Beyblade 61 members · 23 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

As you know my wish to find more Beyblade story in this wed stite and if you what to help my out with

that please do so ok and i need same halp with my story please ok.

Got one in the works right now will post when finish up the second chapter I get it proof read.

The Demon of Sloth
Group Contributor

1003833 Trying to add a new chapter of my fic, but I don't have any ideas or inspiration.

Group Admin

1007970 it ok for me how about slowing there beys off to the poines and slow a beybattle to the poines ok.

Group Admin

1006833 ok thank you go to the group that know as the proofreader group and ask that ok and if not there ask in the proof-reading pre-reading and editing and ask there two ok.

Group Admin

let it RIP

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 6