The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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619095 ((That's a lost cause, but here's my retconned impact post.))
((Approved by Chainlinc3))


Just according to plan. Though the move was surprising in its intensity, True had expected something like this: the maximum duration on his stun spell had been exceeded after all. As Storm leapt up, True dodged forward, a mistake given the dart. With a wet spray of blood, it sliced open the side of his neck, opening up the corroted artery. Fortunately, that same gash opened the severed arteries to the air. Expanding his telekinesis, he gripped the sliced tubes and quickly mated them back together, the clean cut allowing them to be pressed flush and sealed.


As he steps forward to take the dart, his staff rockets off the ground with every ounce of telekinesis he can muster. (Int:S) This close, it's aim is perfect, and the distance negligible. The metal bar would fly straight along Storm's back, catching both his wings in the back just as they flared to fly, propelled by bone breaking force. Storm was about to be permanently grounded.

((I'm going to be honest here, we're awaiting some very serious phone calls, so I really can't stick around to keep back and forthing like this, so for expediency's sake, here's my plan: Knock you from sky, (Seal sliced arteries with tar if still hot enough, eliminating the need to upkeep my TK), and then use my TK to control the battle by repeatedly twisting your broken wings to inflict further and further damage.

If wing twisting is ruled as not TK applicable, wings being ruled as a kind of weapon for some reason (Though that rule only applies to stealing), I would instead hit you with a stun spell as you crashed, then attack you repeatedly with my staff on your broken wings.

I'm sure you have good counters to some of these, but I just thought that it might help to know if this all comes down to a vote.))

619106>>619096 ((I want to say thanks, and I wish I could say more, but as mentioned, pressed for time))

((The acknowledgement is thanks enough, ser Between Lines. :twilightsmile: ))

Storm Blitz strangled a yell of pain as the rod impacted his wings over the armor. Thank the Princesses, they provided just enough protection to keep from shattering them. Storm would learn later that he did, in fact, have multiple partial fractures from the hit.

Despite the pain, Storm managed to stay in the air and could still (sort of) use his wings. With a shout, he transitioned into a short dive, readying his hammer for a vicious blow.

Being incredibly close already, the dive is extremely short. The hammer is swung, moving to impact, spiked end first, at the base of True Path's neck, approximately center with the vertebrae of the neck.

((Approved by Chainlinc3))

((Approved by Chainlinc3))

Storm's war cry snapped True's attention to him, the momentary slip in focus eliciting quick spurt of blood from his neck. Seeing the pegasus dive, True decides to try out something a good deal more dangerous.


The glow of his neck telekinesis covering for his additional magic usage, he summons a shield. A small foot wide disk, he summons it directly behind Storm's right ear, and almost flush with his back, right in the path of his right wing joint. Unless the pegasus turns, his wing will smash directly into it, flinging him off course, and probably dislocate the wing, if not break it completely.

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