• Published 4th Jan 2024
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In a different universe, Europe has unified and overcome its fears, but the unexplainable and uncomprehending force displaces them into the brave new world.

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Two stories: survival and murder | Chapter 2

Part 3

Two stories: survival and murder

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kotsebu, Anadyr, Magadan were moved on May 6 along with Europe, not completely, but rather the area close to the coast guard ships. Why did this happen? The ships have already been irradiated by el_MAGI-MMXLI and obviously transferred the matter near them, although this is nothing more than a crude hypothesis. Nevertheless, we have what we have. The first day can be characterized as anarchy, numerous building collapses, accidents, ships suddenly dug into the ground, broken communications, electricity problems, impending famine, weather... weather as usual (subarctic climate before and after). The situation is dire, and the absence of some local leaders has severely hampered the organization of the people, but then Notker Gluck, an admiral in the EC Fleet, temporarily in charge of the 17th Coastal Defense Fleet until the shortage of personnel is resolved. He is organizing an administration for the preservation of humanity, and at the same time his own little autocracy. Of course, the primary goal is survival, but in such circumstances, a strong hand of leadership is not a bad option.

The next day, May 7, 2055, in a house near the pier.
"Mr. Admiral!" said the Rear Admiral Engineer, saluting, "You can do without the sir."
"Yes! The repair teams are made up of soldiers and utility workers. Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kotzebue and Magadan have moved to an unknown territory; all cities are within a 2.4 km radius circle. Temporary tent settlements have been erected to meet the basic needs of the residents. The weather is deteriorating, and technicians report that they will not be able to communicate with satellites for the next two days. The power outages will be fixed by re-equipping one of the submarines, but for now, total austerity has been implemented. We have two Solar Impulse 5 aircraft, 63 operational and tactical level UAVs capable of reconnaissance. Reconnaissance groups are in constant contact with us".
"Thank you for your service, Rear Admiral Edgerton Lotta. You are dismissed".

Not listening to his visitor, the admiral was lost in thought: 'The situation is critical: famine is a matter of time, and literally tearing out chunks of cities has already killed more than 100 people. *sigh*. I was lucky to be transferred: "While your home attack fleet is undergoing a routine maintenance check, you are in charge of the 17th Coast Guard Group, or go on unpaid leave." Like hell I'm going to agree to join another fleet now. God forbid we're the only people here, I'm not a politician or a bureaucrat. Aaaahhh!'

May 8 and 9 were marked by constant attempts by Notker to somehow control the situation, and he even achieved some results, but there is no reason to rejoice. 750 citizens were forced to move to tent cities. Some local professors and teachers, who were obviously not sitting still, tried to see the satellites through telescopes, but the blizzard had its own plans. The Solar Impulse aircraft only opened up another 50 km of Arctic wilderness in all directions. Everything is consistently bad, but the northern reconnaissance team spotted a group of 8 reindeer in the evening of May 9, but in clothes? The Admiral will have to deal with this with next to nothing and 4 chunks of cities threatening to collapse every minute.

On May 10, a group of 8 deer appeared again, only closer. Team North is following them and is ready to open fire. As for their armament, the admiral personally ordered them to be armed with two Gr-5 Anvil and some large-caliber rifles with integrated silencers. It was a strange choice, but when it was necessary not to reveal their firing position, it was more or less justified.

Recording audio communication between military personnel.

"Targets detected at 30°".
"Confirmed, continue to monitor, proceed with caution."
After 10 minutes of observation.
"Objects leave the field of view. Where are they going?"
"I have no idea, but the next 50 kilometers are just cold desert - they must be either crazy or their goal is worth it."
After a minute of observation, the group returned to the base.

The head of the administration was distrustful of the news about intelligent animals, but his opinion will not change anything. "As long as they don't show aggression or excessive interest, don't consider them a problem."

The morning of May 11. Notker was dozing in his temporary office. He might have fallen asleep had it not been for the shout of one of the workers: "The satellites are working!" The Admiral, jolted out of his sleep, flinched and said with false friendliness: "Now again and quietly." The visitor, realizing his mistake, began to speak in a trembling voice; "I'm sorry, Mr. Admiral..." A short silence and a threatening look put his mind in order. "The engineers have managed to connect to the satellites, the signal quality is not the best, but it's good enough for work."
"If the news hadn't been good, you would have been reprimanded, but the apology is accepted". - Without waiting for a reaction, Notker stood up and walked over to the guest and said: "Now take me to those masters."

