The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 90 )
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Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

name: P.T. Barker
Race: Earth
Gender: Male
Colors: Cream, black mane and mustache
Personalty: only cares about turning a profit
Bio: He is akin to the flim flam brothers
Other:He is an NPC to help facelitate the Adult Fair

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Aqua marine
Race: Half sea pony
Color: Aqya
Personallity: Bubbly party girl
Bio: Moved to Equestria from the pearl islands

Group Admin

Name: Midnight Storm
Colors: Black fur, sapphire blue eyes, silver mane.
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Bio: A storm mage from Canterlot.
Personality: Saucy, playful, fun, likes to drink, sarcastic, snarky, flirty.
Noticeable traits: Drop-dead gorgeous.
Other notes: Controls storm magic.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

5ilent 5ong (DJ 55)
Race: earth
Gender: male
Colors: white with red and blue mane/tail
Personallity: trusting
Cutie mark: a heart shaped quarter note with a broken steam
Bio: Mute

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Hidden Blade (otherwise know as the assassin.)
Race: pegasus (with his mechanisms)
Gender: Male
colors: black and white
personaitly: a cold caulating on the outside, lonesome inwardly.
Bio: a trained assassin scene birth, he was forced to watch as ponies came to kill his family, he escaped with his life, wing mechanisms, and his fathers assassin gear.

Name: Punctum [Latin for Stinger]
Race: Vespoid w/ royal bloodline
Gender: Female
Appearance: Vespoids are similar to Changelings but very different. A Vespoid has odd spike-like protrusions on the outside of their legs and antenna on their head like a Wasp or Bee. A Vespoid has yellow where a changeling has green and wings like a wasp. Their horns look like drills and are silver in contrast to their black chitinous body. They have no holes in their legs and, if they are of the royal bloodline( mother is Queen Sting ), they have manes but no holes in their manes. They are normally peaceful and they do make honey like bees do but, when provoked, they make the worst possible enemies. Vespoids eat normal pony food unlike changelings.
Personality: Punctum is very kind but sometimes shy around males.

Name: Tamed Heart
Colors: Light brown fur, icy blue eyes, and a black mane and tail
Gender: Mare
Race: Unicorn
Cutiemark: A dark pink heart with a dark blue collar around it's middle and a gold heart-shaped tag on the collar
Noticeable traits: she carries a whip with her wherever she goes and wears a collar similar to the one in her cutiemark
Other: she is followed around by a timberwolf pet named Oak

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Name: bleeding heart
Race: disabled pegasus
Gender: female
Colors: white and red (it apears to have blood stains)
Personallity: desperitly looks for anyone to love, even if they don't love her back
Bio: sexually abused and kick out of her own home as a child, she was heart broken for most of her life. While on the streets she was raped several times and treated like trash.
other: her cutie mark is a broken heart

Name: Arachne
Race: Arachnidian(my spider people)
Gender: female
Noticeable traits: Human from the waist up but has an extra set of arms under her normal set, each arm has black armor-like chitin over the hands and forearms and her fingers(and thumbs) all end with claws, and she has fangs as well as white, shoulder-length hair. From the waist down she has a spider's abdomen and four spider legs that resemble a black widow. She has two spears with her, the shaft is made of obsidian and the spearheads are made of rubies. She has blood-red irises.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Cobalt Starshine
Race: alicorn
Color: blue, skyblue mane and tail
noticible traits: blind, eletrokenic powers

The Grimm Thinker
Group Contributor

Name: Daker
Species: Human.
Gender: male
Personality: Brutal, just brutal.
Bio: an orphan who never knew his parents, and hides his true feeling with his brutal mind.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

race: alicorn
gender: Male
Colors: silver
personallitly: out going, pokes fun always smiling
Silver Mane.
Race: Alicorn
gender female
Colors: Silver
Personallilty: loving warmhearted, intellagent

Name: Sarah Ridley
Race: Human
Gender: female
Other: She can use Latin to perform spells at a cost from her own bodily energy reserves
[look at my avatar for what she looks like, only thing not shown is her black combat boots]

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Name: Red Wing
race: tiger griffin
Gender: female
colors: a cross of a egale and tiger

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Name: Sirius Alpha
Race: Canis Major
Gender: Male
Colors: Midnight blue, stary compeltion
Personallity: fericly protects thouse he cared about
Bio: he's the Alpha male of the Canis pack

Name: Kala
Race: Diamond Dog/Displacer
Gender: Bitch[What? It is the correct term for female canines.]
Colors: She has a very strong resemblance to a husky and is black and white with blue eyes.
Personality: Quiet but kind and a bit shy
Other: Displacers are able to have their bodies taken apart, but blood still flows between parts and still able to control dismembered parts due to a displacement field around the area of the cut off parts.

