The Sci-Fi Ponies 2,084 members · 1,819 stories
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J-Rook #1 · May 3rd · · ·

This thread will be my public notepad for some ideas for a crossover I'm probably not going to wright with out some more motivation.
Posting it here has two purpose
1. To hopefully drum up some encouragement that i can wright this thing
2. To bounce my ideas of you good readers

The premise is that the Ponies are AI characters in a children learning VR that are mostly unaware of that fact (Pinkie Pie has only a little knowledge of the outside world fore the sake of fourth wall brakes). As such there knowledge base is limited to be child safe.

The story fallows Bio-printed Self reproducing Pseudo-eusocial Ponyiod Terraforming drones with copied over personalty AIs from an unused copy of the "Friendship is Magic" VR program.

I would love some help settling my ideas for what Ponies from the show end up on the team. Because of being copies, multiple copies can exist at the same time. The Team will be 1 to 10 drones with 1 or 2 phenotypes each. eather the Ponies choice or randomly assigned

Pony-drones come in duller and messier colours then there virtual counterparts, lack cutiemarks and (do to my personal preference) have five toed hooves. Ex: Twilight based drones have light gray coat with a possible black or white starburst marking and a darker gray mane with a salt&peppered black and white stripe.

Pony drones also have five phenotypes:
Three workers, Harvesters, Builder and Interfaced
Ane two Reproductive, Male and Female.

New Born Pony drones are typeless and gain there Phenotype(s) around the maturity level of getting a cutiemark.
Typeless ponyiods have small horn nubs, vestigial wings and bi-potential gentles.

:: Warning, Talk of sex Ahead ::

Reproductive types Bi-po's develop into ether male or female gentles. Ponies from the child safe VR have no knowledge of sex and don't equate it to Gender or making babies (tho they will put 2 & 2 together) the Drone bodies have reproductive instincts and will discover genitals (even Bi-po ones) are pleasurable. Bi-po's are a flat hart-shaped gentles that will ether expand out and swing down to become male gentles or retract in and become female ones. A Bi-po consists of Gonads, the Gland and Lids, it will wink if the drone is aroused and can bring a drone to orgasm with stimulation.

:: End of sex Talk::

Harvesters horn nubs become sensitive to crafting ores and they grow new teeth and jaw mussels to chew rock. Their vestigial wings mineralized into a bio-metal carapace and their mammary glands swell and and start producing chemical fluids for 3d printers, ether maniacal kind or the living kind. (Im thinking the chemical fluid will be called Mana.)

Builder types are living 3d Printers that take 'Mana' made by Harvesters and make 'Magic' clouds, their wings are more fully developed but are poorer flyers then ponies in the VR. Their horn nubs are still basic ones typeless have a biological transmitter/recessive plunged into the language centre of their brain giving them a radio based language, Builders Horn nubs are able to 'Shout' a bit louder then other non-Interface types.

Interface types have full grown horns, their wing become a flare-able collar that acts as a reflective dish that greatly increase there signal when up. Interface types can commune with the machines and satellites.

So this is the first Part. what Ponies to send in the first pod, What phenotypes should they be. What names would the ponies give the types

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