The connection to the satellite network did not go unnoticed. Therefore, the communication took place as quickly as possible. The head of the administration led the "negotiations" that took place in the combat room of the first-rank cruiser General Gavs. Well, if he was leading, he was rather standing aside and not interfering. The only noticeable movement on his part was a request to provide the administration with fuel, food, and defense supplies, but basically everything went well without him. Surprisingly, his small self-proclaimed country now really has the status of an EC entity in the form of a city with direct subordination, as was the case with Istanbul. "Sir, they are telling us to prepare an airstrip if there is none available, and to tell them more about the meeting with the natives, and to keep in constant contact if possible." - said the operator.
"Tell them that all information about the natives, including the records of the operatives, is being transferred as it comes in, and the runway... we'll use the one in Kotzebue. As for the constant communication," he points to the engineer who brought him in, "you and your team have been working on that? A nod. "Now you are attached to this ship, you will live in the ship's barracks. Your main job is to keep the radio room and antennas as functional as possible; if the operators are out, you will replace them whenever possible."
"Yes, sir!"
Notker stayed in the radio room for another ten minutes and came out. He had a smile on his face.

Somewhere in the endless snows of the Crystal Empire
"What are we waiting for? There are already more than 30 of us, you remember: the more participants in the ritual, the... *sigh* the weaker they are."
"And the fewer of us there are, the easier it is for the knots of harmony to take away our strength!"
"I know, but the number is already sufficient."
"Let's wait another day. Tomorrow, three people should come with some kind of healing sphere, and then we will perform the ritual of destroying the alicorn amulet."
"ALICORN'S AMULET! It has the power of Cadence! Where did you get this?!"
"During the Battle of Canterlot, a few soldiers somehow sneaked into the storehouse of magical items, and I was among them."
His interlocutor gave a small laugh. "It will be hard to lose this battle."

Later that day, the administration sent a 2-stage aerial reconnaissance to the area of suspected local residents. The Solar Impulse 5 TD (transport drones) aircraft conducted a large-scale reconnaissance, while the UAVs conducted a more focused survey of the area. First of all, they studied the route of animals spotted by the reconnaissance team. At a distance of [data redacted], a complex of ruins was spotted.
The operator of one of the drones: "I'm going for a detailed inspection of the ruins."
"The base allows, a carrier of ultra-small reconnaissance robots is deployed near you."
"I see a tent with a campfire, or rather several of them. They all use the remains of buildings as natural defense. Base, is the launch of the 'flies' authorized?"
"No, TMD devices 1 through 3 are allowed."
"Copy that, I'm taking control and launching the flies."

Meanwhile, the "North" reconnaissance group.
"Base, call some bird for us immediately: 4 targets with packages on the horizon."
"Expect one 1678-B in a minute."
"When the eyes in the sky arrive, the ground surveillance stops."
"Yes, it's 'north', describe the people you've been watching so far."
"4 natives, deer. The individuals are seen for the first time; they move faster than the previous groups of creatures. One is wearing a bag with some things, several jewelry pieces are visible. Two of them have a piece of metal pottery, crossbows, a set of arrows, quite possibly with different types of tips, or with poison. The fourth carries a package with a... sphere? All the targets have cloaks, which is probably used for camouflage, although they look pretty decent."
"Thank you for your work, eyes are nearby; please wait for the drone operator's response for further action."
"The base has been adopted; we are ready to get ready."

The head of the administration reread the reports: "A group of 32 + 4 locals on the way, located in the ruins near us..." Do they speak English?! Come on, no way, though... oh well; what's next. "The group is imbued with revolutionary sentiments and is ready for a coup d'état in the Crystal Empire. Weapons: 42 swords, 53 spears, about 600 arrows, 29 bows, 9 crossbows." Did the fly operators have nothing better to do? Okay, what else, but the transcript of the deer's conversations. I'll have to listen to it. I have to report to the management tomorrow."
He was suddenly interrupted by the head of intelligence: "Mr. Admiral, may I?" He received a nod and continued. "The natives are preparing to attack the Crystal Empire tomorrow, and they're going to perform a ritual beforehand. We can broadcast the video to the higher-ups."
"This is good news. Tomorrow, as soon as they start working, let me know and contact the technicians attached to the radio room: they will help with the broadcast."
"Yes, sir!"