Name: Zhang (most call her 'Z')
Race: Diamond Dog
Gender: Bitch
Colors: exactly like her little sister, Kala, only Z has Jade eyes
Personality: Paranoid, easily angered, and hates dragons
Other: Has a longbow made of obsidian named Oracle and she is an excellent shot

Comment posted by Subatomic Seal deleted May 9th, 2013
Comment posted by Subatomic Seal deleted May 9th, 2013
Group Admin

Welcome to the group! I'm glad you joined, but I have a few points to make.
1. You need to say the colors of your characters. i.e. blue mane, black tail, gray eyes, fur color...whatever.
2. Yes it is called hive-mind.
3. You don't need to put in the equipment, but it still is good anyways.

964476 ((So, i'm missing what's important, and putting in what's useless?))

Group Admin

...Uhm...technically yes. Nothing you put was useless, but without the colors, how can we visualize your characters?

964528 Mmm 'kay. it has been changed.

Group Admin

Thank you.

Comment posted by Subatomic Seal deleted May 9th, 2013
Comment posted by Subatomic Seal deleted May 9th, 2013

Name: Ashenwing Nicholas Salvatore
Age: 24
Race: Pegasus
Coloration: Grey with black and white mane and tail
Gender: Male
Personality: Happy-go-lucky most of the time, but if you piss him off, he will, and I quote, "He will end you. He will end you and all you love,"
Bio: (OOC: LOL! I have no idea what I'm doing!) Sired from a powerful unicorn mother and a pegasus, he inherited a small bit of his mother's abilities. Specifically, the power to create illusions, and to see five minutes at a maximum into the future.
Sexuality: Straight as a ramp
Equipment: Laser rifle, two hoof-blades, jacket made from Arachnae silk.
Name: Nightshadow Avalon Evangeline
Age: 23
Race: Unicorn
Coloration: Pitch black with snow white mane and tail
Gender: Female
Personality: Not afraid to fight, but will try to avoid it if she can
Bio: Nightshadow could be called..."That one". She was always into things that other mares weren't, such as while most mares were watching "Dusk" (OOC: Equestria's "Twilight"), she was too busy practicing with her rapier, among other things.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Equipment: Rapier, jacket made from Arachnae silk.
Age: 23
Race: Earth Pony
Coloration: Golden brown with brown mane and tail
Gender: Male
Personality: can be a troll at times, but will consol anyone who needs it. ((Did I spell that right?))
Bio: Born in Appleloosa, he moved to Manehatten with Ashenwing roughly two years ago.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Equipment: Pistols, stetson (Because stetsons are cool)
Non-Equine OCs
Name: Caine Vormack
Coloration: Fleshy grey-ish color
Gender: Male
Personality: Pissy ALL THE TIME
Bio: Created near the Everfree, all he knows is that ponies are very distrusting of non-ponies. So, naturally, he hates almost all of them.
Sexuality: Constructs don't have a sexuality, fucknuts
Equipment: N/A
Name: Drone 413 "Half-wing"
Race: Changeling
Gender: Female
Coloration: Changeling colors
Personality: Average person's personality.
Bio: N/A
Sexuality: Lesbian, however, will occasionally go far a male if she is desperate for food
Equipment: N/A
Name: Combat Drone 615 "Grey"
Race: Equestrian defense drone "Sisters" class
Gender: Identified as male
Coloration: Completely silver
Personality: Condescending, but also helpful when he needs to be.
Bio: Manufactured 15 years ago, and temporarily shut down for 13 years, he doesn't remember much
Sexuality: Bots don't have sexualities, shit-lord
Equipment: Has bladed wings strictly for close combat, and a laser gun in his horn. Uses jet turbines for flight, and a close-range flame weapon
Name: Cinder
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Coloration: dark red with black highlights (Because black and red looks boss)
Personality: Not exactly sure. As far as we know, he could be planning to kill everyone on the planet. He will, however, help his friends if he needs to
Bio: About 60 years old, he is still a child. However, he is easily the size of a pony, or the size of a minotaur when standing on his hind legs. Like his personality, not much is known other than that
Sexuality: Bisexual. (I think)
Equipment: N/A
Name: Vaan`Kal
Race: Krain ((Alien race I thought of. They look sort of like Tyranid Hive Guard))
Gender: ??? (Presumably male)
Coloration: Blue carapace with red flesh ((Yes, like Hive Fleet Behemoth))
Personality: ???
Bio: ???
Sexuality: Reproduce by firing spores from their carapace, which can either kill, or turn into eggs. (He is asexual, for their race has no need for things such as that)
Equipment: Bolt carbine. Shoots six-inch long needles.

