Mainline church pastor is a cunt · 8:30am Aug 12th, 2022
A couple of nights ago, I was scrolling on Facebook until something caught my attention. It was about a pastor of a mainline church that I previously attended who made insulting remarks by connecting monkeypox to homosexuality.
He doesn't realize how dangerous and alarming his remarks are. Not only did he spread medical misinformation but he also furthered the stigmatization of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially here in the Philippines.
A good friend of mine who is the pastor of an LGBTQIA+-affirming church rightfully called him out in a lengthy post.
It gave me the courage to open up in the comments section of that post, expressing how glad I am that I quit that mainline church 2 years ago. I furthered that I don't want to stay in a church that preaches homophobic ideologies, invalidates LGBTQIA+ individuals, opposes same-sex marriage, abortion, and divorce, downplays mental health problems, undermines the efforts of scientists and psychologists, perpetuates sexual shame, ignores issues of social justice, and promotes the "prosperity gospel".
I bet he's gonna catch Monkeypox himself.
Sadly, it's not going to happen. But someday soon, karma will definitely bite him in the ass.
Still, I would've loved to see his excuse if he caught the disease.