The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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602160 Candy smiled. "That's sweet. So the foal who asked if you would fight, did you know them well?"

"Not really, I had just done a job for his father when he asked me. Beyond that I had never even met him before." Arc replied.

602167 "Wow." Candy blinked. "That's...I don't even know. Impressive, I guess. You'll really do anything for children, huh?"

"Basically" Arc said with a smile. "It kind of takes away from the whole hardcore mercenary ponies often associate me with. Especially that one that saw me playing jump-rope."

602176 Candy snickered. "Jump rope? Wish I could have seen it."


"Trust me it wasn't pretty. A dragon my size with wings trying to jump-rope with something that was made for a someone foal size. Needless to say I found it rather difficult."

602185 "I can imagine. Still sounds like fun, though."

"I guess, they foals that were there found it amusing, so I was happy" Arc said.

602196 "That's nice," Candy smiled.

"I suppose it is. What about you? What do you do for fun?" Arc asked.

602205 Candy shrugged. "Lately it's just consisted of getting drunk. Before that, there wasn't a whole lot I could do."

Wind Spark, a unicorn and Storm Blitz's wife, made her way into the stands. She'd never heard of a benign blood mage and wanted to see this for herself.

"I wonder if there's anypony here who can give me some insight on the match..." she said to herself, intentionally loud enough to be overheard.

((And by that, I mean that if anybody other than BL and SE want to chat about the match, I'm free!))
((Also, both of you: Good luck!!))

"Sounds interesting, never tried it. The only drink I've ever had is salt water."

((Thank you good sir))

602217 Candy blanched. "Salt water? Why? Isn't that bad for you?"

Tell him about cider!

"Oh, and you should try cider, it's probably the greatest thing ever."

602210 [[Thanks, man. Just a quick question though, where did Wind Spark hear about a blood mage in the first place?]]

"Don't think that's gonna happen, I think I would prefer to stay sober. As for the salt water, for most it would be bad, but because of the blue dragon blood in me it doesn't affect me in such a way."

602231 "Blue dragon blood...Oh, I see. Water affinity? Also, you only need to try one cup, or even just a sip. You'll be fine. Otherwise you're just missing out," she smiled.

((She's married to Storm Blitz. If I know anything about married couples, it's that they tell each other everything.))

602239 [[Ahh, of course. Sorry, overlooked that little detail :rainbowlaugh:]]

"I'll think about it, but I've been in enough bars and taverns to know that even when a pony says they're only going to have one. Most of the time they end up passed out on the floor."

602247 "Well, maybe. You seem like you'd have more control than that, though."

[[Dinner now, back in a bit]]

"You're probably right." Arc said. "For now I think I'm going to take a quick nap. I'm not going on much sleep right now." Arc said as he laid down on the ground.
((Alright see you then. I'm gonna use this time to do something productive. When you get back just start I'll be able to check pretty frequently.))

((pro... duck... tiv? what is this word i'm not familiar with it.))

((Shut it, Don't you need to work on your own fic. How are you ever going to post it if you don't work on it.))

((the... magic of friendship? point taken tho.))

((Quite, how do you ever expect to generate as much hate that my fic has gotten if you don't post anything?))

((that one's easy, trolling))

((touche, you may have won this round, but I still have more progress than you right now.))

602267 Candy watched the dragon lie down and fall asleep in front of her, raising an eyebrow. "Well, alright then."

With his eyes still closed Arc decided to ask a question that he had thought of. "By the way, You don't really seem like much of a fighter. You don't really even have a weapon. You have the magic from being a unicorn, but if you chose to fight here that can't be all that you have at your disposal."

602323 Candy smirked. "It isn't. But we'll save that for the fight. Personally, I'm curious as to why a dragon would need a sword."

"Well I find it useful. I forged it myself." Arc said drawing the sword out of it's place and embedding it into the ground.

602333 "Wow, really? That's pretty cool. I take it you've had it for a while then?"

"Couple years now, I took a job from a blacksmith a while back and in payment I got to use his forge. I don't even really know what metal I used to make it. I just grabbed a chunk of ore and smelted it, but despite not knowing it's never failed me once." Arc said sitting up.

602342 "Lucky, too. You might have ended up with a really crummy weapon," she laughed.

"Yeah, Every so often I wonder what it's made out of, but after a while I end up just forgetting it. It hasn't failed me yet, so I don't really care what it's made out of. As long as it works it's fine by me."

602359 Candy nodded. "That'd be a good enough reason for me, too," she smiled.

Arc took the sword from out of the ground and sheathed it. "Yeah, but I still am quite interested in what you're hiding. Can't you just give me a little hint?" Arc asked.

602385 "Hmm...Sure, I guess." She levitated out her scalpel. "I use this," she smirked.

"A scalpel?... Not much of a hint. I doubt that it's used for surgery in the middle of a fight." Arc sat there pondering what the scalpel could be used for.

602397 "Well...You'll see. I'm curious as to your abilities too."

"Well you didn't tell me yours plain out, but you did give me a hint. So I guess that I can give you a hint as well." Arc said as he held up his claw. "I use this."

602436 Candy snickered. "That's fair enough, I suppose. Alright, if I tell you mine, will you tell me yours? I'm intrigued now."

"Well I do almost any job for a price, and information is a good payment. Deal" Arc said.

602443 Candy took a breath. "Okay. I use blood magic. Just my own, so you don't need to worry about me manipulating yours or anything like that."

"Blood magic? I've heard rumors about that in my travels but never actually met a pony that could use it. That is interesting, but I guess it's my turn." Arc said as he looked up at the sky and extended his claw above his head. After a short pause a bolt of electricity shot from his claw and speed towards the sky. The bolt continued into the sky until it was out of sight. "As a blue drake, lightning manipulation is what I do." Arc said bringing his claw down from above his head.

602473 Candy stared, open mouthed. "Oh bugger," she mumbled once she had recovered her senses.

We can still beat him, I think I know a way.

Arc chuckled a little at the unicorns reaction. "What, you didn't think that I'm called Arc for no reason."

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