• Member Since 10th Nov, 2014
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No one is home

The lights are on...

  • ERag Doll
    It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...
    No one is home · 52k words  ·  92  8 · 2.1k views

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  • 99 weeks
    What will it take?

    Wrapping up the first book of the Rag Doll. I hope you enjoyed it. We are starting fresh in G5, but the shadows of the old world still linger. I hope you've enjoyed my subversive tale of self-insert-pony shipping. In the end, Gloomy didn't need the Rag Doll, she needed to set it free. :pinkiesad2:

    0 comments · 173 views

What will it take? · 5:18pm Aug 30th, 2022

Wrapping up the first book of the Rag Doll. I hope you enjoyed it. We are starting fresh in G5, but the shadows of the old world still linger. I hope you've enjoyed my subversive tale of self-insert-pony shipping. In the end, Gloomy didn't need the Rag Doll, she needed to set it free. :pinkiesad2:

Report No one is home · 173 views · Story: Rag Doll ·
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