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Time for another Kon's Question of the day.

So today i was talking with a few friends about the Walking Dead episode last night. (No i will not ruin it for any one who has not watched it yet. Pleas do not post spoilers on comments.)

So the question appeared is that does a game really need a story-line if there is a post-apocalyptic world.
Well I'm going to give you my to sides.

reason i'm asking. well in movies the story-lines are the same and it's just survive. kill, fine food, and get to point a to b. but on gaming?

Warning: Spoilers may or may not be posted if you do not want the game to be ruined then do not read. if you don't care then read on.

No story-line: There is a small to nearly to no games that are good that doesn't really have a story-line. The only game in mind is the Left for Dead Franchise. Why? Honestly the main plot of the game is to move to Point A to B and murder a motherload of zombies. Is it fun? HELL YEAH. In my opinion i thinking this is the only game that doesn't really need much of a story. Also you can add mods if you play on PC. Zombies aren't scary enough. I recommend to replace the zombies with zenomorphs or worse TELETUBBIES. I'm not kidding you add mods since the game is supported by STEAM.

Story-line needed: Now i can list a handful of games that are post-apocalyptic and has an amazing story-line. My top three is Last of Us, the Metro franchise, and the Walking Dead game.

The last of us take a little twist from the average virus infection and instead is Fungi. The infected are more scarier then the Walking dead. Why. The Clickers. They not be able to see but i would S*** my pants if i turn around to only see a Clicker about to maul my face off.

Honestly the Last of Us did an amazing job into the story-line. out of the two main Characters i like Ellie the best (i might have spelled her name wrong.) why IDK. the story line was amazing and the voice acting was the best. That ending. My god the ending. you have to play the game so i will keep my mouth shut.

The Walking Dead took a different turn the murdering zombies to a choice making game.
I'm a little concern about this one because the plot is set up the only thing missing it the players choice.

so there you go. on my opinion i think that a Story-line is needed if you want to keep the player or gamer's attention. or the game will get boring. so i have to take the Story-line need side.

Unless if i install mods then that's a whole other story.
(For those of you wondering. Yes i know Fallout is a post-apocalyptic game but, i'm not a big fan of roll-playing. it is a really good game but, its not for me but i support those who love the game,)


Well if the game is post-apoc. It doesn't really need a story, but it does need like a little introduction of some sort or little supporting details on how the world turned up like it was.

Wasteland an old RPG Post-Apoc, and a game that set up many Post-Apoc games/RPG's as we know didn't really have a huge story for it's post apoc world. It was mostly NATO v.s Warsaw Pact = Nuclear Fallout. Few years later descendants of U.S Engineers (You) who after their grandparents over took a prison emerge bent on restoring peace.

That was pretty much the set up for it. As for the story you did whatever you want. It does have a main storyline that could be easily avoided, but still you could do whatever you wanted.

But..more to the point. Post-Apoc games don't need a storyline, but they need to have a introduction on how the world ended up like it was.

Really, it depends upon the angle of the game you are making. Think of games where you play as a criminal...Many of them can have deep, complex storylines analyzing the various characters, or you could simply go sandbox crime spree.

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