The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 256 )
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612320 That still leaves you with no air... and I know the feeling, I've got maybe 50 minutes, then I have to stay off all night because of dramastorm

((You would think so, but you're forgetting that it's a grenade, not a bonfire. It'll burn itself out NORMALLY in about 8 seconds. In an oxygen starved atmosphere? Maybe 3.))

((Wait, you're not seriously going to just leave Storm in there until he asphyxiates either way?! That's cruel!))

612333 ((The fire burns out because it's out of oxygen, not because its out of fuel. If the flames starved in 3 seconds, it's not like a bigger fire would burn longer. If anything it would burn less. No oxygen for it is no oxygen for you. Besides, with a 10' blast radius, that means that almost half of your area is on fire, and it's already shallow as is, to say nothing of how the presence of the shield affected the blast.

Also, I just want to point out that you were inside the blast radius, while carrying a package containing more explosives. Just something to think about.))

((Fire bomb made of tar. It's designed to light naked fur on fire, such as on manticores, allowing the soldier to more easily dispatch the target. It's NOT designed to eat through armor or cloth and cook off the explosives within. That requires a MUCH hotter incendiary device and wouldn't be allowed off base anyway.))

612343 (( Ah, that's fair))

((So, sent in my post. Let's see what the reaction is.))

612376 ((I take it you tried something pretty spectacular?))

((Well, it was pretty dependent on my background and pegasus physiology. I just really hope I didn't extrapolate beyond what is normal for most head canon.

Anyway, what do you reckon? -30% HP?))

((Also, just out of curiosity, what would you have done in my position?))

612393 ((Hmmm, Okay, you don't have much room to manuver, and the explosives in your pack don't have the force to take down the shield. If the incendiary grenade doesn't hold that long, I would probably try to wait out the flames and the shield, but it's hard to say whether I'd batter on the shield. While it might get me out sooner, I also run the risk of massive exhaustion because of no air. Plus, i'm a stronger magician than you are a fighter, so your blows are going to be at a disadvantage. Mostly, I'm expecting some sort of play on aeromancy.... Honestly, I considered using the smoke as pyrocumulus and generating lightning from that, but given your crappy willpower, it'd probably be more exhausting than just punching the shield.))

((Approved by Crafter))
Storm swore as he saw the shield go over. Dammit, this wasn't in the plan! Thinking quickly, he rolled himself over and leaped for the edge of the shield while holding onto his hammer, unable to escape the blast but just quick enough to escape getting completely covered in the sticky, burning tar.

Hitting the ground, he immediately dropped and rolled, putting the fires on his flank out, his armor having protected most of his body. That didn't mean it didn't hurt. It hurt like a BITCH, but putting the fire out was more important than screaming about it. ((Vitality A)) Now unlit and gasping for breath, he pulled himself towards the edge of the dome before swaying and passing out...

...except not really. ((Vitality: A and Agility:S)) Pegasi flew at high altitudes, they could certainly handle being oxygen deprived for awhile. And Storm Blitz may have been having difficulty seeing where he was going, but that didn't make his training completely useless. No, Storm was going to be fine, if a little light headed.

Well. Hopefully.

Behind him, the tar quickly spluttered out from lack of oxygen. Storm breathed as shallowly as he could, fighting the urge to just let unconsciousness take him.

((I did this instead... :pinkiehappy: ))


((Good move, I think I can exploit it using semi-permeable barriers though. Sadly, that will have to wait to tomorrow, as I have to get off and leave the line open today. Fortunately, I should be back before noon Saturday. Oh, and your helm and cuirass are separate, yes? No neck protector?))

((Whoa now, hold on. What's this about semi-permeable barriers? A shield is a shield, there's no way you can make a magic shield semi-permeable. Unless you spend a bunch of time preparing it with runes and stuff. As for the separation of the armor, yes. He's a light cavalry unit, not a brawler.))

612499 ((In "A canterlot wedding, part 1", it's clear that shining's shield is semi-permeable to the train the mane 6 ride in on))

((For the sake of expediency, I'll point out the obvious response-- that Shining Armor's special spell, related directly to his cutie mark, and only he could cast it. And then apparently Cadance when season 3 rolled around, but still.))

(("And then aparrently cadence" :ajbemused:))

((Oh, and while we're on the topic, are shields frictionless?))


((That could be interpreted any number of ways. Especially given "Aparrently cadence". Also! Notice that Shining had to SHOW twilight that the barrier around canterlot was his. Yet, she clearly noticed them phasing through it.

Now, if phasing were shining-exclusive, don't you think twilight would have immediately associated the shield with her brother?))

