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We've all seen it, the fan art, the mash ups, and Im positive theres at least one story out there, if not... Well, I guess I'd like to write one. Here's my ideas, let me know what you think.

Kamina-Rainbow Dash, or Shining Armor?
Simone-Scoots, or Twi?
Yoko-Rarity, cadence?
Rossiu- babs?
Viral- Trixie?

Jorgen/Balenbo- Roid Rage and big mac, flim and flam?
Kitan-Rainbow, pinky?
The black sisters- the spa triplets, the pie sisters?
Nia- fluttershy, sweetie?
Lord genome- sombra?
Anti-spiral- discord?

That's where I am so far. Let me know what you think!:twilightsmile:

I CAN TELL YOU WHO IS WHO. YOU ARE A GOD FOR COMING UP WITH THIS. Btw I've found two stories. Pm me and I can help you. Please let me help you

691039 Kamina- Rainbow Dash
Simone- Scoots
Yoko- Shining Armor
Rossiu- Twilight (the whole semi anti spiral gig and moving dangerously close to the old ''Lord genome ways'')
Viral- Trixie
Jorgen/Balenbo- flim and flam
Dayakka - Big Mac
Kitan- cadence
The black sisters- the flower trio
Leeron- Zecora
Attenborough Cortich - Pinkie
Nia- sweetie or ''young'' Luna
Boota - Tank?
Gimmy and Darry - Spike and Applebloom

Thymilph - Iron Will
Adiane- chrysy
Setomandra- guilda.
Guam- One of the diamond dog trio
Lord genome- discord (both change their good/bad side, and the whole spiral gig is chaos=life)
Anti-spiral- Celestia (everything must be in order and ''harmony'')



I like this very much, I knew I wanted Iron Will as the monkey, but I couldn't remember his name (for obvious reasons I shouldn't have to discuss.)

691331 and if you put a ''young'' luna as Nia, you also got the a pseudo Luna/Nightmare moon transformation that defies her ''kin'' Celestia!


My only problem is that I feel like the Scoots as simon thing so expected? And with all the new characters out now...

Well,if scoots is my simon, i want sweetie to be my nia, if twi is my simon luna makes perfect sense. o does trixie as viral, but scoots does indeed make a more fitting simon.

I will need people for this project though, editors, proofreaders, resource people, nags to tell me to get back to work. I'll need cover art and kind people to tell me how much butt hurt chapter 8 should include...

Oh, btw, what would trixies 'swords' be? I noticed it's a running on gag that viral's swords always break, no exceptions. Even with the power of the universe at his claw-tips his swords are shattered.

How does that translate to trixie?

Most importantly however, most importantly of all... I need a name. A title that inspires the hearts of the oppressed to rise up! And FIGHT THA POWAH!!

691474 1st of... the rival system was Viral vs Kamina and Twilight vs Trixie. But that works poorly in this setting. Just ignore it.
And secondly.... the dynamic between RD and Scoots is almost as Kamina and Simone, but Shining and Twi works too (becomes a whole new game then).

Kamina- Shining Armor
Simone- Twilight
Yoko- Cadence
Rossiu- ?
Viral- Trixie
Jorgen/Balenbo- flim and flam
Dayakka - Roid Rage or mayor mare
Kitan- Big Mac?
The black sisters- the flower trio
Leeron- Zecora
Attenborough Cortich - Pinkie
Nia- ''young'' Luna/Nightmare moon

I thought why not just go near all out on the gender reversal when it came too who plays what (thus Shining as Yoko) since MLP in female heavy while Gurren lagann is male heavy.

The deal with Luna as Nia is because of the Nia is at first young and innocent, but the learns the truth, more or less changes, becomes more aggressive and actively helps the ''team spiral'' on their quest for freedom.
''Young'' Luna seems innocent, but learns the truth and becomes Nighmare moon... blablabla

miss-firing firework? out-fizzled horn (magic exhaustion)? a horn extensions(I like this one)/amulets that buffs magic abilities (cracks and shatters when overused)?

What grinds me most is who for Jorgen/Balenbo.... and Flim and Flam wins by default.

I have no artistic sense and English is not my main language, so I would not dare to be an editor. I might be a backup proofreader though.

nags to tell me to get back to work.

Those are called impatient readers:trollestia:


No, no I saw your reasoning from the begining! It was flawless! I'm just getting every detail straight in my head, once I can do that, I can just listen to the OST and start writing.

691611 Read it again... Edited it:twilightblush: sorry

PS: the ''Kamina'' and ''Kitan'' role should clash over the ''Yoko'' role
thus 1- Shining vs Big Mac for Cadence
or 2 - RD vs Cadence for Shining

Kamina- Shining Armor
Simone- Twilight
Yoko- Cadence
Rossiu- Applebloom, spike?
Viral- Trixie
Jorgen/Balenbo- flim and flam
Dayakka - Big Mac
Kitan- Rainbow Dash
The black sisters- the flower trio
Leeron- Zecora
Attenborough Cortich - Pinkie
Nia- ''young'' Luna/Nightmare moon or fluttershy/flutterbitch?
Gimi &Dari- Scoots and sweetie B.?
Lord Genome-Discord or nightmare moon/ luna?
Thymilph - Iron Will
Adiane- chrysy
Setomandra- guilda.
Anti spiral-celestia.
Guam- One of the diamond dog trio

Ok, anything with a question mark is up for debate, not mentioned characters... Welll we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Thanks allot guys, for helping me get my head on straight with this project.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsheepish:

692944 Rossiu- spike
Nia- ''young'' Luna/Nightmare moon (the transformation should be Luna->NmM when she is kidnapped by the spiral)
Gimi &Dari- Scoots and sweetie B. YES!
Lord Genome-Discord

That's what I think at least.

PS: It's a pleasure to help.


Pk I tooka lookat the fan art and I needsimon to be scoots, and I know jow to make it work.

Kamina- Rainbow Dash.
Simone- Scoots
Rossiu- YOUNG TWILIGHT( ages alongside scoots)
Jorgen/Balenbo- flim and flam
Dayakka - Big Mac
The black sisters- the flower trio
Leeron- Zecora
Attenborough Cortich - Pinkie
Nia- ''young'' Luna/Nightmare moon
Lord Genome-Discord or nightmare moon/ luna?
Thymilph - Iron Will
Adiane- chrysy
Setomandra- guilda.
Anti spiral-celestia.
Guam- One of the diamond dog trio

I start writing today! Because I am a no-life chump :unsuresweetie:

You know you have to make Lord Genome Discord right? Also I wish I could think of a place for Celesia

Dude I just found this and I think I am dead. Gurren Lagann ftw.:pinkiehappy:

I have seen a story with some of theses in it......................BUT I CANT REMEBER THE NAME:flutterrage::flutterrage:

Hey guys some music for the sophisticated ears.



Prologue and chapters 1-6 are finished...

I... I'm not sure about chapter seven... I've become attached to rainbow kamina...

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