• Member Since 4th Apr, 2018
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The Best fanfiction that I have ever had the privilege of hating · 2:57pm Feb 7th, 2022

This is the very first time I truly finished the original Fallout Equestria, and my god I hate that I love it a much as I do. it is honestly the hardest read that I have Ever had to do. It is a tragedy of a book, no pony deserved such things that happened, and little pip, dear sweet Celestia, I wanted her to be happy not give herself for ponies who, I mean its just so stupid..... she gave and gave and gave, and in the end she gave so much she had nothing left of her self to even save. The book was brutal in its execution of telling a story, warm when it wanted to be and cold as a winter when it needed to be.

It shielded it main characters for only as long as they could and when it was time to end their story it did so with no hesitation, it was a story of sacrifice even if the characters didn't know that end, they would give themselves for everything.

it is one of the most emotional damaging books I have ever read, and maybe it just hit to hard for some reason, it is honestly the hardest I have ever cried, no wept at a novel and not even the end. There was time I just wished to pull myself through the pages to save anyone I could, not just in the wasteland but the pre-war as well.

As much as I hate some of the characters for what they brought They didn't deserve what they got... none of them did. It is the great fanfiction that I will ever truly hate reading and finishing, it was a masterpiece of writing.

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