The next day, at 7:00 a.m., the administration established a direct radio link with part of the EC's top leadership. In addition to the introduction to the case by Notker, 36 revolutionary reindeer were monitored. During the whole day, they performed 3 rituals with the "splitting" of the alicorn amulet, and the "healing sphere", and the enchantment of weapons and armor. After these preparations, 26 people looked tired and sleepy, while the other 10 did not seem to feel the difference. The ten hardy ones began to discuss the plan of attack...

As a result of the conference, permission was granted for soldiers to open fire in case of a threat of attack by these animals; The most detailed map of the capital region that the deer want to take over; A group of diplomats will leave tomorrow and arrive at the same time; In case of contact with any local residents, personnel should call "New Reich" their country.

On May 12, in addition to holding a conference with the administration that lies next to the capital of the Crystal Empire, our troops reached the peninsula where the passenger plane had crashed earlier. The MTF "Truth Seekers" went in search of survivors.
The group is pre-equipped with additional medical supplies and has 4 reconnaissance UAVs with thermal imagers. The survivors were found quickly: they were burning unnecessary items or fabric from the seats to keep warm. The AI of the drones noticed the heat signature of the fire immediately and transmitted the data to the rescuers.
"Alpha House, we are approaching the wreckage; did you get information about the two people?"
"Yes. We are ready to receive the wounded immediately, we are waiting for an answer."
"We've arrived, wait for the signal."
8 people wearing black military ammunition and assault rifles got out of the helicopter. Each of them has a black backpack and a bright red[1] waist bag attached under the backpack.
"Bravo, Charlie to that tent *points to it*, Delta, Echo check the other one, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel check the perimeter."
Three soldiers enter the largest tent.
Bravo: "Three bodies, and obviously supplies."
Charlie: "They died because of their injuries after the disaster, and it was probably a kind of infirmary."
Alpha is dejected: "Okay, let's get out of here."
Delta and Echo approach the second tent.
Delta: "The fire is still burning, let's go in."
The two rescuers went inside through the door, even though it was just a piece of cloth, and were met with a loud scream.
"Quiet, quiet. We've come to rescue you," Echo said in a surprisingly soothing tone.
In front of them sat a man wrapped in clothes and someone else was lying behind a makeshift heat shield. The man recovered in the few seconds the two soldiers were inspecting the tent. "My name is Karl Chap, this woman has 2nd degree frostbite and possibly a fever...."
Delta interrupted him: "Are you two the only survivors, or are there more?"
"Annika should have been looking for fuel for the fire in the rubble, *sigh* another one was taken by those beasts yesterday!"
"Who is more specific?"
"I don't know, they were some small horses, like the living dead. There were four of them, three of them broke a few bones and they fell down, but continued to kick. One, the most intact one, started running away from us. After, I don't remember, 2 or 5 minutes we heard Edgar screaming. Then I couldn't find him after 2 hours of searching. That's when we decided that he was taken by those monsters."
"One eight, survivors near plane 3, two in a tent with a fire and one near the wreckage. Over."
"Foxtrot reporting, another crash victim and three dead natives have been found."
Alpha with two operatives approached the tent where he had sent Delta and Echo. "Alpha House, three survivors are heading your way, prepare the medics. One has been kidnapped by the natives and is probably being held in the fort."
"Get ready guys, we are leaving here". Meanwhile, Delta provided basic medical care to the frostbitten woman.
"Charlie and Beta, stay here in an hour, we'll be back with snowmobiles and other useful things."

A temporary operational base on the peninsula.

