The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

[Note: Courier Six doesn't exist here.]

The Mojave Wasteland. A war zone between the NCR Bear, the Legion Bull, and Mister House, all for control over the prized New Vegas Strip. Things have been quiet lately, but everyone was expecting that to change soon.

Down in the lonely town of Goodsprings, a single man sat at the local bar. He wore a trench coat and a cloth scarf around his mouth, along with some goggles. Atop his head was a mess of short blonde hair. He wore black pants and combat boots, and a backpack. Strapped to his hip was a .44 Magnum revolver.

Group Admin

1441562 (I'll reply in the other thread momentarily.)
The booming report of a shotgun from far away drowned out all other sound in the small town. Down at the water source for the town, an average-sized woman in a black trench coat was fighting a small group of geckos. "You pillocks!" She shouted as she worked the lever of her shotgun. "Keep running at me, it might work the third time around!"

Group Admin

[I plan to have a little lovey-dovey, then eventually some romantic sexy action. You down with da homo? Unless you can just edit 'man' to 'woman'. This is actually one of the few times where I'm gonna say I want straight over gay. :applejackunsure:]

The man stepped out to observe the commotion, then sighed and reached into his backpack as he sprinted at the geckoes, reaching the water source quickly in his light clothing and high speed. With a power fist on his right hand, the blonde-haired man leapt and brought his fist around with surprising speed. One gecko's head was turned to a pink and red splatter on the dusty ground.

Group Admin

1442062 (Edits done. :twilightsmile:)
She immediately snapped her attention to the stranger that had appeared out of thin air. "Spontaneous help from nowhere! Okay then!" She said in cheerful surprise. The vague sound of claws kicking up dirt caught the woman's attention, prompting her to briefly look around for the source. She caught a gecko in mid-air as it was leaping towards the man from his side. Smiling softly, she looked down the sights of her gun, waiting for an opening. As soon as the mutant lizard landed she pulled the trigger,taking out the entire right half of its head.

(I'm writing this character as someone who has ADHD, which I know about very well. Quirky characters are fun for all! :pinkiecrazy:)

Group Admin

[Thanks, buddy. I have Aspergers Syndrome. That means I'm brilliant, socially awkward, and I become obessed with something. My character has Deathclaws on the brain. :pinkiecrazy:]

After punching out a few more gecko heads, the last of them, the man looked back at the woman and held a thumbs-up with the bloodied glove of his power fist. Taking it off and sliding his back into his backpack, he walked over to the woman and pulled down his facewrap and goggles. The man had lovely brown eyes that contrasted nicely with his blonde hair, and he had very well-kept white teeth.

"Hey, there. I'm Benjamin. Glad I was around to help you." He held our his hand for a handshake. "What's your name?"

Group Admin

1443806 (*shakes hand* Nice to meetcha. :rainbowlaugh: Usually internal thoughts become external, which gets me a lot a of funny looks from people. I'm like a hyper-intelligent chimp. :derpytongue2:)

The woman acted as if she hadn't heard him for a brief moment, and when she did she seemed like she could barely keep her focus on him as she reloaded her shotgun. Her face was tanned from being out in the sun, her eyes were brilliant blue, and her black hair was shoulder-length. Lowering the shotgun with one hand, she took his hand and shook it firmly. "Hi! I'm Lilly." She responded cheerfully. Her eyes seemed to dance all over his form. "Thanks for the help, I was just getting a drink of water and...well..." She looked around at the dead geckos. "Suddenly, lizards."

Group Admin

[My friend compares me to a machine.]

Benjamin nodded with a smile of understanding, looking sround at the dead geckoes. "So..... What brings you to Goodsprings? I was just traveling north from the Nipton Area." Of course, he wouldn't say where he planned to go. In truth, he planned to go to Sloan, the small mining town, to study the Deathclaws. It had been nagging at him, like an addiction. He had to see the beautiful creatures, see their powerful bodies and cold eyes. Their long claws that gave the species their name.

I can say I'm heading to the Vegas Strip, if she asks. Not sure if she'll buy it, though.....

Group Admin

1444071 (Frost jokingly compares me to an insane person.)

Lily smiled and brushed a hand through her dark hair. "Well, I'm just on a little adventure from California. I can't stay in one place, got a little bored." She replied, glancing elsewhere on occasion. The other primary reason behind her wanderings was that the NCR had raised taxes too high for her liking, but that was probably expected.

