ammo, food, water, and clothes didn't weigh all that much. She sighed happily and and smiled at Ben. "I'm ready if you are." She chirped.

Group Admin

Jed nodded and adjusted his backpack. "Well, no point in wasting any more time. Come on." He and the others began heading deeper into the passage, and Ben held Lily's hand as he walked behind them, wanting to stay close to his lover as much as possible. Her safety was what mattered to him.

[I'll skip us to Zion in the morning.]

Group Admin

Zion Valley was a place of sun-dried plants, animals, and sheer cliffs and drop-offs. Jed stopped the caravan after entering through a passage. "Alright, folks. Here's today's pay." He distributed caps among Ben, Lily, and the others. "I know you're tired. I know your feet hurt. I promise there isn't much more walking to do before we can rest. Now, we're not going back out the way we came, but the New Canaanites will know a way. Now, let's get-" Jed's head promptly became a fountain of blood, and the dead man collapsed to the ground, along with several other caravan members. Tribals shot at the group from the cliffs above, and Ben quickly pulled Lily into cover, peeking out and firing off his revolver at the group. He grabbed the submachine gun from a dead ally and began spraying at the group on the cliff to provide cover fire so Lily could line up shots with her rifle.

Group Admin

Lily immediately took cover behind some rocks, and then knelt down on the ground. She rested the rifle against the rocks and looked down its sights as she searched for a target, silently hoping that they would get out of this alive. She set her sights on the chest of a tribal who wielded what looked like a large submachine-gun, and she pulled the trigger. A sharp crack resounded throughout the valley as her target now had a bloody hole through his heart, and he fell down the face of the cliff.

Group Admin

[Make sure to give Lily a snuggly coat of fur soon. :heart:]

Ben grabbed a plasma rifle off the ground from another dead guard, and he fired of several shots at the group, reducing a couple to piles of green sludge. The remaining tribals beat a hasty retreat, and Ben quickly pulled Lily into a hug, still behind cover. "Oh god I thought we weren't gonna make that..." He breathed, a little shaken up from the attack. He usually wouldn't be so shaken, but he had himself and his girlfriend to look out for as well. "Come on..." He said slowly as he stood up. "Let's go see if we can find some help..."

Group Admin

2215398 (Indeedily-doodley.)

Lily looked at him curiously, her chest heaving as her body still pumped adrenaline. "We should try to secure some shelter first in case we're here longer than expected. We need a place to hide from those tribals, anyway."

Group Admin

Ben nodded and took a deep breath, going about and scrounging ammo and caps off of the dead bodies around them, just in case. "Alright..." He said as he pulled out his binoculars, looking over the valley. "See a spot you wanna make camp in?"

Group Admin

Lily looked intently at their surroundings with her keen eyes, which seemed much more so after her mutations. Her attention lingered on what appeared to be building on top of one of the cliffs. "That looks like a radio station up there." She said, pointing towards it with her finger. "It's not the best, but it gives us an elevated position."

Group Admin

Ben nodded and pulled out the 10mm submachine gun he grabbed, loading a new clip and keeping a vigil around them as they walked to the station in the distance. He moved forward slowly and steadily, his footsteps quiet and measured. He trusted Lily to spot any threats from the distance, and as they approached the station, he saw that it overlooked a cliff, a cliff from which they could observe the rest of the valley. He came up to the gate on its side, and tried to open it. "Locked. Honey, can you pick the lock and get into this caged area here? If we could get a few materials, this station could be easily defensible."

Group Admin

Lily knelt beside Ben in front of the door, and laid her rifle to the side before pulling out a screwdriver and a bobby pin. The lock wasn't as difficult as she had feared, and it opened about a minute later. "Got it." She said as she removed her tools. She put the screwdriver and pin back into her bags, then grabbed her rifle and stood back up. She put her rifle against her shoulder as she turned the doorknob and swung the door open, and she looked around for any signs of life.