Party Final Battle Theme: I'm torn between Jhen Mohran, FF X Boss theme, and Andross's battle theme from Starfox Adventures. Or, as Jontron says, Stairfax Temperatures.

Party non-battle theme: Monster Hunter Tri main theme

(If you find Cinder's and Grey's character sheets as a link, ignore it. I have no idea how that happened)

964562 BTW, I've made an assload of a deleting/posting spree, simply to add their respective battle themes.

Group Admin

That's fine, but you could have just edited the posts. Unless you are on a device that can't edit, which is understandable.

966711 Well, if you edit, you can't add links. And considering I still haven't memorized the "Make a link" Things (The [URL] things), I can't make links when I'm editing. So... Yeah. By the way, which would fit them as a party battle theme? As in, you're fighting all of them at the same time.

Group Admin

I don't know. So far, the only person who uses music regulary is Craterfist. If you really want something awesome, listen to Two Steps From Hell.

966877 Ah, yes. Them. They have been in my playlist many a time. And I gotta say. They are fucking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Name: Nexus Redwing
Race: Changeling
Appearance: Exactly like Chrysalis but with red instead of green and her wings are tinged red and Nex is shorter than Chrysalis.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Hates: Spiders, Snakes, and Mean ponies
Loves: Anything beautiful, including fire

Group Admin

Name: Irontooth
Race: Boar
Appearance: Stands seven feet at the head, heavily built body, fur is brown, but the face has traces of black. Eyes are small and glow blood red.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Bio: Irontooth is a warrior of the Steel Ram boars. Not much is known about him due to his culture's extreme isolation.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Name: Geny (to be used in human RPs only
Race: asain looking pegusi
gender: female.
Stairt mane, sometimes in a bun.
Personallitly: keeps to self

Name: Comet Streak (Comet)

Pegasus, Mare
Bio: Comet was born in Cloudsdale, but travels around Equestria(and other places) all the time. She doesn't have much of a backstory, but isn't exactly an open book.
Personality: Comet has a very Rainbow Dash personality, often bragging and trying to keep herself ahead of others. You won't find her doing much work, but she does what she must. She's very serious, and doesn't take kindly to anything that might demean her.
Noticeable traits: She always wears her scarf, wrist(?) band, and goggles.

Name: Aquamarine (Aqua)

Fawnish, Mare. (A Fawnish is a made-up species of mine)
Bio: Aqua was born
Other notes: All of my charries, and me, are female.


Name: Terra
Race: Diamond Dog, Succubus
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Appearance:Brown fur, a small grey hoodie that shows off her sexy stomach, and baggy black pants.
Bio: Found out about her powers when she accidently killed her boyfriend. It took her 3 years to master her powers.
Personality: She is a tomboy and not afraid to get dirty and it a total tease.

Name: Scare
Race: Construct
Gender: (seems to be) Female
Appearance: Light brown fur w/ stitches at every joint, Her mane is made up up straw, though the straw was enchanted to feel like real hair. Her skeletal structure is made of steel, her muscles replaced by hardened leather, her skin replaced by cloth, though everything is enchanted to be exactly like a normal mare, including her genitalia, though she can't experience orgasm, due to the fact she has no organic, well, organs. Her eyes are made from marble and her irises are cut emeralds, her pupils are dots of obsidian.
Personality: Fun to be around
Other: Her best friend is a mare known as Crow

Name: Crow
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jet-black fur, black mane/tail tinged with blue, Bright yellow eyes. Her wings are ENORMOUS, she has an sixteen foot wing span and has figured out how to utilize her wings like arms.
Personality: Bored all the time (unless a stallion is near)
Other: She is besties with Scare

