Monster Hunter 228 members · 36 stories
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Comment posted by Donutethespartan2 deleted Dec 6th, 2013

So to clarify...anytime during or after the episode "Keep calm and flutter on"?

Group Admin

Okay now that everything is planned out all i have to do know is type it up, find a good cover art and i am all set, just have to approve the story when finished then presto...possibly FIRST story of Monster Hunter to revolve around Felynes only (If i finish it before anyone else gets the same idea).

Group Admin


Well the best of luck to you! And either post here again or pm me if you want help of any sort! :pinkiehappy:

Okay before i type up the story i keep getting distracted by monster hunter 3rd (not TRI) since i cant find a regal crest and i have feeling that its gonna keep bugging me until i kill enough great baggi while destroying the horn thing they have in their heads BUT is there a quicker way to get it cus i am having a hard time typing up the story with the crest nagging in my head. :fluttercry:

Group Admin


Coming from a guy that slaughtered countless Jinougas for one jewel, the cheap bastards, I'm not sure I should be the one who should recommend something. :derpytongue2:

But looking at this link here

You only get it from breaking the horn sooo my suggestion is go with a longsword, switch axe , greatsword or hammer to reach the the head then get any of these skills for your armor:

Fate + Capture + Perception: capturing the beast is a bit quicker than outright killing it and helps with drop rates and if you include these skills the chances of the crest to show up increases.
Destruction King: To be sure that you break the head

And for your felynes

Couragoues or Chancy felynes with the attack type meele + boomerang

with skills
shock trapper + Rob em blind +speedy gathering

( what a felyne gets is random so maybe they'll get it ... or at least I think its random ... )

I, by the way, did do this myself mainly because getting a complete gold rathian set is a pain I am to lazy to go through.

always drink the mega lucky cat drink and pet the pig as well while your at it!

if its 60% then why doesn't it pop up in reward then for me?

Group Admin


I have no clue! :derpytongue2:

WELL ODDLY ENOUGH... at a Christmas pageant i was FORCED to attend the game decided to give me the regal crest WOW.

Group Admin


Well ... you get to enjoy Christmas early I guess! :rainbowlaugh:

Cus digital Santa's gift for me was the crest? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


And nothing else! :pinkiehappy:

Just one would a felyne speak...nya or meow?

Group Admin


Nya! Anything else is sacrilege! :flutterrage:

Group Admin


Just don't overload it with nyas, as long as any sentence or paragraph they say ends with nya its good enough IMO.

Now a question what kind of story will it be? Comedy? Adventure? Dark?

adventure not good with anything else :P

wait ending sentence or paragraph nya's is good enough?
so like EVERY sentence?

Group Admin


Aaaaaw no comedy tag? felynes story with no comedy tag?
Well maybe not every sentence but its like how certain anime characters say desu. That much would be just about right.

it will have comedy BUT i got this brilliant idea i got on my way to serpentine dam in WA you know the Jinouga? I was fighting it during one a urgent quest then it began to attack me with powerful as lighting balls since it charges up its attacks by surging electricity through its body so...JINOUGA ZAPS FELYNES sends them to Equestria hah?

Group Admin


Yeah that can work as well.

wait now i realized that i got 3 options here...

1: Hollowed jhen mohran catalyst explosion transports felynes to Equestria

2: VERY shitty farcaster escape attempt fail sends felynes to Equestria

3: Jinouga FULLY charges itself to increase potential damage of electrical attacks and zaps felynes to Equestria

Which one would be the most understandable or something a felyne would end up in any of the 3 situations?:unsuresweetie:

cus i cant decide.

cus of a hermitur ecology cinematic i watched this happens.

Group Admin


Well at this point the choice is really up to you! You just have to decide on who ass is gonna get kicked because of a pissed-off hunter who lost 2 of his/her loyal felynes. :rainbowlaugh:

So the ass whose gonna get kicked is either

A a hollowed jhen mohran

B a con artist old man

C Jinouga paw stomping troll


gonna rule out b cus i would love to see a monster getting thrashed...

Jinouga would be to reasonably easy to get thrashed with the equipment for my hunter....


Group Admin


Actually hear me out if you may, I think its better if you combine a and b. And make it so that the farcaster came from the veggie elder who says he picked up the farcaster from some old ruins, and make it so that in the process he cons your hunter out of some rather rare loot.

What do you think?:pinkiehappy:


Group Admin


Sorry to nitpick but its "Filipino".


And wow we really talked about a lot and this is just the first part of your story! We're already getting near 2 pages! :rainbowlaugh:

its okay Filipino isn't a word i know how to spell but a the veggie elder the old guy wandering around area's colored red skin cus in MH3rd the old guy is red.

Group Admin


Yeah The Veggie Elder is the dude you can exchange various stuff with, where exchanging tickets would be give you the best items. He's actually somewhat nice because he does give you stuff if you talk to him without having an item to exchange with.

so what if i give him ticket in a specific area (tundra, desert) he gives me something good?

Group Admin


Yup its all in the list, getting tickets though involved playing with other hunters ALOT.