Major Sanders considered his plan of action. 'If they haven't killed the last survivor, we don't know where they might be. We'll have to use flies and call in a separate engineer battalion just in case. After briefing the operators of the reconnaissance drones, the mass reconnaissance began.
The first target was the fortress. The Hetman A-com drone dropped an oblong metal cylinder from a low altitude. It immediately released the brake parachutes, and then the main parachute. After hitting the snow, the capsule opened. A bunch of small drones, the size of flies or bees, flew out of it. They all flew to the castle. Its interior was not surprising, everything was quite simple, but more and more decorations appeared on the way to one hall. It turned out that this was the place where the council of necromancers was held, and the "flies" arrived just in time for the beginning. A transcript of the conversation is available. Some of the "insects" sat down closer to the council, while others began to explore the dungeon. Among the numerous cold stone rooms with iron bars, they found our prisoner. There were traces of blood on him, but no signs of torture. An attempt was made to wake up the target. The attempt was successful: the target made contact. His testimony was saved.

In the temporary operational base
"They speak English?!" the insect's operator was surprised, almost shouting. "That's not the weirdest thing, just look at them," his teammate replied. Major Sanders was experiencing the clinical death of his logic. "Colored grasshoppers are half dead... Where have I been..." After standing motionless for some time, the officer finally regained consciousness. "А? Okay, I'll figure it out later. We need to save the hostage, but how? A direct attack will not work: there are too many risks; just waiting is the same. I can't just send diplomats or..." The operation's supervisor ran out of his office and went in search of the chief engineer. When he met his subordinate, he immediately asked where the head of the technical department was. "Mr. Sanders, the chief engineer is here, what do you need? " came a voice from behind the major. The major returned to the target of his search and immediately ordered him to his office. When they both arrived, the major began: "I need help. Can we use 'flies' and the like to put on a 'show' for the locals?"
"Oh, I get it: we need to send another batch of drones with working speakers?"
"Yes, but it would be nice to equip a few more drones with LEDs to create a 'magic fog'."
"The former will not be a problem, but the latter will require some kind of artisanal modernization. How much time do we have?"
"About 20 minutes, even less."
"We'll deal with the delivery later, but for now I'm off to do my job."
"In the meantime, I will find a voice for our play."
"Good luck," they both said and left the office.

Somewhere on the base
"Hey Frank, you're an actor by training, right?"
"And I even have experience."
"Fine, go to the engineering department or to the drone operators and tell them you're the voice of the show."
"You know you can't lie, right?"
"I'm telling the truth, and you'd better hurry up before they find some sucker who can't even put two words together."

Eight minutes had passed since the previous events. Two more cylinders with "flies" arrived. It consisted of about 70 jumbo-sized devices, unfortunately, not all of them survived the landing, but enough. They have already taken their positions in the castle, and the "voice" has already been instructed, and even the speakers have been tested. All that remains is to wait for the "fireflies" to help impress our necromancers. From the negotiations of the so-called "council of necromancers", the structure of this state is already quite clear. First of all, it is not a state at all: it has no permanent population as such. The creatures previously spotted and identified by the locals are dead people "raised" by magic. The head of the ruling elites is Rosa Meledicta, a tyrant, a bloody executioner, who complicates negotiations and forces the EC commissioners to conduct them with an emphasis on force.

Another two minutes passed.
"Frank, are you there?" - a woman's voice came from the headphones Frank was wearing.
"Here, waiting for orders."
"The motion trackers on your hands must be turned on"
"They both work."
"Now move your hands and fingers," he moves his hands and fingers, "yes, they work properly. While you have time, maybe you want to ask me something."
"Can I be on a first-name basis?"
"Only with Rosa Meledikta, and with me," he laughed, "you can do it too.
"Great. Do you know what motion trackers are for?"
"You play a thief, and to make your speech more effective, they decided to show motor skills."
"Well, logically; to some extent, yes."
"The drone check is over, we can start talking anytime."
"Turn on the direct line; I'll tell you when to start."
"Yes, sir!" - The woman on the other side said mockingly.
Frank listened intently to the conversation. 'You have to catch the pause and start with a sinister laugh, as corny as it is.