((Feeeeeh, I think that is, to some degree, up to interpretation. Anyway, I just wanted to bring that up so you could skip through the opening steps of the argument for whenever ShadowBro comes back online-- time's running low and whatnot.

And I have no idea about frictionless shields. I've been specifying when it's important that my shield be frictionless, but I'm not sure if I've been charged extra for the effect or what.))

((As an added point in my favor, my background is with the royal guard, and my abilities state "training with shields", which given that they are a generic element of any unicorn toolkit, would suggest that if shield phasing can be learned as an aspect of shields, then I know it. Besides, can't your pony craft shields into tactile simulacra? Which has no canon justification.))

((Not to debate the nature of whether your powers are acceptable, just reiterating that I have canon and background relevant grounds.))

((There is no such thing as a perfectly frictionless material or barrier. That is the end of the discussion.))

((Keep in mind that Cadence isn't so much casting the barrier so much as providing the magical power to keep it going.

Let us begin with the assumption that all barriers default to "completely impermeable to anything". This makes sense, since we've already established that there is no more air going into the shield-dome.

While it is entirely possible to create a semi-permeable barrier, the barrier that you speak of is a Fortification Barrier, as opposed to a Combat Barrier. Fortification Barriers must necessarily be different from Combat Barriers because they do different things.

Fortification Barriers are designed and cast with the intent of providing a strong point of defense for a large group over a long space of time, whereas Combat Barriers are designed and cast with the intent of creating a temporary shield to protect a singular user or small group of users. Fortification Barriers are therefore much larger, tend to use more magic, take more time to cast, BUT are easily modifiable. Combat Barriers are small to medium size, tend to use less magic, can be cast extremely quickly, but are NOT easily modifiable.

I do not believe it makes sense for you to just say "my shield is now semi-permeable!". Since this is a combat scenario, all barriers and shields should default to Combat Barriers of the default type. You may know HOW to cast a Fortification Barrier, but since you do not invoke it as your specific action, you cannot simply change the barrier you already have in place. Unless you have it written into your profile that all your barriers default to semi-permeable (you do not), you cannot use a semi-permeable barrier without invoking it as a specific action.))


((Rules as the fight demands, eh? Since technically, none of this (fortification or combat) is established either in Razorbeam's work, or in the Canon, while semi-permeable barriers are Canon.))

((Also, as far as frictionlessness goes? Maglev trains. And yes, there is some friction from a technical standpoint, but it is reduced to negligible levels. Which is important given that barriers could easily be considered closer to a magnetic field than an actual solid substance. I'm only asking this latter point for whether or not I try to stand on my own barrier, or is it too slippery? Ice isn't frictionless, but it's low enough friction to make walking or standing impossible.))

((Yeah, but you said "frictionless". If you want to make the barriers have freaky friction coefficients, we can debate that, but there is absolutely NEVER such thing as complete non-friction.))

((But the canon example is very very VERY clearly a large barrier, is a perfect sphere, and set up far ahead of time. You have a quarter of a shield, a comparatively tiny barrier, and is cast in a split second. I absolutely refuse to allow you to change your barrier in the middle of a fight without recasting it.

That sounds really dickish in tone, so I apologize. But this is something I have very strong feelings about, so....))

((Dammit, forgot to hit send....))


((Don't worry about it, I understand, it's a very gray and frustrating area, and I've already submitted a post for approval that doesn't use shield phasing))

615004 ((Ugh! Crafter just went off!))

((Okay, thanks for being understanding. Also: DAMN YOU CRAFTERRRRRRR!!!!!))

615042 ((There's still time!


(( /me doesn't play Legend of Zelda. -_-'.... Also, I now have to do things and probably won't be online for a few hours. Just FYI.))

615059 ((Well, I think it's over anyway. I mean, either razor meant 12:00AM saturday, which was twelve hours ago. Or 12PM, which passed three minutes ago.))

((Oh to hell with that! Storm Blitz hasn't taken nearly enough damage to call the fight!))

((Approved by rainbow bob, but possibly past 12 AM/PM deadline?))

True Path pulled himself to his hooves with a grunt. For a moment, he stared agog at the dying inferno under his shield, until an explanation clicked. A bomb, and the trip... clever. He watched as Storm crawled to the edge of the dome, then collapsed, seemingly unconscious. Odd, he doesn't look that badly burned, and a pegasus wouldn't... ahhhhh. Another trick. Having fallen close to the edge of the dome, he opts to play along, He almost levitates his staff into a striking position, then decides against it. No, play it straight. Let him think you've forgotten your weapon.