Hey clonezero i don't know if you would believe me but my computer crashed and i could not remember my password so i made this except it has a Felyne for my avatar than my usual donute avatars but its okay if you think im posing as my as myself(Donutethespartan2)just to let you know. :twilightblush:

EDIT: i will still work on my Felyne and Melyx story though.

Group Admin

:rainbowhuh: Okay ...
I think its best you PM the admins about that password problem of yours.

YEAH i should really do that but if you don't believe me just check my old account its gonna be inactive until i can remember the password i put in.

Group Admin


Dude I believe you! I promise! :trollestia:

But seriously though, if you do want to get back to your old account I believe there was a password retrieval method right? But if that doesn't work your only shot is with the admins.

my yahoo account i used was "recycled" :p

Group Admin


Ouch ... so what now? :fluttershyouch: What's your plan?

stick with this account, at least i can work on my story that you helped me plan :p

Group Admin


Well just tell me if you need anymore help just say the word. :pinkiehappy:

Do you know Nyan Jirou?
That black felyne with a blue cape, red eye patch, travels on a barrel?
I watched the end credits of Monster Hunter 3rd and he is seen crossing the dessert passing by desert sand ships (whatever there called) and then i had this idea...along side a introduction.

during a hunt for a Aoshira and a rathian the felyne Hunting fox and melyx Sugar are dragged along side with their hunter after being asked to help on a hunt against a hollowed jhen mohran,meanwhile Nyan Jirou was just rolling on by on his trusty barrel to deliver invites to Yukumo village to other villages to celebrate when he stumbled upon the hollowed jhen mohran where he and his barrel are fling up in the air as the jhen mohran popped out of no where causing him and his barrel to land on top of the elder dragons head while the hunter and the two Lynians hop onto the elder dragon, the hunter then instructs his Lynians to place dragon barrel bombs onto on of the tusk of the hallowed jhen mohran as he began to work to place barrels on the other side of the elder dragon,
meanwhile a long sighted hunter lines up the shot on a ballista while the Lynians where busy placing the bombs only to notice Nyan Jirou hanging on to one of the tusk that the hunter was busy placing dragon barrel bombs onto, seeing this the hunter stops and attempts to pick up Jirou only to stumble as the hollowed jhen mohran starts to shake of the Lynians and the hunter of its tusk while Sugar and Hunting fox dodge ballista ammo as the long sighted hunter began to shoot at the tusk with the aid of a oblivious hunter that was busy assisting him with aiming at the jhen's tusk, then the hollowed jhen mohran raises its head and the three lynians fall into its mouth along side the dragon barrel bombs while the hunter flies off in to the sand, the lynians see nothing but pitch black darkness as they were deep inside the jhen mohrans stomach, realizing this they light the dragon barrel bombs in an attempt to escape but the bombs goes off creating a surge of energy withing the hollowed jhen mohran as crystals along the back of the jhen mohran glow emitting a energy inside the hollowed jhen mohran that blast all three lynians to Equestria.

What do you think?

Group Admin


You're bringing in Nyan Jirou!? :pinkiegasp:

Well that will definitely be interesting! :pinkiehappy:

But do work on your presentation, try stretching the scene so the events don't happen too quickly.

This was a quick explanation of my idea :P
Of course i would not make events just come then all of a sudden BAM this happens then BAM that happens you know?
Has the...rushed feeling to it. :p

Besides all i see Nyan Jirou do is either send stuff home, stand around in camp, or the ending credits where he delivers invites to previous villages from other games(WHICH IS AWESOME!).

Group Admin


Don't mind my nitpicking too much, you seem to have a grasp as to how your story is gonna go. Just keep at it! :yay:

I am rather curious as to what Nyan Jirou's role in your story would be.

he tries to alongside sugar and hunting fox find a way back but travels on a barrel, since i have no idea what the hell is his personality due to Japanese TEXT :twilightangry2: i am assuming that, he is responsible compared to sugar since he just lobs barrel bombs at will, while hunting fox gets distracted by EVERY LITTLE THING EVEN WHEN I GET PINNED he is in charged really I MEAN he travels in a barrel, he barreled PASS A ZINEGORE(sadly forgot name spelling :p) LIKE A BOSS not even looking back as the zinegore looked to its side to him I MEAN come one, he has a trick that lets him do this like, HE wears an eye patch, a cape, and a cool looking hat, to me, he seems like he can handle himself in a new world along side two sometimes useful or not useful (even though with high fondness and level) felyne and melyx companions that are at times rather badass, sugar seems to survive longer against rathians and rathlos, while hunting fox seems to work well against pelagus wyverns and quarucopeco(rushed spelling), they make a good team if not aware of their hunter getting his ASS handed to him while they chase apotonoth or popo then yeah Nyan Jirou would have to be the boss of them or at least try to keep them in check. :p

Group Admin


Well Nyan Jirou's trick most likely is not showing any fear, my take at it is he's " The Courier" in lovable felyne form. Probably has already has "seen it all" during his delivery runs.

Already got the Courier and seen it all figured out so that's why i put him in charge in this story ESPECIALLY this reason...

Tell me what do unicorns look like in monster hunter verse logic?


EDIT: looks like a white unicorn :P

Group Admin


I won't even bother answering that one, kinda obvious XP.

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