In Fort Magehold. In the hall where the necromancers' council is held.
The Rose of Maledicta: "...prepare forces to attack the Order!"
*Frank turns on the microphone
"And ha-ha-ha, the little bugs are playing their games! Small things don't deserve a chance to live."
"How dare you," said one of the necromancers.
"How dare I? You vile sorcerers have kidnapped MY slave, and YOU want respect?!"
"ENOUGH, you... appear before us if you are anything at all!"
"Ha-ha-ha.... Rosa Meledicta," she shuddered at the tone of her voice, "if you knew how close you are to death, and I just need to snap my fingers and my army will come here... The smaller drones somehow extinguished the torchlight, and the "fireflies" formed the image of a person, or rather a "skeleton". "...but you are smarter than that, my necromancer filly?"
"It's impossible..., how..., it's impossible to teleport here!" the blood coven supporter shouted. - "The coven master himself set it up! No one has ever been able to break through it so easily!"
"Then I'll go first, huh?"
Rosa gathered her thoughts and began, or rather tried to, but Frank interrupted her: "So, are we going to settle for the return of my slave, or... a brutal massacre by my troops?"
Frank had already begun to imagine victory when he heard the unicorn's laughter. Its horn filled with magic and a purple mist began to form around the human image, and after 5 seconds a giant beam from its horn struck the fireflies' frame and an explosion sounded. [TECHNICAL REPORT: 37 fireflies damaged; 8 incapacitated; the rest that were hit by the beam were not damaged].
"This bungler didn't even try to defend himself," said a bone cult leader.
"Then rivers of blood will cut through the cold earth... You can put up barriers, shields or hide - you cannot escape my soldiers!"
Rose Maledicta, after casting a spell that can destroy souls in their wake, shook, but said: "Oasis Stream, immediately move our troops from the Order here! Addiction Seed, check on those unicorns in the dungeons: we'll have to launch the barrier."
"MTF "Truth Seekers" reports: a transparent barrier has appeared around the sphere-shaped fortress."
"Roger that, observe the situation; if necessary, you will coordinate the bombing or lead the assault and capture of targets."
"Base accepted".
After the negotiations were over, most of the microdrones tried to leave the barrier, but only the smallest "flies" managed to do so. Four reconnaissance UAVs and a Hetman A-com were still hovering over the castle, and they ensured uninterrupted communication."
"Truth Seekers invite a shot from a hand grenade launcher".
"Yes, sir!"
*A shot and an explosion in ten seconds
"The base, no visible damage or structural changes were noticed."
"We see it. I'm sending a biplane bomber. If the barrier is destroyed, prepare for an assault."
The drone drops a 25-kilogram "firecracker" bomb, and no changes are noticed. The drone is sent to attack again with a 50-kilogram bomb.
"Base, the ponies have gone out on the balcony - we recommend using high-explosive shells."
"Understood, MTF. A special support group is on its way to you - the forces for the assault have been increased."
"Okay, let's go to radio silence."

On the balcony of the castle.
Addiction Seed: "It's just an explosion spell, right?"
Melohan: "The level of the Equestrian Senior Guard". Rosa looked at the old lich necromancer with a sinister grin. "Don't mention that worthless country in front of me..."
After a mild concussion, Addiction Seed exclaimed, "It can't be! 3 unicorns are dead! If they keep going, the barrier won't hold!"
"They won't have enough magic. Sooner or later, they will run out of steam," Melohan said.
Meanwhile, the biplane went into standby mode and the fleet received a request for precision bombardment with kinetic shells of the enemy structure. The response was positive. A few minutes later, there was a roar and the magic shield was penetrated. There was little damage: only one tower was destroyed.
"Eight spellcasters dead, three more on the verge!" - Addiction Seed shouted in panic.

It took several more bombs and rockets to break through, or rather destroy, the barrier. The "Truth Seekers" and their support team immediately went to the damaged fort. The "flies" who remained there helped to reconnoiter the premises. In addition to the man, several necromancers and their "servants" were captured. After a detailed inspection of the building, all working microdrones will leave with the remaining part of the support team.
"What should we do with these animals?" - asked the commander of a recently deployed MTF (mobile task force).
"We're keeping them in a cell for now, and then the Prometheus Lab team and a few biologists will come. In short, they want to get information about everything from the structure and functioning of the body to magic and the world around them. - Major Sanders said with obvious pleasure. - "It's ironic that unsuccessful negotiations have brought better results.
Unidentified objects were spotted in the southwest. The number is 20474.
"What is it?" the soldier asked. "It must be the army they pulled back from the border. To be honest, I thought it would be smaller, but it's probably just cannon fodder, at least for us."
The "huge army", although it was just the closest troops to the castle, was completely defeated by the Nordica-7 squadron. Meanwhile, SCIENCE PANTHEON Lab was developing protocols for restraining and interrogating captured subjects.
It took only three days to transport the captured objects to the nearest military research facility at █████████. Each prisoner will be studied in such a way as to obtain information about the biological species to which they belong. In addition, "intelligent" representatives of the natives will undergo psychological tests and analysis of their psycho-emotional state.

