Godzilla Has Return 565 members · 135 stories
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At long last, the GvK trailer has come, with about two months left until its final release. So based on what we've seen in the trailer and what else we know so far, I've come up with a theory on how I personally think the movie will go down. Spoilered for good measure.

So in GvK there's this corporation named Apex (yes, they're real, you can see the name sprinkled throughout the trailer), and with this new world where man and monster are forced together, they want to enter into the anti-Titan weaponry business, specifically with Mechagodzilla. Ah, but here's the rub; man and Titan are at a kind of peace right now, what with Godzilla saving the Earth from Ghidorah and keeping the others in check.

But what if he were to suddenly turn on us? Now he likely won't do it on his own. But they can make him. >:)

So they set up special transmitters in various selected points that'll broadcast a signal that'll agitate and enrage him, maybe similar to the Orca from the last movie. And boom, for all the world knows, Godzilla's going evil, and once Mechagodzilla is ready Apex can swoop in and save the day...and set themselves up for a fortune in the soon-to-be-booming anti-Titan weapons business.

Monarch is confused and panicked. They need a solution and fast.
"Okay, Godzilla's going berserk! What are we gonna do?! How are we gonna fight him now?!"
"Well, there's this big monkey on our Skull Island site we could use."
"Okay, I like where this is going. How do we get him?"
"Well, there's this little deaf girl that he likes..."
"Let's do it!"

So Monarch makes arrangements to transport Kong off of Skull Island so he can fight Godzilla. Apex...doesn't like that. Kong possibly defeating Godzilla before Mechagodzilla can? Why, that just won't be good for their profit picture at all!

So they make sure that somebody working for them is on the fleet to set up one of those signal thingies, luring Godzilla to them. Everybody's taken off guard and Kong is at a complete disadvantage out in the open ocean. So that's the first battle.

Sometime after that Kong finds his way into the Hollow Earth. He finds the axe, battles some other monsters to sort of train for his next fight with Godzilla, and we get some cool backstory on the Titans' origins and all that. Meanwhile Monarch is tracking him while also trying to figure out what's up with Godzilla, leading them to Apex.

Anyway, so after all that Monarch pegs down what Apex is doing, but they're not able to stop them from luring Godzilla to Hong Kong. Kong reemerges with his Mighty Axe, and he's a lot more ready this time. So Godzilla and Kong have the big fight that we've all been waiting for, and this is where we get our definitive winner. Maybe it'll be Kong, maybe it'll be Godzilla, I really have no idea. But neither of them dies. Defeat doesn't always equal death, after all.

Either way, after the battle Apex decides that this is the perfect time to deploy their brand new Mechagodzilla to "save the world". Mechagodzilla targets the victor, and long story short Godzilla and Kong team up to destroy him while Monarch exposes Apex once and for all. Apex defeated and the truth of Godzilla's rampage revealed, and with the battle between Godzilla and Kong settled, the two go their separate ways.

The end.

And there. That's my prediction on how GvK will turn out based on what we know so far. Thoughts? Comments? Rebuttals?

Only major issue is, you forgot something...

"One Will Fall"

I think that Kong will die fighting Mechagodzilla. The trailer builds him up, implying development & heroification...it would make sense if he died fighting Mechagodzilla, because that would mean that it wouldn't be as pointless as it would be if he wasn't developed before his demise.

Hmmm...I can see it, actually.

Besides, one of the big elements of the classic Kong story is how he falls to the machinations of man. In the past it was his capture and subsequent death by gunfire on the Empire State Building. Here it could hypothetically be Mechagodzilla.

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