Group Admin

Benjamin nodded and checked his wristwatch, something he found in the cellar of an Old World house a while back. "Oh, shoot! I gotta get going. Nice meeting you, Lily." The man put his goggles and facewrap back on, then began jogging down the road leading north. The Deathclaws were supposed to start coming out of their dens soon.

[I'm assuming it's morning, by the way.]

Group Admin

Lily cocked her head to the side and waited for Benjamin to leave her line of sight, then sprinted after him. She wanted to tell him that she found him attractive, but she surely wasn't going to shout after him. Even in a sparsely-populated town it would be a little awkward.

Group Admin

Benjamin slowed down and turned around, stopping with a confused expression at the sight of Lily running after him. He tilted his head and pulled down his scarf, then his goggles. This was the most odd occurrence of his day so far.

What could she want?

Group Admin

1445731 (Sorry for not being around, I've just...lost my motivation to do a lot of things.)

Lily stopped a few feet away from him, her feet sliding a little in the dirt as she gave Benjamin a bright and slightly nervous smile. "Uh, I just wanted to say that..." She glanced to the side as a small breeze went through the dead shrubbery. "I think you're cute." She finished, a small flicker of hope in her blue eyes.

Group Admin

[I completely understand. I can wait as long as need be.]

Ben's brown eyes flickered with a similar hope, a smile finding its way onto his lips. "I... I think you're really pretty...." The man was a bit anxious; he wanted to see if he could go a bit further with this beautiful woman, but the Deathclaws would be waking up soon......

Group Admin

1483138 (Thanks for understanding, not a lot of people care or try.)

Lily broke eye contact as her mind went to the gutter for a brief moment, drawing a barely audible gasp from her, and making her cheeks flush. She tried and failed to completely banish the thoughts from her mind, so she just swept them to the side for the time being. "S-so, do you mind if I, uh, tag along?" She asked with a bright smile.

Group Admin

[It's second nature for me to understand, or at least to try.]

Ben awkwardly scratched the back of his head, looking away nervously. "Well, um..... Okay.... I can't lie to you.... I'm heading to Sloan to observe the deathclaws. I..... I really like them..... I don't know why...." The man closed his eyes and hung his head in shame as he put his cowl and goggles back on, assuming she'd reject him at this point.

Group Admin

"Okay!" Lily chirped a moment later, still smiling. Something about the word "deathclaw" had instantly captured her attention. It was a good and truthful excuse for hanging around Ben.

Group Admin

Ben's eyes widened in surprise, along with his smile. "Wow.... Um.... Okay! Let's go!" As they were already close to Sloan, it was only a few mintues before the duo came upon the small mining town. Ben pulled a pair of binoculars from his backpack and sat down at the edge of the hill. The valley below him was filled with a several Deathclaws, young and old, climbing from their dens. As Ben watched them through his binoculars, he felt something stir inside him. It felt..... right. It was like completing this urge would make him who he was meant to be......

Group Admin

Lily had sat down a few feet from Ben and was watching the Deathclaws - and the area - with fascination in her eyes. While she was smirking at the absurd idea of keeping one for a pet, she was contemplating whether or not to keep her shotgun at the ready. The huge creatures in the surrounding area would likely be far too tough for a spray of lead to hurt them, but there was always the off chance that something else was around. Eventually, she decided to keep it just by her side.

Group Admin

Strapped to Ben's back was an assault carbine with extended magazines, one that took 5mm ammunition. The man was clearly ready to defend himself, but by the way he was staring at the beautiful Deathclaws in the valley, he didn't really seem to want to.

They're wonderful..... Why do I find them so beautiful? I.... I feel content just watching them.....

Group Admin

1483816 (I plan on doing a run through New Vegas with a character based on Irontooth, which involves Sneak 100 and a hunting revolver. A little counter-intuitive, but oh so fun. )

"These things are awesome..." Lily mumbled quietly, unknowingly thinking aloud. Her eyes danced over a particularly large Deathclaw's namesake, smiling to herself as she imagined one ripping through steel.

Group Admin

Ben smiled and nodded his agreement, seeming too transfixed to talk. It was like a part of him was wired to like, no, love Deathclaws. He could only watch the deadly creatures as they went about their business.

"Oh, look over there!" A pair of male Dearhclaws were challenging one another for a freshly killed Brahmin. Two began slashing at each other, and after a few minutes, one of them limped away with deep, bleeding cuts. The other howled as a sign or victory and began to eat his prize.

