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My Review of Frozen · 2:00am Feb 25th, 2022

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
7/10—a fun and entertaining movie; not great but still enjoyable
6/10—a slightly above average film; it is something I might watch again
5/10—mediocre movie; not awful but not great either
4/10—a below average film; it could have been much better
3/10—a bad film; poorly written and poorly executed
2/10—a very bad movie; the few good things in the movie overshadowed by the bad things
1/10—a terrible movie; a total waste of time
0/10—a worthless piece of abomination; should have never been made

Good evening, everyone! This is Mr. J back with another movie review for tonight! I will now be reviewing Disney’s Frozen from 2013. To be frank with you all, this was one of those movies I’ve been ignoring for a very long time because I was just not interested in checking out 3D animated Disney movies. However, I have heard many things about this movie, both good and bad, when it came to the infamous twist villain, the songs, and the story therein. I have heard about this Elsa character yet never cared enough to do research about her. I’ve heard more so about how this movie is inferior to more popular Disney movies such as The Lion King. Well, guys, all these rumors built up a lot of curiosity within me to the point where I decided to check out Frozen for the first time. Thus, I watched it for the first time last week with pretty low expectations and expected this to be an underwhelming experience. After watching it entirely, I must say...it’s fairly above average at best.

This movie is about a little girl who somehow has ice powers since birth and accidentally struck Anna with an ice blast, knocking her unconscious. Fearing that her powers could go haywire, her parents lock Elsa up in her own room, tell her to control her fears, and think calmly to contain her ice powers. After her parents got disneyed out of the movie, Anna has to grow up after getting amnesia so she wouldn’t remember why her sister got locked up in the first place.

This entire movie felt a little too short to fully flesh-out these characters, considering that the pacing went slightly too fast. Additionally, the majority of the characters range from unlikable and annoying to bland. The only characters I legitimately liked are Olaf, Anna, and Kristoff. I couldn’t enjoy any other character simply because the writing made them too boring and annoying for me to sit through.

Elsa could have been a better character had she actually possessed the decency to not follow the formula that Disney constantly maintains: being an underdeveloped Disney princess with no distinguishing personality, singing a generic song every five minutes, and being forgettable. I’m sorry, but I have a really hard time processing just how the heck she has ice powers out of nowhere when she was a kid. There’s no explanation whatsoever in regards to the origins of her powers. And considering just how hardcore this movie went to being Disney, I hardly sympathized with her.

I also didn’t like how cowardly prejudicial the citizens of Arendelle were. “Oh no! Queen Elsa has powers we’ve never seen before, and she is VISIBLY distressed about this! Let’s attack her for no reason and take her down!”

Speaking of Disney, this movie was way too over-the-top with its forgettable songs. Not even the “Let it Go” song was that great since it didn’t stand out to me and felt out-of-place.

Lastly, the infamous twist villain Hans was so unnecessary. Throughout the entire movie, there was no foreshadowing that he was the bad guy all along and secretly wanted to rule Arendelle even though he’s a prince from another kingdom. Why did he want Arendelle anyway? He already has a kingdom to rule over once his father dies and takes his place, so why desire another kingdom that isn’t his to begin with? He’s the most poorly written character in the entire movie and unfortunately started the trend of twist villains being shoved into a movie/tv show and doing bad at that department. It’s like the movie forgot it’s supposed to have a villain and did a complete 180 on Hans out of nowhere. It would have been better if Elsa was the villain (as long she had some interesting personality and not being bland).

But...if there were some things I enjoyed out of this movie, it would be the animation, Anna’s character development, Kristoff and Sven’s interaction, and Olaf. The animation in this movie is glorious! This movie blew me away with how splendid and amazing the animation is. The way the character models were made, Elsa’s ice formation, the snowy landscape, and more! It looked so well-made!

Also, thank God this movie addressed one of my many pet-peeves with classic Disney films: falling in love with a guy you just met. Anna had to learn the hard way that just because a guy has good looks and is a prince doesn’t mean he actually cares for you. That’s why the chemistry between Anna and Kristoff was a lot better and felt more natural. I’m very happy they were self-aware of that, poked fun at it, and did something with that. Not to mention that the humor was quite solid too...except for the trolls. Those guys were irritable.

Again, Olaf was just another saving grace in this movie. He was fun, charismatic, and funny although I couldn’t understand why he had a thing for sun and heat which could actually melt him. That’s...a little dark once you think about it. Nonetheless, he was fun to watch.

That’s basically it for my review of Frozen. While it has its positives, the plot, characters, and soundtrack were the major negatives for this film. It’s not as terrible as some people would think, but it is definitely not perfect either. Overall, this was pretty much an above-average movie. 6/10. This is not a movie I would watch again, I’m afraid, but it is nice finally seeing the movie for the first time and seeing for myself what it’s really about.


Comments ( 4 )

I don't understand how this made the cut as a Kingdom Hearts World.

To promote the sequel movie. It's unfortunate the KH level was so underwhelming. I've never played the game but saw the Game Theory video on the missing level

Funny enough, I had a feeling you were going to give a mixed or negative reaction towards this movie from the beginning. Mainly because of it being a Disney movie.

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