Group Admin

The caged-off litte room was just that: a twelve foot by twelve foot space with cage bars and a cage door for one wall, the door that oily unlocked, and the room had a few crates with some supplies in them, like blankets and such. Ben checked out the top of the radio station, looking over it with a soft smile. He found plenty of ammunition around, some more food, and a Pre-War CV radio, powered by a crank. Ben brought the food down to the caged area, then closed the gate and grabbed some blankets, using large ones to cover up the caged wall for privacy. The sun was going down anyway, and Ben wanted to relax in a safe place with his girlfriend. He laid out a large bedroll, big enough for the two of them, and slid out of his clothes, revealing his huge menber, still flaccid and slapping gently against his thigh as he walked, as well as his stretched scrotum with two grapefruit sized testes. He slid into the bedroll, then sat up and dug a pair of apples from his bag, giving one to Lily. "Let's relax and try to rest, sweetheart. The ones who attacked us don't know where we are, and we're safe and concealed in here."

Group Admin

Lily was already undressing when she saw what Ben was doing, and once she was completely undressed she walked over to Ben and laid down beside him. She sighed happily and took the apple, and bit into it with a soft moan. "Food sounds good right now..." She mused. She hadn't noticed at first, but her body from the chest down seemed to be covered in fine, gray fur.

Group Admin

Ben looked over his girlfriend's beautiful body as he finished up his apple, seeing the soft fur traveling down from her collar bone and covering everything like a fur suit. His hand reached out and stroked her back, then gently wrapped around her waist. "Somebody just got a whole lot cuddlier." He remarked, grinning at her lovingly.

Group Admin

Lily giggled happily as she slowly traced a hand down Ben's muscular arm, and she felt her loins grow hot as she admired his powerful body. "Cuddling sounds nice right now, especially if you hold me tight." She said sensually. After today's events, she could use a little fun to relax her.

Group Admin

Ben rolled to lay his fluffy-soft girlfriend atop him, his huge member erecting and rubbing up against Lily's large bum. "Mmmm.... Let's have some slow fun, baby... Don't wanna be too loud out here, you know?" He reached a hand down to angle his two-foot member at Lily's folds, then slowly slid the tip inside, moaning softly as she cuddled his soft girlfriend. "Ohhh... You take it from here, baby..."

Group Admin

Lily gave a deep, carnal moan of pleasure as Ben's member slipped inside of her, stretching her tight walls delightfully. She began taking him in inch by inch, and she placed her lips on her lover's mouth. She moaned quietly and slipped her long, forked tongue into his mouth.

Group Admin

Ben eagerly kissed Lily back, his own tongue long and forked as well with his reptilian DNA. He felt his hugs shaft slip deep into his lover's folds, and he relaxed under the sensations, glad that they could still find time to pleasure each other before they went to sleep. They would need to find more food and water around the valley, as well as some items in order to find a way out. "Mmm.... You're wonderful, baby..." His hand slipped down to massage and fondle Lily's huge, plush bum, loving how soft the flesh was under his fingers.

Group Admin

Lily moaned into Ben's mouth, and breathed heavily as she began to grind her hips into her lover's huge member. He felt even better inside of her than she remembered. The only word that she could think of to describe it was "amazing". She pulled away from his mouth for a brief moment, and grinned down at him. "Don't you want to explore the rest of my body?" She asked playfully.

Group Admin

Ben smiled and nodded, kissing Lily's cheek lovingly as his hands began moving up to her back, stroking her ridiculously fluffy and soft fur, and it wasn't even that long. "Mmm.... I could snuggle you like a big, sexy plushie, sweetheart..." One hand went down and gave Lily's extra large, perky breasts each a small squeeze, moaning softly. "I am the luckiest guy on this planet...." He mumbled.

Group Admin

Lily moaned softly at her breasts being fondled, and she traced a hand down one of Ben's arms. "And I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She replied softly. Ben treated her better than anyone else ever had, and he pleasured her better than anyone else ever could have. She had absolutely no intent of leaving him.

Group Admin

Ben smiled and sighed in contentment, closing his eyes and stroking Lily's furry back with one hand while the other held her loosely around the waist. "I think we're going to be okay out here, my love." He mused quietly. "We'll find a way back home, and we'll always be here for each other." He looked up at Lily's face, seeing her beautiful serpentine eyes before giving her a kiss. "So glad I decided to help you with those geckoes." He said with a giggle.

Group Admin

Lily smiled lovingly, and giggled happily in response as she continued to slowly move her hips. "I'm glad you did too, Ben. I got to meet the man of my dreams." She said softly. She clenched her eyes shut, and moaned as one particular movement caused her lover's thick member to rub against her clit. "You feel amazing..." She moaned quietly.