[Action] He trots up to the shield, grinning like an complete jerk, and laughing. "Oh man! You thought you had me, didn't you? Joke's on you, isn't..." He frowned, tapping on the barrier. "Hey, are you alive in there?" He paused. "Ohhh, crap crap crap. This wasn't supposed to be a deathmatch." He drops his staff beside him, and lowers the shield, mentally bracing for impact.

((Razor just posted a thing: The deadline is now tomorrow. Heh.))

615102 ((well there goes my stomach lining))

((I have no idea what that means, but I just sent in a post to a judge. I'll be gone for the next hour and a half, probably, so I'll get back to you around about then.))

615128 ((Okay, I'll be here. And I was referring to anxiety XD))

615128 ((Okay, I'm off for today. I might be on tomorrow, but my plans are iffy. Definitely back on, on monday.))

((Eeyup. I totally lied. Sorry....))

((approved by Chainlinc3))

Storm didn't move. The fresh air was a god send, and his pegasus physiology and physical conditioning allowed him to begin regaining his wits almost immediately.
Still looking for all the world like he'd actually succumbed to lack of oxygen, Storm Blitz twitched. Dead bodies tended to twitch after they'd just been dispatched, due to the nerves retaining a certain amount of life in them. The twitch landed his hoof right on top of one of his darts.

(Approved by _Medicshy.)
(This assumes Storm is on his side, as twitching to reach for his dart while lying on his belly seems very difficult, but I can retool the minor details.)


The movement was not lost on True. Nice bluff kid, but I'm already wise to the game. Too bad you're obviously not wise to mine... The only question was, how to stall him? If True could slip his staff behind him, he could break one of the pegasus' wing joints with a blow, but he'd hear the horn.... A wicked idea came to True. He thinks I'm buying this crap... let's make it worth his while to wait.

"Oh, crap. He smells burnt... He inhaled the flame! Flame, flame... Pain Easer's Pulmonary Poultice!" He pooled the energy in his horn, surreptitiously moving his staff through the grass, the smooth metal gliding noiselessly through the stalks.


With his staff in position and well in telekinetic grip, it was time to go for the payoff. He'll probably get a hit off, but I can avoid a lethal blow. Weapon can't be that big if he's using it at this range. Gotta give him credit for not using the warhammer. That'd be just dumb. He leaned in with his horn, presenting an appetizing target, even with his hood up. "Okay, just hang in there, alright? I didn't come this far just to get thrown out for ponyslaughter."

((The staff is less than a foot away if you're wondering, but not in a way where Storm might notice it by bumping into it, such as right next to his tail.))

((See the problem here is that Meta Gaming makes me want to do one thing, but logic dictates another. *sigh* Let's see how my final ploy goes....))

((I know, horrible isn't it? It would be so easy to have Storm "notice" something, but really, there's not that much impetus to do so. Plus, being burned, having his opponent heal him is a tantalizing prospect... and so is attacking...))

((Heal him? He's not that silly. Attacking though... damn it. I know for a fact you're going to fuck with me, but it's the most logical action from his point of view.))

((Also need to know what your orientation is to Storm Blitz, as well as armor.))

617790 ((Just my robe, and I'm in front of his face, as he crawled towards the barrier, and I was outside the barrier, so I came to where his face is.))

((HOW in front of his face? As in parallel to how he's stretched out? Perpendicular?))

617805 ((Parallel, they'd be nose to nose, facing each other like reflections))

((Except True is not sideways. That would be weird))

((So, how was your day then? I notice you're up pretty early.))

617830 ((Late, actually, and it was pretty good! I get to go into town about... half the days of the week, and use fast internet, so I didn't have to compete with the phone for internet. Plus, I got Miasmata to work today, and I published a new story on fimfic!))

((Nice! It's good to know that the person who's kicking my ass is having a good day. This way, I don't feel bad if the next post manages to ruin their plans. :pinkiehappy:

IN all seriousness though, what is Miasmata?))

617849 ((Indie game on steam, got made through their new greenlight system, where people submit ideas and the community votes on what sounds good. The story is that you're a plague infected scientist, who washes up on a mysterious island. However, the island is home to a research station, that discovered a cure to the plague. So you must explore the island, and discover the cure before the plague kills you.

It's got amazing ambiance and just brilliant design. It feels like Myst with more tension and discovery. Plus it has this whole system where you have to map the island by hand, which is amazing in its own right.

No interest in my story?:fluttercry:))

((Dude, I went to your profile and opened it in a new tab. I still need to read so much other stuff, but it looks DAMN good from that summary.))

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