The following text may contain elements of cruelty and violence.

SCIENCE PANTHEON LAB. Research subjects can evoke empathy, which puts certain experiments at risk of failure. In order to avoid such problems, people who do not have empathy to a greater or lesser extent were involved in the work. All subjects were interviewed by Dr. Dino. To ensure safety, the subjects were implanted with an explosive module and several sensors to track their vital signs. Each subject will be eliminated after (2,592,000 seconds) 30 days unless otherwise ordered.

The first meaningful dialog with subject eques-0RM_del. Dr. Dino is behind a glass barrier in the chamber with the subject. The glass partition is made of impact-resistant glass additionally covered with a film. Real-time audio and video recording is performed. In case of emergency, in order to extract the interrogator, the cell is filled with sleeping gas, and only after the subject loses consciousness, the extradition of one or all of those present in the cell is allowed. In cases where the majority of supervisory specialists consider the release of a captured/injured interrogator to be an irrelevant decision, certain actions may be taken to keep the subject as long as possible. It is also possible, although not recommended, to destroy the subject along with all others in the cell.
Dino: "Tell me your full name."
eques-0RM_del: "By shackling me, you have lost your fear."
Dino: "Please tell me your name."
eques-0RM_del: "Do you want to die? Then I will gladly end your existence!" There was a sudden crack and the ice spear launched at the doctor split and fell to the floor in shards.
Dino: "Once again, I'm asking for your full name."
eques-0RM_del: "Shut up! I will not submit to anyone! I will find a way to kill everyone here!"
Dino: "Everything will end better if you start following orders. We don't want you to die, and it's only your actions that are making it closer. As for our deaths, our master sees death as a temporary state, not a permanent one. And you have already felt his power and you cannot cope."
eques-0RM_del is silent. Suddenly, her horn begins to glow and a dark purple aura appears around Dr. Dino. His clothes begin to rise and he feels like he is in a gravity-free state. As soon as the man rises up, the unicorn's face lights up with a gloating smile.
Dino, trying to adjust to levitation: "Judging by the beads of sweat, you underestimated your resistance to magic. It's a pity you can't realize your situation. Think how much time you'll spend resisting, and how much of your life we'll take as a substitute."
eques-0RM_del: "Torture will not frighten me! Your miserable existence *tense breathing* depends on me and your slow death is guaranteed. *heavy breathing becomes more frequent* Let's get started..." - With these words, the unicorn falls unconscious, followed shortly by the doctor.
The result is unsatisfactory. The injection of a gas with a soporific effect occurred immediately after the projectile was created by the subject eques-0RM_del. Dr. Dino was not physically injured by the subject's actions. To subdue eques-0RM_del, arbitrary influence on sleep patterns, unnormalized changes in nutrition, and control over personal space are allowed. The next interrogation will take place in a week in a cell with built-in Wenceslas sensors and divided into sections, each for a specific type of experiment.

2 days after the failed interview[2]