Group Admin

Ben let out a soft, pleasured moan, grinning as she stroked Lily's soft, fluffy fur. "Mmm.... You do too, sweetie... Hmmm.... So... Let's take a look around the valley in the morning... I'll work on getting us some supplies... Maybe we could fortify this place a little bit..." The man placed a soft kiss on Lily's cheek, nuzzling her affectionately.

[We could totally turn that little ranger station into a miniature fortress. :rainbowdetermined2:]

Group Admin

Lily grinned mischievously as she decided to get a little kinky. "I can do a little bit of hunting while that..." She replied softly. She turned and pressed her tongue to Ben's large, muscular arm and ran her long, forked tongue over his flesh. She giggled softly as she hoped that her lover liked it. She felt like trying something new, and she figured that she could put her mutations to good use.


Group Admin

Ben moaned and looked down curiously at Lily's actions, panting softly as he rubbed her back. "Mmm.... That's... kinky... Not bad, though..." He mused, finding the feeling of ehr tongue against his skin a bit pleasant, if a little kinky. He felt himself getting closer to his climax, his stretched scrotum churning with his seed. G-getting close, honey... Ohhh,..."

Group Admin

Lily stopped licking Ben's arm, and turned and looked into his eyes. "Me too, sweetie. Just let it out." She said softly. She began moving her hips just a little faster, which drew a soft, quiet moan from her. It only took a few seconds of grinding for her to climax, and her juices sprayed out onto her lover's groin. She laid limp on top of her lover, breathing heavily.

Group Admin

Ben moaned and released a large amount of his seed into Lily's womb, drawing a content sigh from his lips as he closed his eyes. "Ohhh.... Yeah.... Let's sleep... I'll go looking for stuff tomorrow...“ he slowly began falling asleep, still cuddling his fluffy soft girlfriend to his chest and smiling happily all the while.

Group Admin

Lily moaned softly as she closed her eyes, and she began slowly falling asleep. Eventually the only noise from her was her soft breathing as her chest slowly rose and fell. She felt so content to just lay there with her lover, and to feel his strong body against her own.

Group Admin

The next morning, Ben slowly opened his eyes, moaning softly in pleasure as he felt his huge member still hilted inside his lover. He cuddled the fluffy woman and rubbed her back, feeling her soft fur and wrapping her in his arms. "Mmm.... Morning, sweetheart..." He mumbled with a grin.

Group Admin

Lily's eyes fluttered open as soon as she felt Ben's hand move across her back. She glanced down at him, and she moaned quietly as she stretched, feeling her lover's member still inside of her. "Morning, sweetie." She mumbled back. She glanced back at her wide hips, and she gave them a small shake. "You still feel good..."

Group Admin

Ben giggled and placed a deep kiss on Llly's lips, glad that he wasn't alone out in this wild area. "You do, too, sweetheart. I have a hot plate and a fission battery in my bag somewhere. A nice man in a hazmat suit showed me how to set it up a few years ago." The man slowly sat up, keeping Lily on his lap, and reached over to his backpack, digging through it and letting Lily content herself as she saw fit for the next little while.

Group Admin

Lily pulled off and slowly stood up, and she began putting her clothes on. "I just need to stretch my legs a bit, and I should probably make sure my guns are in order." She said to her lover. Once she had all of her clothes on, she stood straight up and began doing a few stretches, she felt a little more stiff than usual. After that, she pulled her guns from where they lay and sat down with them, and then began digging through her bags. She fished out a large cloth and spread it out on the floor of the station, and then laid her guns down on it. She leaned back over and got her tools out of the bag, and immediately went to work disassembling her weapons.

Group Admin

Ben stood up and slid into his clothes, then sat down and put some baked beans in a pot that he found in the crate, heating it up on the hot plate and looking over Lily's form as she stretched with a smile. "Are you sure you're just stretching, or are you trying to tease me?" He joked, stirring the beans with a spoon as he looked lovingly at his girlfriend. "Let's take a look around the valley with the binoculars and your rifle scope, then I'll go about exploring some places for navigational aid and canned food. You said you would be out hunting, right?"

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