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I've been listening to a lot of podcasts relating to Doctor Who recently, and I thought I might share a couple of titles if anyone happens to be interested.

The Game of Rassilon - A phenomenally fun podcast where the hosts play the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game. They just started series 4 (well, alright, it was two months ago) with a new Doctor, new companion, and the revamped version of the rules. The first few episodes of series one are a bit middling in quality, but by the time they have to have an in-game Pokemon battle for the fate of a space station, they've really hit their stride.

Time Ram - On the surface, it has a simple enough premise; take an episode of Doctor Who and put it in a different Doctor's era. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, as the hosts proved when they had to try and make 'A Good Man Goes to War' into a Patrick Troughton story. Thrill as the hosts tangent off about Terry Nation, wax nostalgic about episodes from their childhood, and continue with their quest to cast Helen Mirren in every single episode of Doctor Who.

We're All Stories in the End - A Doctor Who review podcast that focuses on the novels, specifically the Eighth Doctor Adventures and the Virgin New Adventures. So far, they've only done one episode, but it was about Alien Bodies, so I do quite recommend it.

If anyone else has any recommendations, I'd be glad to hear them!

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