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Name: Ivy Blossom
Race: Earth/Plant
Colors: green, Mane and tail are made of Ivy sprigs
Personallity: Shy

Name: Tagger
Gender: Female
Race: Diamond Dog
Appearance: Shiny, Metallic, Gold fur(Not golden retriever gold, REAL gold). Wears a black hoodie, black gloves, black pants, and a mask
Other: She likes to spray paint stuff

Name: Jumper
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Appearance: Blue and Orange striped mane and tail, White fur, Left eye is Blue, right is Orange, Cutiemark on left side is an Orange Portal Gun Portal, right side is the Blue one
Other: Likes her portal hopping skills

Name: Petra
Gender: female
Race: Demonic Diamond Dog
Appearance: Diamond dog with blood red fur, bright red eyes, and a pair of demonic horns on her head. The spike like parts of her tail are actual bone spikes and her tail is twice as long as normal. She is beautiful but deadly.

Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

Night Stallion
Gender: Male
Race: Alicorn
Appearance: As black as death with hateful blood red eyes
Other: He was once an adviisor (and lover) to the royal sisters before the time of Nightmare Moon. But He was taken from the royal bed by 'friends of the royals' and cast into the pit of Tartarus now, twisted by over a thousand years imprisonment in the most hellish prision imanginable. he rises

Group Admin

Name: Dreddy

Colors:Dark grey primary with somewhat messy black secondary.

Gender: N/A (Claims to be male)

Species: Autonomous Infantry Combat Walker

Age: ?

Bio: Escaped prototype war-walker from Germaneigh.

Cylinder-like body with chipped black paint. The “face” appears to be a rectangular, horizontal indentation on the upper front armor, with two lamp-like cameras that can change color. He has four arms, the top pair sport huge hydraulic pincers, the bottom pair are long and very sensitive manipulators for interacting with various objects, which are also capable of using most melee weapons. Legs are large and stumpy, driven by hydraulic pistons. He also has a built-in system for operating heavy weapons, be it energy, ballistic, or explosive. Unfortunately he has trouble aiming pistols, the smallest firearm he is capable of operating with practical effect being an SMG. His heavy weight and extremely powerful hydraulics make him able to wade through deep, rushing water, and have an easy time moving heavy objects and fighting in close combat. Unfortunately this also means he is almost too massive to dodge properly. While his close-combat abilities are formidable, his nature makes his swings awkward. Due to the placement of his legs he runs in a waddle, pivoting on his feet with every step. Somewhat playful and rather mouthy, he can get on some people’s nerves without trying. Speaks in a Cockney accent, but can change his accent to anything he hears.

Personality: Playful, mischievous, mouthy, sarcastic.

Other notes: Tends to wander around aimlessly until something piques his interest. Doesn't like small rodents.

Name:Blake Macalister
Race: Demon (He looks like a diamond dog with horns)
Gender: Male
Fur Color: Dark Blue
Horn Type: Ram Horns
Talent: Earth based magic

Name: Niger Pearl
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Mare
Coat Color: A pristine white with the slightest pink tinge
Mane Color: Light Pink
Mane Style: Combed down so it's straight (Pinkamena)
Cutiemark: An open clam with a black pearl in it
Talent: Beautiful(the pearl)...but Deadly(the fact that the pearl is black as night)

Name: Igneus Fornax
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Mare
Coat Color: jet Black
Mane Color: Fiery orange and yellow
Mane Style: Spitfire
Cutiemark: An Anvil and Hammer
Talent: Blacksmithing and Engineering
Other: Used to be Praetor of the Legion in Romane but left two years ago, she still has her Gold Gladius from when she was in the Legion.

Name: Draco Umbra
Race: Pegasus with dragon wings and reptilian slits for pupils
Gender: Stallion
Coat Color: Black
Mane Color: Blood red
Eye Color: Bright red
Cutiemark: A bolt of red lightning.

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Dec 11th, 2013
Cobalt the Kitsune
Group Contributor

gender: Female
spices: basilisk
Colors: An aqua blue, her under belly is a lighter blue
Personallitly: Seance she was blinded by a Phoenix, she is easily spooked.

Name: Hard Drive
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Mare
Fur: Dark Grey
Mane/Tail: Bright Green
Eyes: Bright Green
Cutiemark: A Desk with computer tower, monitor, mouse and keyboard. [She's a techie]
Other: Her front right leg is completely mechanical but looks normal and she can store one hundred terabytes of data into it.