Group Admin

Lily quietly giggled to herself and continued to watch the bizarre creatures mill about. During the fight between the two males, she had for some reason decided to attach absurd personalities to them, along with equally inane dialogue. The beautiful traveler rarely got bored because of such occurrences.

Group Admin

After a little while longer, the urge inside of Ben faded, and he put away the binoculars and stood up. "Thanks for coming with me, Lily. Where were you planning to head Next? I usually just East to Camp McCarran and take the monorail into the Vegas strip. I don't gamble much, but the casinos have great food, especially the Ultra Luxe (:pinkiecrazy:)."

Group Admin

1484213 (Lily and her own stomach are going to have words after they eat there.)

For a brief moment, Lily seemed like she hadn't heard Ben speak, like she was off in another world. She lifted her head up and quickly turned to Ben after realizing that she was being addressed. "Huh? Oh, that's actually where I was headed." She said with a small smile. She took her shotgun by the grip and then got to her feet. "I was just taking the slow route so I could see more stuff."

Group Admin

Ben smiled and felt himself blush, letting his eyes quickly glance over Lily's body. She was very beautiful. He wondered why there weren't any gentlemen callers chasing after her (besides the twelve-gauge reason that was strapped to her back). "I'm ready to leave if you are...."

Group Admin

1484412 (The moment I read that bit about the shotgun, my brain took that idea and ran. "Oh, she'll beat the boys off with a stick. A BOOM stick!" :pinkiecrazy:)

Lily looked down as she dusted some dirt and gravel off of her coat, then returned her gaze to Ben. "Lead the way, cutie."

Group Admin

[I'm just gonna skip them to Vegas, if that's okay.]

Ben smiled as he looked around the familiar strip of casinos, then looked back and smiled at Lily. "So..... Where to first?" He seemed hesitant to give Lily any sort of pet name. It was obvious he's never gone on a date before.

Group Admin

1484513 (No problem.)

Lily looked around in utter fascination at the lights of the casinos, and the amount of people milling about. She snapped her attention back to Ben, and smiled. "We could go get something to eat, if you're hungry. That Ultra Luxe place sounds nice." Lily felt a blush grow on her cheeks as she let her eyes wander over Ben's body. He looks strong... She thought to herself.

(Edited because I derped on the wording.)

Group Admin

Ben smiled and nodded, stretching his back. "They also have really nice hotel rooms, so we can stay the night, if you'd like." He blushed as he imagined sharing a bed with this beautiful and spunky woman, then quickly regretted it as he felt something in his pants stiffen.

[Describe her sexy bod :rainbowwild:]

Group Admin

Lily shifted her hips slightly to one side and rested her hand on her waist. "Wanting to share a room with a pretty lady, are we?" She teased with a small, mischievous grin. Her skin was heavily tanned from her long travels across the wasteland, as was evident on her face and what little was visible of her tightly toned midsection. The slightly baggy pants she wore were a little snug around her thighs, betraying the rest of her curvaceous figure.

Group Admin

[And her.... upper body? :raritywink:]

Ben blushed with an embarrassed smile, scratching the back of his head. "If you don't mind.... If you do, I can get you your own room." The man turned back and began walking to the Ultra Luxe, looking back to make sure Lily was following. He was happy to spend some caps on someone other than himself.

Group Admin

1485039 (What upper body? :pinkiecrazy: Kidding.)

Lily giggled and followed beside Ben, putting some swing into her step as she walked deeper into the casino. "I never said that I mind." She purred. The forcefulness of her footsteps made her full bosoms visibly bounce, an effect that was greatly aided by the low neckline of her blouse.

Group Admin

Ben blushed furiously, trying not to stare at the admittedly big-breasted woman's assets. He knew she was teasing him, and he was sure she knew it was working. A man wearing a tuxedo and a white mask that covered his face stopped the couple. "Excuse me, sir and madam, but I will have to ask you to hand over any weapons you may be carrying. Don't worry, they will be safe and sound until you decide to leave." Ben nodded and slid over most of his weapons, keeping his holdout weapons consisting of a .22 silence pistol, a pair of brass knuckles, and a .44 Magnum.

Group Admin

Lily reluctantly handed over her lever-action shotgun, but kept a few things that she had hidden in case of emergency. Hidden throughout her clothing were a .45 auto pistol, a 10mm pistol, and a bowie knife. After the masked man had taken their equipment, Lily shot a flirty smile at Ben.