Dr. Dino conducts another interrogation with another prisoner, eques-4RM_del.
Dino: "Tell me your full name."
eques-4RM_del: "Aeacobus."
Dino: "Hmm. Were you a member of the so-called 'council of necromancers'?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "Yes, I was one of them, but *stutters* I was ignorant, a fool who despised mercy."
Dino: "You, Aeacobus, will pay for your mistakes, but answer my questions and avoid another mistake.... Now, what is your position or political will?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "I was the chief necromancer of the south, but I had no power, especially after Rosa Meledicta came to power."
Dino: "Did you have any friends or partners who lobbied for your interests and positions?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "Only Ms. Lunar Frigid would do such a thing, though she must have had her motives, especially given her nickname of 'succubus vampire' and her involvement in the blood coven."
Dino: "Who am I to you, and who is my master?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus) was visibly surprised and only after hearing the question to the end did he calm down: "You are my benefactor and one of the servants of my new master."
Dino: "Heh, heh, good answer, but don't hope to appease the master: he will, on the contrary, view this sycophancy negatively. Now let's get back to you, to your body. Is your species called a minotaur?
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "Yes... And please, I am ready to give my body and soul if only you will put in a good word for me."
Dino: "Enough! You sound disgustingly worthless. The Master would never have chosen you if it weren't for the will of chance, which is why you're still alive. Your future is uncertain from the moment you resist the Master. Death, life, eternal torment - everything is possible, but nothing will give you certainty. Ahh, let's continue. You are the only one among the 'council' who looks alive, but at the same time you are not part of the coven - explain why."
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "I refused to become a lich and tried to preserve my natural form using coven knowledge and some non-faction technologies."
Dino: "Is there a state entity behind the 'Council of Necromancers'?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "A League of Terror, but there are barely a few hundred inhabitants, not counting the mages."
Dino: "So, a territory under the control of a criminal group that has wiped out the local population and then turned them into zombies - it's been a long time since that happened. In the south, there is the Arcturian Order, and you would have to attack it any day now. What is the essence of such hostility and what do you know about the attitude of other countries towards you?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): *a story about the canonical Equestria at war League of Terror*.
Dino: "Okay, now the language question: What language is dominant in the "council", and what languages are generally the main ones in the world"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "The 'council' spoke Equestrian, because half of them had somehow come here from Equestria or New Mariland. the world languages are Equestrian, Zulfurian or the language of zebras, Eastern Ponian, although it is very similar to Equestrian, Griffon with its many dialects, Lower and Upper Mountain, and, I think, Sterpevian."
Dino: "Perhaps the last question for today: how do you get into the league of horror?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "I thought you knew. My new master used soul magic, and all of them have been associated with the League at one time or another. Did he really bring his magic to this level himself?!"
Dino: "The deadly god... his nickname is all I have the right to tell you, now go on!"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "...Dark magic draws all its wielders to these cursed lands, and the stronger the mage, the greater the pull."
Dino: "And what about your path, Aeacobus?"
eques-4RM_del(Aeacobus): "I was able to interest you - that's good. I was born in Asterion. At the age of 14, I joined the service, but not just any service, but the allied forces of the Concordat of Free Nations. It was there that I tried wild magic in a hobby club. From that moment on, I spent the next 16 years studying magic. I immediately realized that conventional magic was not suitable for me, and so I studied alchemy, necromancy, blood magic, soul magic, deer spiritual arts, and Zoroastrianism of zebras. At the age of 22, I found my way to the Barradian Magocracy and died there. Before I died, I managed to say a few spells, but I don't remember what they were. After the next raising of the dead, I was reborn in the body and mind I had before my death. After a short rest and a conversation with the Pentarchy, I left this unfortunate place. My wanderings led me to the capital city of Grifonia, where I gained some experience in occultism and soul magic. I met an aristocrat there, and he sent me to the League of Thirst, and I promised to return. The road to the abode of evil took another 3 years. After that, I didn't count the years and just lived here."
Dino: "I hope we will meet again: I don't want to lose such an interesting person...."

The interrogation was considered extremely successful. Eques-4RM_del has now been removed from the elimination list, as have objects 0 through 2, 4 through 9, and 13 through 23. A certain exception is eques-6RM_del, which is being studied as a physical body while awaiting elimination. All the data obtained have been submitted to the full RPC, the Special Commission on Science and Technology, and SCIENCE PANTHEON Lab.
Order of the RPC with the support of the Special Commission on Science and Technology:
A permanent garrison can be deployed on the peninsula, but only within the 50-kilometer zone (note 3) is it allowed to build permanent structures. Under no circumstances may a port on the peninsula cross the Schoeman-Mintrans conditional development level 2 classification. No person, device/equipment must keep 100 km away from the land borders of the countries (note 4), except as specified in note 5...