Name: Shadow and Umbra.(She has two heads, Shadow has blue eyes, Umbra has green eyes)
Race: Diamond dog.
Age: 27.
Mane: none.
Coat: dark grey, with a lighter patch of grey around the front of her torso(Chest down to stomach)
Cutie mark: none.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Kinks: Both are openminded, but don't like feeling or inflicting pain.
Distinguishing Features: they have two heads and four arms, and they resemble a wolf.
Specialty: Mechanics and Smithing.
Weaknesses: Being made fun of.
Occupation: Mechanic and Blacksmith
Gear: Black shirt and Black cargo shorts. A massive Two foot long Monkey wrench. They have welding goggle around their necks.(As well as a duffel bag full of tools and spare parts)
History: Travels from city to city, looking for a place they think they will fit in, other than that, they don't remember due to amnesia from some form of blunt trauma to the backs of their heads.
Personalities: Shadow is always trying to have fun, she is kind, she loves sweets, and she almost always disagrees with Umbra's anger towards other who, in Shadow's eyes, have done no wrong. Umbra is always trying to get Shadow to shut up, She is more judgmental, Hold grudges like no other, and hates those who stare at either of them. Mostly, they are quiet until they get to know who they are talking to.
Current Home: they don't have one, but they stay at hotels in whatever town she is in.
(One of my weirder characters)
Name: Kita
Race:Diamond Dog
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Age: 23
Mane: None
Coat: Just like that of a Spotted Hyena
Cutiemark: None
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kinks: Nothing that she realizes
Distinguishing Features: She looks like a Hyena
Specialty: Fighting
Weaknesses: Seduction
Occupation: Mercenary
Gear: A large quiver filled with javelins and a dagger made from meteoric iron as well as her grey shorts and shirt
History: She came to Equestria from Zebrica after her family died from a dragon attack.
Personality: She is always kind and respectful until she deems you unworthy of said kindness and respect.
Current Home: Ponyville
Name: Terra Firma
Race: Minotaur
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Mane: Has short dark brown hair, as well as a short beard.
Coat: His fur is the color of clay.
Cutiemark: none
Sexuality: Straight
Kinks: Likes to tease and be dominate, but will let a mare take over every once in a while.
Distinguishing Features: The massive Broadsword slung across his back.
Specialty: Killin' is his business ladies and business is good.
Weaknesses: Hubris[Deadly pride]
Occupation: Free-Lance Knight (or so he claims)
Gear: Gaea, his sword, a steel skullcap, leather pants, and a steel pauldron, or shoulderplate with upper arm armor as well on his left arm.
History: His entire life was spent looking for purpose, and he found it one night when he found his blade, Gaea, one of eight legendary blades of Equus.
Personality: He is kind, loud, and generally a hilarious guy, but a bit clumsy at times.
Current Home: none.

Alright, then. These should be sufficient, and I'll update as necessary with new characters and possibly even images. I look forward to role playing with you all! :raritywink:

Name: Ivory Bastion

Race: Unicorn

Sex: Stallion

Appearance: Ivory is a somewhat tall and slender stallion. He has a pale white coat, from which
his mother derived his name. His mane and tail are a light brown hue not unlike that of hay. In
terms of style, his mane and tail are long and slightly unkempt. He has greyish blue eyes.

Cutie Mark: A simple red medical cross upon a steel kite shield rimmed with gold. Demonstrative
of his fascination with medicine, as well as his noble, protective nature.

Personality: While seemingly very quiet and distant to those unfamiliar with him, his friends
attest that he is a very kind, loyal stallion always willing to spare a moment for a friend in
need, and a shoulder to cry on when necessary. He bears a great love for a wide range of animals,
especially those of the canine varieties. While generally very reserved, he's not afraid to stand
up when he believes someone is receiving unjust treatment. Perhaps also mildly narcissistic.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: Ivory is very close with his family; namely being his two mothers, Morning Star (biological)
and Amethyst (stepmother), his older sister, Stalwart Pavise, and a female husky, April. He is
largely unfamiliar with his father, as he left to pursue his own aspirations shortly after Ivory
was born. While this has certainly had a psychological impact on Ivory, it is, perhaps, not as
serious as the impact on his sister, and both have largely been able to cope in thanks to the
overwhelmingly positive environment offered by their mothers and each other's company. He and his
sister both work within the Equestrian Guard: Ivory as medical personnel, and Pavise as a

Other: Ivory is something of an enthusiast for ancient and medieval world history, a particular
fascination of his being the various gryphon crusades. He's also an art enthusiast and loves to
keep up to date with the painting and literature scenes.