Group Admin

Ben blushed furiously and led Lily to the circular bar in the center of the casino room, sitting down and smiling wt the bartender, who was dressed like the doorman except for not wearing a mask. "Order whatever you'd like." He told Lily, still holding off on the pet names.

Group Admin

"I'll have a bottle of whiskey." Lily said to the bartender. She smiled over at Ben and slid a hand over to his side of the bar. She wasn't entirely sure why she did that, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe she was just that comfortable around him.

(I now picture Lily holding up a bottle of alcohol to some enemies after being caught while stealing something. "Uh...Rum?" *nervous smile*)

Group Admin

[His side of the bar? I don't quite understand. They're sitting next to each other at a big circular bar table, if you remember what the inside of the Ultra Luxe looks like.]

Group Admin

1485515 (Sorry, poor choice of words. She just slid her hand a little closer to him.)

Group Admin

Ben smiled at Lily, letting his hand slide a little closer to the beautiful woman. The man, to his credit, simply set the bottle of whiskey down quietly and put it on Ben's tab.

She's beautiful..... Gorgeous......

Group Admin

Lily's cheeks flushed as she saw Ben respond to her actions. She wasn't entirely sure of how she felt at the moment, but she felt drawn to him. "He's handsome..." She thought aloud. Lily let out a soft gasp as she realized that she had said that out loud, and her cheeks turned a much brighter shade of red.

Group Admin

Ben's cheeks likely contained half the blood in his body right now, considering how red they were. "G-glad you think so....." The bartender leaned over and whispered "I can have a room set up for the night." Ben nodded dumbly, and the bartender quickly walked off to the desk in the next room.

Group Admin

Lily stammered silently for a moment, sweat starting to pour down her face and down her chest as her blood pressure rose from the embarrassment. She slowly grabbed the bottle whiskey and opened it, then took a pull of the strong drink. Unintentionally thinking out loud was something that she occasionally had to deal with. She lower the bottle from her lips and offered it to Ben, smiling nervously.

Group Admin

Beh smiled thankfully and took the bottle, taking a much smaller drink before giving it back to Lily. He frowned with concern and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Just relax, sweetheart." There. He used a pet name. He hoped it helped. The bartender returned and discreetly slid a key to Ben. The silver key was engraved with the number 327, their room number. Ben pocketed the key nervously.

Group Admin

Lily's skin was tinted red, and glistened from the sweat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to get her thoughts in order, then let it out and looked back to Ben with a small smile. "Thanks, called me sweetheart." She said with a little surprise. However, she didn't seem to be put-off by the pet name.

Group Admin

Ben smiled and let out a soft breath, relieved she wasn't put off. "Do you wanna just.... go up now? It's getting late as is. I'm fine with whatever you want to do." Inside, Ben was just trying not to break down in nervousness.

Group Admin

1486010 (They're so awkward it's cute! :rainbowkiss:)

Lily felt a slight warmth growing between her legs, drawing another blush to her cheeks. She nodded slowly, trying to keep as composed as possible. "Y-yeah, sure."

Group Admin

[You mean adorkable. :rainbowkiss:]

Ben smiled and stood up, taking the whiskey bottle with him. He led Lily up into the suites hallways, down to their room. He unlocked the door to reveal a posh bedroom with a large bathroom and a luxurious queen-size bed. Ben set his backpack on the floor and the whisky on the nightstand, slipping off his cost to reveal the grey tee shirt he wore underneath. He took off his boots, then his socks, then sat on the edge if the bed.

Group Admin

Lily tried to hide that she was excited, but she wasn't doing very well at doing so. She tried to be slow and precise about taking off her trench coat, but it turned out to be visibly hasty and slightly uncoordinated. She gently laid her coat in the floor by the nighstand, then leaned back to stretch. She wore a white tank top that fit snugly around her form, which was now slightly wet with sweat. Lily was having a difficult time keeping the dirty thoughts from earlier at bay now that they were in the bedroom. The more she shoved them out of the way, the more they shoved back.

Group Admin

[Going to bed after this. Please post a reply before you go to bed yourself.]

Ben smiled and let his eyes quickly glance over Lily's beautiful body, scooting over to make room for her on the edge of the bed. He wasn't sure how fast she wanted to take this, but he didn't have a preference.

"You're very beautiful..." He said quietly.

Group Admin

Lily smiled down at him with a small blush as she finished stretching. Taking a deep breath, she sat down on the bed next to him and then took off her boots and socks. She threw them over by her coat, then looked Ben in the eyes. "I wouldn't mind if you kissed me." She said, breathing slowly and heavily.

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