Name: Bulwark

Race: Earth Pony

Sex: Mare

Appearance: Bulwark is a somewhat bulky earth pony mare of slightly above average height. Her coat is best described as an "earth yellow" tan, while her mane and tail are a much darker brown. Her mane is tied up in a bun behind her head and her bangs are swept from her left toward her right. Her tail is left free, for the most part. She has emerald green eyes.

Cutie Mark: A lone castle tower emblazoned on a crimson kite shield rimmed in unpainted steel.
She prides herself as a protector above all else.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Bio: Born within the Germanic regions of Equestria to her father, Platinum Anvil, and mother,
Illustrious Scroll. She led a fairly normal life with her two loving parents and decided to join
the Equestrian Legion shortly after graduating from school. Now well into her thirties, she has
managed to work her way through the ranks to become a well respected general within the legion
and, as a career soldier, is very well traveled. She is well liked by those who serve her, as she
treats them as she would her closest friends due to a level of mutual respect. As such, she
inspires loyalty in many.

Other: Her father was a blacksmith, and her mother was a history teacher. As such, she has a
comprehensive knowledge of world history, and is intimately familiar with various forms of armor
and weaponry; both of these proficiencies have served her well as a career soldier.

Name: Incognito

Nickname(s): Innie, 'Cog, Twig

Race: anthro Pegasus (for anthro threads of course:trollestia:)

Age: late teens/ early 20s

Mane: Dark Brown

Coat: Dark Green with Dark Brown splotches

Eye color: pale green

Cutie mark.: a book

Physical description: Incognito is definitely an easy pony to pick out in a crowd... Because he towers over most ponies by a good six inches. Despite his tall stature, he is quite thin; which has caused him to be called anorexic on multiple occasions (which he blames on a high metabolism). He is quite the plain looking pony: brown mane, dark colored coat.

Distinguishing Features: he is freakishly tall (about 6 foot 7 in human terms), has the bat-pony style ears (from his father), multiple scars on his right arm

Night Wing (father, bat pony, deceased)
Shining Gem (mother, pegasus, deceased)
Red Dawn (oldest brother, pegasus, early 30s)
Blue Moon (older brother, pegasus, late 20s)
Zypher (sister in law (Blue Moon's wife) zebra, mid 20s)
Emerald Gleam (neice, zebra, six)

Specialties :despite his abnormally tall height, he can be quite sneaky at times, considered a "living history book" by many of the people who know him

Weaknesses: not a fast flyer, always tries to do the right thing even if it's endangers himself, bit of temper

Occupation: courier and odd jobs

Gear: carries a old pistol that belonged to his father (a Mauser C96) for self defense, wears a old military jacket that belonged to his father as well

History: born in Cloudsdale to a bat pony soldier and his pegasus wife, Incognito had a relatively uneventful childhood till his seventh birthday.

For his birthday, his mother and father decided to take him to a local amusement park. While on the way to pick up their other two sons; the wagon being driven by Night Wing was hit by a drunk driver. The crash killed his parents almost instantly. Incognito managed to survive with only his right arm hurt.

After that day, He and his two brothers, Blue Moon and Red Dawn, were taken in by their grandmother in the small earth pony town of Haypearl in the south of equestria. The three of them lived there till they graduated high school and moved off to do their own things.

After he graduated, Cog started working with the Royal Equestrian Mail Service as a courier to earn money to attend collage. His job takes him far and wide across Equestia and he enjoys it

Personality: Incognito is a usually reserved person. He is usually quiet when with people he doesn't know but around ponies he knows, he acts quite silly. He doesn't ask for help even if he knows he needs it; his pride won't allow it. He is stubborn as a rock when it comes to his ideals

Except when drunk: he gets REALLY Friendly:trollestia:

Virtue: hard working

Current Home: where ever his job takes him

Misc: has a tendency to hit his head on doors, often talks to himself without realizing it.
He has a code of honor that was instilled by his mother before she died: always be a gentlestallion when ever possible, be respectful to mares, help ponies when they need help

  • Viewing 51 - 100 of 90